Shipping things to the Philippines?
You need to learn about the Balikbayan Box!
Do you have items that you want or need to ship to the Philippines? The least expensive way to do it is via the Balikbayan Box. It is not the fastest way, but it is the cheapest, by far.
What is a Balikbayan Box?
I have mentioned “Balikbayan Boxes” many times on this site. The other day, I got a note from a reader asking me exactly what a Balikbayan Box is. I should have cleared this up much earlier!
Most people who have a connection to the Philippines know that a Balikbayan Box is. It is a large box that you can use to ship goods to the Philippines cheaply. When you ship a Balikbayan Box, it comes to the Philippines as ocean cargo. The boxes are shipped on a ship. It takes a month or two to arrive here in most cases. The great thing about shipping stuff via Balikbayan Box is that the weight of the box doesn’t matter! Whether the box weighs in at 1 pound or 500 pounds, the price of shipping is the same!
How much does it cost?
Generally, from the USA, it costs between $80 to $120 to ship a Balikbayan Box to the Philippines. More toward the lower end of that range these days. Back when we lived in the USA, such shipping was over $100, but it’s been coming down steadily. Shipping from the west coast of the USA to Manila generally takes a month or so. Shipping down to Mindanao where I live takes longer.
Balikbayan Boxes are quite large too! Actually, you can use any size box, but the large ones are most often used. A large Balikbayan Box is 24″ x 24″ x 18″ in most cases, and that can be shipped for the prices that I have listed above.
What can I ship in a Balikbayan Box?
The things that are really great to ship in Balikbayan Boxes are very heavy items like books and such. The reason, as I noted above is because the weight of the box doesn’t matter in calculating the shipping rate!
Another thing that Feyma and I used to do when we lived in the USA was that we would always watch for really good sales, like seasonal clearances and such. Sometimes we could buy items for 10% of the original price when the store was really trying to get rid of the stuff. When we would find stuff like that, we’d buy it up, and throw it in a Balikbayan Box. As we found more and more bargains, the boxes would fill up, and when they were as full as they could get, we would send them off to Feyma’s family here in the Philippines. Nowadays, instead of being on the shipping end, we are often on the receiving end of Balikbayan Boxes, as my Mom will usually send a few such boxes during Christmas time.
How do I ship a Balikbayan Box?
I know your next question – how do I ship one of these boxes? Well, you need to find a company that specializes in shipping Balikbayan Boxes in your area. Check any Asian Grocery Stores that you might find in your town, often they will have flyers or signs for companies who ship Balikbayan Boxes to the Philippines. Do a Google search for Balikbayan Boxes and your City and maybe you will find a shipper! Don’t give up, though, such shippers can be found worldwide!
If you want to practice what it is like to send a Balikbayan Box, and test out how it works, feel free to send me one! Write me for my address if you need it! 🙂 Just kidding, of course!
Mule System: Balikbayan Box Alternative
Over the years, we have all heard of drug mules, I think. Well, if you search Google for “Drug Mule” this is what you find:

But, today, I am not talking of drug mules. I am talking of a very popular Filipino system of “sending” or “shipping” things, which makes use of “mules”.
Our son is in the USA
Right now, my son, Aaron, is in the USA. Over the previous few months, Feyma and I have ordered a number of products on Amazon and had them shipped to Aaron where he is staying. Mostly we have ordered items for health, business needs and a few food/drink items. Our intention was for Aaron to collect all of these ordered items and then put them in a Balikbayan Box and ship them to us once he has enough to fill a box. Problem is, a balikbayan box can take up to 2 or 3 months to make it to the Philippines!
It’s good to have friends
A few items were more important, and we needed them more quickly. Important things like some small keychain type pill boxes for carrying important medicine, some pills for breaking up kidney stones, and a few other things. Basically, small stuff, but stuff that is needed more quickly than a few months down the road.
Back a month ago or so, a very dear friend of ours, Lourdes, told us that she would be going to the States in early January to visit her sister and would be there for about 2 weeks. Well, we had an item that we wanted to send to Aaron, and we had this “important” stuff that he was holding for us. We asked Lourdes if she would be willing to carry the item that we have for Aaron and then drop it in the mail for him once she reached the USA. We also asked her if Aaron could ship a small box to her containing our important things. This is a very common procedure in the Philippines, everybody does it, and since Lourdes is a very close friend, she readily agreed!
Items received
Well, Aaron has received the item we sent to him, and today Lourdes received the small box that Aaron sent to her. The small items can be taken out from the box and placed in her luggage. Lourdes will return to Davao this weekend, so sometime next week we will go see her and get our stuff!
All very simple, very quick to transport small items, etc. Very, very convenient! It’s the mule system, just not the “drug mule” system!
Expect to be asked
So, if you are going to the Philippines, or returning home (wherever that may be) don’t be surprised if somebody asks you.. “hey, can you carry an item for me on your trip?” As a precaution, if you do carry something for a friend, be sure that you know exactly what you are carrying.. you would not want to get caught with some kind of contraband that you did not even know you were carrying!
Thanks to Lourdes and to Aaron for making this a simple and quick shipment for us! It is greatly appreciated!
Shipping to the Philippines
Whether you are living here, or if you have family or friends living here, chances are that you will want to ship something to the Philippines at some point in time. For example, there are lots of times that I order something over the Internet and have it shipped to my US mailing address, then have it forwarded to me here. There are a number of things you need to consider if you send large items here, especially if they are somewhat valuable (let’s say even $50 or so would be considered valuable here).
Possible pitfalls when shipping to the Philippines
Let’s look at a few of the issues to consider:
- Theft of the item. If you send something of value through the mail, there is a good chance that it will be stolen before it reaches the recipient. This is unfortunate, but it is true. In a country where the Postal people make a very low salary, sometimes temptation can be hard to avoid. If you send something of value, it just might not make it if you use the Post Office.
- Customs fees. Customs fees can be a killer. I have paid up to 150% of the item value just for customs duties. That occasion was when I ordered some batteries for my digital camera. The total value of the battery was only $10, but the customs fee was $15. I think that between the cost of the item, shipping charge and customs I paid about $50 for the battery! Ouch!
- Some things cannot be legally shipped here. It’s true, some items cannot legally be sent here, and if they are discovered, they will likely be confiscated! For example, did you know that it is illegal to purchase an airplane ticket abroad and mail it to somebody in the Philippines? Yep, it’s true – airplane tickets for use within the Philippines must be purchased here (not for return flights for those in the middle of transit).
So, what steps can you take to avoid the pitfalls?
- If the value of the item warrants it, use FedEx, UPS or another worldwide courier. At least with these companies, there is insurance to cover losses. Also, lost or stolen packages are very rare when using these types of carriers.
- Customs is generally not charged on items that are shipped in through the mail, so if you feel you can trust the mail for your item, use it. Something like Global Priority mail with tracking will make your parcel safer.
- If at all possible, I recommend the use of Balikbayan Boxes for shipping items here. Balikbayan Boxes are large boxes that you can stuff full of items and you pay a single flat rate for shipping. It doesn’t matter what the weight of the package is, it costs the same price to ship it. It goes by sea, so expect about 2 months for delivery. If you are shipping to Manila it will be quicker, maybe 1 month or so. I have never heard of Customs duties being levied on a Balikbayan Box. My Mother sends Balikbayan boxes to us a couple of times a year.
So, as you can see, there are ways around the problems of shipping. Just use your common sense, and when you are going to ship something, consider the value and the best way to get it here!
If you want to test out shipping methods, just let me know, I’ll send you a list of everything we want you to send us. I’ll report right back to you how good the shipping method was! 😉
Can you ship Balikbayan Boxes FROM the Philippines?
The other day I got an email from an old friend that I had not heard from in several years. He had moved to the Philippines several years ago. When he moved here, he shipped his stuff here in Balikbayan Boxes. It is cheap to ship Balikbayan Boxes from the States to the Philippines, or from Canada and other locations.
Moving back to the USA
My friend has been here in the Philippines for a few years. Now e has decided to move back to the USA. This is actually fairly common. I find that probably 50% of foreigners who move here end up going back home after a few years. Only a small percentage make it here for the long term.
My friend sent me an email asking how he could ship his stuff back to the USA. He had looked around and was unable to find anybody who would ship balikbayan boxes back to the US from the Philippines. I have heard this same question so many times over the years! It does not often come up on websites like LiP, but it is a common question, so I thought I’d share my email response.
Here is part of the email that my friend sent to me:
I now have read and heard many stories of the difficulty getting our things shipped back home. We kept our receipts and even our same balikbayan boxes in the event of this very decision and need. Who would’ve thought its so easy going one way only.
I’m certain those big cargo ships and containers are not leaving Manila empty. I’m thinking we will fill 15 or so of our big boxes when we can confirm a reputable shipping company is successfully confirmed. We don’t need a whole container unless it was somehow cheaper. Maybe there’s another party who’s also interested in and has similar shipping needs.
We haven’t yet purchased our tickets to return there. We will soon as we confirm our shipping company.
That’s where we really are need in need of your help. I’m hoping you know of or possibly have some contacts who know.

Why you can’t do it
Well, unfortunately, my friend, shipping boxes from Asia to the USA is not easy. It is not cheap. Here is a copy of my email reply to my friend:
From the USA to the Philippines is very easy and very cheap. Shipping from anywhere in Asia is much more difficult and much more expensive, though.
The reason? Because boats going to the US from Asia are chock full of merchandise that is being imported by the USA. Imagine, how much stuff is imported from Asia to stores in the USA? It is a ton!
Think about this.. how much is exported from the USA to Asia? Almost nothing.
So, all of the boats going to the US from Asia are as full as they can load them. The boats coming back to Asia? Pretty much empty. So, if they can pick up things like Balikbayan Boxes to put on the ships, that gives them a little income to cover the cost of the trip back home. That is why it is cheap to ship from Asia to USA.
You can ship to the USA. However, ou will need to pay for a full, or at least a partial container (20′ or 40′). Your few balikbayan boxes will not come even close to filling that amount of space.
You could take them with you as baggage on the plane, but it will be expensive excess cargo.
I hope this explains why you have encountered a situation that was so unexpected.
Think before you ship
If you are moving here, think hard about what you want to ship here! It might not be easy to ship the stuff back, and if you do find a way to do it, it will probably be very expensive.
Good luck to you, my friend!
New Regulations for Balikbayan Box Shipping
Starting on 1st August 2017, a new policy has been implemented by the Bureau of Customs (BOC). This has caused lots of buzz in the media and within the Filipino communities abroad. However, the new policies seem to be regulated only sometimes.
Sending Balikbayan boxes to your families in the Philippines has long been Filipino cultural custom.
Overseas Filipino Workers (OFW) and the Resident Filipinos abroad work hard and save up to fill balikbayan boxes and ship them home to their families.
Stopping illegal importation
The new policy primarily aims to tackle the illegal importation (smuggling) of imported goods in the Philippines. The tax will also be a new source of revenue for the government public funds.
Balikbayan boxes can still be sent as usual. However, there are a few things that you should make note of.
Based on the new policy, valuable new items that are sent thru the Balikbayan box should need to be declared. A receipt for the item is also required.
Declaration Value determines the tax
Used items, groceries, and less valuable new items are not required to have a receipt. However, you have to list them on the declaration form.
Based on the declared value of the box contents, an import tax will have to be paid by the box recipients. However, as I mentioned, this is rarely enforced in my experience.
What are the exemptions and limitations?
Everyone is still allowed to send a balikbayan box to the Philippines.
However, the balikbayan box that won’t qualify for the exemptions and limitations will be subject to duty and import tax.
If the balikbayan box is worth below PHP 10,000 it won’t be classified as part of the duty and tax-free exemption. It will be classified as De Minimis Importation so it is automatically exempted to the duty and importation tax.
If you go over the allowed limits and conditions, the balikbayan box will be subjected to duty and import tax.
Recommended Balikbayan Box Shippers
I have used, and recommend the following shipping companies:
- Forex
- UMac
I have heard good things about these shippers:
- Johnny Air Cargo
- Wells Cargo
I have had negative experiences with these (not recommended)
- Manila Forwarder
That wraps it up
So, this wraps up our Balikbayan Box primer. We hope you find it convenient and inexpensive to send items to your Filipino (and expat) friends and family!
I don't think the following is somehow quite right:
"airplane tickets for use within the Philippines must be purchased here (not for return flights for those in the middle of transit)."
I bought tickets in Australia for Phil domestic flights on Zuji. I gather what you mean is that these tickets can't be mailed to someone in the Philippines.
Hey, Bob,
Thanks for jumping on this — I appreciate that!
My girl has just the right amount of sass, so I’m pretty sure she will do what she can.
In any case, yep — I did not expect to see further status updates after the package reached Ph., but it’s good to hear this may work itself out with no hitch.
I was, however, a little stunned to hear that it is illegal under Ph. law for someone to buy a plane ticket for a Fhilipino to travel between two points in the Philippines. I wrote to the government to confirm, because it does not make a great deal of sense to me. Do you have an idea why they do business this way?
Hi Laurance – what I am saying is that you cannot purchase a ticket outside the Philippines, and mail it or send it to somebody in the Philippines for them to be able to use here. Sorry if it was unclear.
Hi Quentin – In the Philippines, “sass” can be a big negative, and work against you. If she shows too much sass they might just never give her the package, just to show her who is the boss. 😉 Seriously.
I don’t think it is illegal for somebody to “by a plane ticket for a Filipino”. It is illegal to buy the plane ticket outside the country, but, for example, I don’t think there would be anything illegal if you and your girl walked into an office to buy the ticket and you paid. Now, if you bought the ticket in another country then sent it to the Philippines for her to use here… that’s a different matter.
Actually, we have had almost no trouble with the postal system here other than it is slow. Packages have made it and we have never had to pay customs. BUT, most packages were not purchases, but gifts, sent for us or the kids. Yes, the balikbayan boxes are the way to go! We usually use Forex and have had no problems at all! Once, we even had a couple boxes full of nothing but books! they were SO heavy, but made it just fine for the usual price.
Know any cheap ways to send stuff to the States?
Way too early to be concerned, Quentin. It could be another 2 to 3 weeks before delivery, that would be quite normal.
As far as the tracking, once the item enters the Philippines and gets one tracking update, it will probably never have another update. Sorry, I know that is a bummer, but that is just the way it works.
Anyway, I don’t think you should be concerned at all.
I think the only way you will be able to get the items is to pay the customs duty.
She would likely have to pay customs on it, although you never can be certain.
If I were you, I would send her an electronic copy over the internet.
How did you send it? As a gift or any specifications? Did you provide the customs with proof of purchase and other necessary proof?
Hi AmericanLola – Unfortunately, I've had problems with the Post Office. They have stolen stuff that I've sent out and also what's coming in. It's a shame. I think that it varies from location to location.
I have been looking for a good cheap way to ship to the States myself! Let me know if you ever find a way.
Hi Bob,
Recently I sent some things for my gf in Cebu. I sent it Priority International, with tracking.
The tracking information says my package was being “processed through sort facility” in Ph. as of May 14. No further updates.
My gf works in government and knows her postal carrier. I encouraged her to be in touch with him to track down her package.
Owing to the timing, should I be suspicious? Any suggestions on how we can proceed at this point?
Hi Bob, Gina and I were having a chuckle this morning as we always do when we read the blog, we were getting ready for work and having a coffee, when we were lamenting on the many times we have sent things to Philippines, only to find the customs duty is more than the actual goods value. once I sent a used video cam, I had this item for about 2 years, and rarely used it, so I thought it would be better for Gina to have it locally.
When it arrived, the customs called to say their was a P10,000 duty on the cam to pay, what a cheek ? taxed on your own goods that you have paid duty in other parts of the world, and then a used one at that.
I know what you will say Bob ! its the Philippines, and it will never change, we all know their import duties are the biggest rip off anywhere in the world, they seem to have this way of alienating just about anyone who sends things to make life better for their family or relatives, but deal with it we must, you might have thought we can all get used to it, but as downright frustrating as it always is, deal with it we must, hahaha we made those choices, "You marry a Filipino, you marry all the legislation that comes with it…"
I hear you on both counts.
I was trying to be careful about my phrasing on the first issue, but I was not precise enough. English does not give me enough precise adjectives to describe my Daisy.
Daisy is an amazingly gentle person; I’m totally confident she can maneuver through whatever she needs to do, and that she will do it successfully. She has a (very polite) stubborn streak.
In any case, I’m sure she will convince her postal carrier to carry the water and sort things out. 😉
Also, thanks for clarifying re the venue for purchasing airfare.
Yes, the manner in which you described that issue is exactly what I was trying (clumsily) to ask about.
My travel agent, in short, said — whaaaaaaa?
He had no idea.
I am just glad I had not purchased the plane tickets yet.
Thanks again for your useful help. Hope all is well there in Mindanao.
It could be cost effective if you ship via balikbayan box. However it is illegal to ship commercial quantities in balikbayan box. If you ship it any other way she will be stung by high customs costs. At the numbers you quoted, it sounds like a losing proposition. Good luck to you.
Hi Pete – Haha… looks like I struck a nerve with you! What happened on the video cam? Did Gina pay the P10k, or just let them keep the cam? I hate it when they try to rake you on customs charges!
Introduced my wife to this web site and told her about the common sense you bring to some very down to earth subjects of life in davao and the Phils, this is another great example here and of great use to us both
cheers Bob
Re: airplane ticket.
What you can do, is, if for domestic, buy the ticket online, and forward the email with the details to her, where then she goes & prints it. She can then use that e-ticket at the check in counter. Now there is a catch, nearly always the airport departure tax is NOT included and averages around 200php.
The check-in counter people do not look at where the ticket was purchased 😉
Now, as far as international tickets are concerned.. I will not go in to that.
Hi Rick – I'm glad to have your wife onboard as a reader! Thanks for sharing our blog with her. I'm glad you both find the blog useful.
Hello Bob…..Bill Huff here. I found it interesting about what you had to say about using the Mail service. I also have a good friend that lives in Butuan City, and he has told me the same thing about using USmail service, telling me that will will loose what i send. I have been sending packages to the Phili for about a year now…..around the Tagaloan Area. Some of these packages were quite large & very heavey……some being very valuble. I have also, do not anymore….use to slip a $20.00 bill in every letter i would send Lou. I am talking a dozen or more packages. Till this day, Lou has recieved everything i have mailed….none have ever been opened, and thier has never been any duties charged. Have i just been lucky..???
Hi Bill – to a degree, I would say that yes, you have been lucky. Especially in putting cash into envelopes or packages going through PhilPost. I have heard from many people who have had no trouble. I have heard from just as many who have had trouble. I have personally had trouble, so I know it happens.
If I ship a note book computer-value about 700.00-via UPS in a UPS box will the receiver have to pay duty on it-I read through the various government web pages and got no clear answer on this-in reality will the open or x ray my box among 1000s of boxes to see what is in it?-thanks
Hi Bob, Steven here in the USA. My girl friend lives in General Santos City would it be possible for me to pay for the air fair in her name online? And what about her visa and passport. I have never met this girl in person, we correspond via web cam and by phone almost daily, we seem to be in love, how ever sending alot of money to someone that you have never met before could be hurtful i the end, I trust that she is 100% sincere and honest. Would it be easier for me to visit here there or for her to come here. Your input will be appreciated.
Hi Caroline – Unfortunately, paying taxes on items that are shipped in is the law. Putting “gift” in the customs form may help some, but I doubt it will have a lot of impact.
If items are shipped in through DHL or FedEx (and others like UPS too) the biggest amount of the charge that you pay is to FedEx and the others… they charge you for filling out the customs forms and getting the shipment through customs, or that is my experience anyway.
Try having items shipped in through Postal Priority Mail, the customs fees are usually very small.
Hi Mel – If you ship the laptop in via UPS as you said, the recipient will most assuredly have to pay customs on it. If you ship it via a Balikbayan Box (which will take about 2 months to get here) there will be no customs. To answer your question – yes, the box will be opened and inspected.
Hello Steven – Truth is, you don’t have a choice on this. If you want to meet her you will need to come here. The USA will not issue a visa to a person who does not have much money. If she can’t afford the airline ticket.. you can bet she can’t get a visa. Start planning your trip here, and have a good time!
🙄 My bro will ship me a laptop worth of $2500, it safe to ship via fedex or ups ? it safe the laptop will be not stolen ?
Hi brxace – I feel that the laptop will be perfectly safe with either Fedex or UPS. Make sure you insure it for it's true value, just in case. Expect customs charges to be steep, though.
Hi Bob,
I agree with you with US mail to PI. I sent Xmas cards to family with $100 dollars inside. They never received it. Likewised with packages–lost or stolen. Followed it with PO a month later. They said that it may be lost/stolen. Six mos. later no card or package yet. Now I send everything via FedX or UPS. No problem so far. I also send Balikbayan boxes via Forex 3x a year to San Fernando every year. Great service and usually takes 30 days for them to receive it. I also get confirmation pictures of my family receiving the boxes back to me onced received from Forex. I send new items such as can foods, clothing, new shoes, electronics, computers, jewerlies many times the content of the boxes are worth $1000 to 2k. Never lost one yet. I send 6 boxes ( 6 families) each time and have reached its destination 30-35 days from date of shipment. I find the safest way to send boxed items to PI is thru FOREX. Been doing this for 4 yrs now.
Thank you for writing your blog! I've shipped a dogs jacket, small 15 page pocket dog breed guide and a personal photo album printed by Apple.com to a cousin in Manila and the post office wants her to pay about $70 to retrieve it. $70 I guess includes the cost I paid to ship the item to her and some custom fees. I insured the item with USPS. Do you know how I can best get my package back if she cannot pick it up. Technically it hasn't been stolen because the PI post office is only holding it for ransom and hasn't stolen it yet. Any guidance you can offer is much appreciated! cheers, michelle
My wife, Maria and I are trying to start an onliine retail business and we are having to deal with the cost of shipping things to Manila. The thing we are finding is buy for the future and build stock to cut the cost of shipping. It is very hard to make a profit with the way they charge us at customs. So, we are looking for local warehouses to stop the gross custom charges. Dennis and Maria
Greetings Bob ~
I have found your blog to be very interesting and entertaining. I do not frequent the blogasphere, but have come across your site in service of a project that I am involved with.
I hope that you may have some insight.
Some friends and I, involved in a few Rotary clubs are endeavoring to get much needed books to schools in rural Bicole. The impetus is that family of my friends were sheltered/hidden from the Japanese by a community there throughout WWII. The descendants of this time have returned to visit and pay respects and gratitude to these people in Rural Bicole and seen how they struggle. After asking about how they, for a small town in WA could be of help, the suggestion of english books for their impoverished schools was made. well, now we have collected lots of books and have some funds o ship them to a local Rotary club. We have been cautioned about the hazards of official corruption, and this has been reinforced by some of what I find on your blog. I wonder of you have any suggestions of contacts or channels for me to investigate import duties and taxes for donated used books.
This is surely an unusual request to your blog. If it comes together it may make for interesting reading for your blog visitors.
I appreciate any suggestions you may have.
Many thanks,
Hi Chris Kluck – Actually, your request is not unusual at all. I have gotten the exact same request dozens of times over the years – Rotary Clubs who want to ship textbooks to the Philippines and are looking for advice/assistance! Because I've dealt with such requests many times, I do have some suggestions for you.
What I would recommend is that the Rotary Club on the US end get into contact with a Rotary Club in Bicol, where you are sending the books. Yes, there is corruption on this end, through Customs or other Government people who will come in contact with the shipment. However, remember that in general, Rotary members are people of some importance. Businessmen in the community, even Government people are in Rotary. If you get the Bicol area Rotary club involved in the donation, I am quite sure that they will be on the lookout to stop any type of corruption that threatens the shipment.
Good luck on your project!
Bob ~
Thank you for your reply! I have recently come to the same conclusion, between these two posts, with the help of more experienced Rotarians.
I will let you know how we make out.
Best regards,
Hi Bob,
I sent a package containing a cellphone from Norway to my gf in Ozamiz City once and it took a month before she got my package..Next time i sent her some pics and nobody have seen them after i sent them..I figured out that buying expensive items here to send them to her is really waste of money because things seems to be cheaper in Philippines anyway, so today i send her money to buy whatever she needs in her home town..She get the money within 30 minutes after i send them by western union,and she can buy what she need right away instead of waiting for months to receive items i bought for her here and then send them to her by post or by FedEx..Anyway i think postal systems are just as slow as sending by bottle all over the world (just like here)..Only difference is that you don`t need to pay for sending things with bottle,and probably you don`t even need to pay any customs either 🙂
This far it seems that sending money is the cheap,safe and fast way to support my girlfriend in Philippines..
– She can have the items she need at once
– Most items are cheaper in Philippines than here in Norway
– I don`t need to pay lots of money sending items
– i don`t risk to send items that are illegal to ship to Philippines
– She don`t need to pay any customs
And if i want to surprise her with a gift i can buy some items and have it delivered at her doorstep by wowPhilippines:wink:
Best regards,
Hi Svein Ivar – Thanks for stopping by my site! Yes, I think that your new system of sending money is the best way to go. And, the fact that you remembered us at WowPhilippines! How can I thank you?
Take care, my friend.
It's funny that you posted this because I'm trying to fill-up a box also to send to Gensan, prior to our visit this coming late April. I'm hoping we'll meet you guys then.
Nice try on your last paragraph! 🙂
Lea – Oh my, you make it sound like I am trying to get over on somebody on that last paragraph! I am only trying to offer a great service for my readers!!! 😉
Yes, I hope that we can meet when you are visiting!
Thanks for the balikbayan blog. My wife ana I send a couple of boxes per year to our family in Baybay Leyte and when we travel to RP we sometimes send a box for of items we might need while there, partly because I hate to carry a lot of suitcases on the plane. Here in Houston there are several companies, but my wife uses Forex as she finds them very efficient and helpful. They charge $95 to send a box to the Visayas and $85 to Luzon. As soon as competition lowers the price tpo $5 I'll grant your offer and send you a balikbayan box. LOL! Richard W
Wow, Bob, you're right. Did a quick google in my home town, and sure enough:
BTW, I didn't even know I had a filipino-mart in town. Cool the things you find with google, eh?
Hi Bob,
That is a good article about balikbayan boxes. I am a local agent for a balikbayan box company here I would like to add one thing to what you said.
While there is no weight limit on the boxes it is best to keep the weight between 100 and 150 puonds for the smaller boxes and not much over 200 for the size you described .
The reason for this is that the box is more easily damaged if it is overpacked and if it is too heavy the chances of it being mishandled increase. Especialy in remote areas where mechanical lifting equipment is not available.
Most of our damage claims come from boxes that were overpacked.
Hi Richard Wilson – Well, it looks like I'll have to wait a while before your Balikbayan box shows up here! 😆 I have used Forex before to send boxes, they do a good job!
Hi RichardInSC – Yep, amazing the things that Google can find for us, even on a hyper-local leve!
Returning Filipinas also ship balikbayan boxes as checked luggage at the airport. The screeners, ticket agents and ramp rats in Hawaii have renamed the boxes "Killa Manila" boxes. Philippine Airlines and China Airlines from HNL are full of them. I'm sure the same holds true for flights from California too.
Thanks for the tip Bob. I have used express mail to send packages to Mindanao. The cost for a small package was approx. $39 and took all of 12 days. Federal Express as we know it in the states does not exist in my small town. I can't run to other towns because of my terminally ill mother. For Christmas, I used DHL as they have guaranteed delivery. For a large box, the cost was $140. Took all of 14 days and customs charged approx. $40 on that end. The contents were valued well under $100. What a rip-off. I will never use them again. Maybe, I can find the service you mentioned in the vicinity of the Veterans Hospital, Hampton, VA in some of my visits. Thanks for looking out!
Hi Bob,
The Balikbayan Box is also known as the Filipino Samsonite! 😆
Thanks Bob – appreciate the information, and the comments are a big help too!
Hi Bob –
In line with Bob(HI)'s and Tina's comments, our trips home employ two to four Balikbayan Boxes as luggage. Already having clothing and other normal luggage items back home, we find that we can "express" more of the items we usually send throughout the year. 😉
The only drawback in using the Filipino Samsonite for our luggage is the weight limit per box – similar to a "regular" piece of luggage. Careful packing and continual weighing/adjusting usually bring us close enough. We usually fly PAL (~ 70 lb. @ piece limit) and their agents are more than sympathetic when we are overweight by a kilo or three. 🙄
Besides, the "Queen of Carry-ons" usually can talk her way into getting more onto that plane than the normal passenger! 😆
Hi Tom – Thanks for sharing that info! Based on the fact that you deal with this stuff every day, that is good stuff to know!
Hi Jerry Smith – I have also used LBC many times in the past! They are a good company.
Hi Bob (HI) – Ha ha.. Killa Manila boxes! I like that! Never heard it before, but it's a good name for them!
Hi Ed Griffin – Wow $140 is high for a box these days!
Hi Tina – Filipino Samsonite? That's as good as the Killa Manila box that Bob mentioned!
Hi John in Austria – Happy to help!
Hi Paul – Yes, I understand about the luggage weight limit, and that is one drawback to brining a balikbayan box on the plane, no doubt.
Hi Bob,just looked up a balikbayan box company in the UK,£125 nearly $250.This is why we are all leaving the UK 😯 😥
Hi john.j. – Yikes! 😯 that is quite expensive!
There are a lot of filipinos in Virginia there should certainly be a company somewhere near you that will ship. There should be several in the Norfolk area due to the Navy Installation there. There should also be several around the area of any Air Force Installation.
If you are at a VA Hospital I would bet some of the Nurses or staff are Filipinos you could ask them who they ship with.
One of the other posts provided a toll free number for LBC. You should be able to Google Forex.
Hi All,Re John j comment #15,i agree everything in UK is xpensive,on average twice the cost of USA.Is this why 1million people relocate abroad every year,i think so,maybe also our weather.As i mentioned in a previous post,no matter how costs rise in phils,it will always be far cheaper than Uk. Occassionally we send a small package to Mindanao by the Uk postal service,i do know they take 4 to 5 days to reach Manila,then its anybodys guess how long to arrive in Mindanao.I sent a small package on the 5th Dec last year,with customs declaration,postage etc.It arrived in Malaybalay City on 10th of Feb,can u believe that 😯 carrier pidgeon would have been quicker,on 2nd thoughts someone would have probably shot the pidgeon for a meal 😡 ,such is life.Can anyone reccomend a good carrier from UK to Phils,we have Amtrack,DHL and TNT here.Am i right in assuming DHL is the best to go for.
Hi chas – I have noticed that before, even though the Pound Sterling is worth around $2, the prices are usually the same whether paying with one currency or the other. Strange!
Hi Bob- "It pays to shop around", Here at Gold Coast, Australia, a city of about 4000,000 permanent residents, we were used to paying $155 per box, until another Aussie married to a Philippino recomended another company which has a deal to send 3 boxes for $290. A great saving! Also Bob maybee you could ask your readers, " What do you put in your balikbayan box?" You might get some interesting replies 😀
Hi Anthony – That could be a very interesting question – what do people put in their Balikbayan Boxes! I might do that sometime! Thanks for the suggestion!
Hi Bob,I agree with your reply regarding prices being the same regardless of which currency you use,that has baffled me for a long time.
chas – Here's a start in locating Balikbayan Box services in the UK:
Serves most of the UK (including Scotland). Prices vary according to location of box pick-up. 😉
Hi chas – Strange, isn't it?
Hi Paul – Good tip, thanks for that.
Actually what is generally being called a balikbayan box is in many places more rightly called a "door to door" box. A true balikbayan box is the box used in lieu of luggage by some, the difference in the 2 is a
"door to door"is bigger and weight is not an issue while a true balikbayan is smaller and has the same weight limit as a suitcase.
Rick Austin – No, these boxes that are shipped are not called "door to door boxes" – they are called Balikbayan Boxes. Sorry, you are just wrong on that.
Yes, Balikbayan boxes are also used in lieu of luggage on planes, but either way they are transported, they are still called the same name.
I have been sending boxes back to PI for about 30 years and have found the terms to be interchangable. In Canada they are almost exclusivily known as "door to door". Probably just a regional thing.
Hi Rick – I have heard the term "door to door" used, but in the Philippines, a box shipped from overseas is pretty much exclusively called a "Balikbayan box." Thanks for the follow up.
hello bob. i need your help. cause im planning to move from the philippines to the United States this end of april. What would be the ebst way to ship to the united states without paying so much. Cause its cheap to send balikbayan boxes to manila but i dont have a clue when it comes to sending my things and clothes to the united states. I hope someone can help me. I dont wanna pay so much for sending my stuff to the states for me to use like my clothes.
i also thought that if i find someone i could pay that will go california too to bring atleast a box of just clothes. i dont know. i really dont have any idea what i should do. pls anyone give me an advice. thanks
Hi jolin – Unfortunately, shipping from the USA to the Philippines is cheap, but shipping in the other direction is not. The reason? The shipments from Asia to the USA are full of goods being imported by American consumers. The boats coming back this way are virtually empty, thus cheap. I am sorry that I don't know a good solution for you.
Do Asiana airlines allow balikbayan boxes? (20×20)It's been awhile since I've flown to the Phils…and I realized that I was sent a eticket as my receipt from my travel agent but I don't know how to use it. Help!!!
I may sound stupid but I really don't like to go thru a lot of hassle at the airport.
Hi Regina – Sorry to say, but I have never flown on Asiana before, so I don't know their luggage requirements. I would think that they will take a balikbayan box for you, but it would be a good idea to call them on the phone and ask. That way you will get first hand information to your query.
for eticket, you just present it to the terminal as a normal ticket. It's just ur guide on your trip itenary. for ur balikbayan box concern, why don't you call asiana or check their website. m sure their luggage section can help you.
Hi Bob,
Yes i can highly recommend Kabayan Balikbayan Boxes UK, collection from all over the UK and delivered by LBC in Philippines right up to your door.
Friendly service always happy to serve we have sent with them on the last 3 shippings and found everything to be in order when its arrived to our home in Manila, and nothing extra to pay.
We found the prices to be reasonable for the great service we recieved and known its getting delivered by a company that we can trust in LBC.
Hi Bob,
Kabayan Balikbayan Boxes UK
Forgot to add the link
Hi Al – Thanks for sharing your thoughts. Yes, I have been very happy with LBC whenever we used them.
Hey there,
I wonder could you help me Bob? I want to send a balikbayan box from Devon in the UK to Makati, Metro Manila and the company (Belwood) that I have used won't pick my box up after I paid my £15 deposit. Do you know of any reputable firms I could use? The one mentioned earlier in this discussion: Kabayan Oriental Foods seem to have taken down their website. Any help would be appreciated!!!
Hi Mairead – Unfortunately, I am not familiar with services in the UK, as I came here from the States, and I do not believe that any of the services in the two countries are the same. Hopefully somebody from the UK will come along and give you an answer. Sorry I am unable to help this time.
helo..you blog is very informative..do you know what company send a balikbayan box the cheapest from pittsburgh to philippines?hope you can help me..do you have a list of company who ships balikbayan box from usa to philippines?hope to hear from you..
Hi PAOUI- There are so many companies that ship Balikbayan boxes, and prices vary. There can be sales on the service too. The best bet for shipping from Pittsburgh would be to visit some of the Asian markets in Pittsburgh, and check with them, as they always have connections with shipping companies, and can help you out.
Kamusta Bob,
I know this is an old post, but I have a couple of questions for you about balikbayan boxes.
Now, I shipped my first one out back in late September, so will not get there until after Christmas to Southern Leyte. The things I sent over there were just a few things for Christmas, simple presents for Rose, Chesca and her family. Clothes, toys, flip flops(yes, asked what they wanted..and they said flip flops- Haviannas), and a few essentials like toothpaste, soap, and things like that.
After reading your article about the things you do miss about the USA..like the size of the shampoos..and only able to buy small packages or sachets of shampoo there in the Philippines.
I was wondering with your experience in sending balikbayan boxes, have you ever sent like bottles of shampoo…and when it gets to the Philippines, will it still be okay, and intact..and not spilled all over the inside. I guess what I am asking..were there any items that you have sent over before, and when it gets to Philippines there was no certain item that did not ship well..for that long of a trip?? Are there certain things you shouldn't ship over there, that you have had bad experience with?
I am planning on sending another box after the new year, and was curious as to what will be ok..and what I should not send there, again..I want to send shampoo, conditioner, bar soaps, and things like that in the next box. If you can think of anything I shouldn't I would appreciate it..very much..
Thanks so much Bob,
Hi, I lived int he Philippines one year. Although soaps are usually much cheaper here in the states, and bulk bottles of shampoo, you can get large ‘pouches’ of shampoo in a drugstore, or in a large grocery store. They usually are about 4 dollars US, or around 200 pesos. If you need it, in country, opt for these large pouches, they are always cheaper than the plastic bottles. Happy traveling.
One more thing to add for your readers, here still in USA, and else where I guess in Canada, and Europe as well, this too applies,
Oh yeah…here in West Palm Beach, I live right next to a little filipino market store, and they send Balikbayan boxes off at the end of each month. To Southern Leyte, the largest box ( I don't remember the dimensions of the box), cost me $105.00. They only had 3 sizes to choose from at that location. Which is also a great place to buy phone cards to call over to the Philippines..for anyone interested in finding good phone cards to call there.
Hi Danny- I would expect that your box should arrive before Christmas, actually. Those boxes rarely take longer than 2 months. Only thing is, my experience is with shipping from the west coast, and you are on the east coast which is a longer trip, so it may take a little longer than what I am used to.
Those Havianas are really, really popular here, so it doesn't surprise me that they wanted that!
For shipping things like shampoos and such, they should be ok, but what I would do is to put those inside ziploc bags. If the bottle comes open, at least it won't damage the other goods in the box.
I can't really think of any items that are a no-no for shipping due to being fragile or whatever, though. Just pack good, use plenty of newspaper or something to pad the items, and yo should be OK>.
wow! In my desperate attempt to explain to my husband who is a foreigner living in New Jersey what a balikbayan box is and how to fill it up — i decided to google "how to fill up a balikbayan box" with the hopes of finding a simple and straightforward article for him to read and voila ~ it lead me to this blog (which is by the way very very helpful).
i guess if you are a foreigner it would take a couple of tries before you get the technique of filling up these boxes. My husband is one stubborn man. the first time he sent a box was when i was pregnant and he shopped for baby stuff. he didn't fill the box slowly tho. it was like he went out to Target and got everything he wanted to send in about an hour. it cost him a little over $300 to fill up the box and $80 to send it form NJ to Iloilo City!!!! And im desperate to teach him how to fill up a box without spending a fortune!
thanks for this article! i hope he will get the Balikbayan Box drift.
best regards,
Hi Bob.
I just sent my boyfriend a package with some gifts in it to Manila. It is insured. Last year though I sent my mother a package in the province and she didn't pay any taxes. I was reading some stuff online and I was confused as to which packages they put taxes on? Do they just tax packages that are ordered online? Or do they tax all packages no matter what? My package is trackable online I just want to make sure that my boyfriend doesn't have to pay to recieve it or at least he shouldn't have to pay an unreasonable amount.
Any information will be helpful!
Thank you!
Hi Bob,
A friend of mine is planning to send a bunch of electronic items (laptops, cameras, etc.) from the US that he would like to sell here in the Philippines. Would it be safe for him to send these items through a balikbayan box? Do you know of a good balikbayan box forwarder in the east coast? Will there be customs fees for it? I am the one he is sending the package to so I'm just a bit worried.
Hope you can help.
Thanks Much!
– Johnny
As far as sending laptops to Manila using Priority Mail Flat Rate Boxes..
What are the chances it will arrive to the recipient? and If it is inspected by customs, what is the usual cost from customs if I put the contents as a gift and put the total value of the contents of the package as 118.00 usd? Does the customs there put their own value on the items that are shipped there when they determine the tariff? What is the chances a Priority Mail Box will arrive to the recipient if on the customs label it shows a laptop as its contents?
The laptop is used. Thinkpad R40 P4 1.6
Web cam VX-3000 Used
Sound Blaster Live PCI card – New
I'm wondering if it does reach its destination, what they use to determine value if declared as a gift… anyone have shipped to Manila using USPS Priority Mail Flat Rate before?
Hi Bob, Is there any website that I can go shopping from the US and mail it to my family in the Philippines (Leyte Province).
Thanks! 🙂
I am sorry, Sue, but I am not really aware enough of the situation to be able to answer. Did you send this via Balikbayan Box? If so, I have never heard of a customs fee being charged on a Balikbayan Box shipment. If you sent it by other means, then it is not unusual. Perhaps you could just send $50 to your recipient via Western Union, and he could pay the fee with that?
if i will send boxes here from philippines to japan how much is one kilo?
balikbayan boxes are great yes you can send alot of stuff to the philippines we send books computer food ( can food ) its $95.00 to ship to the philippines (mati) we have a store here ( grand rapids michigan ) called asian's best we ship from you ship almost anything ( no guns ) we will be shipping more boxes some toys for my niece and granddaughter with
Hi, Bob!
I sent a friend a small package via US priority mail to Quezon City. On the Customs declaration, I put down the items–all related to a wedding she missed…the wedding favors, six pieces of chocolate candies (in plastic), the invitations a few mini-albums with pics, and a wedding picture frame. I put the value of everything at $87, but did not declare it as a gift. Rather, I checked "other" and explained that my items are wedding mementos.
Do you think that after $30 of postage, that it will get there? There's no inherent monetary value, except for the cost of items at face value. Rather, it's all sentimental. I'd hate for someone to take my wedding favors or my picture albums or my wedding DVD. Since my friend recently got married, I sent her the wedding picture frame as a gift. I did not insure the package, but I requested that it be returned to sender if it doesn't get to its destination. This is my absolute first-time sending her anything. Should I worry? There is NO money in it whatsoever. Second question: Would any of these items be levied a Customs fee? Thanks.
Check this site, Lorna – WowPhilippines
Hello Bob,
have some questions. I sent an MP4 player for my sis. It cost 300 dirhams. i send it through aramex and they will it deliver it door to door. They also said that the receiver will be paying customs charges.. do you have any idea.. how much? thanks for reply.
I see my cousins open lots of balikbayan boxes. One item(case) thats always present, SPAM!!!! When we were still in california our housemates always send boxes about two boxes every 3months. and for sure SPAM will always be there.
when we left US instead of bringing all our books and other heavy items as our luggage we send it via cheapest way, BALIKBAYAN BOXES 🙂 three weeks in advance ofcourse.
Hi autosnjersey – Ha ha… Spam is a national staple here! No balikbayan box can enter the country without spam! 😆
hi bob,
i used to work in the middle east and i remember the times when i went on vacation pushing along a cart full of boxes. in the middle east, the balikbayan box is more popularly known as "cartonites". Its the standard luggage of OFWs.
Hi Bob, I should of did online research before sending a package out to someone in Philippines. I sent a chain to a friend via USPS Express mail international insured. The item is pretty valuable and I have insured it with tracking. Does that help at all that it is insured and has a tracking number? I see that it has also arrived in the Philippines and reads that it is being processed by customs right now. I hope the package will get there safely with all the items in there. I feel like I've made a big mistake and I'm very concerned now that it will get stolen
Hi bnong – Yep, I think that the Balikbayan box is the way to go, unless speed is of the essence. Your information from the customs guy seems to confirm that too. Glad that your dad got that paint gun! 😆
hi there bob,
i really enjoy your site. i've gotten some very good info from you. my wife is from davao and i have been there twice to visit her family. i would like to set my wife's brother up with a business of some kind. as i'm sure you are aware, wages for the unskilled are pathetic and the poor guy has a wife and little girl. do you have any ideas? i'm thinking perhaps a jeepny, but don't know if there are medallion fees or waiting lists. we are hoping to find something for around $25,000. i'd sure be gratefull for any advice you have. keep up the good work and thanks,
Hi John – I'm glad that you have found my site helpful and informative. Nothing makes me happier than hearing that from readers.
As for your brother in law, well $25k is a lot to invest for something that is going to earn only a limited amount of money. Earnings from a jeepney are pretty small, unfortunately. I have written a book called "49 Ways to earn a living in the Philippines" which goes into ideas about how to start different kinds of businesses here on a relatively small budget, but will give a nice return. Check it out!
Hi Bob,
I've read your blog and I think it's extremely informative. I'd just like to ask some specific questions though. As it is, I am planning to purchase a laptop online and have it sent to my US address. From there I plan to have it shipped to my address here in the Philippines.
1) Because of the terrible stories I've heard about the postal service. I am planning to send it through FedEx. My question is if sending it through Fedex will still subject my package being opened up and inspected by custom? Or will it go straight to me?
2) Is it advisable to declare is as hardly any value to avoid these inspections? And if I declare it for low value, will they no longer open it up and hold it up at customs?
Thank you!
Hi angelo – Here are my answers to your questions:
1. Definitely don't send it in the mail! FedEx or UPS, DHL and such would be best. 100% your box will be opened and inspected by customs. And, 100% certain you will be charged customs fees.
2. Do not under-declare the value. If you do you are breaking the law, and your laptop may even be confiscated.
I hope this helps.
Hi angelo – Some balikbayan box shippers will not ship something like a laptop, because legally you are not supposed to ship electronics items in a balikbayan box. Personally, I think it would be OK to ship on like that, but it is a personal decision. I personally believe that the odds of having the shipment lost in a balikbayan box are no different than with other methods of shipping. It's your call, though. 😉
hi. i just wanna ask you if you can help me find a balikbayan box here in dongguan,china going to Philippines?thanks
I really have no idea, miriam.
It was just this month LBC was introduced in Kansas area and they are pretty reasonable, you can send boxes for less than $100 and not more than $115. I was able to sent 7 boxes for $85/box for Luzon.
hi.. my fiance sent lap top in usps..it is safe? there is no payment anymore if i recieve the lap top package?
The LBC boxes we send from Pennsylvania for around $100 are 19″ X 18″ X 28″. What is the largest size you’ve heard of in this price range?
I just returned from Portland and there just so happen to be an LBC office there. For $65 they will come to you and pick up your unlimited weight box of 24 x 18 x 18. They will sell you one of theirs for $3.50 and then deduct it from the $65.00 upon pick-up. Of course (as we chose) you can drop it off either at their office or warehouse. The boxes then made their way to Tacoma Washington where they boarded a ship for the trek to the Philippines. We received our first boxes 45 days after dropping them off. There were othe companies operating in the Portland area other than LBC but we chose LBC due to thir reputation and our experience with them in the Philippines shipping documents.
Hi Bob
In Canada you can ship Balikbayan boxes 24″ X 24″ X 36″ for around $120.00 Can. Not a bad deal. We usually ship thru Manila Cargo Express – 6 weeks to the provinces. You are right. Watch for deals and fill it up. I usually try to send the guys a bottle of something nice (Crown Royal)and the ladies a little makeup. Most of you know what to send, but watch out sending chocolate. It will probably be a melted mess by the time it get there, if not already covered in ants. We made that mistake once, but only once.
Hi Lenny – One of the great things about balikbayan boxes is that there are no taxes! They are not even inspected by the customs bureau most of the time. Taxes are built into the shipping price.
Hi Paul – You know, I have heard from more than one person that when you open a balikbayan box, you get a little “smell of America” inside it! That’s one description that I like, and kind of makes me feel warm inside. I must say, there is a bit of excitement when you get a Balikbayan box and open it up. It’s even better than Christmas! 😆
Hi Bob;
Great subject. To answer the question “What is a Balikbayan Box?”, I can only answer one way, “It’s a wonderful thing!” I’ve both sent and received them and each way will make me feel good. I’ll have more on this subject next month when my new Bread Machine arrives from Singapore!
Hi Allan – Wow, that’s a huge box, not bad on the price, I agree!
Hi Marty – That’s great! I am sure that no matter who you are sending them to, they are very happy to get them!
Ha ha… I’m with you all the way on that, my friend. I get a kick out of it when I see balikbayan boxes sent over that are full of stuff that you can easily buy here to begin with! Why send over stuff that is available in all the stores here anyway! Ten pounds of beans or corn? Ha ha… that’s a classic!
Yikes, John, that is quite high!!
Ah.. Ok.. Nice reading, My son just sent me a box from the US with some candy, tortillas, fritos, pistachios,and spices I needed,not anything super, via the post office there…cost..$90.00… One question thou Bob, what about taxes?? Do you have to pay a tax when you recieve or pick up the Box?
Hey Bob,
We send Balikbayan boxes from Alaska to Pagadian with Atlas Shipping. They cost us $125. We send several each year.
Hey Bob;
“Smells like America” I liked that! My wife’s sister lives in Nevada, and sends a box every few months to her Mother. When the box is being opened there are a lot of smiles, and excitement. But to me some of what she packs just doesn’t make sense.
5 (Industrial size #10 cans) of green beans.
4 (same size) Creamed corn.
And many more goodies that they love, my mother-in-law will look at the #10 cans and scratch her head, as there are only four of them living there.
Being thrifty and smart, when she does open a can she splits it in to baggies and passes it out to all living close to her. My mother-in-law who has lived in the states will smile at me and say “She loves Sam’s Club.” I just nod my head and return the smile.
My wife is preparing some balikbayan boxes now, for Manila and Isabela. We ship through Chicago with Orient Star Shipping ( http://www.orientstar-us.com ). We have used them for many years. $60 to Manila $65 to the rest of Luzon. We drop our boxes at their warehouse in Chicago and save $5 per box. Boxes are 18 X 18 X 28, and are double thick cardboard.
….otherwise known as Philippine samsonite when checked in as baggage at the airport.
Hi Bob,
The guys from the states are very lucky with their price for sending box’s.The cost $80-$120 in the UK would be £80-£120.
Just another reason to get out of the UK lol.
Hi Larry – I haven’t heard of that company before, their boxes are a bit bigger than I am used to!
16 years in America taught me how to become a Professional Balikbayan packer. I always lay out a large unused garbage bag in the very bottom & the very top of the box, sealing it from any moisture during the shipping process. Tootpastes and all other possible stuff in a bulky package are removed from their cartoon package to reduce air pockets, thereby saving space. All bottled lotions, toothpastes and other liquid containers are taped securely to prevent it from bursting open with the pressure. I also wrap it with some towels or shirts,for cushions and then wrap with a grocery sack or shopping bag to protect other box contents in case of any breakage or explosions (lol). Chocolates were wrapped with foils (applies to choc bars) with special instructions to the recipient to immediately put it in the refrigerator, before opening so it will re-harden, in case it melted during shipping. Other chocolate although not packed with foils are wrapped with grocery sacks (aka walmart) with the same instructions as the chocolate bars.Any hollow containers like cups, water jugs, thermos, and even inside of the shoes are gotta filled with little something like chocolates (of course),or other smaller cloths & objects so no space is ever wasted. Shoes (if new) are taken out of their boxes. If I wanted to send the shoe box, I will fold it flat and put in the bottom or top of the box , just inside and next to the layed big garbage bag. Bar soaps are kept in their boxes, though smashed, while being packed That will provide the “smell of America” upon opening of the Balikbayan box. I also take time time to pre -wash the new towels and beddings especially if new. Philippines have laundry softener now though, but before, my sisters can’t understand why our towels are so soft & fluppy.If shipping something heavy (like *old* electronics, I lay a pillow on the bottom. Aside from loving the pillow from America, it’s a good cushion and it flattens really good. The pillow will regain it’s fluffiness when taken out of the box. lastly, nothing in the box is exposed, it’s all covered with duck tape, top to bottom, preventing hairy hands from getting tempted to open it. The names are written in permanent marker of course, so it’ll stay on. My Mom always had to give tips to the delivery boy, as she feels bad how heavy the box is. I have been the recipient of this amazing package before becoming the sender, so I know the feeling of excitement when you get to open this box. You’re right Bob, it’s better than Christmas!!!
Hi Bob,
I sent some slippers thru ups for gifts this christmas and just found out that the customs in philippines seized it saying it was misdeclared. is there a way for me to get it back? my relatives are ok to pay the taxes but according to ups customs official did not ask for taxes… UPS said that we can file an appeal. does that work at all? and we dont know what to put in the appeal? i declared it as gifts and minimal amount since i dont want them to pay taxes since they are gifts
good day… i just wanna ask how much will it cost to ship a teddy from Australia to Philippines??? thank you..
Yes. It’s my first time ordering something outside the country and having it shipped here so I’ll need a little bit of advice… or a lot. XD
I’m kind of confused about the whole process and such. What if you use another courier like SpeedPost? When the package arrives in the Philippines, do they just leave it at the customs office or what?
hi is this site still active? what is the biggest balikbayan box size available? ive got an uncle in new york and requesting him to buy a little tikes writing desk for my daughter and ship it here to manila. only problem is, the dimension of the box containing the writing desk is:
39.50″L x 23.20″W x 28.50″H and weighs 43.00lbs. is there a balikbayan box size that can accomodate that size of box for the desk? and how much is the estimate cost to have it shipped here in manila?
I have send a used back bag ( 4 yrs old), packages of Koolaid (20) , 2 KY wildcat t-shirts and a few aidr heads to my son’s biologic bro in Manila you needed the back pack for travel. the package has arrived but they wnat him to pay 1700 PHP for custom fee. the items are not worth that but the sentimental value ( owning something of his brothers that he has never met is worth more)
Any advice? Can I pay this fee for him directly to a reptuable source? the kid has no money amd the family does not either.
I nevre had problems in the past when I have sent things to the province in Polomok. he has since went to Manila to look for work is this the reason they are asking for a custom fee?
thanks Sue
I asked all the balikbayan box carrier here in Hawaii if I can send a paintball marker and supply they always tell me no because it shape like a gun . I research on us custom and it say as long as it says on the reciept that it’s a paintball gun or airsoft then theres should not be a problem . Do you know if Philippine custom will allow the paintball marker?
Did anyone send paintball marker thru balikbayan box without problem.? Please let me know and how to do it. Thank you
Hi! I had been looking for info about sending balikbayan boxes to the Philippines. Do u know anyone sending them here in PA? The closest one I could find is in Maryland 🙁
any info would be great! Thanks
can we put airsoft handgun in the balikbayan box?
This thread is quite old, I hope I can get some guidelines. I had recent problems with the customs lately for personal items that I purchase online. I’ve had various shipments before but it wasn’t until the other day that I first experienced paying for taxes and duties. I’m trying to figure out if shipping items to the Philippines as “gifts” would avoid high taxes. I mean, it’s okay for me to pay a given amount, but not an amount which surpasses the value of the products I purchased. That is so unreasonable, I believe. My packages were shipped via FedEx and the other one was via DHL (just in case this information is helpful).
Bereau of Customs really dont have a good rate for me. i am sorry to say but its true 🙁 i am so sad that just small things for my daughter takes time for them to process it. Its almost been a month i dont hear any news about it. If you want to follow up nobody answer the phone or the number they are giving is not working at all.
Hi Marvie – I am sorry, I have never heard of “speedpost” so I don’t know what their procedure is. Good luck with your package.
Hi Bob,
was wondering why electronics are prohibited? was gonna send an ipodtouch next month.
Hi Bob,
My daughter’s friend recently moved to the Philippines, and my daughter wanted to send her a package containing some candy, stickers, a small stuffed toy and a cheap necklace. These things are much too small and cheap to go in a balikbayan box. I’m in Australia – is there anything at all I can do to protect the envelope I send from being stolen? Is it likely to be stolen at all, or is there anything I should remove from the package? Or is it just not worth the effort?
Hi Bob….I read through a;ll the previous posts to find an answer to my questions. I didn’t find them, so I am bothering you to ask about the package I recently sent to Angeles City.
I used a medium USPS flat rate box and paid $48 to send it to PI. On the form, I listed the items: shampoo, conditioner, soap, manicure kit. I labeled them as gifts.
My concerns are that the package will arrive and sit at the post office in the Philippines without being delivered because a phone number wasn’t included on the form. USPS flat rate doesn’t have tracking, so I am concerned about its safe arrival at their home.
Do you have any insight for me as to the reliablity of the method of shipping I chose…or any experience with how they notify the recipient?
Thank you for taking the time to answer posters questions…I hope its not too much too ask of you.
I would recommend against even trying to do that.
Hi Michelle – I personally believe that the chances of getting the slippers back through an appeal are virtually zero. If they give them back, they would have to admit they were wrong, and thus lose face. I just don’t believe it will happen. You can try, though, I might be wrong. Good luck.
Way to much rain for us in Ohio so far this summer !
Hi Dirk – If it rains until September, I can use that as an excuse not to leave next year and miss Philippine rainy season. After all, wet is wet! 😆
Hi Axel – I agree. The arrival of Balikbayan boxes is just like Christmas time! Discovering those “forgotten” items in the box is as exciting as receiving the items that you patiently awaited.
And for those items in the box that stimulate the “Why did I ship that?” question, there’s always someone around who will have no problem accepting them! 😆
I understand what you mean about rain everyday. It’s rained everyday since I arrived last week. What I didn’t expect is a 66F high for July 1st. It was downright chilly today. Supposed to be back to normal by the weekend. In Florida our boxes were sent out of Jacksonville. Supposedly takes 45 days to get there. Also if there is something in the states we need while in the Philippines they will purchase, pack it and send it for a small extra fee.
We had been using the Filipino store shipper not too terribly far(30 or so miles) from our home for shipping balikbayan boxes. However, they kept changing their service as to who was actually shipping them. Some were good in timing, and arrived fast, some arrived, literally six months after we sent them. So, after we talked with multiple friends we tried one they had used. it ended up being one of the shippers we used once through the Filipino store, which took only 1 month. They were running a special and found that we should send the boxes quickly. We arranged a pickup, and all of the boxes arrived fine. When we sent our last shipment, just a few weeks ago, we called the same cell phone. That gentleman had started his own company, and gave me a discount. So, we sent them all through him. He has a fast pickup, delivery to Chicago, and also the first ship out of LA.
It’s only been a few weeks since we sent them, but he promised they would be there by mid July. if that is true, I’ll be sharing that information on his contact, and help his business in the Detroit/Toledo area anyway.
He does replace boxes, and is supposed to be bringing our replacements tomorrow, as he was out when he picked ours up. I don’t know what I am going to do with 14 empty boxes though… maybe build a nice fort. 🙂
Enjoy your vacation in the cold and wet weather. I’m hating life right now just like you. Give me some heat to go with this rain!
Have fun shopping. I do, as long as I’m shopping for stuff for the nieces and nephews. 🙂
Hi Scott – Sometimes I think that we hit it lucky with our box shipments, and sometimes I think it’s just a crap shoot. Balikbayan box shipping is so easy and enjoyable on the west coast, but is a little bit of a hassle when shipping from the mid-west.
More shopping is in order! 🙂
Guys – I’m originally from Fremont (32 mile ESE of Toledo) and can vouch that it is unseasonably cool this year! ;(
Hi Craig – I totally agree! 🙁
Looking forward to your contact info about your shipper for your boxes. I’m currently in the Toledo area now. Can’t believe how cold it is today for July. Only 66F.
Hi PD – I haven’t yet become as sophisticated at BB shipping while we’re in the Philippines. Some day, though . . . 😆
Don’t forget to pack some new ham radio stuff!!! 😛
I am in Delaware, they charge $10 just for the box and then $65 to get it to Roxas City. They go to NJ and are on a boat the next week. I have been reading stories about fly by night shippers who refuse to pay custom charges in Manila which in turn the boxes don’t show up. It is best to find one that has no issues.
Old Navy had flip flops for $1.00 on Saturday, there was 100 people in line, 75 were Americans with Filipino spouses. I refused to wait :-).
Paul, don’t worry about the rain in Ohio, they say it will be over in September just in time for you to go back!!!!
Hi Gary – Of course! Will be improving both the existing antenna system and station operations with some new gear! 😆
Balikbayan boxes….Waiting for them to arrive here in Philippines is just like Christmas. Exciting to see what we packed back in Denmark. After some months we (we=me) forget what i packed. No matter what, it is things i have missed here, so my expectations are high., when they arrive.
Well a few things turn out to be stupid to use box space for, it shows up that some things wasn’t really needed anyway.
I love these boxes.
Too much here in Vermont also. I think we’ll change the name of the state to Seattle
send some of the rain to california, lol
Hello, Bob! I am planning to buy cosmetics(lipstick, eyeshadow, foundation,mascara,etc) in the US and make my relatives in there to ship the items to me via Balikbayan box. It is my first time to receive a shipment from outside the Philippines so I dont really know the process. Do I have to pay taxes on the Customs if I use LBC Balikbayan Box since there would be a lot of cosmetics to be shipped? What can you suggest of another way so that I dont have to make it go thru Customs and pay huge taxes for it?
I published a children’s book and want to send a copy to my illustrator who lives in the Philippines. My cost is under $5 for the book. It is thin and 8″x10″. Are there similar problems (as I’ve been reading here) with a large envelope as with items shipped in boxes? Will she have to pay custom taxes on this? I planned on mailing through USPS. Thanks for your help.
Wecome to the Philippines, Fe… Nothing unusual in what you desctibe.l
Bob… please, please…
My friend sent me a laptop with $20 dollars on it, the courier was EMS (express mail service), from Thailand… it arrived 2 weeks ago in customs… until now, I haven’t received it. I have these questions. I will appreciate your response very much.. tnx!
1.) How much do I need to pay? (laptop’s used and value might just be $180)
2.) Will it still be delivered to my door or should I go to customs or call them about it?
3.) Who will deliver it to my door, is it customs or EMS?
Hi Julia, the package is likely to be stolen, unless you use registered mail, which would lower the odds of theft.
As a suggestion, why don’t you purchase these items through store, WowPhilippines, and we can deliver it for you here in the Philippines.
Hi Bob,
I have a question, of which I could not easily find an answer. We are currently abroad in down under, and building a house for the family and us.
My question is, we are going to be sending a huge amount of of switches and wall power outlets. They are very expensive, and going to be 54 pieces in total, and considering either shipping by DHL of which they will receive within a few days, or have them shipped here, with no Custom fees, since here it is a blanket, under $1000AUD, it is exempt, as long as it is for personal use and use balikbayan box to send. So my question would be, will the balikbayan box be taxed or the DHL, since it is for personal use.
The average value of the electrical items will be about $1000US.
Thank you.
Hi Ron – While this is only my gut feeling, I think the package will arrive. I have had good luck with USPS flat rate international shipping.
Just out of curiosity, why would you send things like shampoo, soap and such… even US brands are readily available here.
Alright here’s the dealio just a few weeks back I had a friend sent me a package with a new cellphone and wireless headset. Then the notice was delivered to my address and it says I have to pick up the package in the local post office, then when I went there they are asking me to pay a handsome fee and I told them I’ll be back to get some money, but knowing this would happen I already asked some friends ( this time it’s my girlfriend who knows somebody who does know someone who works at the customs, I’m in Davao btw )
After we mentioned the name they told us they would let it pass this time and we just have to pay 50Php. Now I bought a pair of running shoes online and this time the courier was DHl they did brought the package at my address today but told me customs wants me to pay like 60% taxes of the total price of the merchandise. Just by knowing that customs is just trying to make money from me I refuse and told them I’ll just pick up the package myself at their office after I deal with the customs myself. Any thoughts on how I should deal with my current situation?
Thank you for the long comment , it give me idea where to send my box to Pi…
I have a friend in Ormoc City who wants to start a internet business selling cosmetics. She can buy them in bulk orders *400-1000 random pieces shipped in case lots. The wholesale company is located in the US. She wants me to purchase them on her behalf, and then ship them to her in regular boxes without indicating that they are for resale. Then she will sell them locally as a side business. She believes there will be no duty because her business is not going to be large. She also believes that I do not have to “declare” the items on the customs form which I must fill out when I mail packages at least thru SBC. I would love to help the friend, but don’t want to risk getting in trouble myself as I am a us veteran on disabililty and if I violate any international law I could lose my benefits. Additionally I do not want m friend to get in trouble in the Philippines and lose the products she wants to sell. Her idea sounds good, provided that her shipping, insurance, and any customs fees are not stiff. otherwise, she will not be ableto sell the items for enough to cover all of her costs. As an example a bottle of make up costs 1.25 when a random box of 400 items are purchased. If she can sell the bottle for 3$ US which she thinks she can, on the surface it looks good. But if shipping is expensive, and customs is expensive, she could easily eat up potential profit in these fees and charges. Could you comment please? Thanks.
Hi Fred,
1. As I have repeated time and again on this comment threat, there is no way I can not how much you will need to pay. Philippines customs does not have a set price, it varies from shipment to shipment.
2. I doubt that it will be delivered to your door. EMS goes through the postal service, and thus you will likely need to pick this up at the PhilPhost office in your area. You will receive a notice from PhilPost that the package is ready for pickup.
3. Nobody will deliver to your door, most likely. See #2.
A friend purchased an arthritis cream in Canada. In the US, it is by prescription. Would there be a problem if I send/take it to a relative in the Philippines? My Filipina daughter-in-law thinks it may be.
I can’t imagine it would be any problem.
Hi I mailed an Iphone via usps. The package arrived in the Philippines but the box was empty and USPS has not taken any responsibility
Yep, that is to be expected. That will happen 9 out of 10 times when you send a cellphone through the postal system.
hello i am planning to go visit in the PI and i have 2 balikbayan boxes free, and i am planning to use it, but i want to cover each of my boxes with a duct tape to secure the boxes and make sure not easily get rip off. now my question is, is it ok to use a gray duct tape cover all over the box and check it in to airport?
I don’t know for sure, eveperucho, but my guess would be that when bringing a box through the airport they will need to be able to check the contents.
Hi! So amazing to run into this blog! My question is that, would this be better way of shipping goods(mostly makeups)? Because I’m currently using usps and everytime my package is in the Philippines, i had to go to customs to pay for tax.
My package is purely makeups (tons of makeup, but totally different shades each, since I’m doing beauty blogging)
If I’m going to us balikbayan, would I encounter the same thing?
It sounds like you are shipping in commercial quantity, which is not allowed in Balikbayan boxes.
It sounds like you are shipping in commercial quantity, which is not allowed in balikbayan boxes
My friend sent a balikbayan box just a few months ago through LBC ($70 for a huge box). It arrived safely. Nothing was missing. I also sent a package last May 2015 through USPS. It was more expensive but the gadgets arrived safely. I paid $ 98.00 for a box that weighed 16 pounds.
Hi Yuri – Good for you and your friend. I think boxes that will go through customs now will be good as it is. I’m pretty sure customs will do their best now to be in the good side with the OFW and the people.
Thank you for stopping by!
thank you for the warm welcome Feyma! i am in downtown Cebu City for the next 12 months. my deposit was over $800 usd so ill not be moving out of it early! i can see the roof of the hotel the Consular office is in from my building. i arrived during APEC summit from Japan, the flight was almost empty and on a friday night. because of the summit the airport was doing double time so i went threw in record time of less than 30 minutes and never spoke to a customs agent. my luggage did get xray though. last time i was here it took over 4 hours to get threw immigration/customs! we havent given up on eventually going back to amerika ,i can not sponsor my Fiance because my income is not at the level to qualify. so we are thinking it will take 3 years to get the nursing license and job experiance so my Wife who has a BSN to be hired to work in amerika. once she arrives on work visa, we will qualify as her income will be family income, when the contract ends we will file for change of status with no issues. it may take longer to get her license as she works and that takes away from study. my Fiancee was working in cebu city and commuting from basak, lapu lapu every day. that took 4 hours travel every day but once we are married in a couple of weeks she will be just 15 minutes walking distance from her work so she will be able to study for the exam! a friend of mine in the states that taught medical students at local college looked at her transcripts and said that she is very smart and should have no problem with the exam! he actually ended up marrying one of his students many, many years ago and she was my family doctor before i met my friend at the college. and i would not feel right about asking him to co-sponsor!
Hi Feyma,
My wife also read some stuff about this and is concerned with it. We sent some boxes the last of July and are now scheduled for delivery withing the next week. Since we are getting ready to move there and are slowly sending our thing there via balikbayan boxes. I will let you know if it has been tampered with.
I was really upset when I first heard that customs was getting nosy opening all balikbayan boxes as they arrived in Manila. Prying into the personal things that the workers abroad send to their family’s here as well as even goods I purchase and have shipped here because I can’t get many things here I need or enjoy as is the case with so many here. Well here’s a link you can read and how it got stopped;
PNoy stops Customs inspections of balikbayan boxes; http://www.gmanetwork.com/news/story/534185/news/nation/pnoy-stops-customs-inspections-of-balikbayan-boxes
Hi Scott – I understand your wife’s feelings. But I think the customs now will not going to do anything with the boxes since the people are already complaining. I’m sure with the hype right now the customs can’t afford more and more complain.
I’m looking forward on your update. Thank you in advance for sharing.
Good luck to you and your wife. Have a wonderful day!
In 2012, I sent a package via FedEx to Manila, several items were missing once the package arrived including a camera. Since then, we have shipped 12 balikbayan boxes via atlas and rdr cargo, all but 1 arrived with no issues. The 1 that had issues was missing 3 pairs of Nike shoes.
While we were dissappointed that items were missing, these boxes change so many hands it is hard to prove who took it. This will not stop us from sending boxes, we are now selective on what we send in each box
Over 25 years, we have sent dozens of balikbayan boxes with no issues of loss or theft. Sometimes it has taken four months for a box to arrive, but generally only two months from our door in Illinois, USA to theirs in Libmanan, Cam Sur.
Hi John – Yep, that’s what the OFW and the Filipino community felt too. The prying with the stuff and the getting with the stuff, that really irritates the people here and the Filipino community abroad.
But I think it’s good now. I think the customs people learned their lessons. The OFW, Filipino community abroad and the people here really make a big deal about it. I think the customs people knows it’s not something to mess around with.
Thank you for the link. Thank you too for the sharing your thoughts here.
Have a pleasant day!
Hi Ken – I hope everything will be sort out soon.
Are you just looking for sending boxes to the PI? They might have LBC in Dallas. I know a friend of mine in San Antonio and she uses LBC.
Good luck to you!
Hi David – Yep USA or Australia, mails are never or hardly stolen. Here in the Philippines if you sent package and it’s not shocking if it’s stolen. It’s just sad because we also had lots of honest workers here, it’s just overshadowed by the corrupt workers.
FOREX is a good company too. We used them before too. Good luck to your move. Hope it will be an easy move for you and your family.
Nice to see you here. Keep reading. Have a wonderful day!
i arrived from usa on aug 28 and my first shipment arrived on sept 7th, having never been opened. the owner of the philippine grocery store in de moines ia on aug 26, when i shipped 8 “macho” boxes, he said the boxes would not be opened at all because there had been so much items stolen from the boxes, that it was now a prison sentance if you got cought opening thre boxes. he uses atlas shipping out of kansas city and there were 4 bar coded lables for 4 boxes to go with just 1 consolidated inventory sheet, this was the day before my flight. so i fully expect all 8 boxes to arrive in november having never been opened. they are due to leave des moines in a couple of days. if i had known that they were guranteed to not be opened, i would have packed at least 8 more of them to send on that day! the corp. office of atlas is in covina, ca.
I heard the president ordered that the boxes not be opened unless there is an issue.
Also, does anyone know a cargo company in Dallas that is trustworthy? Thanks.
Hi Dirk – Sorry to hear that. It’s upsetting for sure knowing that the stuff you sent were missing. Honestly with the hype right now I hope that it will change. I hope that every boxes sent will be really going to the address that suppose to go and it should be unopened.
Good luck to you. Take care!
LBC Express has an office just over the river from Aaron, and they seem to have a good reputation. When I sent stuff to Leyte, I bagged everything by itself and bagged everything in the box in one large bag and included a Large printed list of contents, inside the box, with a note, Copy emailed to recipients. Nothing missing when it got there.
Though my Fiancee’s Aunt in Sidney, mails shoes to her one at a time, figuring no one is going to steal one half a pair in the mail. GRIN
Hi Feyma, I’m Australian & we have very rare problems here regarding delivery of boxes , parcels or mail & anyone caught cheating the system is punished by dismissal or jail .I think we are like USA, government is proud of their Postal System, been going since day one , Pony Express there & Cob & Co here Eg : Christmas time or birthdays I just send money with card by mail to Gran kids, never lost a letter or a cent with the eldest being 21years .
Oh my god —— could you ever imagine that happening in Philippines . It’s a very sad situation because it’s hampering the Philippine economy & has destroyed their reputation as a country to do business in .( look at the world list)
Back to Balikbayan boxes ——- I think it’s only the private boxes that are looted, & that’s what these people are LOOTERS.Any boxes that are sent by companies are not opened ( FOR EX etc. )& your photo seems to verify this .
I just hope my logic is correct as I’m relocating to the Philippines & in the process of packing 10 FOR EX boxes at Aud $150 a go , door to door.
Any feedback on my logic would be much appreciated
Regular reader of this site ,
Thank you
Hi Mike – Same with us before. We sent boxes when we used to lived in the States. Back in the 1990’s. We don’t have any issues back then. If theirs a problem before it would be rare though. Nowadays, I felt I’ve heard plenty of times.
I think everything is good now. Hopefully anyway. Aaron will be sending something for us that we want from there. Well see what happens. I will share that here.
Thank you for sharing here. I really appreciate that a lot.
Have a good day!
Hi Tom – Yep, he knows that theirs an LBC in Portland. My mother-in-law uses them before. We also knows somebody (he is a travel agent and he sells Filipino products too) in the Vancouver area that do the shipping.
*** Copy emailed to recipients. Nothing missing when it got there. *** — Yep, that’s for sure.
*** Though my Fiancee’s Aunt in Sidney, mails shoes to her one at a time, figuring no one is going to steal one half a pair in the mail. *** —- Ha ha ha. Very funny… That make sense. No one will still for sure. LOL
my fiance’s birthday is in early january. so last november i sent her a christmas card and then the very next week i sent her a birthday card, all threw us postal service. the christmas card arrived but the birthday card did not arrive yet and it is september already. nothing of real value in either card as western union money wire is guaranteed to arrive safely. a year ago in april i mailed threw usps a small box weighing less than 15 pounds. i put over $30 in stamps on the package before going to post office and then had to pay over $110 for additional postage. but with atlas shipping i can send a 24 x 24 x 18 inch box of unlimited weight for just $110, it may take longer getting there, but it is tracked every step of the way.i took an 8inch thick queen size viscous memory foam mattress that i purchased online and still rolled in plastic for shipping to me and placed it in a jumbo sized vaccume bag and sucked the air out with a vaccume cleaner hose about 10 times to make it as small as possible and placed it in the atlas box along with alot of other stuff for the same $110 shipping. im really glad i did it because the mattress that comes with our apartment is not nearly as good as the one i shipped and it is listed in the inventory, as who wants to go to all that trouble and then get into trouble!
I have been informed that the major companies XRAY their boxes to see if any illegal products are inside the box . When delivery takes place ( door to door ) , the delivery person takes photo of every box that is delivered to have evidence that box has not been tampered with . This information was just told to me by my friend who just had some boxes delivered to Angles City from Australia via FOR EX.
So it looks like the LOOTERS are not touching these
It’s a bit of a numbers game… I don’t believe that customs can check too many of the boxes. I ship via Atlas here in Los Angeles and I’ve spoken to them and I was told they ship 17 40′ containers a week during the peak season just before Christmas. I don’t know what percentage they do search but it can’t be too high. Probably best to ship during Christmas when customs and delivery people will be overwhelmed with boxes, this might reduce your odds of pilferage.
All you can do is minimize pilfering by customs and the delivery people.
-When sending shoes don’t put pairs in the same box, put all lefts in one box and rights in the other… who is going to steal one shoe. Hopefully, they will only search or pilfer one of your boxes, or send the boxes on different dates. Take them out of the bright orange Nike box, which screams “steal me”.
-On the manifest, always write “second hand” clothes/shoes/bedding/etc
-Never write the brand on the manifest… Nike/Adidas/Levis/etc
-Electronics: cameras, laptops, cell phones, etc… you’ll be lucky if they don’t get pilfered, especially if you do declare them on the manifest.
-If you do send valuable and easily resaleable items, pack them on the bottom of the box and hope the pilferer gets bored and doesn’t unpack the entire contents’ Wrap them well so they don’t get damaged and disguise them in a boxes that are from food items like condensed milk, cereal, Etc. Dog/cat food boxes would probably be a good deterent.
If you live near Manila or will be visiting, ask if you can pickup the box. The Atlas warehouse is in Las Pinas City and you would be cutting out the delivery person. Ask for a discount before sending if you’ll be picking up from their warehouse. I would do this if there are valuable items inside. Anyone else have ideas? I’d like to hear them for my next shipment.
Hi Leonard – Welcome to the Philippines. Good luck to your boxes. I hope it will arrived totally unopened and with no problems.
Feel free to share here after getting all 8 boxes. Are you going to stay here for good? What part of the Philippines are you living at? Welcome and I hope you will be staying for a long haul.
Good to see you here. Have a great day!
I believe this “controversy” was generated solely as an election year crisis for the current administration to “solve.” I mean, President Aquino did step in and tell them to stop. Makes him and his party heroes, does it not?
Hi wcoastbo – It’s really a good advice to the newbies here on sending boxes to the PI. Thank you for the detailed info. I’m pretty sure our readers appreciate your input.
Thanks for sharing. Keep reading. Have a great day!
I am not a supporter of BOC in any way. But I do see both sides. I believe I read that the current charge for a Balibayan container is p80,000 and they wanted to increase it to p160,000 and then the negotiated it down to p120,000 and then Pinoy stepped in and now its back to p80,000.
I dont believe the original intent was to ship high value items but more for clothing and other low value goods. For the amount of high value goods that can be shipped via balikbayan, there needs to be a more equitable way to charge customs. One reader said they shipped a camera. There are too many abuses using the balikbayan privelege. Customs has the right to inspect all shipments for legality. Stealing by customs is breaking the law and should be addressed regardless of the amount of duty charge. But a more equitable charge for customs needs to be addressed, which I know will mean higher charges to the end user.
BTW, I shipped 7 jumbo boxes from Singapore to the Phils a few months back via LBC. No items were lost, and no boxes were tampered with. I believe we paid around S$150 per box.
We mailed a box of vitamins/supplements to my wife’s family back in July. According to the United States Post Office website the package has been sitting in the Philippines customs since August 8th. We are hoping they will get it some time this month.
Hi Kevin – Wow, that’s a long time for that package to be sitting there. Oh well, welcome to the slow process here.
Good luck to you!
I went to ship a box to my family about 3 weeks ago and the shipping agent told me to wait until it got sorted out and the facts were established.
I’m going to wait a little longer to send the things I have ready as well as the Christmas presents.
The only problem I have ever had with shipping boxes is with the agent for LBC. He waited for almost a month before sending it out according to the tracking information.
The other challenge is that here in north central Indiana, the closest shippers I have found is either the south side of Indianapolis or in South Bend. Either way, it is about 90 miles each way.
I will be watching for follow up comments to see how this develops.
Mr Feyma,
We’ve sent boxes out 3 times using UMAC Shipper which has a warehouse in Marikina City. Never had a problem at all. Our agent in the US does a great job with the boxes. One thing i would never do is ship electronics or any other expensive item in the boxes. The Charge was $85.00 per box from Florida.
Le Roy I had similar situation as far as timeline goes.. Here is what I was able to find out… Once it is received at the store/LBC rep it is then passed to another handler which transports it to the outbound port location. there it is secured in hold until the vessel is available, then loaded and that is when the first tracking information is generated. So yes it sometime takes a month before it is finally on a ship headed out of the US.
Hi Tim – To be honest we all have the same questions as you have. Lol.
But over all even if the customs here inspect all the boxes, they should return all contents of the box after inspections, and if they see items needs to be tax then send message to the recipient that let them know they had to pay instead of stealing the items. Know what I mean?
Anyway, I hope the customs here clean up their acts.
Thank you for sharing your thought here. Have a great day!
Hi Jose – Yep, Christmas is coming.
I’m happy that you find this post helpful. Good to see you here again.
Have a wonderful day!
Feyma the part of all this I don’t understand is that there are many companies that are licensed by Philippines Customs, LBC for example. When I send Merlyn (my girlfriend/fiancée soon) a parcel it is inspected when I take to LBC for shipment and then sealed. They do this because they are required under their license to inspect the contents and charge any applicable taxes at the time it is sent. So this leaves me asking why the Customs inspectors should be opening any boxes sent this way? Boxes sent from LBC in Australia have already been inspected, and I am sure this is true of all LBC boxes and I think it would be the same for all shippers licensed by Philippines Customs. So there is no valid reason for them to be opening these boxes.
I suggested to my Filipina partner a few years ago to stop sending anything by post from the UK to The Philippines; I was concerned then that it was a risk. It seemed to me that if the sender is honest and declares all the contents, the people handling the boxes (from couriers at both ends, during shipment by sea and Customs) all know what is inside! So declare an iPad and a PC and what a temptation. With the cost of sending the boxes (about 7000 pesos per box from the UK) and the risk of losing some or all the contents, it seems more sense to send the money instead. Most things are cheaper to buy in The Philippines than in the foreign country the box is sent from and various taxes add considerably to the final cost for electronic goods sent. Maybe many overseas Filipinos should do the math (or maths as we say here!) and wonder if it is worth the risk of sending goods rather than money. A final point is that neighbours will see a big box (or boxes) arrive and perhaps be looking for their share; this is not the same if money is sent instead. I understand the special emotions involved with receiving a tangible item and also realise there are sometimes special reasons why this is not a relevant alternative, as in Aaron’s case. But for others, is it worth it?
Hi PapaDuck – Good info. I really appreciate you sharing here.
Always good to see you here. Have a wonderful day!
Oh Yes this definitely happens, It has happened to my family on more than one occasion. It really is a shame that we have to worry that items we are sending as gifts, or too help out our less fortunate family members in the Philippines not arriving to them. Shame on the inspectors, the should all be fired and hire new employees who are aware of these on goings and stress that harsh punishments (including jail time) will be imposed if they partake in such criminal behavior. They should also have video monitoring of all inspection stations, and the monitoring systems should not be accessible to an employee/inspector. but only to oversight personnel. but even that is still susceptible to corrupt oversight persons as well. Just a sad and infuriating situation.
We have used LBC (Lost Box Corporation) and FOREX in the past with nil issues except for very long waits for deliveries.
We just sent 5 Boxes for 50 USD each last week via STARCARGO from San Francisco Bay Area, so will report back on how long that takes.
One issue I have been aware of for quite some time now is there are a LOT of businesses using BB to skirt the customs rules. Most notably is the Ukay Ukay and electronics businesses. THAT selfish act is what is entangling the legitimate senders of personal use boxes.
The Philippines is one the last places in the world where you send a huge box of stuff and still try to have an expectation of not paying customs duties etc.
I did hear that The government were proposing a LIMIT of 2-3 Boxes in a date range to stop the abuse by Businesses selling items. This would still allow the personal and traditional users to keep doing what they have always done for family etc
Time will tell.
Now the theft issue is simple. Set up government sting operations and FIRE customs officials and also take their pensions and also freight forwarders would lose certifications FOREVER if caught pilfering items.
Don’t hold your breath on that one either.
It’s been a year since you replied, and unfortunately they have not cleaned up. Corrupt
My wife sent a Box a few months ago. When her mother received it, there was evidence the box had been gone through, and the watch was missing. It wasn’t even an expensive watch, but worth stealing I guess.
The Filipino government needs to, at the very least, make a statement that they are looking into it and stealing will not be tolerated.
We’ve sent many boxes over the years. When we began, we started with Forex in Jacksonville Florida. After sending several boxes a year during the holiday season each year, we had multiple boxes pilphered. They would arrive completely retaped and it was easy to see they had been opened. Forex would never accept liability as they said it must have been customs in Manila opening them.
We switched to UMAC in Jacksonville and never had another box opened since. It makes me believe the Forex distributors in the Philippines were the ones opening the others.
Our package sent last June 7,2015 and exactly 96 days today and we still never receive it.We cant track our box thru their data online tracker.We called there manila office andUSA OFFICE .. cant give us an direct upadate..RDR CARGO express is our forwarder..were planning to file a case in USA AND ALSO IN DTI manila .. I will not recommend for you the RDR CARGO.. Dont stress yourself
It’s that time of the year again to send some stuff to friends in the Philippines. Thank you for all the inputs and infos posted here. I now know what forwarder I should avoid. Gracias a todos.
Moved to Central Visayas late July this year. Sent 14 boxes via Star Cargo (great agent in Phoenix). 6 arrived last week un tampered. Could you get me the info for the person in Vancouver WA? My sister in Portland wants to send Christmas package. Not sure if I would recommend LBC.. just from some online reviews. Thanks for the great article!
Hi Hudson – Sorry to hear that. It’s just annoying to hear that some people just steals from the sealed boxes.
*** The Filipino government needs to, at the very least, make a statement that they are looking into it and stealing will not be tolerated. *** — I agree.
Nice to see you here again.Have a great day!
Just got back from sending a small box via LBC (airfreight) I was talking to the “Guy” there about this and he said that what I said in my earlier comment is indeed the case and that he or another qualified LBC representative is required to go through all boxes before they are sealed in Australia. This is not just because of LBC’s responsibility to collect the Taxes for the Philippines Gov, but also it is a requirement under Australian Anti-Terror Laws. And he showed me how they now seal all boxes from Australia with tamper proof tape marked “LBC Security Seal do not accept if this seal has been broken”. This is something new since the last time I sent a box. It will be interesting to see what happens if BOC start breaking those seals….
Hi Roy – Hope all your boxes will arrive safely. Sure the place in Vancouver that we used a lot before. I think the place name is still the same it’s Alex Alterations (360-750-7424). The name of the owner is Ernie. Please tell your sister to tell Ernie hello from me.
Have a great day!
Hello, nine months ago I sent a box full of books and school supplies to the elementary school in Nino Jesus, Bato, Cam Sur. and everything arrived in the box.
This week I plan on sending another box filled with books and school supplies to the same school. I lived there from 2007 until 2014, when I left I told teachers and kids I would send them school supplies and books ( kids need books to read).
I plan on shipping them through RDR cargo, and if the box does not get there I will be extremely upset, because the kids at the school need school supplies and educational books. Not to mention my 872 dollar disability check does not go to far.
Have fun and enjoy life but never forget about the poor kids
I’d like to caution people that even the ForEx shipments aren’t necessarily safe. I’ve just received word that blankets, towels, and canned food were stolen from a box that my mom sent to my aunt in Bacolod, and that the box sent to my other an until in Carles is looking equally suspicious–they’re not opening that one until we arrive during our visit.
Seriously? I mean, I know it’s bad here, but wow, the way people hurt each other sometimes is just disgusting. Mom says she won’t send any shipments here, anymore. FedEx and UPS are cost-prohibitive and Balikbayan is apparently no longer safe. They even removed the packing list that was attached to the box, so my aunt can’t use it to prove anything. Maybe Mom has a copy at home, but still…outlook is cloudy.
Sorry, I was just researching how to help my mom out when I stumbled across this site. Thanks for the insights! We won’t ship here ever again, but the other info is still very relevant. If you or other commenters know of any actions we can take to help cover the damages, it would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you AJ, very relevant for us because right now we are thinking ahead and how we will relocate. We have thought about a container, but there are some items we’d prefer to go by box, and some we will carry. Did you get a hard time with customs?
When I relocated within the Middle East a few years ago, my boxes were emptied by customs, and everything was transferred to plastic garbage bags. I had treasured photos that were smashed and the pictures torn by the broken glass. My favourite photo of my (passed away) mother was destroyed. It broke my heart. All of my fragile articles were to some extent ruined. My boxes stayed in that particular country’s customs yard for over a month, and afterwards it felt like rape (no disrepect to anyone who has experienced that awful crime), it was all trashed.
Is the Balikbayan system secure and safe, or would you recommend say a courier service for treasured items?
Thanks in advance.
I have shipped around 36 boxes from Michigan to Dipolog City. Never had a problem and all made it just fine. One trick is on heavy boxes I would line the bottom and all 4 sides with thin plywood to support the weight. Oh and use plenty of duct tape on the outside to hold it all together. One box was so heavy it took two of us to lift it in the van. Got here ok. They are a very good way to ship house hold items and tool. can food and much more.
who do you use iun michigan to ship and can you provide contact info…i live in indiana and so far no answer from abc website to repeated requests for information
I ship boxes to my brothers family quite often. I double up the cardboard instead of using plywood, cardboard is free, lol…I completely wrap the top and bottom both ways with shipping tape. I also tape the sides part way and all corners.
I have shipped things that are not supposed to be shipped, idk at the time, medicines and such. There has never been a problem with my boxes arriving. My boxes generally take two months to arrive. I pack those things solid, usually pay $65-$75 per box, idk how they even lift them they are so heavy. They are picked up at my door and delivered to my brothers living room. There have been a few things that have gotten broke, none of it worrisome though. Any liquids I suggest taping closed and then wrapping in a grocery bag to prevent leakage.
Wow, sorry about what happened.
No problems with the boxes. They arrived just as they were packed. We used LBC to ship them. They put tape around the box, which helps tell if customs opened them up. Overall, no complaints. Hope this helps 🙂
how much to send 2 boxes like in pic Bob ?
i paid $75
Who do you ship them with?
Price varies. $75 – $100
On the West coast, we lived in NV, they’d have specials. If we got a special rate, it wasn’t hard, we paid $45 a box. If no special we paid $55 a box.
We never had a problem with the shipping/customs, etc.
We used paper to line the boxes, didn’t use extra cardboard. We did use a towel for the Xbox just in case. I never thought of rice though, lol. It sounds weird, but if it works… 🙂
I have a friend that ships boxes two or three times a year to Bolinao, Pangasinan. He lines his boxes with extra cardboard and plastic sheeting. The interesting thing he does is to use rice (both in small plastic bags and loose) to pad and stuff the materials he is shipping. It gives the folks on the other end quite a bit of edible rice… they just have to collect it out of the boxes.
Bob, how much more is it to take a box like that with you on an air trip to the Phils? Maybe, phils airline for example.
BB Boxes. Arrive. No Problem. Customs No Problem. Then Huge Problem. Why? Bohol Earthquake. BB boxes smashed. Oh My.
Others Lose Houses. Worse. So Us. No Problem.
You mentioned living and learning at the end of your article. That is a life time deal. I’ve said that. I’m 72, so many times and keep saying it.
Maybe someday I’ll become as wise as Paul. No. That won’t happen.
you have a total of 50lbs you can have in a check in box on PAL. that is true of most carriers, if your box is over 50lbs, then your looking at $150 and more for each box over that weight. Each person is allowed 2 check in bags or boxes that are 5o lbs and under. so if you know your going to the philippines in advance, then 2 months for before you go ship a box or two over and they will be there when you get there. You can pack them full no weight issues. saves time, money and having to drag them around the airport. I have dont it many times.
Wow, thanks Brent!
Your not stuck to using only the provided boxes, I send over bicycles and am able to stuff longer items (kayak paddles, fishing poles ect) and get a whole lot of stuff in I can’t in shorter boxes,,,,
My experience with the Balikbayan Box is that I couldn’t get anyone to tell me what they wanted. And then there was a question of customs and understanding the list of what can and can’t be sent. I did it once with food items from a third party source. The bottom line is that, in my opinion, cash is the best thing to send most of the time. My friends don’t want more stuff. Just to know that their daily needs are met.
Really? I didn’t know that. There was actually some stuff that I would have liked to send, but they wouldn’t fit in the boxes, so I just left them.
Balikbayan box means happy to filipino
Lol, Mikey makes some awesome videos. Thanks for sharing 🙂
My wife sends a box every six months. Mainly she send things like canned goods, soap, toothpaste, second hand clothing like shirts, and jeans(one time the jeans were stolen by customs), new clothing like bras, and underwear, small toys for the kids. Just a heads up for people who want to send expensive items. There was news not very long ago about the customs officials opening the boxes and stealing things like cell phones, lap tops, and other things of the sort.
Yeah, I can see how money would be better to send, in addition to what you said, it’s faster too. For some people though, boxes really are better. Me and my brothers all wear size 12-13 shoes, not really easy to find here, and if we do, they don’t have much in terms of options.
Hi Bob. We are planning on sending a balikbayan box to an outsourcer there, who happens to live in Davao City, as a thank you for her work. I’ve heard stories of lost/stolen boxes. What company does your mom use? (I am from Los Angeles) thank you!
Normally, we use LBC. Never had a problem.
Can you ship PAINT BALL GUNS and accesories via balikbayan boxes to the philippines ? will customs intercept it?
Sorry, I really don’t know the legality of shipping paint ball guns.
My brother from NY sent me a balikbayan box through RDR Cargo Express last Dec 31, 1915. It has been more than 6 months since then but no balikbayan box has been delivered to my doorstep by RDR Cargo Express. Their counterpart in Las Pinas City , MM have disowned connection with RDR Cargo Express. The Fair Trade Enforcement Bureau has received several complaints about this Company and I am one of them.
Yes, appalling service “It has been more than 6 months since then”. in fact it has been over 101 years! I hope it finally arrives and you are all still young enough to enjoy the contents.
what if someone from the US were to send you a lot of pricey and valuable things (like Apple products and such)? what will be the best way to ship them here? would the taxes be expensive? how will you be able to claim them? will they be stolen? is it possible for you not to pay for anything when you receive the package?
For the types of products that you descirbe, the taxes will be very high. I know of no legal way to get the items without paying the taxes due.
Hi! I sent a box thru Star Kargo for my familk in Cebu. Pick up date was last May 28 at my house in Phoenix,Az. Per website, box was shipped only last June 16 from California an schedule for delivery in Manila and other provinces last July 16. When I made a ff. Up last week of July they can’t find my box. No update from the warehouse both in Manila and Ca. It’s now August 22, and still they can’t locate where my box is. It took.me more than a year before I can send the box to my family in Cebu but looks like my box went missing.
good informative article Aaron…
Thanks 🙂
Good info, Aaron. Now.. where is my box!!!
Good info! We sent 11 boxes back before we came back in Oct. All arrived in less than 2 months. Make sure you tape the tops on liquid items as the tops loosen or pop off during sometimes rough movement.
AJ, I guess it depends on where you ship the box from. The one in Minot ND has a strict 125lb weight limit. I think it’s imposed by the guy shipping, versus the company (ForEx). OB
Unless it’s a new rule, we shipped many boxes through Forex from Florida when we lived there and there was never a weight limit.
Are the contents subject to being taxed ?
This is still happening. My friend told me his experience using Atlas Shippers. The usual that we have heard time and time again, once it got to the destination you could tell it was opened. And of course many things missing. Of course Atlas Shippers wont take responsibility. Is it the Philippines Government customs or is it Atlas’ people in the Philippines? Either way this shouldn’t be happening but it is because the government is weak at enforcing rules laws and regulations and probably because they are guilty of having a hand at it. This is why the Philippines is still a 3rd world country and why tourism is still not at full potential. This is pathetic. I’m not Filipino but after hearing this from my friend I had to post an outside opinion somewhere. You guys need to be more vocal and continue to be, tell your friends, complain and be upset. We are in 2017 and for this to still be happening shows how behind the Philippines is.
Hi, just a week ago our balikbayan box which was delivered via Forex had lots of goodies stolen! Food like SPAM, Vienna sausage, chocolates, coffee, shampoo and many more items were missing! We are so disappointed. I tried calling Forex Manila and the line just kept on ringing. Then, I sent a complaint request and still got no response. This is really frustrating since we trusted Forex but now we won’t be using Forex anymore.
Do you need an inventory list attached to the OUTSIDE of Balikbayan boxes?
Hi Bob! Thanks for the informative post. Planning on sending an Xmas gift to a friend of mine in the Phils and I’m in Australia. Do you think the balikbayan way is the way to go? Is there even a sender which will offer this method in Australia? The Gift will prob be about $60 in value and not electronic. I’m not sure what balikbayan is other than the fact you mentioned that in doesn’t have customs charges imposed and seems safer than the postal method which is more likely to get stolen.
Hi Jackie – It is way too late to send a Balikbayan Box if you want it to be here for Christmas. During the holiday season, it takes a long time due to the heavy volume of boxes being shipped. If you don’t mind it being maybe up to a month late, then BB is the way to go. Otherwise, you will need to use another method.
It’s okay. I’ve decided to send just via normal post. Like with my national postal system, and from the Phils I think it’s handed over to their national system. Still costs $50 for 1kg so not cheap but cheaper than other options! Luckily it comes with insurance and tracking so if it’s stolen I get compensated. There’s also a new law out if I’m not mistaken- no customs fees for parcels coming there under the value of 10,000PH so I guess my gift recipients won’t have to pay anything apart from possible a small postage handling fee.
No idea, sorry.
And thanks for your reply! 🙂
hi bob, i have some itmes shipped from japan to davao city last sept 26, 2017 and until now i havent received it yet.. do you have any idea on how many weeks or months till my package arrive? thanks
There are new customs regulations in Manila now. You have to include a detailed packing/shipping list in the box and for the shipper. The regs read as though they might be more careful in examining the boxes than before, and some taxes may apply. Check with your shipper in the US. I’ll include the website for the form… from the company I use out of Colorado. https://78462f86-a-c9218be7-s-sites.googlegroups.com/a/coloradoforex.com/www/promo_and_update/forexcargofaqsregardingnewphilippinebureauofcustomsrequirements/Forex_BOC_Packing_List_2017.jpg?attachauth=ANoY7coMOSNhuIUuBVtKnqVZRydYdbJ7W7k8cx0K57Q34DXP8S7LO1dZoe_r1HklVCGki-Mx2KXiAhRdYE_3f7ehDFsw7iFk9MTnic2RPVeDkidE86EOnf3dYoauF_Xm849a65EehqG5p5NGURfleLFvHLu9ZmC6YWxnb1-ZxCmhdf_58Fl44A97bfD9rMkNHn_iN-tNsD2KwjQfWVpyxdar7qUpmNeSbbY-I2Wa4YRX23eVjEF8tgE53vccAhDPju-dtVshwnXxXlYsUS4ZgtDtVZGv2ltlW9DzdrBfgPB7JyPwTAt1XFLjPj8Js7GLFxYQZIaqxGuh4QWBNETSmjiy7KuZUdSfYg%3D%3D&attredirects=0
Those new regulations were implemented in June 2017, but they were discontinued in October. They are under further review and i no longer being implemented but may possibly be revised and returned in March of 2018.
Bob, FYI we just shipped 6 boxes from San Francisco to Manila last month (nov) and the shipper we used required the detailed lists. dollars per box for the jumbos. We did ask them about the requirement being cancelled and they produced paper from the embassy here to all USA bulk shippers saying they still need to detail all contents under penalty or loss once the box hits Manila customs if there is a mismatch should they actually do a physical check.
I know there is conflicting info on this, but the shipper is the one that will know, or should know. YMMV as always with anything involving laws and regulations for the Philippines….as you know so well. LOL
Hi Bob, I wish I could find a place where it cost closer to $60 a box. My wife and I have been shipping these boxes for ten years and it cost $90 each time. We were using LBC but they were taking way too long when sending to Mindanao so we switched to Atlas which is faster for the same price ($90). Cheaper is always better, lol.
If your shipper required that during November, they made a mistake. The policy was put on hold in October. My information comes directly from the Bureau of Customs in the Philippines.
My wife sent 5 boxes from Portland, Oregon to Davao City this year, via LBC. So, I know the current prices. $60 is not the regular price, but several times per year they have a sale, and you can do it for $60 during those times. But.. you said you don’t like to use LBC. We use them almost exclusively and have never had any problem.
Fair enough. Hence my saying: YMMV as always, with anything involving laws and regulations for the Philippines…enforcement is always a crap shoot with any rules and laws here or there.
One thing for sure, it’s not as easy as it used to be. I have been shipping boxes for more than 30 years and the only plus now is the price adjusted for inflation is as low as it’s been in many many years. Also as an FYI of the hundreds of boxes shipped I have never ever lost a single load ever. How’s that for a Philippine unicorn story! LOL.
Merry Xmas to you and yours.
My fiancé wants me to send her some porn DVDs. ‘Obscenity’ there is illegal. I wrote to the Filipines Embassy in Australia and asked what the government considered obscenity, but have got no reply in four days. I sent her two hidden inside a book but at the Post Office was told that from now on I had to fill in a declaration for the Filipines gov. which listed all contents and their values. I listed the book, birthday card and stuffed toy bit not the discs. I also found on the net after mailing that they use x-ray machines now. I realise now that I should have bought small plastic cases for the discs and removed the labels on the discs. From now on I will do this and label the cases ‘craftwork’, declare them and not hide them. What are my chances of them being confiscated?. I emailed a porn DVD online retailer in the US. The lady said that they ship to the Filipines but did not reply to my question about them having customs problems. A postal official here said on TV that only a third of mail is checked in Australia so I assume he means x-rayed. Maybe they do not x-ray all items in the Filipines as well. Thanks for your time.
Kent Robison.
My sis will be sending me a package containing some items and a used iphone 7. What could be the best shipping method she could use? And what are the tips you can give to avoid some problems. Thanks! I fin this blog very helpful and im happy to have find this
Hi Bob. We are moving to the Philippines soon, but we were told there is a ban on toys. Our kids will be heart-broken without their beloved toys! Is there no way around the toy ban?
I know of no such ban. When we moved here we brought lots of toys since we brought our 3 young children.
I have also used Jollee-Bee twice, with good results. Yes, the name is supect, but it’s real. They sell boxes in the Seafood City locations in LA. I can also drum up the info I used to send a bunch of boxes back to the US last year. It was expensive to ship (About $2,000 for the minimum charge)… then the receiving company in the US scammed me (I am convinced) for another almost $1000 for what they claimed were US customs inspections. The company was unable to provide me with a credible receipt from the US gov to show that the inspections actually happened. My boxes arrived without even the outer crate having been opened. Better idea is to give everything away here if you are going back to the US. Give it up. It’s just stuff.
Here’s the company I used for shipping to the US a year ago.
Interesting, I just requested a quote and we’ll see how it goes! Thanks.
Ok… how to get the Balakbayan box to the shipper in Washington state from Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. You are saying use FedEx? Or one of your other recommended shippers? So how much does FedEx charge for these boxes? Let’s say, 24x24x18?
Just curious, why would you want to ship the box to Washington? There are Balikbayan Box shipping companies in Oklahoma. Just use one of those companies.
Hi.. How about shipping Cellphones? will it be more expensive with the custom’s tax?
Generally, if you ship in a Balikbayan Box there is no customs to pay. If you use another method of shipping, then yes, you will have to pay customs (or the recipient will).
Hi Mr Bob, can I ask what the best cargo shipment company in atlanta can send balikbayan box to philippines?
I don’t live in Atlanta, and I’m not sure what services they have there. However, I would suspect that they have LBC, and I believe that they are the best.
I live in Ohio , and want to send a package to Cagayan De Oro Philippines . What do I need to do ? I want to send it as cheap as I can , and I don’t know how to start the process !
Do a Google search for a Balikbayan Box shipper in your area. I don’t know what part of OH you live in.
Hi good day I would like to know if where can I get this balikbayan boxes? Any store?
Any place where the boxes can be shipped from can also supply you with a box itself.