It was a warm Wednesday morning last week, I was basking in the glory of accomplishing so much the week before (Paul’s Very Taxing Week) that I thought I could try to relive those heady times and do some more things this week’ I took two pair of glasses and was going to the Vision […]
Herding cats
Last Thursday I posted this on my Face Book wall, the men tended to understand, women not as much… It was as clear as mud but at least it covered the ground. So here it is, I’ll you the readers decide. Oh Lord why hath thou forsaken me?” I must shower and get dressed early […]
The Ambient Vendor in the Philippines
When I was a kid in the Dorchester section of Boston there was a horse and wagon that came around all summer and sold fruit and vegetables in the neighborhood, and the guy was called a huckster (or Hawker), also there was the Hoodsies truck (Or the Good Humor man) that sold Ice Cream, to […]
Out and About
Every week or so I must travel off the mountain to head to The Big “PO” (Olongapo City) and not for the fun reasons like lunch/supper with friends, or lunch and a movie with my bride, but important stuff like shopping, renewing official papers licenses tags paying bills oh you get the picture. Most of […]
The S & R fanatics!!!
It’s been a few weeks now since the opening of S & R. We’ve been very happy with it. I’ve been rarely going now to the other grocery stores here. When going there I’ve been eyeing some stuff there, coming back a few days after and its gone. Just for example I want a purple […]
Shopping at the Sari Sari Store
Do you know what a “sari sari” store is? If you have ever been to the Philippines, I bet you know! If you have yet to visit the Philippines, though, maybe you don’t know what a sari sari store is. Basically, a sari sari store is kind of a neighborhood convenience store. I would be […]