Today is a very special day for me. I can’t say what the date is as you read this, but here in the Philippines, it is August 9th as this is published. August 9 is a day that holds a lot of memories for me, and I wanted to share some of those memories here.
You see, August 9 is our wedding anniversary. Today, we have been married for 17 years. In today’s world, 17 years is a long time to be married to the same person. Having made it 17 years, I have no doubt in my mind that we will be together for the rest of our lives. We have been through some hard times together, thankfully few of them. We have been through some great times together, thankfully many of those. What I know for sure is that through the bad and the good, Feyma is the person that I want to share it with for all of my days.
We married in General Santos City on August 9, 1990. Feyma arrived in the States on January 5, 1991, and we lived there until May of 2000, when we pulled up our well established roots in the USA and relocated to the Philippines. Moving here was not an easy thing to get through. Events happened that could have easily torn a marriage apart, but we were able to overcome those problems. I think that our marriage is stronger today than ever before, and I feel that Feyma would say the same thing. Feyma is my constant partner that can help me when it is needed, comfort me when I am down, and cheer for me when I do something great. There is no other person that I would want in that position.
All I can say now is – Happy Anniversary, Honey. It’s been a great 17 years, and I look forward to all the years yet to come. Guihigugma Ko Ikaw.
Hi Honey – Happy Anniversary. Wow 17 years . I am happy and proud to be your wife. No words for me to express my happiness of being married with you. I'm just so happy that God brought us together.
Everything you said is true and I agree with you. I will look forward for many more years for us to share our lives with.
I love you so much Hon.
Hi Feyma & Bob,
Congratulations! So what are you two doing on the blog? You should be somewhere exotic (oh, I forget, you're in the Philippines :wink:)! Stop working and have some fun, will you??? All the best to you both and many, many more years of wedded bliss! 😀
Hi Tina – Hey, it's only 7 in the morning! We'll be getting out and doing something today. Not sure what yet, but maybe Samal, or Bukidnon for a little getaway. Those are two of our favorite places after all.
It was our 20th wedding anniversary yesrterday, august 8 🙂
Hi Luc – Thank you, and Congratulations to YOU! 20 years is a great record!
Congratulations to both of you!
Happy Anniversary.
Thank you, Phil. We appreciate it.
Congratulations to both of you. Apparently 1990 when you were getting ready to get married, my wife and I had just accomplished the fact. Our 17th anniversary was last Saturday.
Hi Tom – So, you have us beat by almost a week! Congratulations to you also!
And many many more years of bliss to both of you. I share in your joy.
I like your picture! The flowers look exotic… Go somewhere equally exotic. Definitely not the blog. 🙄
Hi Angie – Thanks! Come on now.. are you saying that our blog is NOT EXOTIC? 😆
Happy anniversary Bob and Feyma! Congratulations! Wishing you both more blissful years to come. 🙂
to my great friends a happy happy anniversary and big kiss to you both!!:grin:
Mea culpa! Of course the blog is exotic, that's a given. Okay, celebrate amidst your blogging friends. We're all here, cheering you on!!!
Happy 17th again. That's a big milestone.
Hey Feyma & Bob!
You're still here? We've already gone out to dinner and ordered "Kyoto Passion" (mixed sushi dish) in your honor. We even toasted you both! C'mon you guys, get going already!!! 😆
Hey, happy anniversary!
Dear Bob & Feyma:
There is no greater gift from one another, than to one other. Congratulations and a long and happy life together. May the Lord bless you both, your family and your marriage till the end of your days.
Wayne & Johanna
Feyman and Bob congratulations. We are happy for you both. Marlou and Ron
Feyma & Bob –
Maligayan Anibersaryo! How 'bout 71 more? 😉
Congratulations happy anniversarry.
Wishing for more best years to come, Bob & Feyma!
Thanks everybody! Jio, John, Angie, Tina, Elisa, Wayne, Ron, Zois and Jul – we appreciate your kindness! 😀
happy anniversary!! bob and feyma…… may the wind always be at your back and the sun shining , may the road rise to meet your feet and may GOD hold you in the palm of his hand …(an irish blessing)
Thank you, Ken, for your warm greeting! By the way, I am of Irish ancestry.
Happy anniversary!
Thanks for this blog, and wish you many, many more anniversaries to come!!
Congratulations and best wishes to you both. The best is yet to come…
Congrats Bob to you and Feyma, may you both continue to have a long and happy life together. You have already received the Irish Blessing from Ken, so I will second it just in case.
Hello Jae, Marilou and Jack – Thanks to each of you for your kind words. 🙂
Happy Aniversary Bob and Feyma!!! More blessings to you and your beautiful family!
Hi Bob-All the very best to you both on your anniversary and I wish you many more in years to come.
congrats Bob & Feyma, My wife and I just celebrated our 9th the day be4 yours !
HI Dex U., Jim and brian – thanks to each of you! We appreciate your kind words!
Bob & Feyma,
Congratulations on your 17th anniversary. Indeed, a milestone. Best wishes on both of you…
Bob & Feyma,
Congratulations on your 17 wonderful years. Hope you had a wonderfuly time on your big day (i'm guessing more fun seeing the sites in Samal).
Great picture 🙂 congrats!
Hi RMADA, macky and Jon – Thanks to each of you!
Happy Anniversary! More blissful years to come 🙂 . I love you both.
Hi Gladys – Thanks! You know that we both love you too! Thanks for visiting our blog here. 😆
Happy Anniversary to both of you Feyma and Bob. More fruitful years to come.
Thank you, Mahdy!
Bob & Feyma,
HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!!!!!! All the Best for now and many more years to come.
It is Friday the 10th and tommorw I FLY HOME 😥 😥 😥 🙁
Thank you and Feyma for your friendship and spending time with us. Also if you have a way to all I made their blood boil, Thank you for allowing me to tell my opinion and the acceptance from all I have meet. I will miss you all almost as I will miss Davao.
Bye for now
Thanks, Bruce! I hope you have a great trip back to the States, and good luck to Elena on her journey as well!
Soooo, what DID you guys do on your anniversary???
Hi Jae – Well… we went out for lunch at a nice Restaurant here in Davao (De Bonte Ko), it's a Dutch place that has excellent steaks. After that we just came home and enjoyed each other's company for the day. In the evening we went out for coffee with a friend. Nothing too fancy, but just a nice day.
Thanks for asking!
Hi Bob and Feyma!
Congratulations on your 17th wedding anniversary and more more celebrations to come!
Hi Luz – Thank you very much! 😀
Happy anniversary! Bob and Feyma. I wish both and your children the continued happiness and bond that our creator established.
Hi Tony Grosse – Thank you very much!
Hi Everybody
Thank you so much for your nice greetings. I appreciate very much.