Are the American politicians smoking something that they should not be smoking? Sometimes, it seems so. In the last day or two, the United States Government issued another travel warning to American Citizens, warning against travel to Mindanao. What else is new.
Fact is, the USA has been issuing travel warnings against visiting Mindanao for years now, without ceasing. Usually, whenever anything bad happens in any way on the Island of Mindanao, a new travel warning is issued by the US Government.
So, what happened on the Island of Mindanao recently to prompt this new travel warning? Basically, nothing has happened. Why was the new travel warning issued? Really, about the only new thing in the latest travel warning was that there will be possible violence related to the Election on May 10. Also, they are warning of possible upheaval on June 30, because of the Installation of a new President in the Philippines.
Hold on. Something is not right on this. Firstly, the May 10 Election is taking place in the entire Philippines, not just on Mindanao. Secondly, the Installation of a new President will be happening in Manila, almost as far from Mindanao as one could get while still remaining in the Philippines. So, why warn against being in Mindanao on June 30, or even on May 10?
It really makes no sense to me. I have lived in Mindanao for 10 years now. I have visited almost every part of Mindanao in those 10 years. Are there dangerous places in Mindanao? You better believe it, and I’ve been to most of those places. Does this danger encompass the entire Island, or most of it? Ha ha… not even close. The fact is that probably as much as 90% of Mindanao is quite safe. Davao City is hailed by many agencies as the safest City in the Philippines. Yet, Davao is usually specifically mentioned in these travel advisories.
How many Americans were killed in Mindanao in 2009? None that I know of. How many in 2008? Again, none that I am aware of. The last American that I can remember being killed on the Island of Mindanao was Martin Burnham, and that happened in 2001. Burnham was not even kidnapped on the Island of Mindanao, he and others were kidnapped on the Island of Palawan and subsequently brought to Mindanao.
Over my time on the Island of Mindanao, I have known many employees of USAid, and also of the US Embassy. They come to Mindanao regularly. I know of one previous US Ambassador who even brought his visiting American parents to Mindanao to vacation for a week while he was serving as US Ambassador to the Philippines. Travel warnings were in place at the time too. Why would a US diplomat bring his parents to a place where the US Government is warning Americans not to go? That makes no sense.
Frankly, I think that it’s time for the US Government to get serious about evaluating the real risks in Mindanao. Some places on the Island are certainly dangerous and should be avoided by the average tourist. Certainly not all of the Island, though. By spreading fear and ignorance as the US States Department has been doing, they are basically making their warning less effective for the places where it is indeed dangerous to go.
It’s time for the US State Department to get real and issue realistic travel warnings. The drivel that they have been issuing for the past decade or more is nothing more than nonsense.
I like it. Keeps all the rift raft out. Bob they have travel warnings for Arkansas. Too much inbreeding going on there. Most people travel word of mouth and not what our Government says. Not a big deal
Hi richard – Well, that is one positive aspect of the warnings. I can’t argue with that. 😉
Hey Richard,
I’m am from Arkansas but do not take offense at your comment. I am just sorry that you have a ugly sister so maybe you didn’t have a date to the prom. Ha Ha!
Maybe, the warning comes as a result of the kidnapping of Charlie Reith, the 72 yr.old Swiss-Filipino who lives in Zamboanga City. Or that his German friend would have been kidnapped too if he hadn’t held onto the wall. Or maybe because of the massacre by the Amputanans that in the end the government will fail to procectute. I know better than to visit any of the Philippines close to a presidential election. One never knows which of the “outlaw” groups will use a foreigner or filipino as a statement. Not sure about some of my spelling, but my two cents nevertheless.
Ed I would have to disagree completely with you. I personally have never felt at risk anywhere in this country I have visited and I have been most places. I feel totally safe here. I would be worried more about venturing out in cerain parts of major USA cities than here. COmmon sense is the rule of the day. I mean don’t go yelling you hate muslims in a muslim area.
I agree totally with you richard. I have never felt uncomfortable about my safety here, and I’ve been to a lot of places that are considered very dangerous.
Hi Ed – The incident with Reith took place in one isolated area. Maybe they should issue a travel advisory for all of Asia over that incident! Ha ha… it would make as much sense as covering all of Mindanao!
Correction: the Ampatuan clan. It appears the “wheels of justice” turn slowly in the Philippines. If the president could, I wouldn’t be surprised if all would be given a presidential pardon and have some poor guys who wanted to feed their family take the fall for the massacre.
Look how long it took to prosecute the killer of Sen, Aquino? The masterminds got to live in paradise (Hawaii). The millions, maybe billions were never all recovered.
I had better be quiet before I am blacklisted from entering the country again. My two cents, again!
Hi Ed – The Ampatuan thing happened a long time ago, in relative terms. A travel warning was issued for that, and rightfully so at the time. I don’t think, though, that the massacre had anything to do with the recent advisory, though.
I do hope I am 100% wrong. Anyone that knows me or talks to me for a short while knows that the Philippines is dear to my heart.
Yesterday I read how 2 pollsters were killed this week near Toril, with one body found on Samal Island and the other one somewhere else near. And that his opponents were blaming Mayor Duterte. I cant find the story today but yesterday’s story said that was the reason for the warning
Hi ian – I am very familiar with the case that you mention. I don’t really see what it has to do with the safety of tourists, though.
It’s a grand waste of time to try to figure out the logic of a Bureaucrat. They have their job; they want to keep their job. Their boss asked “What are you do today Jones?” They jump up smartly and say “Just about to issue a travel waning about Mindanao, Sir!” Boss nods and walks away. Mindanao is still as safe as Jones State Department Job.
Ha ha.. I think you are on the mark, Paul!
Last week when I received that Warning by e-mail from the Embassy, and knowing you’d get your copy I smiled. As I had a feeling I’d read about it on LIP real soon.
Hi Paul – Ha ha… glad that you were keeping me in mind! I hope you are praying for my safety! 😯
maybe it was an old story that i read coz i cant find it again today and have no idea where i read it yesterday. It did say the Mayor was asking the government to give him control of Davao during the election so he could protect the people- so of course it could have been any election in any year !!! hehehehe
Hi ian – Hmm… currently, the Mayor is asking the Government to put the City under the control of the Comelec, he is not asking for control himself. He is saying this to separate himself from the accusations that he was involved with the deaths of these political workers. I really don’t see this as a travel safety issue at all, though.
Bob- good, so I didnt get it wrong. I think the US govt warning comes under the category of ” THE SKY IS FALLING, THE SKY IS FALLING !!! ”
Like Paul says the govt employees have to show that they are hard at work using those tax dollars to protect the citizens.
Hi ian – Ha ha… I never thought about the USG as akin to Chicken Little… but you are probably about right on that!
Bob- dont get me wrong- I dont see these as travel safety issues either!! But you have to remember that the article is titled ” What are they smoking in Washington ? “
Hi ian – 😉
BTW, thanks to Mayor Duterte Davao City is probably one of the safest places on Earth. And there are cetain elements in place here (not having to do with him) that while not legal ensure that safety for many resident to a great extent. I honestly have no issue with vigilante justice. I watch Dexter as an example and while he is a monster, he does society a big favor. The Philippines is much the same way with an unwritten checks and balnces to rid the country of its unwelcome elements mostly at the lower levels of the food chain here.
Hi richard – I believe as well that Davao is a very safe place. I have never watched Dexter before….. so I can’t get into that part! 😆
Vigilantes and Dexters are great- until they get the wrong info and it has YOUR name or your kids name on it!!
One of the safest places on earth? Thats quite a statement. I have to assume that you havent travelled very much. I can name at least 100,000 places in Canada and the US that are safer than Davao City- as well as many more in the 23 countries i have visited so far. And I’m sure that just about every town and city in New Zealand is safer than Davao City.
However I do accept that for most foreigners and most filipinos Davao City is a safer place with Mayor Duterte in charge.
Hi ian – I doubt you could find 100,000 places that are safer than Davao. Surely you could find some, but Davao would rate pretty good, in my opinion.
Ian, probably to over 50 countries in the world so I have traveled a great deal. It really depends where you travel in those countries as to safety concerns and that applies to them all. I could take you to parts of various cities in Canada and the USA or Europe where you would be shaking in your shoes. Trouble can be found anywhere you go. Until you have spent any amount of time over here you would never know and it suggests to me that you have not. If you have then I would be interested in the places you have gone to that have shaped this opinion you have. thanks
Hi Bob – In answer to your question, I think they might have tried smoking some abaca (Manila Hemp).
After a few hits, they didn’t feel the same high as with other “hemp” so they figures something was terribly wrong and issued the warning.
Given the knowledge levels of geography in the current public school system, I’m sure Manila was associated with Mindanao – after all, they both begin with “M”! 😆
Hi Paul – They grow a lot of Abaca down here too… maybe the State Department has money in the northern abaca and is trying to corner the market by squeezing out the Mindanao abaca! 😉
I thought i was being conservative at 100,000 lol My list would include almost every city and town and village in Canada with few exceptions, and at least 3000 in most states in the usa, and in new zealand i only looked at the ones starting with the letter “T” and there were 52 of those . Then of course there are a couple of hundred other countries.
My argument isnt that Davao City isnt safe, its that saying it is one of the safest places on earth is simply without foundation. Now if it had said ” one of the safest places in tHe Philippines” i would have no problem with it.
Let’s put it like this, ian… Davao City is a City with a population between 1.5 and 2 Million people. I am very certain that you could not find 100,000 cities of the same size as Davao or larger that are as safe as Davao is. What do you think?
We are spinning our wheels Bob LOL You know the most dangerous place on earth is abadaba, Sudan. There was a population of two in abadaba until last week when and of the two killed the other over who would have the sheep that night so a 50% death rate. I am definitely staying out of that place.
Yes, Davao city is quite safe. I went there once and I was so amazed with the fact that you can whip out your cellphone in a dark alley without worrying about getting robbed.
Hi juan – matches my experiences exactly!
Richard- that must be one very special sheep! Did someone finally figure out how to get a sheep to cook ?? lol
Hi Bob,
What a coincidence. I watched a special on Mindanao on Australian ABC tv “Foreign Correspondent” show here last night. They looked at Mindanao including the recent massacre and the involvement of the military and government in providing the Ampatuans with money, guns, uniforms etc and how they returned a 99% vote for Gloria in the election. The military commander volunteered the information about supplying guns, vehicles etc to them. They also interviewed a MILF commander and showed his men and the arms that he bragged they still have and will use if they don’t achieve their aims.
The general impression conveyed and supported by the filipino miltary commander and the Minister for Defence who was also interviewed was that Mindanao was a disfunctional lawless place with many people armed to the teeth and that further massacres could occur at any time.
The Defence Minister also hinted quite strongly that the Ampatuans would get off because witnesses had already been killed or intimidated, families of victims bought off and the accused had an army of lawyers and a pile of cash to buy off the charges.
Apart from the clans and the MILF the Defence Minister talked about the problems of disarming the population because people there needed to be armed to protect their village or house against others who may have a grievance against them. These situations he implied were widespread.
So the suggestion that Mindanao is unsafe came from the mouths of the authorities themselves as well as the summation by the reporters.
Hi Michael – So, let me ask you. If a terrible tragedy, a massacre occurred in a very remote spot in Australia, would it be justified for the entire country of Australia to be considered unsafe? What do you think?
Hi Bob,
Look to answer your question – one isolated massacre would not make me think the whole country was unsafe. However having said that there are no warlords with 5,000 hired guns or islamic or NPA guerrilla armies operating in Australia. Also massacres, ambushes and firefights are not rare in Mindanao as we all know.
My point was that it was Philippines Defence Minister, Norberto Gonzales and Lt Gen Raymundo Ferrer who provided the information and participated in the interviews – it was not something made up by US or other bureacrats.
The Ampatuans were actually referred to as Gloria’s Pet Monsters in the program and acknowledged as her friends by Gonzales.
You can see the story here
Hi Michael – If you choose to live by what you see on TV, so be it.
Hi Bob,
I don’t live by what I see on TV – thats a bit insulting.
It may have been on TV but this bad PR was coming straight out of the mouths of filipino army officers and politicians – not foreign bureaucrats. Bob you have been there so long that you think its normal to have massacres, ambushes, bombings, guerilla armies, war lords, private armies etc – Bob its NOT NORMAL.
Didn’t you move from Gensan after a bombing?
You wrote “In April 2002, a big bomb exploded just 30 meters outside the front door of one of our businesses there, FB Net Business Center. As I recall, about 15 to 20 people were killed. Dozens were injured, some badly. It was a bloody scene, even with people dripping blood coming into our business seeking assistance.
We had grown used to bombings. But, when you have blood on the floor of the place where you spend a great deal of your day, it tends to wake you up.”
Perhaps the published homicide rate for the Philippines of 16.2 per 100,000 (number 6 in the world) compared with Australia’s rate of 1.86 might suggest some evidence of the relative safety of the countries. Or perhaps the life expectancy rates of Philippines 71.09 years (ranked 133)compared with Australia 81.63(ranked 6th) might suggest that its not as safe as you think.
Hi Michael – I certainly did not intend to insult you, only make a point. My point is that the things you are describing are correct and true. In isolated areas. No need to paint an entire huge island based on things that are going on in small isolated parts of the island.
By the way, I just looked up homicide date for the Philippines and Australia. The most recent figures published:
Philippines: 4.61/100,000
Australia: 1.28/100,000
Not sure where you got that 16.2 figure for the Philippines, but it is way off from what I found here.
Hi Bob,
Point taken – I agree. My point was that imo the worst ambassadors for the Philippines are filipinos, in this case the government.
My homicide source was
I guess its true – lies, damn lies and statistics.
Hi Michael – I just went and looked, and the info on that site is nearly 15 years old, so a lot could have changed in that time, though. Anyway, I don’t really know if you have been to Mindanao before or not, but I’ve lived here 10 years, and regularly visited for another 10 years before that. I can assure you that the vast majority of the island is quite safe.
“It’s time for the US State Department to get real and issue realistic travel warnings. The drivel that they have been issuing for the past decade or more is nothing more than nonsense.”
Honestly, it’s just lazy boilerplate. Makes it look like they are actually doing something…even though anybody who pays attention realizes that these exact same warnings have been going out for decades.
When I visited Mindanao, I registered with them and signed up for their ‘warden messages’. I was there for 3 months and never received a single message. Nothing. Now, there were no big events during that time…there was the El Nino caused drought and power shortages, but still…if they are keeping such a close eye on things, I would have thought I would get maybe a single monthly message saying ‘Hey, everything looks pretty calm. Enjoy yourselves.’. But nothing.
I think the mentality is to issue these over-broad warnings to justify themselves. Don’t get me wrong…we citizens need them…but they need to do a more honest and thorough job in keeping up with events. Borderline hysterical warnings like this just can’t be taken seriously.
Hi rc – I would say that I pretty much agree with your evaluation.
I don’t know that The U.S. Gov. is to blame, here. They simply pass along the messages from the CIA and, with all due respect to any whom belong to this site, all spooks are paranoid.
Hi Mike –
Umm… the CIA is part of the government! So, if it is the CIA who is coming up with the evaluation (which I don’t agree that it is), and they are part of the government, then the government is to blame! 😆
Despite the changes over the past few years, I believe that you’d find that the CIA has always operated at arm’s length from Washington. I seem to recall a not-too-distant issue, wherein, the various U.S. intelligence services were not sharing all known information with each other or with Washington. It’s been my observation that most “western” countries have similar arrangements between their agencies & governments. Somewhat cynically, somewhat tongue-in-cheek, I’d suggest that the unwritten arrangement between a country’s political leadership and intelligence agency, often, is: “If the President/Prime Minister doesn’t need to know, he/she doesn’t want to know!”
The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) is an independent US Government agency responsible for providing national security intelligence to senior US policymakers.”
(Taken from the CIA website)
I’m sure if I checked the External Affairs site for my own country, or many others’, I’d find a similar warning about the area. Like I said, spooks are paranoid.
I was also thinking, last night, that consideration of safety, whether in Davao or elsewhere in the world, is based on many variables, including the foreigner’s lifestyle. I would, for instance, be very surprised if my lifestyle when last in Davao, would be similar to your, or my own, present lifestyle. As you made reference to – regarding various Canadian and American cities – one can find good places/events and bad places/events, depending upon where one chooses to go. By the same token, I’d suggest that Davao is no safer than the average city in the afore-mentioned countries.
Mike – Information sharing between agencies aside, the CIA is part of the Washington establishment. You yourself said that the information for the travel advisories comes from the CIA, and the advisories come from the State Department.
Well, it won’t keep all the rift raft out. We’ll be making a trip to Misamis Occidental (from Cebu) during our vacation this summer.
Ha ha… don’t give up the trip!
“Are the American politicians smoking something that they should not be smoking?”
or maybe they should be smoking that something. and picture themselves doing it under a shade in a samal beach. DC needs to chill out & relax about mindanao.
I would have to agree, Macky!
I am also concerned with the recent EU ban for Philippine Airlines and Cebu Pacific, in fact all carriers were banned from entering the EU. While most have written this warning off since they don’t actually fly to Europe it is still out there along with other travel warnings such as Mindanao. They based their reasoning on the downgrade by the FAA against Philippine Airlines. The UK has told all UK citizens to avoid flying any RP airline and UK/Canadian travel agents must advise passengers. Not happy days for tourism.
That’s true, another recent event. I had thought of writing about that incident, but had not gotten around to it yet, John. Thanks for bringing it up.
Hi Bob,
This silliness is echoed by the UK government too, who have been recommending no travel to Mindanao for years now. It’s fair enough, and it is only a recommendation, but my issue with it is more critical; visitors to Mindanao who have travel insurance, as all intelligent people do, may well find that the insurance company will rule that ignoring this advice and traveling to Mindanao anyway is quite good enough reason for them to decline any payout in the event of a claim. If I happen to have the heart attack I have worked so hard for over the years when in Mindanao, I plan to take a fast trip to Manila before officially reporting for treatment.!
Hi Jim – Few Americans buy travel insurance, but I know that most Brits do, and I hear this from a lot of Brits, that they cannot get travel insurance because of the warnings.
I’m quite astounded by that. Really? So what happens if you need $50000 of surgery while you are overseas, does your own private health insurance cover it? And the suitcases full of designer clothing?
I am really quite taken aback by that; I’m always giving our Filipino friends a bollocking for traveling without adequate health cover, like it never even occurred to them! It seems akin to gross negligence almost!
Going for a lie down now, to recover from the shock.
Hi Jim – Most US health insurance companies would cover medical expenses while traveling, we don’t need to buy additional insurance for that.
That’s quite interesting, and certainly makes a difference. I guess I would be happy enough to take the very slight risk of losing a suitcase or something, or even being mugged and have money stolen , but I’d always want to be sure of having medical attention if I needed it. I guess that’s one, perhaps the only, advantage of having a system of private health insurance. We Brits have been cosseted by our National Health Service for many years now, and while it has it’s failings, it’s in an emergency that it really comes through for you, rich or impoverished. I always remember an ex Girlfriends aunt having a riding accident in South Africa, being carted off to the hospital and left bleeding in the corridor because she couldn’t produce a medical insurance card. She and her husband were multi-millionaire material, and had no insurance, believing that it wouldn’t matter, whatever happened, they would just pay, but proving insurance is apparently easier than proving you have a few million in the bank.
Anyway, sorry for drifting off the thread. I guess I’m getting older, and such things are increasingly important to me. Scary.
I’d quite like to see the reaction of the British Government if a foreign power recommended no travel to London following the London Bombings, or Glasgow, following the failed airport attack there. It would make more sense if there were some method of evaluating the “real risk” area by area, rather than this irrational blanket warning, which has been more or less continuous regarding Mindanao for a long time now. Like yourself, I believe that if you could actually analyze it in some way, Davao would probably, demonstrably, be one of the safest places to be.
Hi Jim – Personally, I don’t think this is the “only” thing better about private health insurance. But… that’s an argument for a different day. 😆
Bob, you and your readers should maybe reread the Warden Message of April 5, 2010. I take it that this is the one you all seem to be upset about. I feel it is good common sense information for people that may not have a full understanding of the area and the current situation. They are not saying that all of Mindanao is the problem. In the second paragraph they state: “Travelers should exercise extreme caution if traveling in the central and western portions of the island of Mindanao, as well as in the islands of the Sulu Archipelago”. To me that is good sound advise. I have lived in Mindanao since 1976, I am married to a Maguindanao and can speak the Maguindanao language. There are many places in those stated areas that I would think twice about going to or not go at all. By the way Bob, I did not see your beloved and safe Davao City even mentioned in this Warden message.
Hi John Heitz – The very first line of the April 5 Warden Message reads:
It says the entire of Mindanao. The Message goes on to give special attention to other parts of Mindanao that you point out, but the general message is to avoid all of Mindanao. Perhaps you didn’t have an opportunity to read the entire message.
Remain beloved and safe, John. 😆
I still think the second paragraph states the specific areas of concern. Maybe the boys at the State dept. could have written it better.
The way I read it, all of Mindanao is covered, and the mentioned areas should warrant special concern.
Hi Bob
I am sure that some time ago Brits were told that the Eastern side of Mindanao was safe to visit.
The situation on Mindanao made me think of the time when we had the “Irish Problem” here. If you visited a big city you just had to keep your eyes peeled for anything suspicious. Majority of places had no problems at all. Americans were still holidaying here then. Or has 9/11 made governments more jumpy.
It will not put me off from visitng again.
All the Best
Hi Marjorie – I just went and looked at the British Foreign Office website, and this is what it said about Mindanao:
So, they are still advising against most travel to all of Mindanao, and have specific advice against travel to Western Mindanao and some eastern provinces as well. It is just too much.
Well I don’t have a clue where the safest or the most safe place is. I live in Kansas City, Missouri and I have to tell you that last night when I forgot to buy the diapers I was instructed to buy I felt totally unsafe walking in my own door. (-:
Ha ha… that’s a problem worldwide, Ron. But, I don’t think that governments issue warnings about that! 😆
I have heard so many good things about Davao. I am ready to move there but I need a job. Are you hiring any westerners at Isdaan ni Bob? (Yaga yaga)
You know, Jack, you might want to ask Feyma about that. Seems like she’s been handling similar questions for lovelorn potential expats. 😉 ;), nudge, nudge; know what I mean, know what I mean?
Hi Jack – I am looking for a Fishy CEO for the place. Send me your resume! 😉
Sorry for the late reply but I have been busy updating my resume. I need to give one warning and I hope it’s not a problem. Gusto ko mokaon ug mata ni isda. Lami!
PS .. For PaulK … I am shy. Can you “Ask Fema” for sa ako?
Oops. I better look for another job. I spelled Feyma wrong. Sorry.
I guess, then, a better question to ask is, “What has Jack been smoking?” 😆
(Wait until 4/15 to party!)
You feeling OK, my friend? 😯
I am great. I was trying to be funny. My part time job is over (teaches me a lesson not to be funny during tax season and be more like kuya Paul). Juramie is in Manila for the US Embassy interview. I normally got the “I am shy” saying in the first 6 months when we were getting to know each other on ym. I hear it now only if her sister asks for a load.
Palihog ampo ka para kang Juramie, Kient ug JJ para sa interview.
Hi Jack – That’s great news about the interview! Good luck always!
I’m pretty sure that travel warning was issued just for me. Someone is probably aware of my weakness for the Ladies of the Philippines, and was afraid that I would be in dire danger of being taken advantage of in numerous ways.
I don’t think I’ll be heeding the warning, nonetheless.
Hi Spencer – When they talked about foreign affairs, I had no idea it was those kinds of affairs!!!
I wonder how many government warnings there may be around the world about New York City ? One of the few things I watch on TV anymore these days is the news, as I spend most of my time on the internet. I also read Philippines press websites regularly with particular interest in Regional items concerning Mindanao.
All of Mindanao may not have the communications networks that New York has so I am sure there may be killings, death by accident or for any other reason that just don’t make the press so we may never really know for sure.
In New York City and its surrounding metropolitain area just about every day someone is murdered, comitting suicide, kidnappings, accidential deaths from situations too numerous to mention.
Anyone hear or read about the ” Explosion On Broadway ” Tuesday about 4:30 PM ? Buildings evacuated, Flames said to be shooting 7 Ft into the air ! Was it terrorists ? or ” Mob Wars ” Martians landing to see a broadway show ? , none of these. A utility company underground transformer overheated , built up pressure and blew a manhole cover open with flames and smoke bellowing out of the open manhole ( not an unusual occourance these days ). Four buildings evacuated due to carbon monoxide far above safety levels along with the smoke from the burning transformer. Meanwhile, an arsonist targets a streetside shoe shine stand, Authorities are still looking for a possible kidnapped youth. Four people shot and 54 arrested in mayhem following Auto Show near Times Square. Car 54 Where Are You !
Millions of visitors and tourists still make New York City one of the worlds top tourist places every year. I wonder how many foriegn governments put out warnings about going to New York City ?
I don’t live in New York City I am in the suburbs quite a distance to all of that, in fact I hate going to New York City and try to avoid it.
Sure, I have read about things ” happening ” in Mindanao but not with the frequency and intensity of all of the dangers of New York City that are in the news here day after day after day.
Mindanao has its similarities to New York City, there are places you most likely not have any problem, although no 100% guarantee of that. Then there are parts of it that are best left to those that inhabit those areas.
I can not deny that I may have had some reluctance about my first visit to Mindanao from many of the warnings, advisories and negative comments from various sources but there were things I wanted to see, learn and experience there, the darker the clouds seemed to get, the more I looked for the silver lining and for me, I found it.
The only real ” problem ” I had in my first visit was that the airline ( not a Filipino one ) lost my luggage between Taipei and Manila. Fortunately after 3 days it arrived intact and complete at my hotel.
Take the time, do the research, ask ” Those who Really Know ” ,
Best vacation experience I have ever had, Iligan City “MINDANAO”
Exactly my point, Bob! I wonder what the US reaction would be if countries all over the world issued a warning against travel to the entire northern half of the USA because of problems in New York City? There have been terrorist attacks there in NYC, BTW.
Bob, I’m sure that you’re aware of other countries putting out similar travel advisories in the near-past. To show that whatever they are smoking in Washington, they must be sharing with others:
I hope no one else feels left out, I’m sure that there are many others, as well as other countries/cities/areas deemed risky. It reminds me of my first solo trip to Asia. I was flying Korean Airlines to HK, via Seoul. There was a bomb-threat received for the plane prior to leaving Vancouver(Canada), resulting in a 2 hour delay. As my parents were seeing me off, my trip very nearly came to an abrupt end.(lol) Fortunately, my older brother had come to the airport, as well…
Yes, Mike, many countries warn against travel to Mindanao. No doubt about that.
I’ve heard from semi-reliable yet unofficial sources that all the smoking is purely for medicinal purposes.
Ha ha… well, if it’s medical, we’ll have to excuse that! 😯
“I’ve heard from semi-reliable yet unofficial sources that all the smoking is purely for medicinal purposes”
You guys are missing the point.
1. Moslems can ride the bus. They can afford cars. If they wanted to stage an event in Lete, they can drive there in 5 hours.
2. When I lived in Labangon Cebu, one night during fiesta 5 men were killed, 2 by stray bullets, in 3 different locations. This is a 100 times greater threat than political violence.
3. Statistics in the PI are kept and gathered by people who have a direct interest in what those statistics represent, so, local bias impacts what event is included in any given report.
4. At least 10,000 people were killed on Filipino roads each year, and the report does not even mention that threat.
5. I have see no statistical difference between the the safety of those north of me and those who “risked” living in Mindanao, anyplace.
So… I am going to deduce that the Philippine Government has issued a “warning” reflecting their bias against Moslems, and the state department has just reprinted it.
Hi Abu Farsi – I agree with most of what you say. I certainly am not anti-Muslim myself.
Bob, I tink the way they think is split in two diffrent sections. With the stated priority:
1). The war against Islam – it’s important to show the most densely muslim populated areas in the world as no go’s for Amarican’s in order to keep an increasingly threat assement picture towards the public – sorry to say it, but it’s not just in the Philippines that governments are corrupt – it’s no diffrent in the western world – in the west the face of corruption is just “what truth do we show the public in order to pass our agenda” instead of “how much are you paying me to do that”?
2). Since Mindanao is allready considered dangerous – and for some parts with full rigt to be that, and since Mindanao is one of the poorest areas in the country maybe they consider that the riats in Mindanao could be bigger then in the rest of the country. Hence when it comes to foreign kidnapings – nothing would suit the MILF or Abu Sayef better then if they could make a kidnapping at the same day or a few days after the new president is instated.
Hi Michael – I still think it’s crazy…
The US Gov is totally wacked out on something what I dont’t know.
Moved to J-ville in 94 it was a quiet city now it’s the murder capital of florida. Heck you have a greater chance to be a victim here in the US than in the Philippines. They need to clean their own
house before trying to clean someone elses. 35 Mths and counting.
I hear you, my friend!
With regard to the EU ban on airlines from the Philippines – this is not a reflection on the airlines themselves but on the Philippine aviation authorities who are incapable of overseeing the airlines operations to anything remotely like international standards.I worked for 4 years with PAL in the 90’s and the standard was comparable to any other national carrier and better than some.Flew many hours both on and off duty with PAL without a bad moment.
Hi Bryan – Interesting!
Hi Bob
Sorry for delay in replying
I remember now the BBC put a programme on about holidays in the Philippines and they only showed a female reporter being shown guns taken from rebels. Not the beautiful beaches etc. Then I thought it was unfair and I had not been over to visit then.
Our visit is essential lol. There is nothing more important than Grandchildren. Plus I want to get to know the place better.
Hi Marjorie – I am not surprised by the content of that TV show. It’s a shame!
Hey Bob,
I’m going to avoid Washington DC. Its too dangerous for me. Not is there alot of hot air, people jumping to conclusions, but I hear it has a high crime rate…I’m not talking about the theivin politicains either.
Ha ha… I hear you, hudson! Good catch there! 😉
hi bob,
simply put, the best way to ruin one country is to destroy its reputation. the world population is so huge and a big percentage of it are ignorant of current events, these ignorant people would believe anything what the media wants them to believe.
if western people would believe in UFO’s and all other unknown entities, what more if the news is from the state department?
Absolutely, dans! I couldn’t agree more!
I think your article is too personal. As a one time visitor to the phil it is much better for the US gov to be safe than sorry. It’s clear that certain parta of Mindanao are safe but should the US spend critical dollars to investigate where those areas are more specifically on a more frequent interval. As a US taxpayer i so no. I’ve seen those warnings and appreciate them. They are actually specific to say the western areas of Mindanao are unsafe due to muslim influences. In fact, I’ve even read an article you wrote about regarding your neighbor being from that area and how the army investigated one day. Be all that it may, your experiences obviously differ from the inexperienced. For those of us that depend on this information I think you should be less critical of the embassy and appreciate their efforts more. After all, ultimately they are there to support you as well.
Hi Kevin – Of course my article is personal. Every article I write is personal. I write about my personal opinions about living in the Philippines, and issues regarding the Philippines.
If the USA does not want to take the time or spend the money to properly investigate what areas are safe, they should not issue travel advisories at all, because by definition advisories that are not fully investigated are not accurate. I have no problem with them getting out of the business of issuing such advisories, honestly.
You mis-interpreted my article about my neighbor, Kevin. He was not “investigated” because he was from Western Mindanao. In fact, he was not from Western Mindanao at all, he was from South Central Mindanao (Maguindanao Province to be exact). They did not just investigate him because of where he was from or what influences where present in the area where he was from. He was investigated (and is still in custody) because he and his family are alleged to have taken place in a massacre of around 60 people.
I should be less critical of the embassy? You may not know, but I do a lot for the embassy in an effort to help them publish information here in the Philippines, and I do it for free. They pay me nothing, and I freely publish a lot of articles for them. However, that does not mean that when I feel they are wrong, I will go sit in a corner and just be a quiet lacky for them. I will speak up when I feel they are wrong, as I did in this case. If you feel they did the right thing, then good for you, and you have every right to publish your opinion. That’s what free speech is all about, and every American is afforded the right of free speech. That includes me. I don’t have to just “be quiet and appreciate the embassy” as you say, I have the right to speak out when I feel they are in the wrong.
By the way, the US Embassy is not here to support me, or any other American citizen here. The job of the US embassy is to ensure the best interests of the United States of America. That may include supporting me, and at times it may also include not supporting me, or even going against me. Their job is certainly not to support me.
Good luck, Kevin. I support your right to your opinion, but I also have a right to my opinion.
Hi Kevin, it seems like maybe only you and I read and understood the warning message in the same way, the Western Mindanao and Sulu areas are the troubled places.
By the way for everyone else that commented, a couple of weeks ago an American was the target of a kidnap attempt. He lives in the Gensan/Sarangani area. It seems things take place here that we do not always hear about.
Bottom line seems to be, avoid Western Mindanao and Sulu unless you need to go. As for the rest of Mindanao it ok to go there.
Hi Bob – All interesting comments. Plenty to think about and plenty to use for comparisons.
We had a murder in town the other night. A young adult from our barangay (a “troubled youth” who has yet to outgrow his troubles) shot and killed a boy from the next barangay over.
It appears that the victim was the brother of a girl that the alleged perp wanted to see and talk to. Brother said, “No!” Mr. Trouble said, “Ok!” Mr Colt said, “HAH! HAH! HAH!”
Have yet to find the story in writing anywhere (newspapers, etc.) It made one local TV news broadcast (5PM TV Patrol Ilocos) that isn’t seen outside of Ilocandia. Even Bombo Radyo Laoag didn’t spend much time on it at all. To top it all, much of the focus was on the possession of an unlicensed firearm during the election run-up period.
The point? Since word never gets out about this stuff (and it happens more often than most people think), travel warnings don’t get posted.
Is it safe here? Sure. Is it dangerous here? Sure. It’s just not both at the same time, and the former gets reported more than the latter.
Oh my, Paul, you should not have mentioned that murder! Pasuquin might get added to the State Dept. warning! Oh, never mind… it will never be added, I forgot… it’s not in Mindanao! 😯
I’m surprised that the US State Department didn’t specifically mention Davao City as being a place to avoid. During a visit to the US of A by Dear Leader Gloria a number of politicians tagged along. One of them was the Speaker of the Lower House, who spent as much time as possible slagging off Davao City, painting a picture of corruption and lawlessness and, therefore, a place not to do business. Davao is his home and he is now asking Davaoenians to vote for him in the upcoming elections.
Yes indeed, Steven, Boy Nograles is running as Mayor of Davao. We shall see how the results go for him… it won’t be long now!