On the 5th of March in 1960 in Samar Philippines, the Adobo twins were born. And were named Maria & Clara, it is unknown if the name came from the famous dress that is traditional to the Philippines, or the famous Sangria of the same name?
Now for the odd part, Clara was born a few minutes prior to Maria, or was there confusion on the part of the midwife? But if Maria is really Clara or vice versa it will never to be proven in 2018, because of home births ID tags was not used back then.
So once more we have a riddle, wrapped in a mystery, inside an enigma; (I really like Winston Churchill) did anyone ever notice that all newborn babies look like Winston Churchill?
When the Adobo twins were wee tots the family moved to Olongapo as their father had a good job on Subic Naval Base as a landscaper. The Twins plus the growing family reached six more siblings totaling six girls and two boys growing up in Gordon Heights section of town.
In 1993 I was flying to Dubai UAE to meet the USNS Mars T-ASFS-1 with a shipmate named Wayne. I was planning on a cultural trip to Angelis City for a five-day visit prior to continuing the trip to the ship.
Wayne was nagging me to come to Olongapo instead, making wild promises about the fun I’ll have, vice the cultural entrainment experiences I was seeking. Had I followed my plan I would have picked up the bus sent by the hotel I was going to stay in, and Wayne was renting a taxi to Olongapo City. He overpaid the driver, and alas he talked me into Olongapo, but he now had me to pay half of his overpriced taxi.
We arrived midday and he took me to OG’s bar on Fender Street behind Station “B” OG’s was owned by a guy named Orlando Garza, who was born in Mexico came to the United States (LEGALLY) and joined the US Navy for a twenty-year career. Now here is the funny part, he retired in the Philippines and opened his Bar/Restaurant serving the best Mexican Food in Olongapo but now he was Illegal (Overstayed with no visa for 18 plus years). Now that is funny!
OG and I became very close friends in the ensuing years. But the culture tourism I was seeking was not at his location. Wayne disappeared and returned with an owner jeep and off we go… To the closed naval base that has converted into a Duty-Free shopping zone, using all the former US Navy stores. Why the hell am I here? His shopping done we head to 100 Sanders street to his house.
On the plane from San Francisco, he offered me the use of his domicile to stay. I gave that suggestion a pass.
I said I would prefer a ride to Marmont Mansions Hotel in the Barrio. While sitting by his mango tree the gate opened and Maria Mabulac Adobo entered the compound. I was quite taken by her and learned she was Wayne’s Sister-in-Law (No not her twin sister Clara) Nini or AKA Susan. BTW the following year Clara came down with the exact ailment and we took her to the same Doctor, and I paid for that too. Saying no was not an option.
So I had met Maria (AKA Mayang), and I spent the evening at Wayne’s compound prior to a late drive to my hotel.
Needless to say, my cultural plans were abandoned. But due to my many prior trips to the area in the Navy, I knew how to get around and the next morning I took the Blue Jeepney back to the Big PO to have breakfast with Mayang.
Mayang, as I found out, was her nickname she took me under her wing and showed me the new non-Navy Olongapo, and I also met her twin sister Clara who spent a lot of time with us (Chaperone?). But a plan was forming, and after that tour on the ship, I would be returning to the Big PO for a visit. One year later we were married, which had ended a thirty-year streak at being a single dude. But hey; that was fun too!
Yes when I was twenty I was married to a lady that taught me after only two years, to never do that again. I still thank her for that. She’ll never know the wonderful life she gave me.
Now after 26 years Mayang and I are still together and we would change nothing in our life.
What I learned over the years is twins are inseparable, when we bought our house on the mountain next thing I knew Clara was living on her mother’s compound five minutes away and visiting Mayang every single day, while her husband worked on our house and was building their house on the family compound at the same time.
When at age 50 Mayang became Ill because of her thyroid, her weight dropped from 110 Lbs to 80 Lbs. requiring an operation.
Now Mayang was back home but needed a helper. As she was interviewing many people, while sitting at Texas Joe’s having a cocktail I said; “Hire your twin, who else would you want? Because of her school-age daughter we told Clara to do what she needed for Shay-Shay whenever she needed time off.
Now both ladies are 58, and have spent most of every day together they have never run out of anything to talk about.
As a husband, I can get away with a lot, as long as it never involves her twin sister, that bond is forever.
Paul, you always have some of the best stories to tell. I enjoy each and every one.
Orlando Garza, there is a joke there but I will leave that one alone!
OG (Orlando) was a hell of a guy, They had to cremate him to get him back to South Texas where his brothers live. The Philippines was not going to let him go untill all fines were paid. NONE WERE!
Like a hospital you can’t go until you pay. (LOL).
Hi Paul,
I enjoyed reading your article and looking at the pictures! I was going to leave it at this and I may regret this, but…
OK, I am going to open the can of worms. You say Orlando Garcia was a great guy and all and I believe you, but he was an illegal alien in the Philippines. From comments you have made before you seem to take a hard line on illegal immigration in the USA, and yet it seems to me you have admiration for OG staying in the Philippines illegally and even in death not paying the fines he owed the Philippines. I do not understand the inconsistency. Am I wrong?
Wrong I think not, but like Paul Harvey used to say: “Now, the rest of the story.”
Do you think that my friend sat around telling all of his legal status and open himself to being turned in by a busybody? After 27 years of living here I’ve found the less information you share the better off you’ll be.
We (his circle of friends) knew nothing of the situation until he passed. Then after finding out, we put aside his transgression, as any friend should, my friendship never wavered, and I and others stepped in to solve the situation for his 100% innocent family who also don’t know. (It’s a military thing)
I still feel no different about immigration into any country that the laws must be obeyed, or the world is subjected to anarchy. For without borders you have no country, If your neighbor come on your property and started to live on your land, would you be fine with that?
The only reason I mentioned it was to point out the irony (or humor) of the situation.
I hope that answered your question. I have one question: If it was you and a friend of yours, what action would you have taken?
Hi Paul,
I believe in each countries right to enforce their own laws including who immigrates into the country. I have no idea why you think I am for open borders. My comment was based on the article not on the rest of the story.
On the irony joke, OG’s situation is only ironic if you assume people of Mexican descent in the USA are illegal aliens. I do not. Just like I do not assume foreigners in the Philippines are overstaying their visas or that foreigners in the Philippines are there legally. Some are legal some are not.
I enjoyed the article about your wife and her sister and looking at the pictures!
Please do not take any offence where none was given. You asked a valid question, I provided an answer based on “My feelings” and never mentioning you or yours.
If because of a humorous statement, you feel required to assume things about me, please feel free, I have wide shoulders.
How about I don’t comment on anything you write and you do the same for me!
That is funny about your friend Orlando being illegal in the Philippines. Anne never had any siblings as she was an only child, but not spoiled, taught to be independent. Her parents did a great job with her. It’s unfortunate i never got to meet them.
I,m glad you caught the irony of Olando’s situation. Being an only child in the Philippines at one time was rare. (Kinda like the Irish) but both my daughters are pleased with one child each, which is becoming common now. I grew up in a large family, and loved it. But there were times when we all wish we were an only child . I think Christmas is a good example (LOL)
LOL Paul, I thought OG stood for offensive guard, but that’s me, always thinking about football. Hahaha
One bone of contention I had with my friend is he followed soccer vice real football, hell if he followed Rugby (The game not the glue.) I would have been happy with him. I often wondered why American Football which has four fifteen minute quarters takes over three hours to play?