Walking through the new Royal grocery store last week on the Subic Freeport, I was on the cereal aisle and was reaching up to pick a box of Honey Cheerios. A Kano was walking by and pointed out how costly they were. I laughed and agreed, and I pointed out that the package they came in was worth more than the product inside. While talking I found out that he lived in the land of the Big PX (The U.S. of A.) but he had spent a few years here as a child in the Philippines as his father was stationed here with the US Navy.

I explained that after living here for over 25 years that there are times when the price just isn’t right but if it an item you grew up with suddenly is there on the shelf, I’m buying it. We took a walk to the deli-section and I showed him the package of Oscar Myers baloney, the last time I had it was 12 years ago in Guam, and now there it was in the Philippines before my very eyes. Of course I bought it, even at $7.00 per package. This was not the first time my overspending just for a taste from my distance past. Last year I found a jar of Marshmallow Fluff (Made in Lynn Massachusetts) which is the key ingredient to Boston’s all time favorite sandwiches called the Fluff-N’-Nutter “Peanut butter and Fluff” if my classmate did not have a PB-&-J for lunch they had an Fluff-N’-Nutter. We were lucky back then because that was way before peanuts could kill you. The Philippines is very fortunate as that dreaded peanut killer has not reached these shores yet.
Being a tricky granddad I used it to convert my granddaughter to a new form of food. She was hooked!
Most of these rare items show up and disappear just as quickly which I understand, as I don’t expect a store to stock an item only because I like it. But I did wonder who bought the rest of it as a few days later the shelf was empty.

I was the officer in charge of the Navy Commissary Store (Grocery) in Puerto Rico, and a plump young lady came into the building toting a new born baby, looking like a basketball with arms and legs. And told me her doctor recommended canned Baby Formula with Whey. A first for me, so I told her I would find out the information for her. A phone call to HQ in Jacksonville Florida, they told me they could add it to the next shipment that arrived the following Monday. Was the lady happy? Oh hell no, as she started screaming at me, asking what would her baby eat until then. I smiled and asked if her baby had gone hungry since its birth? Again she raised her voice and threatened to go and see the Captain of the base. Next I told her two things, first she was addressing a Senior Chief in the United States Navy, and her husband can be punished for the actions of his dependents while on a Navy base. Second, if she wants’ to see the base Captain tell him, I’d be quite pleased to fly to Florida and bring back a case of that item for her. He is in charge of all the airplanes on the base!

A few days later her order arrived, I called her but her husband came to pick it up and apologized for his wife. I told him I was not angry and when she needs more to call or stop by I’d be pleased to help her. Oh she never went to the base Captain. I was still wondering what the baby ate while waiting? I was breast fed, which has been proven to produce healthy well adjusted children, it the closeness between the mother and child that does it, vice the bottle propped up on a rolled up towel, by itself in a crib. Oh well, what the hell do I know? The only thing left to find here in the Philippines is my favorite sandwich on earth. The Greek Gyro: Pita bread with shaved lamb and beef, onions tomatoes and lettuce, topped with Tzatziki Sauce (a smooth cucumber Yogurt dressing). I have scoured the internet searching the Philippines for this one item. If I find a Greek restaurant I will call and ask if they have it? They don’t. Mr. David Starr years ago turned me on to a little place in Pampanga, a restaurant that said they have them. In a way they did but for reasons beyond me they substituted chicken vice the lamb & Beef, and no cucumber dressing. All the years in Athens eating them, none of the street vendors gave me chicken, so I’ll assume that is not how they are made. To Mr. Starr, I still thanked him, as it was not a true Gyro (Not David’s fault) it was still an enjoyable lunch out with my family. A Gyro, I would pay dearly for just one more before I shuffle of this mortal core.
Bahahahahha Bob… Funny you talk about gyro, as it was our yesterday’s lunch !!! https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/9a3275f5531a4d1ea3e4c9ee16b582e8abdbaf75676b1447e5d0f1e173be0909.jpg
Now, I do mine with pork tenderloin… I also do sometimes souvlaki, moussaka and lamb kebab (but as I don’t have a vertical rotisserie, I roast a lamb shoulder and use the crust for it…), I even, but rarely because of my diet, do baklava !
Paul wrote this article not Sir Bob, but if you only knew the Jealousy I feel towards you at this moment, but then if you had that for lunch, then you don’t live in the Philippines. That means I win!!! (LOL)
Bwahahaha Paul, sorry for that 😉 I will gladly invite you, next time I do some greek meal 🙂 And sorry but I do live in Philippines, with a pinay asawa, who happens to just love to journey around the world with my meals 😉
If you got that here in the Philippines, I’ll top off my tank and start driving as soon as you tell me where! (LOL) I’m laughing but I’m not kidding, I love them that much!
I live in Barretto for now, in Abra street. But I am purchasing a lot in Roosevelt, Bataan, these days. Now, build the house and so on, might take some time… But we could always meet at Sit’n’Bull for a SMB and I would gladly show you where I live, so next time I do a meal, where I usually invite my friends, you will be able to attend… It is quite always meals from some place abroad, as I enjoy to treat my friends with some “uncommon” food here… greek, italian, spanish, brazilian, french, thai… Just ask !!!
Roosevelt has far less flooding than the barrio, in 17 years all the water here falls from the top down never from the bottom up. I’m at Sit-N’-Bulls at least twice a week for lunch. (I love the Corned Beef) I’ll text you if you send your number SMS by Facebook. Same picture as here on lip.
Yeah… I Live on the cliff of the mountain, at Barrio Barretto’s entrance, so floodings aren’t my issue 😉 And guess what ? I do real corned beef and pastrami quite regularly too ^^ Bwahahahahahaha
P.S. I messaged you on your FB
I used to cook a corned beef every month until the Bull started serving it. Then it was lazy time.
Hahaha… Laziness is quite a common disease in tropical countries… It usually shows up with hammocks and Cuba Libre !!!
Ten years in the Caribbean prior to the Philippines plus many years in sub tropical Florida. I have lazy down to a science!
Personnally, I perfected my lazyness’ skills in Bahia/Brazil. It was soooo hard… Every afternoon, to remain in my hammock, whilst my brazilian partner was preparing my Cuba Libre… And I was keeping a vigilant eye on my bar’s employees…. Bwahahahahaha
Sorry, Paul, I messed up and forgot to change the author on this. I have fixed it now.
All this processed food almost killed me.. A burger for a dollar, 2 egg biscuits for $2.50 at McDonald’s, 10 pieces of fried chicken for $10.. You all don’t know how blessed you are to have access to fresh food..I walked into the grocery store the other day and would say 90% of the food they sell is processed junk. My heart doctor told me to just shop around the edge of the grocery store where they have meat and produce and dairy..
This article was written by Paul, not me 🙂
Dennis was joshing you. (LOL)
The processed food I noted are the rare treats I’ve not seen very often in the last 25 years so they are a rare not the norm. My wife loves her public market where the food is so fresh you must dust the flies off it before you cook it. My life has been blessed with my ability to eat what I want anytime I want, as my weight remains at 155 LBS, since I turned 40. The last time I was in the states I picked a Delicious Apple, bread to be the most perfect apple I’ve ever seen, with absolutely no flavor. There is a trade off in some fresh foods.
Thank you very much!
Still a good article..
The edge of a grocery store is definitely were the best food is.
I wonder if the same rule applies at the Wet Market here in the Philippines? (Just joking!)
Two plus hour drive to shop at grocery store, plus traffic, parking problems, and crowds. The wet market does have its advantages, plus some of the meat dealers take pity on the fat old white guy and make special cuts for me. Grin
I’m with you, I’d never drive that far just for food, but that is why I live in the Subic area. At the wet market I sit with a cold beer and wait for my wife, I never got a deal on the beer! (LOL)
My friend had a videoke for a while, and San mig gave us quite a deal on beer, and a fancy cooler to keep it in.
I’ve never called it a videoke, only a damnable singing machine, but I still rent one for every party as the family loves them. I have one ref just for beer and soda’s. It is a holdover from my 30 plus single years. (lol) I had one in California just for a keg!
I do have a keg-or-ator, but Philippines legs don’t fit. Our first fridge is a smaller one, and I claim it is for beer and pop, but my wife’s neice bakes cakes and stuff to sell, so the oven and my fridge get taken over. I’d like a tiny bar fridge for my beer. We hav 2 hard drive kareoke systems, and 2 older DVD versions, but only one of the coin op speaker amp units. I am building a party kubo and will build a couple of tv, a big amp, and big speakers into it for parties. The strange thing is how many relatives everyone has when its party time.
Hey Dennis;
Great day last week meeting your lovely wife Susan and you. I’m pleased you enjoyed lunch at Sit-N’-Bulls, that is quite the menu they have. Subic would be a long way from you to come and shop every month.(LOL)
You are lucky to get to meet people, grin. Seems that besides a friend that came from Canada with me, and my American bike parts seller, I always seem to be the ‘pale’ person full time. I will have to make more effort to meet people from on here.
As a sailor for my most of my life being in and out of port, I learned to meet people quickly as the ship was sailing soon. But what I knew was we would be back to that port again, and now I knew someone there.
The only pale guy? (LOL) At every American Legion for my whole life I have always been the youngest guy at the bar, and I turn 70 next month! (LOL)
I think if you ever get to Cabataun City you can find your favorit, which is also one of mine. A little place almost next door to the NE mall. Owned by an old Greek guy and his wife. Flavour wasn’t perfect but the only Greek food I’ve found in the Philippines. Now if I could only get a good steak, say Alberta beef, life would be good.
Thanks for that info. Texas Joe’s on Subic Free-port has the best steak I’ve had here on the Islands. But the beef is corn feed USDA Choice.
That will be my dinner stop on my next trip there.
I hope you enjoy it!
I call myself the fat old white guy partly as a joke, but partly because I love ALL food stops. Even after 40 countries plus, I can’t get enough of trying new eating spots. Be it 3 tables under a sort of roof beside the road, or a six star restaurant, I totally enjoy eating there. Best calamari I ever had was under a leaky roof only place at hundred islands. Dream of going back there. I think the Philippines had me with the seafood and the bar-b-q. But under oath it had me when I married my wife, grin.
Hi Paul,
Wow your memory is still sharp as a tack for sure. It took me a while to remember that Greek place, Haven’t been back there in years, but as you say it was Greek in name only. It is so darn hard to find decent lamb here.
Anyway I’m thinking of taking Mr. Ballantyne up on his suggestion on the place in Cabantuan (I think that is what he was trying to spell). It’s only 100 km from my house and it looks like about 130 or so from yours. For good Greek it would be worth it.
Steve, any idea of the name of the place?
I have a mind like a stainless steel mesh trap! But we were at the Holiday Inn on Clark with the whole family and I remembered you had told me about it., as I said we still enjoyed it but the guy who owned it was a bit off!
Yep. His wife was the Greek cook, having been an OFW in Greece for many years and her husband? Well he played on the Internet a lot and kept a bamboo stool from blowing away in the wind, aside from that, I don’t remember much, LoL. Mita an I have to go up that way in a day or two, maybe I’ll look to see if the place still exists.
The wife was the cook? That I didn’t know, I saw him behind the bar .
Yes the husband tended the little bar and he had a little two or three station Internet cafe in the corner where he spent most of his time. A nice couple and they did their best, but as you pointed out, no lamb. *sigh*
Not sure the name, but from the main entry to NE mall, facing it, to the left is a computer shop and then one other business, then the restaurant. In sight of the front of mall. We will be living about 50 km from city. In Laur.
OK, Steve, I’ll try to remember that. When I suggested to my wife we go to Cabantuan for Greek, she gave me that “look” and said one word – traffic. Maybe someday. I had to look Laur up on the map. Looks like it must be a beautiful setting, but my goodness, it’s way, way, way out there….
Out there? It’s under an hour from city, under an hour from fantastic lobster and fish area, it’s peaceful, and we get 3 crops of rice each year off our land. I feel safe 24hrs a day, at home or out and about. My friend has forgotten how to close his gate. And while it doesn’t meet Bobs def of paradise, it meets mine very well, grin. And as it turns out, I’m related to about every other person. Life really can be good.
Oh, I had to add. My nieces stepfather spent years driving cab in Manila. Besides the advantages of knowing every short cut in Manila, he looks at me as if I am crazy if I ever comment on traffic anywhere else. I prefer to drive myself, but wife is under the misconception that white guys don’t do well driving in Philippines. I’ve driven in almost 40 countries and most are considered as ‘don’t drive here’, at least by that tv show. The star of that did say the jeepney was the weirdest thing he ever drove. (I’m gonna make me a motorhome out of a jeepney when I get time. Grin. First comes a tricycle useing at least 350cc.
Shipmate you hit the nail on the head………….I just couldn’t pay $12.00 for a package of Oscar Mayer Salami……………..But yeah, I run over to S&R in Pampanga for Breakfast Sausage and other items from the USA. Bought a few USA Steaks there, brought them home and cooked them up for the wife and I…………..Yup true USA Beef. Now to find a true Chicago Italian Beef Sandwich…………..
I like S&R especially the precooked Baby Back Ribs, it falls off the bone. Sit-N’-Bulls French Dip sandwich is to die foe, and now he has a Philly Cheese Steak. The Hard Salami I won’t pay for but the Bologna I will. Yesterday they had Oscar Mayer Black Forrest Ham. I paid dearly for that with no regrets.
Paul you could always make a trip to Melbourne (Australia not Florida) the large Greek population has made Soulvlaki (Lamb Gyros) a local staple. It’s much closer to you than Greece or the US…
Melbourne has second highest Greek population in the world the only place you will find more Greeks is Athens :-))
The left coast of Florida has a place called Tarpon Springs; the Greeks first came as sponge fishermen because of their tradition of hard hat deep diving. But now it’s 90% food. I didn’t know about Melbourne, when my ships were in and out of Australia north east south west and even Alice Springs (I never found the springs)
Yes Florida is a longer trip, but I have a dozen retired shipmates there who would put me up.
In the evening I’ll have a Soulvlaki for supper since it’s the same meat. (Oh Guam is close and I used to eat Gyro’s there.)
Yes I’ve been to Tarpon Springs many tines, had delicious Greek food there just 2 years ago or so. But the “real” Melbourne, according to those who live there, is in Derby in Trent,UK. As they might say to you there,
“Ey up me duck, I’m from the real Melbourne not the one in Australia, ya say it mel-born not mel-bun”
They don’t have a lot of patience with the “up starts” in Oz or the USA. And I’ll make a blind wager, they don’t have good Greek food there, either 😉
Melbourne is in Derbyshire and is the hometown of Thomas Cook the chap who started organised tours. Haven’t been for a while so not sure if there is a Greek Restaurant there. Trent is the river not the area. I used to live a few miles further up the river.
You never said if you liked Greek food? (LOL)
We ate at a nice Greek restaurant in Eastwood City, Mega Manila a few months ago. Very good Gyro’s and Baklava along with a lot of the Greek favorites. I think I will pass on the $7.00 bologna. We usually buy the black forest ham at S&R. The last time we were at S&R they had Jone’s fully cooked breakfast links marked half off. Stocked up on them as you just need to heat in the microwave. You can spend some money there, but the want overrides the price.
Every time I want to use the microwave for breakfast it seems we have a brown out. Grin. Too much work to start the generator just for breakfast. I’ve learned to love Filipino sassage for breakfast, and fresh eggs right from the backyard make it perfect. Have never figured out who owns the chickens, but they sure do supply eggs.
I like that sausage with eggs (I have to pay for my eggs) but I’ll fire up the 18 year old Honda Generator because I like English Muffins with Smuckers grape jelly. I have a recipe for sausage and everything needed is at the wet market, so I mix it up every month or so. But bacon (Really good bacon) is easy to find anywhere here.
I’m hooked on Filipino bacon, even buy it in Canada. My generator is quite new but usually a dozen or more pulls to start. Looking into an electric start diesel one now. Need enough power for fridge and freezer as well as small stuff and tv. I’ve sorta reached the stage that ‘if it’s too much work it isn’t needed’, grin. Wanted a simple life so a hammock out of the rain is the main necessity.
I left the money to buy a generator 18 years ago as I flew to Japan to meet my next ship. My darling wife need a handmade mahogany dining room set. My ship was now in Hong Kong and on the phone she told me that there was a Typhoon and the power was off for 7 days. I suggested she plug everything into the new table.
So I return home and purchased a new 3500 KW Honda Gas Generator, which will run everything in my house except my pump to the well. (I have city water now) So 1 freezer, 2 refs, plus the AC (only one) and all others appliances I can run. Twice in 17 years it failed to start on the first pull, but I had failed to turn the gas on, and one time I broke the pull cord. The service rep for Honda lives one street over, and we drink beer together, I never wait for service calls. The bacon is great!!!
I sent the first, also 3500, from Canada. Not a brand name but runs great, and cheaply, ONCE it starts. Sent over my little 2stroke 650 watt Yamaha just to guarentee coffee. Last year sent over another 3500 that also has a 3 hp compressor built in. Runs my air tools AND my mug welder. (Or the house). But I want an 8000 or 10000 diesel with power start. That will run our whole place without reving up. Plus, my wife will be able to start it. Hard wire to house and garage and instant happiness for the 26 hours of brown out we seem to have every 24 hours some weeks. Even good for the outages on laundry days. I don’t have air con, but do have a ton of fans.
I even have a smaller backup pump on the well for generator days. We could hook into town water but I hate the shower when the pressure is barely enuf to drip.
My well is 360 feet deep, only the 3 HSP duel impeller will work. But my city water is great.
Our town water is ok, just no pressure. Only a shallow well right now but neighbor has one 320ft and perfect water. I will be drilling one someday.
When I put in my deep well 360 foot deep, the neighbor thought I was taking all the water from their 30 foot well, when drilling we had to bust through 30-to 40 feet of limestone twice until we hit a flowing spring. Their well was safe and didn’t run dry.
My area (on the farm actually) has several neighbors with deep wells already, so I doubt I will hear that one. How did you find a company willing to drill it? That’s what I found hardest, right behind finding anyone to move a sea can in my area. I just want good water. I could install complicated stuff to purify my water, but like I read on here and discovered years ago when I started visiting Philippines, things break down, often for no reason, and repairs can take unreal lengths of time. Example, the microwave quit. Wife’s family was adamant it could be fixed. 5 weeks of asking ‘when’ and I happened to be in city by myself. Bought a new one, for the horrendous cost of 2500. Two weeks later they told me the old one can’t be fixed. Now someone explain to me why it is in storage room instead of on junk dealers tricycle????
The well digger Sonny, was known to our Barangay Kaptian just asked him.
Ad a pressure pump to your line or save it to a water tank.
Not sure how pumping from deeper wells works. Till now shallow wells and cistern all I’ve tried.
It works by using a bigger
pumpand extra pices of 20 foot pipe.
Has to be lengths of pipe? I have access to very long sections of continuous tube, in 11/2, 2, and 21/2 sizes. I know I have some learning to do before I design it. What size of water tank do you suggest for above house? My outdoor CR will have a black 250 gallon and a stainless 300 gallon mounted to feed it. With kubo guest houses I feel the need for dependable CR before company visits, grin
The standard length of pipe for well is 20 foot galvanized. But if you want a non-standard type of pipe talk to your well driller. I use 1000 liter tanks.
Is that for the pipe or the casing? I considered used drillstem and just leaving it as casing?? They are schedule 160 and 30 foot lengths I think.
I think I will have lots to learn when I get to the well stage. 1000 litre gives you enuf water?
1000 liter is fine depending on how often you fill them, mine last 3 days of normal usage. But if you need more fill them more often.
My plan is to put level control on tank and feed house totally from tank. . If everything works as it is supposed to tank will be full when power fails, but will it last long enuf. Grin. I hate a day without a shower.
Casing only that is what they drill with, the draw tube here is refereed to as the sipping tube.
You are buying more generator than you might need. I had an election check out my 4 bedroom 3 bath large house and 3500 was all I needed. But not knowing the size of your place I’ll not recommend a size to you.
We will end up with 3 bedrooms, 2 CR, big kitchen, and a 2 bedroom 1cr over garage, and guest kubo and CR as well. I just want lots of power at low output of motor.
My wife didn’t understand why we have a huge kitchen. Growing up in Boston in an Irish conclave I remember big kitchens, if you can’t put a table that sits six in the middle your kitchen is too small. Now she loves it, I thought it was odd how small most kitchens are here when it is still the most important room in the house. I understand why you are building a house vice buying one. I dis it the same way!!!
It took a LOT of ‘discussion’ to design the house. Neither wife nor builder saw need for big kitchen,(why they ask, you have dirty kitchen too), and neither saw need for 10 by 7 shower off of master, with 4 shower heads and two of its own water heaters. (Niece and her husband agreed with me on shower, grin). Now when it rains and she has orders for lots of cakes she complains that she needs a big kitchen. It’s my last house and I want to be happy in it. I mean who has a 2 car (multi tricycle) garage as big as many houses? Fat old white guys can get away with wanting strange things in the Philippines, grin.
Papa Duck;
More info PLEASE on where the Greek food is, as I have to make a trip to Manila soon to visit the new and “TRUMP” improved VA. So I’ll eat there, what a wonderful piece of information. S&R, when I go I leave my car home and take my Daughters Innova plus lots of money.
Hi Paul,
I copied, pasted, and googled “Greek restaurant in Eastwood City, Mega Manila and got:
Level 2, Eastwood Mall | Libis, Quezon City, Luzon, Philippines
+63 2 709 1955
The place had 4 out of stars.
I have no personal experience with the place.
Nice article!
Cyma is a chain with a number of locations in Metro Manila. They have a busy location in TriNoma as well, probably a few more around the city. Ate there once and the food and service were excellent.
Thank you for the information, I’ll take your recommendation!
I can’t find anything on Google, I wish I could get the hang of it! But thank you for taking the time, I wrote it all down, I have to go into Manila for a VA Appointment and the CYMA is on my bucket list as part of the trip. Even if I have to spend the night to get there. Thank you for taking the time, I appreciate it!
Hi Paul,
No problem. My wife has the same problem you have getting Filipino foods she craves here in the USA. She can’t believe how expensive the dried fish here is when she goes to the specialty market run by Filipinos here. I was with her when she went to an Asian market and purchased fish heads for stew that cost $8 a pound. That seemed crazy to me. I thought they threw fish heads to the cats.
Bon apetit! I hope you enjoy the Greek food.
Most of my friends married to Filipinas and lived in the states told me that if you want to find good Philippine type food outside of all military bases (Any branch but USCG) because of the high number of marriages in the service and when retired it is a good business to invest in for them. There must be a few bases in NC, it might be worth checking out.
That’s the place that Jay mentioned. Thanks Jay. I think you will like it there. We got a family meal as there was 6 of us. Really good food and huge selection of food. Should satisfy your Gyro craving.
On my next VA trip to Mega Manila I’ll be there!!!
US stuff not too hard to find, but being Canadian I long for Clamato juice, and that is the impossible find for me.
Clamato is a Canadian product? I’ve been drinking it for 60 years, and the last time was last Sunday as I buy it on Subic Free Port at the Royal store. It’s Canadian, really??? Great Bloody Mary’s
Here we call the Ceasars, grin, and yes, is one of the few Canadian inventions I enjoy. I’ve looked all over Manila for it, and everywhere we travel. Never found it yet. My friend in Imelda misses it so much he drinks it after long door to door box trips. I will have to tell him he has been that close to it all this time.
Actually, Clamato is a California product of the Motts company. But in fairness to the Canadian connection, it’s a prime ingredient in one of Canada’s favorite cocktails the Bloody Caesar. But the Clamato product itself is 100% USA. More here: https://www.clamato.com/en/about
Google Clamato. Motts is American, and does make it now, or at least most of it, but it shows up in Canadian cocktail guides from ‘years’ before motts existed. For years the USA claimed poutine too, its strange how USA and China still figure everything had to be invented by them, grin. A clam-tomato juice was used in drinks in what became eastern Canada by early adventurers, even though both tomatoes and cukembers were still in many medical txts as ‘poisonous ‘ at that time. (Damn I hate people that spring ancient info on others, grin).
My cocktail guide (the one I use), was published in 1956. It lists the Ceasars and the mix as clam tomato juice mix. I had never heard of it being called ‘bloody’ ceaser, must be a southern states addon. Grin. All I know is it’s been my favorite drink for over 40 years, and I’ve converted a lot of Filipinos to it,(when I get the mix, grin). My wife says she doesn’t drink, (and who is brave enuf to argue with a filipina?), but she will accept a ceaser when we go out in Canada.
Hey Paul! I finally made it here. Still getting my feet on the ground. Haven’t been here long enough to crave any of the US products. Got set up at the RAO in Subic, but we were on a schedule and had to make it a hit and run. My diet here so far, has been Americanized Filipino foods. Folks hereabouts seem to worry and fuss over whether or not I like the food. They seem to be getting tired of it though. I can eat in peace most of the time.
Take care,
The gyro meat is a bit hard to come by unless you are willing to make it yourself and know you are doing. The tzatziki and good pita are easy to make, though require a fair bit of preplannng. I taught my stepdaughter to be actually make the pita and the Greek yogurt from scratch via skype.