The Thompson Family Christmas this year went as smooth as every year prior thank you Mayang (Mrs. Thompson). My job is to provide ample money for all she needs and off she goes making a wonderful day for the family. But better for me because after my operation awhile back, and my cane use I am considered afflicted, and she pardons my non-participation in most things shopping. Oh glory to me!
If you’re wondering why an operation on my colon, requires that I would now use a cane, I wondered that myself, But it seems that somehow because, of three operations in three days, when I finally recovered, my balance was way out of whack I fully understand the distance between the site of my operation, and that balance is controlled by the inner ear? Anatomy is an odd thing, isn’t it? But it did prevent me from driving for a year.
So, twenty-two months later, with no real improvement. OH and my Barangay Kapitan wants to give me a handicapped parking thingy, but so far I’ve declined, but they gave me the old fart discount card, that gives me 5% off in all the stores on the Freeport…Yes, Thank you very much! I don’t use it on Jeepney’s because that would be just rude.
I am now also exempt from long days at malls or the market. Yes, I do tend to milk it a bit more than I should, so kindly never mention it to Mayang. If I come downstairs for a cup of tea or coffee she must be the one, to be the one, to carry it upstairs for me.
Now the days I do go to the mall this month (December) , I went in search of a new Panasonic “Jet Pump” Hot water on demand shower. Why? The old one crapped out. When I first started living here in 1993 I bought my first one, it was made in Europe and was pure junk, it failed and I bought two more brands from the UK and again Europe, the pile of broken hot water heaters was piling up out back.
I was told to go to the Goodyear Hardware on Gordon Avenue and check them out. One more for the pile I’m thinking. The year was 2002 and Boyet (The owner) sold me a Panasonic Jet Pump, and fifteen years later it ceased to function. But; “15 years!” Damn; you know what brand I’m replacing it with.
Off to Goodyear hardware once again, but time and two malls had taken its toll on another small business, it was open, but a shell of a place selling all made in CHINA junk. I said goodbye to Boyet’s son never to darken their door again.
Handyman City at the mall, there it was mounted on the display wall, shiny and new but display only, the one I wanted was, OH come-on you live here…”OUT OF STOCK” I found out that all the stores receive a board with faux machines mounted for (As the kid said) Display Na Lang!
Sir, we’ll order it for you. A tear ran down my cheek, listening to a promise we’ve all heard so often before. With my head hung down I wandered out of the building with a young man following me explaining the six other brands they carried. I moaned; “Panasonic 15 years, don’t bother me with anything else. “
Then an instant lightbulb moment, the SM Mall is just across the bridge and they have an ACE Hardware. All is not lost!
Need I go into detail? NOT IN STOCK! At Ace Hardware now my blood pressure is rising, the anger is creeping in, but there is no way I can take it out on those young employees, it is not their fault. So I choke it down, smile and then they took my number (Actually Mayang’s number, I don’t speak Tagalog, and they would never call an English speaker) to call us when back in stock. Exactly the same story as Handyman City isn’t that odd?
Wait, I forgot about AMERICAN Hardware by the Royal Store on the Freeport. No let’s forget that… they are so overpriced I get angry just walking past the store.
How many more cold showers must I endure? Why are the gods treating me this way? More to come about my shower search later!!!!
Every Christmas all my girls look forward to the new expensive handbag I buy them above the normal Christmas, that I always give them. I sent the money to Florida for our daughter Ymir Thea and her husband and of course my Grandson. I added extra for her handbag. She will send a picture of it to brag to her older sister.
So this year I only have to buy three Handbags, Mayang, YoHanna Mae and Heather Colleen. Now I’m back in the SM Store, in the purse section, where a young girl approached me in mortal fear of having to speak English, and causing her a major nosebleed.
Miss, “I need three expensive Handbags.” I picked out three, without checking the price. I can’t have the three on display (It’s a rule), she must go to the “Not in stockroom” and find the new stock, but since they had a chair for me I was fine with that… Guess what, all three were not in stock, so… Don’t ask, you know I can’t have the three on display!!! Maybe like water heaters they are not real?
Three more, the drill is repeated but two were in stock and the third they only had in maroon. Yes young pretty lady maroon will do. Note there was no maroon on display. With my best cheerful smile on public display I’ll remind myself once more, “Paul”, never take out your frustration on employees, especially one with big doe eyes. Listen I know I’m 70, but let me lie down and die the day I stop admiring a pretty girl.
The shopping is going swimmingly, I have the three hand bags and before I left the girl took all the bags that we now knew were not in stock, and put them right back on display.
While choking back a laugh, I asked where I could get my presents wrapped. She escorted me.
Now to clear something up, I was the same way with employees all over the earth, always be kind to them, but managers are fair game, that is their job to take the grief.
Back to the Hot Water Heater; this is getting very long so I’m going to finish next Monday, the funny stuff has not begun yet…….
For heavens sake Paul!
If I only knew what you were saying? (LOL)
Where are you Bob?
They will bring it right to your door step!
Comment section was missing from lip when I read your story. Top said you had two comments but I couldn’t see them either.
It could be the smoke in the Colorado air; it seems to be working here. Except your post that you posted on Bob’s Facebook, also didn’t appear.
Some of my recent comments aren’t showing either. Steve’s Christmas post and AJ’s Singapore post.
Good reason for this “Except your post that you posted on Bob’s Facebook, also didn’t appear.” I didn’t post as there was no where to post.
Loren Pogue Bob!!! Help ………
When I built my house last year I had a solar powered water heater installed … no electricity to pay. 🙂 But, I also had a single point electric water heater (funny thing is it’s a Panasonic) installed as a back up.
I passed on the solar water heater, as they don’t work that well on rainy days. But for free hot water, paint your silver water tanks black.. Panasonic is the only one I’ll buy due to their longevity.
Where am I? What difference does it make, this article was written by Paul, not me. I order from Lazada regularly, and I know they deliver to my door.
Because when all else fails, you seem to be the ‘go to’ guy!
“Listen I know I’m 70, but let me lie down and die the day I stop admiring a pretty girl… especially one with big doe eyes”. I love this one, Paul.