Today we got a comment and question from Annaliza P. Zimmerman.
This is what Annaliza had to say:
I suggested that if your trying to apply for 13 A Visa rather first exit the Philippines after your 30 days Visa expires even just to Hong Kong with your wife and came back both an hour after so that you will not pay anymore for the extension while processing the 13 A Visa because you will be given a Balikbayan Visa valid for 1 year because If you apply first for the 13 A Visa you cannot go out of the country so you need to extend and it is expensive right?
This is John’s response:
Annaliza: That will work, but the additional extension was not so expensive as a flight (Realistically, we are talking about $50). You CAN leave the country after starting the 13a (I did), you just need to inform immigration about it.
I am a balikbayan, currently in Manila, planning on staying for more than a year. Do you know if there is a minimum requirement of time OUT of the Philippines one must meet before one can re-enter as a balikbayan again? In other words, before my one year balikbayan visa expires in November 2012, can I leave for HK for a weekend and return to the Philippines with a new one year balikbayan visa that will expire in 2013?
Thank you for your help! You keep a great website with valuable information.
Generally, if you leave for even one day that is considered OK. A weekend out is no problem at all, you’ll get another Balikbayan Stamp upon your return.. just make sure you request it.
Hi, please can you help me with my question?
I am a Filipina married to a British citizen. We have been living in the UAE for the last 5 years, therefore, i know that when we leave the UAE and return to manila, my husband will definitely be eligible for a balikbayan visa.
My question is this: what if, 2 months into the visa, we decide to go to hongkong for a weekend. What hapens when we return to Manila ( assuming we travel together), will he still be eligible for another 1 year balikbayan visa or will he revert back to a 21 day tourist visa?
Hope you can help me with my question. Manu thanks
Hi Che – If you are with your husband when he enters the Philippines, he can get a Balikbayan Visa no matter how short a time he has been out of the country, even if just one day. If you are not with him, he cannot get a Balikbayan Visa at all, even if he has been away for 10 years.
Good luck.
My husband balikbayan visa expires on April 1st. Do you have an idea how much it cost for visa extension and how long would the given extension be? Appreciate yr response. Thank you.
Hello Cristina – a Balikbayan Visa cannot be extended, it expires after one year. Your husband has two choices.
1. He can leave the Country overnight – go somewhere nearby like Hong Kong – then return the next day and get another Balikbayan visa (provided you are with him when he returns) good for another year stay.
2. When the Balikbayan visa expires your husband can go to the Bureau of Immigration and convert it to a tourist visa which he will have to renew at 21 days, 59 days and every subsequent 59 days up to a maximum of 16 months.
Hello Bob,
I just got back from Hong Kong with my wife and was awarded a Balikbayan visa for one year. If I leave say in a week or so back to HK again by my self and come back a week later, does that negate that Balikbayan visa status?
Thanks and I hope you have an answer as I have spent the last 2 hours trying to find the answer,
Hi Allen – Once you leave the country, your Balikbayan Visa is no longer valid. If you have left the country without your wife, thus she is not with you when you re-enter, then you are no longer eligible to receive a Balikbayan Visa. At that point, you will be issued a Tourist Visa waiver.
So I entered the country with my mother and received balikbayan visa stamp on my passport, allowing me stay up to one year. I have to leave the Philippines for 1 week by myself in June this year, going back to the US for a wedding, but will then be returning to the Philippines. As soon as I leave the Philippines, does this close my one year balikbayan visa and I will have to re-enter on a tourist visa, or will I be allowed to re-enter and stay out the remainder of the visa (set to expire in 2014)?
Yes, when you leave the Philippines, your Balikbayan Visa is null and void. You will have to re-enter with a tourist visa unless your mother is with you.
Hi Bob!
I am Filipina and I’ve been in Kazakhstan for 2 years. I am married to a Kazakh national and we are planning to visit my parents soon. Can he avail of the 1 year visa upon arrival or it is only limited to some countries?
To be honest, Rose, I am not certain on this one. I think it is limited to certain countries.
I’m a Filipina and We went to Philippines last May 26, 2012 and upon arrival at the airport, the immigration officer gave my baby who holds Ghanaian passport a 1 year balikbayan visa privilege and my baby is still in the Philippines now so her visa was expired already for 7 months today. I’m planning to bring her back here in Ghana very soon, During our departure, would they let her pay some charges? What if our money is not enough, is there any consideration or discount?
Yes, fines would be due, if you don’t have enough money to pay the fines, then your child will not be able to leave the country.
Really, what you should do is to obtain Philippine Dual Citizenship for your child. Since you are a Philippine Citizen, your children can also be Philippine Citizens. You should apply through the Philippine Embassy in Ghana. Once you obtain dual citizenship for your child, she can leave the country and no penalties or fines would be due.
hi bob, my balikbayan visa expires tomorrow. reading through all the comments by going out of the country just for one day and then come back, i would be issued a new balikbayan visa?
Hi bob
Im a filipina and just been naturalized of british last week so im planning to go back in philippines good for 8 months nowi havent got enough time to apply for my first british passport can I enter philippines using my ph passport and get that balikbayan priviledge thankyou
Hi Ariane – By becoming a British Citizen, you gave up your Philippine Citizenship, at least until you re-acquire your Philippine Citizenship through the Dual Citizenship Act. So, currently you are not a Philippine Citizenship. You cannot legally use your Philippine Passport anymore, because to do so would be immigration fraud. You could go to jail for that. Right now, you have two options:
1. Go to the Philippine Embassy and apply for Dual Citizenship. After that is issued, you can legally use a Philippine Passport again.
2. Get a British Passport.
Those are the only two ways that you can now legally travel to the Philippines.
Can I apply for dual citizen even if I havent got a british passport?
Yes, I believe you can, but check with the Embassy to be certain.
Ive book my ticket already so in dat case can I just go and tel philippine immigration that im applying for dual?
I’d be grateful if you could help with this question.
I will be marrying my Filipina partner in Hong Kong next month and the balikbayan visa looks like the most convenient option when we fly back.
However, the wording of the pages I’ve read makes it sound like it could only available to the spouse of a Filipino balikbayan. My partner is not one, she lives in the Philippines full time and we just take short holidays out of the country. I’m the only ‘visitor,’ so will I still be eligible?
Thank you
I don’t expect it to be a problem. I believe you will be issued the balikbayan visa.
I requested the ‘balikbayan privilege’ at the immigration counter in Cebu today, with my wife and our marriage certificate from Hong Kong, and there was no problem being issued the visa and one year’s stay right there. This page and the comments were very helpful, thanks.
Glad that it worked out smoothly for you! Happy to help.
Hi my name is Mark, could you please tell me if i will still be able to get a Balikbayan visa. My wife is a Filipino and we have been married for six months, and i stayed there with her for two months, I am going back in September to see her, could you tell me would I still be eligible for a Balikbayan visa, and do you no if my wife would be allowed in the airport since I believe that, that’s where we have to get the visa, or does she have to fly in to the Philippines with me so i can get the visa. Thank you!
You can get a balikbayan visa only if your wife enters the country with you. If sh is already in the philippines you are not eligible.
hi, I want to asked just recently i found out about the balikbayan visa. but what I’ve read is that :
1. Who are eligible under Balikbayan Program?
a. A Balikbayan, who may be either one of the following:
i. A Filipino citizen who has been continuously out of the Philippines for a period of at least one (1) year;
ii. A Filipino overseas worker;
iii. A former Filipino citizen and his family who had been naturalized in a foreign country and comes or returns to the Philippines.
I am a filipina married to Singaporean and have Singaporean baby.. we will be going back to Philippines this coming March but my last flight from philippines was May 24, 2014, it was just 10 months that im out of Philippines and that time I was still working and pregnant… Just gave birth this August..and I am no longer working just holding a 1 year visit pass in Singapore..
Can i still get the 1 year visa in philippines for my Singaporean baby if thats the case?
Hi Nur – A few things…
1. The only place where you can obtain a Balikbayan Visa is at the airport in the Philippines, it cannot be applied for in advance.
2. Your husband and child can be extended the Balikbayan Privilege (Visa). You must be entering the country with them, you must request for them to be issued the Balikbayan Privilege, and you must have your marriage contract with you to show proof of the wedding.
3. For your child, if you go to the Philippine Embassy in Singapore and file a “Report of Birth Abroad” your child can become a dual citizen (Philippines and Singapore).
Hi hello i wnt to know wat if my twins go bk philippines but im not around with them my twins together with my sister issit possible my sister cn apply for them balik bayan privilege without the mothe.. izzit possible i cn write the authorasration letter for them..
No, a sister (aunt) could not legally obtain a balikbayan visa for your children. If you are a Filipina, why don’t you just apply for dual citizenship for your children, so that they don’t need any visa at all?
Hi Bob, I married a filipina in the Philippines then we moved to Malawi Africa but we plan on returning to Philippines in this year just wanted to ask can I get 1 year balik bayan and then get another one right after that before applying for my PRV. How many times can one obtain a Balik Bayan stamp please help me on this.
Hi David – You can get a Balikbayan Visa when you enter the country with your wife. If your wife is not with you, you cannot get a Balikbayan Visa. Make sure you have your marriage contract with you, as you may be asked for proof of marriage. Your wife should request a Balikbayan Visa for you from the Immigration officer. If he stamps a tourist visa in your passport, then it is too late and you cannot get a Balikbayan Visa until the next time you enter the country.
You can do this as many times as you wish, provided you leave the Philippines, be gone overnight and return after at least one day, with your wife. As far as I know there is no limit to the number of times one can avail of the Balikbayan Privilege.
I entered the Philippines in September of 2014 form the US and was issued a Balikbayan Visa that expires in September 2015. I have been studying here and I have a ticket leaving the Philippines this April 2015 and returning in June 2015. Will Immigration let me travel to the US since I have not overstayed my visa, or do I need to show any paperwork?
You have no issues to be concerned about. You can leave without any type of paperwork or anything, unless you stay past the expiration date of your balikbayan visa.
Hello Bob,
I am a Filipina, Married to an Indian National here in India and been here in India for one year.
We plan to go to Philippines on August. My Inquiries are:
1. Are Indian Filipino spouse eligible for this Balikbayan Visa? (As I read above, it is somewhat limited to some country only. )
2. If my husband is eligible, how can we obtain that BB Visa?
3. And if he is under balikbayan visa, can he apply for a visa conversion from balikbayan to work visa in the Philippines?
Thanks for your help. It will be highly appreciated.
God bless you.
Best Regards,
Hi Grace – Here are the answers to each of your questions:
1. As far as I know he would be eligible. But, as I have said many times on this site, I do not know the laws well when applied to Indians.
2. Just ask the immigration officer when you arrive at the airport. You must ask before he stamps any other visa into the passport.
3. He can apply, but I feel it is doubtful that it would be approved.
Good luck.
hello bob, Im a filipina with dual citizenship of UK and philippines.
I travelled to philippines last feb 2014 together with my 3 yrs old daughter. I only presented our british passport to the immigration officer upon arrival as I forgot to bring our philippine passports with us but we are already reacquired our filipino citizenship 2months before arriving to philippines. He put 1 yr on both our passports.
we already oversytayed for a month here and my question is will we be fined eventhough we are already holding a dual citizen prior to arriving in philippines?
just in case we should pay a fine, how much do you think it would cost and where can I pay for it?
thank you in advance.
Hello Kae – When you entered the Philippines, by showing only your UK Passport, you declared yourself to be a Citizen of the UK, and not a Philippine citizen. If you did not have a Philippine Passport, you should have brought your Certificate of Philippine Citizenship and shown that in addition to your UK Passport.
When you leave, there are two ways that you can avoid paying the fines:
1. Get a Philippine passport before you leave, and show both of your passports when you exit.
2. Show your Certificate of Philippine Citizenship along with your British Passport when leaving.
If you are unable to do either of these things, the only choice you have is to pay the fines.
Good luck to you.
My question is? I am the Australian father of a Filipino boy living in the Philippines and I am registered as such on his Philippine Birth Certificate.
Am I entitled to a Balikbayan Visa to stay here? How would I go about filing for it if I am?
You are not eligible.
I wanted to add that I’ve been living here for most of the year for the last four years doing extensions so far.
Regardless, you are not eligible for a Balikbayan Visa.
Sorry for so many ads. One more. I am not married to his Mother as she is still married but separated to a Filipino.
Yo are not eligible to receive a Balikbayan Visa.
Thanks Bob, Is a 13A also out of the question?
Hi Gerald, you will not be eligible for a 13A unless you become married to a Philippine citizen.
So, it looks like my best alternative unless we spend a couple of thousand or dollars for an annulment, is the LSVVE. Man, none of it is permanent, easy or inexpensive?
And on top of that, even with the LSVVE, you have to have an exit ticket even when you don’t plan on leaving for 36 months. What a hoot.
My father married a philipina woman 2 years ago when he traveled to meet hwe in Daveo. He wanted her to come to the USA but she was denied by immigration. Now he wants to live with her in the Philipines. How much money does he need to travel and obtain a resident visa? Does he have to show a round-trip plane ticket along with his passport or can he just have a 1-way ticket? What does he do while waiting for the resident visa approval which can be up to 3 months to process? Confused! Lynda
Hello Lynda,
Thanks for writing! The questions that you are asking are answered in my electronic book series that I talk about below.
If you want to move to the Philippines, there are many things to find out about, and to do in preparation for the move. I have come up with a series of electronic books that will provide you with all of the information that you will need to make the move easy and smooth. There are a total of 31 eBooks in the set, you can find out about each title at my website: How to Move to the Philippines.
I have a special deal that I want to let you know about, though. The books are $4.99 each, but that can add up if you want the whole set. Because of that, I have a special package that includes all of the books, 31 titles in all. You can get the entire package, which I call the PH Pro Package, for just $39.
You can find the PH Pro package here:
I really believe that this package of books will give you all the information you need to make it a successful move. If you have other questions that you don’t find answered in the books, though, you can e-mail me any time for a personal response to your question.
Hi Bob,
I am a filipina and married to US citizen, we are both staying here in the philippines and he is having his extension visa for many months now. I am just curious of the balikbayan visa. What if we both go out of the country for a week and we come back, will he be given a balikbayan visa? if yes, and we go out again before it expires, for a week again, will he be given another balikbayan visa again? Thank you and God bless.
Yes, if you leave the country, even overnight, and return again, you may request a Balikbayan Visa for your foreigner husband. The Balikbayan visa will allow him a free 1 year stay in the country. You can leave again any time within that year, request another Balikbayan Visa when you return, and he will get another Balikbayan Visa. You can do this as many times as you like.
You must enter the country with your husband, he cannot enter alone and receive a Balikbayan Visa.
It seems to me this type of visa is just another money grab because to use it you have to add the extra expense of taking your spouse out of the country incurring the costs of her exit and expenses for hotel, airfare and hotel and food. Why bother?
Thank you so much Bob for this information. I have another question. My sister and her family (sister and husband born filipino) and 3 kids who were born british citizen, all have british passport, want to come to the philippines for vacation. Will they be allowed a balikbayan Stamp? Thank you in advance.
Hi Mina – If the mother and/or the father of the children is a Philippine citizen, or used to be a Philippine citizen, then any children who are under 18 years of age are eligible to receive a Balikbayan visa. If they are eligible, the parents who are entering with the children should request the Immigration officer to put a Balikbayan stamp in the children’s passports.
That was a quick reply. Iam glad for helping us your followers. Thank you so much. Godbless you.
Hi Bob! My husband is coming to the Philippines from New Zealnd by himself. I am Filipina and I came to the Philippines by myself April 29, 2015. and He is coming here this May 27, 2015.
question 1: Will he be granted a balikbayan visa if we out of the country for 2 days and return together even if I stayed in New Zealand less than a year.
if NO: what are his options to be able to stay here for six months . thanks
If you exit the country and ready enter together then he will be eligible for a balikbayan visa.
Dear Bob,
A lot of good answers here.
A worker at the BOI told me that I have to exit the Philippines after 2 years, But I saw on a website saying that I have to leave after 3 years on a tourist visa. Which is it, 2 or 3 years?
Also my legally wed wife is Filipina, but because it has taken over 18 months and still no legal name change, would her passport with her pre-marital name still be valid if we go for a balikbayan visa?
Hi Allen – The current law is 3 years, but it depends on other factors. The law was only recently changed, so if you entered under the old law, then you have to leave withing 2 years, your next entry will be good for 3 years.
You can try for the balikbayan visa, you will probably get it, but it is never guaranteed. It is at the discretion of the immigration officer at the airport. You should tell your wife to request it before any type of visa is stamped in your passport. Even with the name difference, if you have your marriage license you will likely get the Balikbayan Visa.
Is my husband allowed to work when I request a balikbayan privilege package upon arrival to Philippines?
No, a Balikbayan Stamp does not automatically give the holder work rights. To work he would have to go to the DOLE and obtain an AEP (Alien Employment Permit).
What is the best option if me and my husband would like to settle in Phils, balikbayan privilege and get employment permit for a year or get a visa?will he be allowed to work with this non quota visa?
Visa entails me to have work in Philippines, which I don’t as I will just be returning so can you tell me the best option.
Hello Gem,
Yes, a 13a does include the right to work. But, if you will only stay a year, it would seem a waste to get a 13a visa, since it is a lifetime visa.
If you are interested in living in the Philippines, but you need a source of income, getting a job here is generally not the way to go. Firstly, most companies are not looking to hire foreigners. Secondly, you probably won’t want to work for the kind of wages offered here, usually only a few dollars per day.
To help out people like you, I have written a book called “49 Ways to earn a living in the Philippines” and I cover ideas of all sorts on how you can earn a good living while living in the Philippines. I have been earning my living here since 2000, and I earn more money now than when I lived in the States. So, I know that I can help you do that too!
To check out the book, go to:
As a special offer to you, I am going to offer you $5 off the book, but the offer is good for only the next 24 hours. During checkout, just enter the coupon code – 5DiscountToday – and the book will be $5 off the regular price. But, remember, the discount expires after 24 hours.
Check it out today, I am sure that this is what you are looking for, if you want to live in the Philippines!
Hi! I wanna ask a few questions, hope u can help me. I am a Filipina with Egyptian husband, we are here in Egypt for 2 months & planning to come back to Philippines next month to settle & hopefully he will find a job as Arabic call center agent. my questions:
1. Is he eligible for balikbayan visa? Or should i apply him here in Egypt a visa?
2. If he is granted a balikbayan visa, & i wanna change it to permanent visa can he apply for job while permanent visa is still on process?
Thank u very much if u could reply to me.
Hi Berna,
If you and your husband are traveling into the country together and you have your marriage certificate with you, then he will be eligible to receive a balikbayan visa. You cannot apply abroad for a balikbayan visa, they are only issued at the airport when you arrive. When you enter the country together, you should request from the immigration officer to avail of the Balikbayan privilege for your husband. You must request this before a tourist visa is stamped into your husband’s passport, or it will be too late.
Your husband does not get the right to work under a balikbayan visa, but if he converts to a resident visa then he can work here.
Dear Bob,
Im confused sorry I called Phil. embassy here in Egypt to make sure that my husband can get the BB visa upon arrival in Phils. as u have said but unfortunately they said Egyptian Nationals dont have the priviledge for this & that he can just apply for a temporary entry visa valid for 30 days. Is this true?
Is it necessary to get 13A visa to live in the married to a filipina born australian citizen thinking to stay permanent in the phil.what happens if we are not well enough to travel overseas just to get yearly visa so we can stay permanent in the phil.can I pay yearly visa and how much it cost for yearly visa..
Please reply thanks
Getting a 13a is not totally necessary in order to live in the Philippines. You can live here with a tourist visa, balikbayan visa or SRRV. But, since you say that you are not well enough to travel, then the 13a would be the best way to go, because you could then stay forever and never be forced to travel out of the country.
For 13A visa do I need ACR Card and how long the ACR Card Expires and where can I apply ACR Card. What Documents we need to apply for a 13A visa, can we apply in Australia or in the Phil. How about our Australian passports do we needd to Renew before it expires..
thanks please reply..
Question? Does having a child born to me and my partner(she is still married to her seperated husband), assist me in any way to get a permanent visa in the Philippines
No, it does not assist you. Be very careful, though, because that child could put you in jail. If the woman is still married to her husband, even if separated, if the husband finds out about this, he can charge you with adultery. The DNA of the baby will prove you to be the father, and there is no question of your guilt. It is an offense that will send you to prison.
Thanks, if I hadn’t met the husband 5 years ago and spent lots of time with him, their kids and many relatives. Had him to our house and his personal thanks for being so kind to his children, yes, I would be concerned. being she has been to Australia many times with me and also our son, I don’t worry about that. I appreciate your concern. We also have a certified stat dec from our barangay Captain relating to their seperation and our relationship as being registered with him.
For 13A visa do I need ACR Card and how long the ACR Card Expires and where can I apply for ACR Card. What documents do we need to apply for 13A visa can I apply in Australia or in the phil. How about our Australian Passports do we need to renew it before it Expires,, can we renew Australian passport in manila Australian Embassy
Please reply thanks,,
If you have a 13a visa you are also required to get an ACR I-Card. It is mandatory.
You apply for the ACR card at the Bureau of Immigration. The cost is the Peso equivalent of US$50.
Yes, you can apply for your 13a in Australia. You should contact the Philippine Embassy or Consulate to apply. They will send you a list of all of the things they require for the application. You must always keep your passport current. You must apply for renewal before it is down to 6 months before expiration. Yes, you can renew at the Australian Embassy in Manila.
Hi Bob,
I’m a Filipino citizen and my husband is a Australian citizen . We got married here in Australia . We are planning to go in the Philippines for holiday , If my husband get a a balikabayan stamp. Is that possible he can get an ACR card ?
If yes when can we apply for it ? Or we should wait for a certain days or weeks ? in order to apply that ?
One more thing my husband is traveling to Philippines almost every month for almost a year now due to his work. is he eligible to get an ACR ? Can we apply here in Australia or not?
Thank you for your help.
Hi Rach – I think that you have a misunderstanding of what an ACR I-Card is. Many people think that it is a type of Visa, but it is not. An ACR is nothing but a piece of ID. If your husband has any other kind of ID card then he probably has no need for an ACR.
The only thing I can think of which he may need an ACR for is to open an bank account in the Philippines.
You may not apply for an ACR in Australia, it may only be applied for in the Philippines.
Balikbayan Visa holders are not required to get an ACR card. If he wants to get an ACR, though, he probably can. Many people at the BI will not issue an ACR to a BB visa holder, since it is not required, but most will.
Thank you Bob,. For the quick respond .
Yeah we are planing to open a bank account in the Philippines. even joint account they still asking for an ACR card. ..
Thank you again . more power and God bless !
Hi Bob
My husband and I will travel out of the country for a week. He will get a balikbayan visa when he comes back with me. My question is.. does he need a ticket out of manila even if he is granted the 1yr stay from the bvisa ? Thanks.
The law does not require him to have an ongoing ticket.. but sometimes they still say one is needed. Usually, though, it is not an issue.
Hi if we get a 13 a visa do we have to pay tax in the philippines. My wife pilipino born australian citizen and we both pensioners and planning to live there permanently.. if we are paying tax how much to pay anualy..
Pls reply…thanks
I am sorry, I am neither an accountant or an attorney, and thus I am not qualified to counsel you in regards to your tax obligations.
Bob been reading all your posts about balikbayan status and the ability to leave the country before its expiration date, then reentering the philippines again and getting a new 1yr stamp. I came with my dual citizen wife last november. Just booked a trip back to the States about 1 month before its expiration and returning about 3 weeks later. When we came here, planning to reside permanently, I recieved it. My concern is this, her U S passport is in her married name to me, matching our marriage certificate. Her filipino passport which she reobtained last year after she originally forfeited to be a US citizen as well as her new citizen certificate have a former married name on them. Will coming back in be a problem since they are different from my last name? Or should she just show only her US passport and request balikbayan for us both? We have land and are in the process of building a house here for permanancy I am retired already, she now a housewife. Thanks in advance for your reply Plan for now to just take a trip out each year
I would highly recommend that your wife get a new passport with the correct name on it, Lloyd. I would not recommend that she enter on only her US passport. You may or may not get a BB Visa, but you can try.
It was no problem last november, but comcerned they might now deny me entry which would be acreal problem
Hi i have a question regarding the balik bayan visa .. Im a filipino citizen .. I am going home to the philippines this february 2016 but my departure date is march 2015 im bringing with me my american citizen daughter would she be eligible for the balikbayan visa ?
Hi i have a question regarding the balik bayan visa .. Im a filipino citizen .. I am going home to the philippines this february 2016 but my departure date is march 2015 im bringing with me my american citizen daughter would she be eligible for the balikbayan visa ? Because we are planning to stay there for about 6 months
Yes, your daughter is eligivle if you request it for her.
Hi. I’m Eunice, a Filipino married to a Myanmar citizen.
I have few questions regarding this balikbayan visa:
1. Do we need to show a 2way plane ticket upon arrival in the immigration?
2. We are married in Singapore. Can we use this marriage certificate? or we need to get an NSO copy first?
Thank you
Hi Lao –
1. No
2. Yes
I’m a Filipina married to an American Citizen. He came here and we got married on Feb 2014. He stayed for 21 days and went back home.
He came back on July 2015 and from then on, we’ve b11een requesting a visa extension in the Immigration every 2 months while we’re working on 1his permanent visa.
He’s still here up to now and his visa will expire on 11/04/2015. Are we eligible to get the balikbayan visa instead of requesting for an another extension?
Thanks in advance!
He can get a balikbayan visa if you do two things:
1 You have an NSO marriage certificate
2 You and he travel outside the Philippines and return together. When you both return, request an balikbayan visa.
Thanks so much! Yes, we have an have an NSO marriage certificate. What we just need is the second requirement.
God bless!
Good evening! I’m a dual citizen of german and filipino decent. Last time I came back here in the philippines was last july and I plan to leave again this December. My problem is that my Philippine passport expired last August and i have no time to get it renewed. I plan to leave using only my german passport and when i come back, i’ll ask for a balikbayan stamp so I have 1 yr to get my philippine passport renewed. Then when i get my new passport, i can go to immigration to get it ammended as with passport instead. Is there going to be a problem with this plan?
If you really are a dual citizen then what you say makes sense to me. I don’t see how you can be a dual citizen, though, as Germany does not allow dual citizenship.
Hi bob,
my question is this, my sister just took an oath as a u.s citizen a month ago.he is married to a filipino who is a naturalized u.s citizen.both of her 2 children where born in the u.s but they did not file at the phil.consul in california a report of birth abroad for the 2 kids.they are planning to go back and stay here in the phil for a longer period since they want the 2 kids to study here in manila.can they avail of the balikbayan privilage at the immigration so they will not have to pay any amount to be allowed to stay in the phil longer than 29days?tnx! hope to hear from you soon.
They can get a Balikbayan Visa. However, they cannot legally study on a Balikbayan Visa. They will need a Student Visa. Why not just file with the Embassy or Consulate the Report of Birth Abroad which will make them dual citizens, then they can legally study.
hi bob
i am filipina married to israeli
israelis are allowed to enter 3 months without visa to philippines
when i already read about the balikbayan visa and that it is valid for a year
does he need a return ticket to present upon request for balikbayan visa?
i assumed it will not be denied
we got a ticket that returns 11 months after. is that ok? or was i supposed to just buy a 3 month long return ticket back?
Balikbayan visa holders do not need to have an ongoing ticket.
Hi Bob,
I’m a filipina and naturalized australian citizen.
My question is my son who is also naturalized australian citizen would like to study in the philippines for year 11 as a balikbayan do i need to get him a student visa or balikbayan stamp will do because it won’t take 1 year for schooling .
And after that when he will have holiday here in australia can he still get another year
For year 12?
Does the balikbayan stamp privilege is every year?
It would be my understanding that study is not one of the privileges provided to Balikbayans, a student visa would be needed. But, I do not know for certain, I would check with the Bureau of Immigration.
The easiest thing for you to do would be to just apply for dual citizenship for yourself and your child, then you would have no problems.
Hello Bob!
I’m a naturalized US citizen and currently living here in the Philippines with my daughter. Our BB Visa expires on May 2016, we want to extend our stay and spend less.
Can we exit within Asia only and reenter the Philippines and can still avail 1yr BB visa?
Yes, you can do that and get another BB visa upon re-entry.
Thank you, Bob!
God bless
Hello bob!
Im a philippine citizen and i am going to the philippines this april 2016 together with my norwegian citizen daughter, my question is do i need to a return ticket to travel to philippines and and avail the balikbayan? Im worried because i only booked one way ticket and we will stopover in dubai.
An ongoing ticket is not required for those who are eligible for a balikbayan visa. You have no worries. If the airline says that you are required to have an ongoing ticket tell them to double check the regulations and that your daughter is eligible because of her mother’s citizenship.
I am a returning OFW. My American husband and I entered the Philippines on April 5, 2016. I am not aware of of the existence of the balikbayan visa when we enter, thus, he was just given a 1 month visit pass. Can we still avail of the bb visa if we go to the nearest immigration office?
Your husband can receive a Balikbayan Visa if you leave the country and return, but not by going to the immigration office. You must leave the country and both of you must enter the country together. You should have your marriage contract in your possession when entering, and you should ask for a Balikbayan Visa before they stamp a tourist visa into his passport.
Hi Bob! My husband is applying for 13A conversion to non quota immigrant by marriage and his Balikbayan Previlege will expire on June 5th this year. We got married in the US does the Marriage Cert. needs to be authenticated at the US embassy? How long would this process takes? Thank you and more power.
I am sorry, I don’t know the answer, Helen. Just ask the people at the BI, they will gladly answer for you.
I recently came into the Philippines with my pinay wife and was given a balikbayan. Can this be renewed without leaving the country?
No. You must leave the country and return. Your wife must be traveling with you.
Hello Bob! I’m Swiss citizen. I’m going to marry a Filipina girl in October 2016. Then I would like to live with her in her country. I had thought to ask the residence but my criminal record is not clean. I read about the Balikbayan Privilege and I think for me is maybe the best solution. So: we get married and with the marriage certificate we go outside the country together and we come back after a day or two and ask the Balikbayan Privilege. Right? And at the end of period we go out together and we return and ask for another. Then, when my criminal record will be clean (in 7 years) I will then ask them directly there for residence? maybe SSRV. Thank you!
Yes, that should be fine. After your record is clean you will go to the Bureau of Immigration and apply for a 13A resident visa.
Thank u for your answer
Hello there, I’m an American citizen with a one-year Balikbayan visa which is expiring very soon. I received the one-year free of stay when arriving with my mother in the Philippines st the airport. Can we do the same thing and get another one-year free of stay Balikbayan visa?
If you and your mother leave the Philippines and return together you can get another one year Balikbayan Visa.
Ok, great! Thank you so much. Is there a limit to this one-year visa? Last question, would there be any issue at the airport immigration if my current one-year visa has expired?
You can keep doing it, there is no limit.
Yes, if you have overstayed the Balikbayan Visa there will be an issue. You will have fines and penalties to pay. If you overstayed more than 24 months then there will be serious issues and you will be deported and blacklisted.