Bob and Feyma Martin are moving to the United States.
What will happen to LiP?
This website, commonly referred to as LiP, has been around since 2006. Starting around 2007 it got quite successful, took on a multi-author platform, and has been part of my daily life (I am the owner, publisher, and a site writer) ever since.
I also know that LiP has become a daily excursion for many readers. People tell me every day.
So, with Feyma and I deciding to leave the Philippines and move back to the United States, what will happen to this website?
Honestly, I am not completely certain yet.
I can assure you that LiP won’t be disappearing. I have too much hard work in this site to just shut it down. It will move forward in some form.
Right now I have several options in mind:
- Continue with things as they are already.
- Sell the site to somebody also, and personally move on.
- Keep the site, and add another content facet – leaving the Philippines.
- What else should I consider?
Keep things as they are now
I would consider this as an option, but a doubtful one. For me to continue with the site and not change it at all would probably not last long. I will have lost interest in living in the Philippines. It will no longer be part of my life, and I wonder just how I long I would keep up with it. I feel I would lose interest and let the site die a slow death. I don’t want that.
Because of these reasons, I feel it is unlikely that changes won’t go beyond this.
Sell the site and move on
In my mind, at this point, I think this is the second most likely solution.
I would want to find the right person who would do a good job with the site, provide good content for those who read and follow the site, and so on. It could be tricky to find just the right person, but I think it is possible to do. The site makes a good income, but I probably would not be able to find the right person who would be willing to pay what I think the site is worth. Because of that, it would be my intention to be flexible on the pricing. If anybody is interested, let’s talk.
Keep the site and add the facet of “leaving the Philippines”
Leaving a country of even long-term residence is part of the expat lifestyle. These days the whole “digital nomad” lifestyle is very popular, and these people move on in months, not the long-term stay that I have done here. I have lived in the Philippines for 19 years by the time I make the move.
I could keep the site going as is, but add another aspect to it, how to successfully repatriate, or move to a different expat destination.
I will have gone through the experience myself and would know and understand what needs to be done, the pitfalls that are ahead, etc. I hear every day from people who are wanting to repatriate or move on in one way or another from having lived in the Philippines. Who could answer that better than I could after I have gone through the process?
I have always said that I would estimate that more than half of the foreigners who move to and live in the Philippines end up returning home within 5 years.
It is a natural addition to the site.
Do you have other ideas for the site?
Maybe you, as a site reader have a thought for what I should do with the site? If so, share your idea. I am open to deciding what is best for both myself, the site, and the readers. So, feel free to share!
I will be excited to hear any ideas from readers!
Sir Bob;
Hire an administrator while you keep ownership and maintain quality control, the administrator could be paid on a profit share type bases. That’s the best I could come up with…. Albeit you are leaving, it does not erase your memory of what it takes to “Live in the Philippines”.
Hi Paul. That is all true, and a good plan. Pretty similar to what I have in mind.
I agree!
I’m with Paul and David here! -Rob
For the next year, why not keep the site and perhaps stop writing articles yourself. In other words, phase yourself out as you move on to new adventures. Continue to allow other trusted current/former contributors to submit articles. You don’t really need to publish daily as you have in the past. Maybe during this time someone will make a fair offer for the site, although I think the site looses a lot of its value without you actively participating. Just my opinion, but I doubt there will be much long term interest in your experience leaving the Philippines. (FYI: The new forum section doesn’t seem to have generated much interest so that could be eliminated.) Whatever happens, best wishes for a successful future.
Hi Steve – What you mention is more or less what I have in mind. A couple of things though… the value of the site decreases in my absence… but you said I would more or less be absent in the coming hear… if I want to sell the site, I would not want the value to decrease in the time leading up to the sale, so I would need to be active, in my view.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts.
I was assuming that as March approaches, you would want to devote your time to the move, getting settled, and finding/starting a new job. (I have no idea how much time is needed to manage this site. If it’s minimal, I hope you do stick around as much as possible.)
I was thinking something similar to what Paul mentioned but I see it as a way to possibly continue with what you have worked so hard and long on.
Part 1, articles by guest writers on Philippine matters,
Part 2, leaving the Philippines and the related items,
Part 3, break down past articles of reference into easily indexed sources for those considering moving there.
Possibly Part 4, Referral Page, what comes to mind is the dentist. I can think of several other referrals that would be great. It would also tie into something else I might suggest on PM.
Any way, best to you and your future endeavors.
Hi LeRoy – Thanks for sharing your thoughts and ideas. I have mixed feelings. I have a lot into LiP, but I feel that I will tire of it after leaving. I put hours into it every day, mostly for free, etc. It is hard to decide what to do.
You have a cadre of volunteers here, Bob, who have never had the opportunity to shoulder your burden. Similarly, you may not fully appreciate what they can do.
I can recall a number of companies whose employees bought out the owner when he retired. They constituted a board of directors and became shareholders in the organization.
Many non-profits operate in a similar manner.
You could probably do this with LiP… (Which now also means ‘Leaving’ in the Philippines ๐ Get four or six or ten trusted souls to become investors. Structure your buy-out with incentives to entice them to grow the site (and revenue). Example: consider the ‘freemium’ or ‘bikini’ model rather than a la carte purchasing of your discrete written products.
Perhaps these words will stimulate new considerations.
Hi Stef – Thanks for the suggestions… I am open to something like that.
It’s been a long time since I’ve been on your site.Big changes are coming it appears ! While I enjoy going to MNL every few months, I would get bored living in The Philippines for as long as you have without hitting up the rest of Asia(or world) on a regular basis.So, I can understand your desire to move on to a new adventure and experience living somewhere else. Especially since the kids are grown up and out on their own.I was expecting someplace cool like Budapest ,Barcelona or Prague in Europe.All three of those cities are inexpensive and have lots of cultural and entertainment options. Or, for a warmer climate Panama City,Bogota, and Puerto Vallarta to name a few.
Needless to say I was quite surprised to see that you chose Logansport, Indiana. Not exactly an adventure hot spot .Your reasons for choosing this location were somewhat baffling to me as well.That being said, you and your wife made a choice and I hope it works out well for you both.Besides, you’re still young enough to give it a go in coastal Southern California if rural Indiana bores you to death ๐
On to your questions regarding LIP.
1) Continuing the site as it is now may be difficult. You will no longer be living there so that takes away some of your credibility. Although, you do have almost 11 years worth of info and advice on the site that is readily available to those who want it. Also, it seems like you are ready to cut ties with The Philippines.That means this site as far as your involvement should go too. Reinvent yourself with a clean blank slate and begin the next stage of your life in Indiana.
2) Sell ! Sell ! Sell ! Frankly, I’m really surprised you did not pursue this option immediately after you and Feyma began discussing leaving the Philippines. I would have done this first before blasting your plans out to the world. LIP is definitely a niche site with a limited country specific appeal which makes it less attractive to an investor.However, if you bundle it with your other businesses in the Philippines then you might be able to get a price that works for you. Although, I think you may have already have lost some leverage in this deal.
This IS the option that you should pursue . Good luck !
3) Boring and uninteresting….. I for one would not waste any of my time reading about expats going back to their home country. Who cares ? Listen, anyone who wants to go back to their HOME country can do it easily. Sell everything and go back to the country where they came from. Not that hard to do.Why would anyone want to read about it ?
In fact, for those considering living abroad, take as little with you as possible. No need to be bogged down by “things”. Life experiences are way more important and lasting than consumer goods…When it’s time to go, pack your 2 bags and move on to the next location.
4) I would sell everything you have in The Philippines . This includes LIP, all of your Philippine related business and any “stuff” that is not necessary. Get rid of it all. Make this a clean cut. Nothing left and no regrets. Take all emotion out of this equation. It’s strictly business.Time to move on. Maybe, just maybe you will net enough income to keep your wife from having to trade hours for dollars in a slaughterhouse…… Good luck and I wish you well in your journey !
Btw,Bob you look great ! Glad to see you finally shed all that weight.Keep it up .Dare to live young dude ! It’s not too late to get you up on a surfboard….. just not in Indiana ๐
That’s my take. Everyone feel free to flame away. Haha
Hi Bobby – Thanks for coming back. Indeed, big changes are coming!
We are all different, differnet likes and dislikes.
Feyma and I are a bit burnt out on the expat life. Even tired of the “warm weather” ready for a break. Like I say, differnet people are differnet in tastes.
I am not sure why our choice was baffling.
Logansport is close to a number of large cities. Indianapolis, South Bend, Chicgo, etc.
Place where I can get back to my true hobby that I love, fishing.
I have lived in small towns and like it. Here in the PH I need to live in a big city to get good intenernet. Logansport is small, but near enough large cities to have good net and other amenities. It seems perfect to me.
LiP options
1) I don’t think I will lose credibility by not being here. But, yeah, I am so tired of doing LiP, and would really prefer to just break it off from LiP. I love the community here, but I have done a lot, and not sure I want or even can do more in terms of helping people who want to make the move. I am just not sure I have it in me.
2) If you and I have a different strategy for slling what I own, no problem. I don’t think it makes me less able to sell at all. I feel that the site is valued on how much money it makes, not where the person lives.
3) I think (and have been told by many) that repatriation is something that they would be very interested in. The culture shock I experience on my return will be interesting to many. If it is not interesting to you.. hey, no problem. Every article interests different people, nothing wrong with that.
4) We seem to be on the same page. My wife’s job is not realy about the income, mostly about the medical insurance, but really I don’t think what my wife wants (yes, SHE wants) to do is much of your concern. Just sayin…
Take care.
I don’t know why Bobby has to be sour grapes on your plan to move back to the US. You are the one moving there and you are moving to a place that is best for you and your family. Southern California or California period. Really?
Some people are just like that, I guess.
Bob, Assuming you will still have the time , and it still makes you some money, my suggestion is to continue on with the site and add the facet of leaving the Philippines. You will always have the knowledge of helping folks move to and live in the Philippines. Hopefully the help of your contributors can help keep this info current. I’m sure you are not the first to move back to the their country of origin and that information may prove valuable. Just my 2 cents
Hi Jeff – nice to hear from you! Hope you are doing well.
Your take is something that I think makes sense, I am just not sure that I have enough interest anymore. But, it is something I am considering.
Again, just my opinion, but what Jeff suggests is fine short term. Attempting to advise others about living in the Philippines when you are not living in the Philippines doesn’t seem like a good long term plan. Some of Bob’s acquired knowledge for others will remain valid in future years, but some knowledge will become out of date. For example, the rules/methods for sending money to Phils will change over time, as will things like getting a Phil drivers license or visa. Other contributors can still provide current advice, but it’s a big assumption to assume they will stick around and want to continue as Bob’s role is diminished. Also, if a contributor were to submit erroneous information, Bob being in the Phils has been in a position to provide a check and balance. The longer Bob is gone, the more this site looses that check and balance.
Bob, whatever path this transition takes, I’m really looking forward to your articles next year sharing your observations on re-acclimating to the US, or more aptly, acclimating for the fist time because a lot has changed in 19 years. Plus you have no doubt changed as well. I predict that the experience will be borderline surreal. Maybe you could do a Top Ten Predictions for the move, and then after the first year see how many were right. My own prediction is that you will be surprised by how many people recognize you from this site and greet you, especially if you connect with the Phil-Am community post-move. Best wishes to you and family as you open this next chapter!
Hi Chris,
Thanks for your comment. Many have told me that they are interested in reading about my repatriation.
Ha ha.. I get so many people here in the Philippines who recognize me when they see me (Foreigners and Filipinos). I can’t imagine it would be many in the States, but we’ll see!
Thanks for your support.
Hi Bob,
Let me preface this by saying I just found your LiP website the other day. It was the day before your article came out about making the decision to move back to the USA. I’m planning on moving to the Philippines sometime in the next few months. You can imagine my surprise to find a website dedicated to helping people do exactly what I was searching for.
Then I saw some of the services you provide. Some of those services I have not found anywhere else and I was excited that I had found them. Like the throw-away ticket for example. I had already gone to your Facebook page and Liked it so the next day when your new article came out about leaving, I got the notification on Facebook. I was like… this is just my luck ain’t it?
So anyway, I’m a 55 yr old Disabled USAF Veteran, recently divorced, and wanted to follow one of my lifelong dreams. Living in the Philippines. With another dream attached… finding a good woman to love and grow old with. I figure there’s gotta be at least one down there who will put up with me.
I have another idea for you that actually includes your 3rd option. Maybe consider finding and partnering with a fellow Expat who has lived in the Philippines for awhile and is currently still living there. Someone who is in a position to and willing to contribute to the site and, for people like me, to continue offering some of the services that require living in the Philippines. And hopefully that someone will enjoy helping people as much as you obviously do. Then you add your Repatriate component to the site and who knows? Maybe you keep doing what you enjoy and positively impact a few hundred more lives. Maybe your website traffic quadruples. fingers crossed
If there are 400,000 Americans living in the Philippines, I have to assume there’s someone out there who fits the bill.
I would like to personally thank you for all that you have been doing for a long time. Helping countless people ease the tension and even the cost of such a life changing move.
Hi Clay,
Thanks for visiting my site!
Don’t worry about me leaving, I still know all about living in the Philippines. I have had a great life here, I am not complaining about that! I am just ready to move on to greener pastures now, after nearly 2 decades here.
I have a discussion going with somebody who is interested in taking over the site, so we will see what happens.
Thanks for your suggestions, they are much appreciated, especially from somebody brand new to the site!
Take care!
I encourage you to do option 3.
thank you for sharing your thoughts, David.
Wow !! Bob im shocked the passion toy have shown in your site i would never have thought you leave Philippines
Hi Bill – I expected that I would live here for the rest of my life, but I am ready for a change. Those things happen.