A few years back my son, my niece and I decided to take a trip on a Jeepney. We were going to ride from Davao City to Cagayan de Oro, which is unheard of on a jeepney!
As things turned out, it did not really work out as we expected, but that is a different story for another time. Here is a picture of my son, Aaron and I on the jeepney, on our way to CdO.
Even though our trip ended up being quite short and we thought it would be long, we still had fun and experienced a few laughs along the way. At the time, we were upset about the way things worked out, but isn’t it always the case that when you look back you don’t usually see the disappointment, instead you see the fun that was not visible at the time?
For anybody who wants to learn more about our “intended” jeepney trip to Cagayan de Oro City, you can read about it here.
Did you ever do the complete trip by jeepney to CdO?
Never did it, Jim, but I would still like to try again, though!
Hi Bob,
I will stick to the Executive Bus, lol 🙂
The executive class busses are a great ride, but Jeepneys are a lot of fun
During basic training in the Army I used to have to ride in the back of a deuce-and-a-half (2 1/2 ton truck). For those of you never having the privilege, it’s a fair equivalent of riding in a jeepney, but without the view…lol. It was ok, but my tolerance level was About 45 mins! The same holds true for jeepneys! The longest jeepney ride I’ve taken was from Santa Rosa Laguna to Festival Mall in Alabang…it was almost an hour. On the way back I took an air conditioned van….it was heaven!!!
Ha ha.. great story, Steve. Thanks for sharing it. My longest jeepney ride has, so far, been about 2 hours or so. It didn’t bother me…. 😉
That’s because deep at heart, a part of everyone on this site is a Masochist….haha
That may be true… or maybe a small pert of everyone’s heart is Filipino. 🙂
Time to plan more adventures I think. Bob?
Hi Jim – It’s always time for that! 🙂 Right now, my work plate is pretty full from now through February, though, so it will have to wait for a few months! 🙂
When will you be returning to Davao for a visit?
We’re thinking of Davao for next Christmas Bob (2016). The trouble is we also want to spend a few weeks in the UK and Italy, and want to spend some time in California with friends there, doing the Grand Canyon thing, and I want to drive through the Mohave desert too…so many adventures in the pipeline…and with the kids at a critical schooling stage…you know how it is…
I certainly do understnad that, Jim.