Here is all I know about cell phones in the Philippines, because where I live in Roosevelt Bataan there are no land lines and we must use the cell. For two years I’ve had the Cherry Mobile phone at the outrageous cost new of PNP 1,200.00 with it I can receive and make phone calls, also it is so high tech I can both text and receive text’s. Plus I’m pretty sure it also has a camera built in, as if I even care. It sits on my dresser in my bedroom and never leaves that spot.

I do check it a couple of times a day for missed calls and messages, whenever I go upstairs to take a nap or a shower. I’m pretty good at that. I spent 90% of my life with the phone in my office at work, on the wall at home and nothing in my car but music from my stereo pumping out country music as I drove along. There were so many times when absolutely no one could reach out and touch me unless I wanted to be found. What a glorious time in any life that was.
It was 1984 I was the Commissary Store Officer in Puerto Rico, within the building I was subject to the power of the phone and its ability to find me when I was the most busy doing something semi-important. The stores PA would crackle and a tiny voice would announce; “Senior Chief, You have a call on line one.” Oh joy, how I lived to hear that. When one day a Duty Yeoman from the Admin Office came to see me and presented me with a “High Tech Beeper” issued by the Command Master Chief of the base in case he or someone really important needed to reach me. A beeper; what are they thinking?

My leadership style was let the junior man/woman think for themselves. Using old Navy adage was; “Make a decision, even if it’s wrong, we’ll fix it tomorrow.” How else will they ever learn? My first month in Puerto Rico, after working hours the phone at my beach condo would ring: “Senior Chief we… I’d interrupt and say something like; Your Senior Chief was on his 22nd floor balcony drinking an ice cold beer, when a Giant Condor crashed into him and the powerful beak pierced his heart and he’s dead. So my young Shipmate, now what would you do? Because you’re now by default the person in charge?” After the first month the troops realized that unless it was an earth moving emergency they had the power to deal with it.
Back to the Beeper, there it sat on my belt of my spiffy dress uniform for over two weeks and I’d even charged it twice. It’s Friday night, I’m at the CPO Club having a pleasant social reprieve with my fellow CPO’s and playing Ship’s Captain, Crew (For fun of course) When for the first time my beeper buzzed, I checked the number, saw that it was that pain in the ass Command Master Chief whom by the way had 43 years in the Navy. When I smiled and dropped it into a pitcher of cold social lubricant and watched it spark, sputter and die. My fellow CPO’s looked at me in respect and dropped theirs into the same vessel of cold beer. This became an urban legend on base for years to come.

Paul, what are you trying to relate to with this rambling story of beer and electronics? I was at the Harbor Point Mall with the light of my life, Mayang, when I remembered her birthday was fast approaching. Never being a shy man I flat out asked her what she would like as a present. She quickly said; “A new smart phone.” What type my love? (Hoping against hope that the next words I heard would not be “I-Phone) No she wanted a Samsung Galaxy Grand (GT-19082) then after three stores later and we left the mall as I refused to pay the illegal bank charge of between PNP 500.00 and 1,000.00 for using a Credit Card. Not the VAT mined you but a stinking service charge. This had been the first time I’d run into that Voodoo BS in a very long time. Before I walked out having made no purchase, I asked the managers if any Kano had ever paid that charge, they said no. I wondered how much better their bottom line would have been if they knocked that crap off?
So Tuesday, using “CASH” she and my daughter went to the mall and picked out her new phone. She even by passed the three stores we had first gone to last week. Here was the surprise to me; Mayang had never shown any interest in the computer or internet before, even with her old Smart Phone (That my daughter now owns now as her I-Phone 4 is in Hawaii with her husband). I found her looking up our house on Google Earth. Who would have thunk it?
The trickledown effect has once more proved its worth; I’m not talking in economic terms I’m talking; “If my wife is happy, ergo I’m happy!”
I refuse to put load on a cell phone to have them steal it, just because I have not used it. I use Skype. Load it up and that stays there until you use it all.
I got a Samsung Grand Duos when I arrived there last July. I just use it for phone calls and texts mostly, even though I can get online with it. Got it free with a monthly plan. What I like best about it is it has 2 SIMS and when I go to the US I can go to AT&T and get a US number for a nominal fee to use while I’m there. Believe it or not this is the first smart I’ve ever owned. Always had just the basic one. That service charge is crazy. They had me jumping through hoops at Sun when getting a cellphone plan. It’s like I was getting a house loan lol. Hope Mayang enjoys her new phone, I know I enjoy mine. Can’t wait till get back there. Came back to Ohio and 3 more inches of snow. Feb 24th can’t come fast enough. But I’m glad I’m here to help my father for a couple of weeks after he has a hip replacement next Monday.
I hope all goes well for your Dad, wishing him the best. Bring him with you and show him warm weather.
But about the smart phones I’ll never have one I have no use for an electronic leash is the reason my Cherry Mobile never leaves my dresser. It drives my wife crazy.
Because I’m on a monthly Globe plan, I don’t load my phone, if any idiot steals the crappy phone I own I can block it by going on line and stopping my account. My wife’s phone is the same way.
I have two Nokia phones and a Cherry Mobile sitting in my closet in the Philippines, waiting to be activated. I’m not even sure if I’ll activate one of them when I return.
Here’s betting you do, but one cheap one is all you need and leave it home while your out on the town. That’s how we did it 25 years ago and it worked fine. Nothing get’s to me faster than to be sitting with friends and two are texting the world instead of talking to live in person friends. I’ll never understand that..
You are so right Paul, and what about call waiting?
I cant stand it when you are talking to somebody on their cellphone and they say that they are putting you on hold because they have a call coming in……… I always hang up.
I have even been in a room with four friends, and they have all been texting at once, it drives me crazy……. so bloody rude.
What do you do when you’re talking to a human being and they answer their phone while looking you in the eye. In the days before Cells if I tool a number, and waited in line and then when it was my turn they answered a phone, I would push the receiver button, and explain that the called had fronted my line.
“two are texting the world instead of talking to live in person friends”…Neither do i understand that? The same when there is a party, 80 % sit with cellphones and text or what ever they do. My plan is to abandon/forbid all cellphones, next time we have a party her. Nothing can e that important. Last time we had a party i had changes the access code to my wireless, that helped a little, since most want to save their load – and i didn’t give them my new code..he he he
Sitting in Starbucks at the next table were 5 young folks, enjoying their coffee and phones, as no one spoke to the other while I was there. Kinda’ sad.
I never take my cellphone with me when I go out, just check for messages when I get home.
Hate to be one of the “clones” with their cellphones welded to their hands, or to their heads.
I see that we would enjoy our beer together!
They even take their dam cell phones to bed with them, and my wife is one of them, drives me mad texts going off all night lol.
John J.;
That is when the Flying APP would come into play as the phone sails into the bulkhead across the room.
Good story Paul….I have to say I am on my second cel phone and it sits in my room (on top of desk) and I never use it. The first cel phone I used about 6 times and its like brand new sitting in the box..The only reason I changed my cel phone was my wife said my phone was old fashion. So now I have my unlocked digelberry which is older but works great if and when I use it…My wife is also looking at cel phones but I have resisted ….but its just a matter of time before I have to give in…..
In a nice safe box is a good place to store them. As pertaining to your wife, I feel that she will prevail and get her new phone. I found that the phone they carry is like a form of jewelry to them. And the lady with the best phone wins.
For me, a cell phone is a ” Philippines Only ” kind of thing. Yeah Paul, One service company I worked for back in the 80’s got beepers. When i was on the road and the beeper went off I was supposed to go to the nearest Pay Phone ( remember those ? ) and call in to our ” live ” answering Service ( remember those ? ) and pick up the next service call. That is one of the things that put me off of jumping into the cell phone craze.
When I am vacationing there in PH, one of my friends was getting overburdened handling txts for me. I finally broke down and got a cell phone, just a Samsung Basic for about 1800 peso, and a very low ” Snatch Factor “. My friends told me that most snatchers ( pickpockets ) can tell what kind of phone you have without even seeing it and they dont waste their time with the cheapie basic ones. I seldom carry it with me when I am there anyway.
On my last visit I finally put my foot down as I took some friends out to dinner and one of them brings a tablet with them and starts doing Facebook. I commented, ” I have come half way around the world to visit and have dinner with you, do you think you could put the Facebook away so we can have conversation in person, face to face ? ” . In other situations like this I usually just stare across the table if someone I invite out to dinner starts using their cell phone.
On my last visit I heard of a good game to play at the table, Everybody puts their cell phone on the table. The first one that picks up their phone during dinner or conversation Pays The Bill !
Upon my departure from Manila going back to New York, my Samsung basic goes back in its box, taken out a few times to charge the battery, waiting to be used on my next visit. Same for my Globe Tattoo.
I waited for the right place and the right time to buy and use my first cell phone. I had some techies from MSU-IIT teach me to text !
Bob NY;
We do the same with the bill deal, as I find it rude for someone to be doing that at the table. On Face Book (At home on my computer) or on LiP a week ago I told of a British friend doing that and the rest of us moved to a new table so he could be alone with his friends. He understood the message.
Hey Paul,
I was just reading about this new app you can download on a smart phone called Viber. It allows any two people in the world who have this app to talk for free. I was just wondering if any LIP readers have heard of it, and what they think.
I use it occasionally… Ok. About like Skype to Skype calls
They have their uses, as long as we get to decide what they are. I survived well before cell phones and if I had a landline I’d not own one.
I want that APP that sweeps the dog doo in the yard, but the one you’re speaking of let’s wait and see who in LiP can answer that.(LOL)
It’s a nice app but it’s a bummer when your data connection sucks. But in general it works well. You can save considering that the messaging and phone calls are free. Just gotta have a data connection. 🙂
If I only understood what an APP was, or if my dinosaur phone could use one. (LOL)
Well, apps has a lot of use nowadays. You can have a handy dictionary, language translator or maybe a game to pass the time. hehe.
So while you’re using any APP, a friend might say something really funny and you will miss it. I’ll leave my cell phone at home.
Paul, you have aint. But I really can’t deny the great use some of the apps has brought me. It helps me with my Spanish and I get to read books when my bag is too small to carry an actual one. 😀
*you have a point, i mean. :))
On my Android thingy I have a program that holds my 3000 plus e-books, is that an APP? If it is then I like them.
Yes that’s an app. 😀
I think I’m figuring it all out now, no APP’s on my phone one on my android or maybe there are others but I only use it to read.
My hubby has the most simplest phone he could find, then it spends its time in his coat pocket switched off.
It lives in his pocket in case the car breaks down.
Now there is a man I would have a pint with!
What a strange co-inky-dink. My wife, Emy, was pining for a new smartphone and asked if we could spare some centavos for one. She’s been through a few cellphones already, with her last dream unit coming with the promise of no more. In keeping with the “she’s happy = I’m happy ” tenet, I said go ahead.
She brought a savvy friend home with the new phone (to help set it up) and said that I should replace my seven year old phone, too. “Hey, if it makes you happy, dear,” was my response. I opted for a Samsung Galaxy Duos with an additional 4GB Sd or whatever they’re called, a screen protector, and a nice protective case.
Long … short. — we got the merchant to exchange her new smartphone (plus a few pesos) for a Galaxy. Duos and we sweetened the deal by purchasing another at the same time. So now, we both have new phones that are smarter than us.
I miss my old Nokia. 😆
Well there you go, they can find you 24-7 now with Google Earth and GPS, and you’ve been tricked. I miss my Cherry Mobile all day upstairs on my dresser, and turn it off when I nap. I am not very connected.
I’m still off the grid — I keep my GPS and Access for Google apps turned off. Whenever I’m asked for a location, whatever feels good at the moment is where I am!
That is a wise plan, where ever I go, there I am.
hey paul.was that the Roosevelt Roads base in Puerto rico?I was stationed in PR rosy roads in 1982 and also spent time living and working on Vieques Island as I was a Navy Seabee..
Yup I was there in 1982, so you were with the Bee’s a great group of guys, but then my older brother was a Seabee. It was Bananas at Green Beach on Vieques if I remember right?
this reminds me of the time long ago when we tried to buy my dad an answering machine for the house. We set it up in the kitchen and everything. Next time I called him it did not pick up.
So, I says to dear ol dad next time I see him…..something wrong with the answering machine we bought you?
he says: nope, its doing just fine in the closet.
So, me being a smart little whippersnapper used the ATT call back service that keeps ringing the line every 30 minutes until someone picks up then reads them a message. he did pickup, then promptly hung up when the recording started.
Utlimatly, he told us all: “do you know what it means when I dont answer the phone? I am not home, in the rack, or dead.
If I am not home I dont want to be bothered when I return. If I am in the rack I dont want to be interupted and If I am dead, you cant help anyway unless you are Jesus. he was an E8 also, but of the green varity. (USMC)
Dad clearly would NOT have approved of any wireless cellphone tether thingy either, certainly not anything called a SMART phone.
Joe P;
Depending on his MOS, his rank was an M Sgt or 1st Sgt, but still one of the Nation’s finest, and I could not have agreed with him more as there are times when you just don’t want to be bothered.
The only piece of electronic gear I wish they had when I was younger was my E-reader, having 3,000 books that I can carry with me is the most wonder thing I can think of, beside the fact I can increase the font size!
i bought that also last saturday lol
II bought it for my wife’s birthday in March; I got it in January a full month early. But in my defense I really did think the birthday was the following week, and I’ll point out, she did not correct me.
But she’s says it a wonderful phone so enjoy yours also!
Paul, just got back from Le Plaza and guess what?
Was in line at the supermarket waiting for the person in front of me to pay her bill, when lo and behold her bloody cellphone rang.
So what does she do?
Had a conversation on it whilst the checkout girl just stood there waiting for her to pay.
After a few minutes I could not stand it any longer, so I just picked up my groceries and placed them in front of her….she then got the message and finished her call.
I think that I am becoming paranoid about them. ( cellphones, that is )
Is there a doctor in Dumaguete who can treat this paranoia? haha
Remember even paranoid people have people who are out to get them. That is more proof that rudeness is going global because of the accursed electronic leash. There is no doctor or known cure for this new affliction. But you responded well, and I’ll tip my cap to you!
I often carry my cell phone in my pocket with me when we go out. The thing is that the power switch is turned off. I got it in case I have a car problem or something when I am taking the grandkids to or from school or something. I also don’t have to recharge it much or buy many loads, as a load can last almost 9 months or more.
Understandable reason to carry your phone, I also would for the same reasons, but that would be all.
Hi Paul,
I got 2 phones, one of my phone is touch screen with tv and radio but i still like my Sony Ericsson even it is old, i can use it everywhere because it is 3G my latest one is not 3G can’t use here in US. Randy always told me i’am cheap person because i dont like expensive stuffs. my reason i can get cheap stuffs and also can use it long time. have nice day.
Hi Anne;
Mayang has a draw full of old phone, unlike me who’ll pass on my old one to anyone who wants it. You and Randy will be back here this month, what did you think about winter???
Winter has become so old to her lol.
It doesn’t take long for that to happen!
This is nostalgic. 🙂 I remember wanting a beeper so bad when I was in High School. The one that comes in different colors.
You’re telling me they came in other colors then black? Now I am mad at that old fool!
The multi-colored beepers came in late, as far as I can remember. It was during the time when mobile phones are already becoming popular.
Long after mine was swimming in beer, I’m glad I missed them.