Just a couple of days ago, I had an article entitled “It’s Coming! I can’t wait!” Now, today, I wanted to use the exact same title for this article, but I refrained!
What’s coming this time? Well, I’ll get to that in a minute.
About 6 months to a year ago, somebody started preparing an empty parcel of land for building. Feyma and I wondered what was going to be built there. The place is not far from our house, five minutes walking distance. No signs or anything were put up, nothing to indicate what was coming. The land is right next to a barber shop where I used to have my hair cut regularly, though I’ve since moved on to another barber shop.
Finally, the other day, I saw an article in the newspaper telling me what was being built. Feyma and I had decided it was going to be a new subdivision, but we were wrong.
What is coming to the vacant parcel of land?

S & R Price Club
Yep, that’s right! S & R’s first Mindanao location, and it is supposed to be opening in November of this year!
For those who don’t know what S & R is, it is a Warehouse shopping club, which is partly owned by Costco from the USA. Feyma and I used to love shopping at Costco, and we are very excited for the new S & R to open, and especially that it is just a short walk from our house!
I have been told by friends in Cebu and Manila that S & R is really pretty good. Not as good as Costco, but a big step in that direction. The main thing I am excited about is the vast selection of imported products that will be available. They even carry many of the Costco brand items. You can view the S & R Website here, although the website is somewhat limited, in my opinion.
I have written on this site many times that Feyma and I have weaned ourselves off of most imported goods now, but there are always a few things that you miss, or really want from “back home.”
Improvements in Philippine Living
You know, over the 12+ years that I have lived in the Philippines, living here has gotten better and better. The improvements that I’ve witnessed are so many I could not even list them. Better roads, better living conditions all around. Now, as I noted the other day, cable Internet coming to my neighborhood, and today we are finding out about a new S & R shopping club. The Philippines is not perfect by any means, no place on the earth is perfect. But, I can honestly say that the Philippines is really moving in the right direction!
Good for you guys. When I recently visited Davao I was very disappointed to see they turned that old Maccro property into an S&M Supermarket when I thought that was the perfect place for a S&R and indeed Davao should have one. I have been shopping in S&R for years both in Cebu and Manila. Hold on let me put it another way. I have been visiting S&R for years but most of the time they just don’t have anything I want. Where as with Costco I could never leave the place without spending at least $300/trip. I don’t know what it is about S&R that I can’t find anything LOL to buy. Very weird. I have many expat friends that say the same thing. Lots of time stuff is out of stock. In fact I am going to S&R this weekend to hopefully find a large bottle 1.5 liter of Extra Virgin Olive Oil and real coffee creamers. I have found them before. In any event this should be a joyous time in the Martin household as it is a very exciting development for your city and hopefully your family. Very cool indeed. congrats.
To follow up, didn’t mean to sound negative. For dry goods and big box items it is great but on the imported food related items side like KIRKLAND brand stuff it was a bit wanting as they tend to sell out do quickly and after awhile of going back many times and seeing the same product shelf empty you get disappointed. Living with you living so close you can make it a daily visit and maybe you won’t miss out on things. Lots of people I know buy fresh milk and Blue Bunny Ice cream there. Expensive but worth it every once in awhile depending on budgets.
That was also a downside on Costco, though, they would sell out quickly, and may or may not get additional stock later. Sounds, though, like it is even more with S & R, but I still have high hopes.
Hi “Jimmy” – Yeah, SM bought Makro a year or two ago, and they are turning many Makro outlets into SaveMore stores now.
Anyway, the location where S & R is going is way, way better than the SaveMore/Makro location, right across the street from NCCC Mall at Maa Road. Hopefully they will have a good product selection, we’ll have to wait and see. At Costco, when we were still in the States, we would often drop a grand there without blinking…. maybe if S & R has less selection that will save us a buck or two! Ha ha 😉
Davao City is a fun place to visit. I am looking forward to visit the S & R. I have heard many good things from expats that shop there. Mindanao is moving up. I like it here!
Hi Gary – One more reason to come to Davao, I guess! When you do, let me know, so we can get together! 😉
we use to visit S&R quite regularly because we have our merchandiser selling our GPS units in there but maybe since I’m not American I can’t find so many products that I miss here. More disappointing is the pricing, I mean u pay membership fee and still most of the stuff is more expensive than in Shopwise. But I agree it’s a lot better than the SM Chaos supermarkets or the Sari Sari wholesaler Puregold.
Hi Chris – Thanks for sharing your thoughts! I can’t make a judgment until I’ve been there, and they don’t open until later this year, so I’ll have to wait and see! 😆 I have heard good things about them, and a couple of bad things.
I used to be a member up in Manila. In terms of imported stuff it is great – stuff you can’t buy elsewhere, but with a corresponding price tag. The local stuff is no cheaper than SM or Puregold though…
I used it purely for cheese, beef and wine… everything else I could buy cheaper elsewhere…
Cheeses alone would satisfy me, steven! 😆
It’s a great store…But just double the price mostly (for imported items) but if you want it they have most everything…
Hi Lenny – it doesn’t surprise me at all about the price. Terrible, but I expect that. One me my friends up north told me that its a great place, but if I want to shop there I night need another stream of income. Ha ha
I am a member of the S&R warehouse here in Makati and yes it is really nice. For us from the states and familiar with Costco walking thru the store you will see that Costco has a hand in it, you will see a lot of Kirkland (Costco) products there.
As far as the cable internet Bob, don’t get to excited about it. Like most of the services here in the Philippines it has serious problems. I was pondering going to Skycable broadband service and asking around, the vast majority of the people i talked to who had it said it was lousy.
Hi Dave – I will certainly be trying both the shopping and the cable internet. I have my hopes up, we shall see!
Don’t be sticker shocked at the cash register at S&R. Just like Costco, you can’t walk out without spending a fortune. ahahaha
At least I have 6 months to rate money, Dave! Ha ha
Hey Bob -Yey! S & R is Davao! He he. They mostly have imported stuff. Membership fee is around 800 pesos for a year and then they have two super sale (March and September) and I’m always waiting for their text..he he Have fun shopping.. maybe in December….they have like butterball turkey? 🙂
Hi Sugar – nice to hear from you.
I am excited for S & R, but the turkey doesn’t excite me, turkey is already available at most Davao groceries, even Butterball
The butterballs are much cheaper at S&R Bob…..also they sell dungeness crab 😀
I am dying here, Greg! I still have to wait six months.
I like to go in and eat a good pizza……some things in there you can buy elsewhere for the same price…..yes the imports are expensive, but where else can you get them cheaper? The sales are good, and as Sugar stated, happen a couple times a year….membership here is 700 a year and you can sign up a buddy or family member off of your card for an additional 400. Just going to one sale saves me the 700 membership cost.
If nothing else, if gives you an outlet for satisfying those tastes you have for home….I buy Tillamook cheese….they have their ice cream too. They have California milk, which just went up to 259 a half gallon…etc.
All in all a fun place to visit…..like someone said…if you see it today…you better buy….it may not be there next time.
Wow, you’re killing me Greg. I tree to live near the Tillamook cheese factory and I love the stuff! Now that I know they have that, I am even more excited.
They just raised the living standards in Davao. Just checked out there sight and they have Skippy peanut butter and dill pickles. Wow!!!
I sure hope Subic has an S&R. 🙂
Hi Bruce – I don’t know if there is an S & R in Subic or not, sorry.
Dill pickles are already readily available in Davao and have been for years now.
Skippy Peanut Butter? I think that the local PB is way better than American PB anyway! 😆
WoW ! One look at the ” Food Service ” section of the S&R website, I can just imagine the smile on your face Bob having a place like this right down the street ! It sure put a smile on my face too.
It might be interesting to eventually find out if many of the USA Brand Name items especially the grocery type items are actually made and imported from the USA or made in The Philippines under license. I am trying to imagine a container or more of the Blue Bunny Ice Cream as shown on their website as being made in the USA, shipped and delivered to the stores there and if it is I would think it would cost a small fortune.
I think another big plus is with the addition of this new shopping experience in Davao it will also create more jobs for those that live there.
Hi Bob – I have heard the that pizza and also the salads are excellent in the food service area… can’t wait to try it!
The wife and I are going to Cebu at the end of the month so I may try to check out the store there. It’s our anniversary so maybe that will be my surprise, hehe. When I’m in the Philippines there isn’t too much I miss from the states and I agree with you about the peanut butter. Anybody know if they carry any Goya brands? It will be interesting to see the look on her face as I know she’s never been to an outlet like that, lol.
Sounds like a great surprise Mark!
Oy! I went to their website and spotted Lean Pockets and Cheerios. When I said there wasn’t anything I missed from the states I think I lied, lol.
I know what you mean, Mark. I went and looked at their website and was really salivating.
Now, if they carry Frito Lay brand Jalapeno Cheese dip for chips, then I guess I could venture in. Otherwise, IMO, it’s just another day in the neighborhood. Here in the states, the best perk in stores like Costco and Sam’s Club is the food trial stands. I can get nearly full for free some days! I don’t suppose that will happen in the RP though.
They do have the food trial stands….but nothing like Costco’s…..if nothing else it’s like another store with more selections than you already have. I think most of the food items are shipped to Manila then come here….the apple pies are just like I remembered back in the states…..and yes the Blue Bunny is good!!!!!
Hi Greg K – I recently found a place here in Davao that has excellent Apple Pies, it’s called “Kitchen’s Best” in Bangkal. Super tasty!
The pizza sample lady at Sam’s Club chased me away once! I must learn to be a master of disguise before I attempt that maneuver again.
Ha ha
Hi RandyL – Yeah, I agree, I don’t think they will have the food samples the way they do in the States. I remember times that it was like I had a full meal at Costco just from the samples! Ha ha
I always thought food samples were counter productive. Without an appetite, I always spent less money.
Ah, on the contrary, in my opinion, Randy. I can’t count how many times we bought things based on trying the samples… things which we had no intention of buying.
Wow! 8:45 a.m. PST, Sunday, just about ready to have breakfast, I’m really hungry now. Have been to S&R I think twice in Cebu and quality both imported and local is good I’d say. 295 1/2 gal. milk, FYI here current at US 1.49, Greg K.
Let’s see … spinach, scrambled eggs, shredded cheese along with toasted muffins w/blackberry jam and watermelon and strawberries … I gotta go, right now.
Glad to hear you found the quality good, James.
Hi Bob when i visited the Philippines it was the difference with my culture that make me like this country, but now with all this kind of american stores here and there all over, i wonder who will get the cultural shock,,,,i think it will be the filipino….The foreigners will not get any cultural shock because it is turning to became to be just an other american land. If you have the same there so why moving there…I am happy where my wife is from in Mindanao because there it is no shopping centre hope it will never be one. When i visit this country i want to feel the difference and enjoying their culture..
People there should stand if they don’t, in 10 years from now it will be too late, they will be assimilited to an other culture and that is not the best one..
I have to somewhat agree with you lolo56. We are moving to the RP to escape Americanism and all it’s shortcomings. At least we are going to settle in Samar where things are a little slower in overall growth and more desirable than the more populated areas of the Philippines. Slower is better and is what we are looking for. If I want hustle and bustle with all the amenities of 1st world, I could live in any big city in the U.S. (or Cebu, Manila, etc).
When you are here for a while, I bet that you will be happy for a few, very few, relics from back home.
Maybe pizza and, no…that’s it. Pizza. 😉
I suspect it will be more, RandyL.
Ha ha.. sorry, lolo, we don’t agree on this. It will take a lot more than a single store to cut through the cultural gap.
Leave it to man and his greed to foul up a nice quiet ? place to live. Be careful what you wish for my friends you might get it and a great deal more. More traffic and congestion, less independent business people. I never went to those types of stores in the U.S. and have no intention on going to one if we are unfortunate enough to get one in Dumaguete. Not one single store has anywhere close to enough parking spaces as it is, including our little ( thankfully) mall. That’s o.k., I love walking. That is what these things hanging on the end of my legs are for I guess.
Why are so many in such a hurry to ruin the Philippines? What ? you can’t live without a few things ? It doesn’t sound to me like many are not adapting to the local culture at all. Do you really think we have to have pizza and McDo’s fat bugers with mega size fries ?
Now it’s my turn to say “If you don’t like it here, leave”. If you want all that congestion, gimmicks, gadgetry, and so on stay in the U.S. or where ever or go back. It’s all about money money money, gotta have “it” gotta have “it” to most seems. Why ? As I said, be very careful what you wish for.
Have a great day, shop local, immerse yourself in the culture. Isn’t that why you came here? Relax, slow down, what’s the hurry ?
Ha ha.. Charlie and everybody… so you are saying that you only buy Philippine products now? 😆
I don’t think you need outsiders to ruin the country as you say…..one American style store won’t ruin the culture as we know it, and besides there’s still plenty of room for a Jollibee or 2….. 😀
Spot on Greg!
Hi Bob,
Much excitement for Americans, but being a Brit S&R/Costco mean nothing to me.
If memory serves Costco did try a couple of stores in the UK many years ago but they failed. Brits just didn’t buy into the membership thing when they could buy at Brit superstores without membership.
However, our superstores here are suffering from the net shopping explosion, even the major supermarkets will home deliver your groceries free now, over a certain spend.
I’m a reluctant shopper so buy virtually everything via the net now, saves time and money. I also have a 7/11 within walking distance for emergencies, lol.
Of course this will all change when i move there, i will have to learn to enjoy shopping again as net shopping is in its infancy there.
Hi Chas – Actually, Costco has 22 successful locations in the UK!
Ha ha, thanks for the info Bob, but there isn’t one near me that i know of, mind you i’ve lived in the provinces for the last 12yrs.
Never hear anyone talk about them so i assumed they were no longer around, LoL
Side note, we have a home delivery milkman here. Comes 3 days a week right to our door. The dairy processing plant is only 5 minutes from where we live. Farm fresh milk whole ,or no-fat, regular, chocolate, ot strawberry, butter, salted or unsalted, yogurt ( yummy), regular or strawberry , goat cheeese( very good) in 4 different flavors or natural, goats milk (my favorite ), ricota cheese, mozzarela cheese, white cheese( like farmers cheese), ice milk bars in assorted flavors, ice cream. We have been to the little plant, all Stainless Steel equipment purchased from Land-O-Lakes in the U.S.. Very well done. Started by a local Veterinarian.
And the prices ? Fresh milk cheaper than the box stuff at the store. Hard to go wrong there. Great delivery guy, if you want something he doesn’t have on the truck that day, he’ll go get it and bring it back if it’s available. Or we just text him with out order. He is on time also, if he says he’ll be back at 1:00 p.m. , he is. Nice little convenience.
Bon appetite’
Sounds like a great service, Charlie!
Wow! a big box store in Davao. I’m already addicted. I will put this on my list next time i’m in town.
Hi Hudson – I’m addicted too, and it’s not even open yet! 😆
Davao is sounding really nice!!! It’s comforting to know that such food items are available. Do they carry spice, salsa, and tortillas to make Mexican food? Mexican food seems to be the only food item that I have trouble living without. I also like a good hot dog, too! You guys got me hungry!
Ha ha.. yep, David, lots of improvements in Davao over the years. A few bad things too, like traffic is getting pretty bad, but overall, Davao is a great place to live.
Yes, you can find most of the things you need to cook Mexican. In SM they have corn and flour tortillas and such. Feyma cooks Mexican from time to time, and doesn’t seem to have any problem finding suitable ingredients.
The few times I’ve been to Costco, the lines were LONG and each cart was filled to the rafters with stuff. Still, those mega packs of beef jerky and fruit roll-ups make the trip worth it. How much is membership to those stores? I think mine was around $50 last time I renewed it.
Hi Opus – I gave a link to the S & R Website, which I believe lists the membership fees. I believe it is P800/year, but I could be off by a bit.
Sounds like a another choice for expats to choose from. I usually don’t shop at stores like Sam’s because i live by myself and don’t have a need to buy large amounts of things. Will check out S&R when i come in October. Take care.
Hi Papa Duck – unfortunately, S & R won’t be opening in Davao until November or December.