Can you have fun in Mindanao? Well, you better believe it!
I know, you are most likely thinking that Mindanao is a war zone, a very dangerous place, etc. Well, my friends, there are parts of Mindanao that are best avoided, but that is only a small part of the island! The vast majority of the island is not only safe, but a lot of fun too. Mindanao is mostly clean, natural, and unspoiled!
A group of foreigners made a video which I want to share with you, about their travels and lives in the Philippines, and specifically in Mindanao. I enjoyed watching this video because I have been to virtually ever location that they visited in the video, and it really brought a smile to my face seeing a group of many foreigners having a blast in Mindanao!
Don’t be afraid of Mindanao, just avoid the places that are not advisable to visit, and you will be fine! If you are unsure about which areas you should avoid, drop me an email or ask in the comments, and I will be glad to give you my advice. I have lived in Mindanao for almost 16 years now, and I know my way around the island, so I would be happy to help you out.
So, what did you think of the video? Looked like these folks were having a blast, don’t you think? Come on over and join me here in Mindanao, I am sure you will have a great time too!
I watched it with the sound off on the train while listening to the who. God bless em, they’re young, energetic, and promoting Philippine tourism.
I agree completely, Marc, and I think they did a great job too! 🙂
I could not agree with you more Bob. Best vacations I have ever had Anyplace are in Iligan City, ( northern ) Mindanao. I am often asked why do I keep coming back here ? Well, I guess there are many reasons but the basic ones are, the people I have met and become friends with, now things opening up all the time, especially restaurants. There are tourist attractions here such as Ziplines, nature parks, more than 20 beautiful waterfalls of various sizes shapes and intensities. Some of them such as Tinago falls have beautiful lagoons that you can go swimming in and yes, lifeguards are On Duty.
I never considered myself to be a typical tourist. I have been able to see things that I specifically wanted to see and all I had to do was ask. Sometimes prior arrangements have to be made but sure enough sooner or later my requests come true. The time I wanted to see the Seaport. Security at the gate informed me ” ticketed passengers Only “. I mentioned this to a friend working at City hall. On the following visit I was cheauffered into the Seaport in a city car. I was given a 3 hour tour by the seaport manager, allowed to go to the top of the observation tower and take pics. If that was not enough at the end of the tour we had an ample variety of local delacacies. I’ll never remember the names of them but they sure were great !
When a new FM Radio station opened up broadcasting in American style English, I contacted them ahead of time if I could visit them and I offered to bring some pasalubongs from the USA that we could give away to lucky local listeners right on the air.
I stay in one of the most respectable hotels in the city for only about $18 USD per night. Now it is not the Ritz Carlton, or the Marriot Marque but I am well satisfied with the cable tv, hot water for the shower, room and laundry service, security etc. It is just abour surrounded by restaurants of many kinds with some even open 24 hrs. If I want hot coffee at 2 Am, its No Prob ! Additionally it is the same staff I have seen year after year, trustworthy and loyal employees all of them. They treat me more like family than just another tourist.
I have been invited to, included in, and participated in many events, banquets, social gatherings etc. here in Iligan City. I have toured many of the educational facilities that I wanted to see. Things not always on the tourist map but all I have to do is ask.
I have written many articles and reviews on the internet about my visits to Iligan City, Mindanao including a few guest articles right here on ” LIP ” that you can view about my Iligan City Adventures. A few videos on YouTube, one of me on the Zip Line and another joining in with the City Employees of Iligan at the Monday Flag raising Ceremony doing the ” Iligan March “. The hospitality seems just about Unlimited.
I am quite sure many similar things can be said about other tourist friendly cities and localities in Mindanao. There are numerous videos on the internet about arious places in Mindanao abd Bob posted just one of them for this article. Do some web searching yourself to find hundreds of other ones. For the past couple of years this has become a favorite for me. It was done by some school students to tell about their city. I have been to just about every place shown on this music video presentation.
If you plan ahead, learn about a place you would like to visit, don’t be afraid to ask questions, I can honestly say, YES, you really can have MORE FUN in Mindanao ! After ten visits mysef, I can’t wait for next time.
Hi Bob – I hope you are enjoying your trip! Believe it or not, when I posted this video, I was thinking about you. Why? Because you are probably the number 1 person that I know of who comes to Mindanao very frequently, always has fun adventures, and talks up Mindanao (particularly Iligan City). Great service to Iligan, Bob! Keep enjoying yourself!
i hate to even see what you consider a decent place for approximately 800 pesos a night.
sounds like a sogo motel but even those are more expensive.
I have stayed in very adequate hotels in parts of Mindanao for as low as P400 per night. I would gladly stay again at those places. Nothing fancy, but also not dirty or seedy.
It is one of the better known Hotels in the city, it is NOT a flop house or No-Tell Motel kind of place. rooms are not rented by the hour. There are other facilities available if that is what you are looking for. In fact, repeat visitors to this hotel are given a discount off the posted rates.
I doubt you will find many 5 star International rated hotels in Mindanao although new ones are being built all the time. You won’t be paying 5 star international hotel rates either.
Thanks Bob,
The video you posted has been around for a while and the Canadian that is featured in it has made an entire series of videos including one on Iligan City and other tourist friendly places in Mindanao. I will always be thankful to you when I asked you in advance of my first visit if you thought I would be OK here. Your information was more than accurate. I’ve never had any real problem here. I guess what you could not have told me back then is just how great an experience awaited me but I guess you wanted me to find that out for myself and I certainly have.
My Iligan Zipline Adventure
Doing the Iligan March with a cast of hundreds in front of a stadium audience ! Learning how to do this and actually participating in an official performance for me really is MORE FUN in Mindanao !
Don’t be shy, give it a try !
Thanks Bob, just doing my part to help promote Mindanao and the Philippines! 🙂
I have been trying to do a video feature every Saturday, and I think I will try to feature some of your videos too! 🙂 Had not thought about doing that until now! Might as well keep it in the LiP family! 🙂
nice find on the video.
thank you for sharing.
mindanao is a hidden gem in the philippines and even though it gets a bad rap, it’s worth a visit if you have the time.
It is certainly a nice place to visit. It gets a bad image due to some dangerous places, but if you know the places to avoid you are safe.
Mindanao Safe? I think this Italian owner of this pizza place ( priest also ) who was kidnapped in a boulevard 40m away from a place where one of my fellow country man lives, those 3 foreigners kidnapped in the “safe island Samal, just near the most safe Davao City, what so you think about that now?
As those young fellows can have their FUN in the big cities who might be so safe there, we cannot really say the island Mindanao is safe as also you warn about the “dangerous places” there.
I also travelled in Danao, then to CDO by bus through Bugidnon even my friends there in these places warned me very much as also Bukidnon area is area where NPA has a lot of their members who can easily hide on the mountains around the area, It`s NOT only in Sulu where MILF, Abu Sayaf and many others are ruling their areas. Even in Manila they act when it is possible.
I DON`T want to alert anyone to come to the Philippines AND Mindanao, but everywhere you have to watch and go with your eyes open as a normal tourist do. If you want to live in Mindanao, be aware that you might be watching where you go, where`s your values and how much is YOUR value. Be safe! Take care!