The survey is in! It’s been published. Internations, an expat website has come out with the 2014 survey of the Best Places to be an Expat! I am an expat who lives in the Philippines. The people who read this website are interested in the Philippines – either living in the Philippines or at least […]
What is it like living in a Philippine neighborhood?
I like to go for a walk just about every morning. Sometimes I go for another walk in the afternoon as well. Today, I decided to take my camera along on my morning walk and snap some pictures around the neighborhood. I didn’t really know what I would do with the pictures, but as I […]
Happiness & sadness!
When you’re reading this post my son Aaron is on his way traveling to the USA. He started his journey last night (Wednesday). He left Davao at 10:15 pm, and arrived in Manila at a little after midnight. He will be in Manila for a few hours, then he will be starting his journey to the USA […]
What Really Happened Last Week
Well I had a great Wednesday with my friends from San Diego; Don and Teody they have a house close to me but don’t get to the Philippines that often. We had lunch at Sit-N-Bull then motored over to the Wild Orchid on Baloy beach and parked the car. A quick decision and we found […]
What Did You Do Last Weekend?
Sometimes life in the Philippines is just as simple as this. At 0400 I was on Face Book joking and chatting with a group from Dorchester Massachusetts, which is within the city limits of Boston. Now for those of you whom have met people from Boston, I’ll explain to you that they really weren’t from […]
The Devil You Know
Last week as I sent my missive off to Sir Bob, I closed, by wondering what would crop up that I could write about the following week, but also with the hidden knowledge that the Philippines will never disappoint you. Something mystifying or magical will always come up; you only have to walkout your front […]