I just walked into my office and noticed that it is raining. I didn’t realize it until I stepped into my office and looked out the window. My office has a wonderful view out into the neighborhood where we live. I was surprised to see the rain, because it rarely rains during the day in Davao. When it rains in Davao, it is usually at night, or in the very late afternoon.
I like the rain, I find it refreshing. The rain washes away the dust that is so common here. The leaves of the banana trees become clean and glistening instead of dusty and dingy. The smell of the air becomes fresh again. The heat dissipates, there is a bit of a chill in the air.
It’s funny, because rain is one of the reasons why I wanted to live here. I came from the Pacific Northwest of the United States where rain is an all day/everyday thing. That’s right, where I came here from, it rained basically 24/7 for about 9 months straight, with a 3 month respite from the rain in the summer months. I hated the rain, despised it. I was so happy to be away from the rain when I came here.
Now, though, rain takes a different meaning for me. Firstly, it is not a 24 hour affair. Here in the tropics when it rains it is usually for an hour or so, rarely more. It’s not every day either. It is refreshing rather than depressing. It’s a whole new rain now. And, I like it.
Yes, today is unusual in Davao. Daytime rain. It doesn’t happen often, but when it does, it calls for a different kind of day. I’m going to relax. Forget my troubles. Kick back and listen to the water fall on the roof. There is something peaceful about that.
Might as well savor it.
Hi Bob,
This is my first time to send a comment after reading your website for several months now. Your site is one of my favorite on the Philippines. I have learned a great deal from your features for example you said that it seldom rains in the daytime in Davao. That was such a good tropical picture you showed today out of your office window..
I have lived here in Texas all of my life and my dream is to live in the Philippines hopefully within two years. The weather is very cold here today with a chance of sleet and snow for tonight .
Thank you and Feyma and all the others on this site for your features in the past for I have really enjoyed all of the good information.
Please keep up the good work and it’s really appreciated by this guy!
God Bless,
Hi Bob, yes in your enviroment it sounds refreshing… but here in London it's 2 degrees, windy and the rain really gets through to your skin… so you savour it… here I will just sit indoors with the cental heating on 🙂
When i lived in Manila it was almost like getting drenched in warm water for an hour and then the sun dried you very quickly… I do miss that !!
Morning Bob,
Wish we could get some of that rain here. We are soon to enter our 13th year of drought/below averge rainfall. Winter grain crops around my area have largely failed again. All the lakes are dry. Most of the reservoirs are either dry or near dry. There are quite large trees now growing in some of the lake beds since they have been dry for so long. As I write the level of water in the reservoirs in my area hold only 5.6% of capacity. Enjoy the "greenness" Bob!
kamusta bob
ahhh i remember the first time im in davao and got to experience the hard rainfall,wow i have never see anything like that here in the us,i have to agree with you bob i did also enjoy the rain there.i do have a question for ya bob.do the frogs sing after it rains in the day as they do during night time?
salamat bob
Sounds very refreshing. One can only wish it rains like that here in Southern California, over here they call it a storm when in reality its only drizzling. Nice photo of the pasture there.
Hi gerry- It's a little different getting a freezing cold shower and a nice warm one! I like the warm one myself, and it sounds like you do too! 😆
Hi AussieLee- Yeah, I know that you guys have long been running dry down under. Hopefully one of these days things will turn around for you.
Hi Ron W- Oh yes, that warm wetness brings out the frogs, and they serenade us during the day too! 😆
Hi Obei- I used to live in SoCal, so I really know what you are talking about!
Hi Dale Head- Well, thank you very much for deciding to comment today! It's always nice to meet another reader! I certainly hope that your plans for a move to the Philippines all work out for you!
I can relate, before I moved to Southern Oregon in 1997 I lived in Portland, Oregon and the rain was indeed depressing. Here in Ashland Oregon the sun shines more often. I do look forward to the Tropical Mindanao rains. I will know more in March when I visit Jessica but Cebu might be the place we end up settling once I make the big move in 2010….very premature at this point. have a relaxing day!
I like it because it pulls the pollution down and cleans the air. I am also particular amazed at how prolific plant life is here in the Philippines and even more so after it rains.
Hi Bob – we'll be getting into the teens this week here. I'd take the drizzle of western WA this time of year over this. Guess I'm getting old but the snow no longer holds any thrill to me.
Of course, I'd take your weather over either.
Someday 🙂
Hi Dave- Thank you, I do hope to have a nice relaxing day! I gotta get ready, though, pretty quick, because I am meeting a reader for coffee shortly! That happens a lot these days.
Don't worry, Cebu gets rains like this too! 😆
Thanks for the nice relaxing article and pic Bob. Is the picture close to Davao?
So you came from the Pacific Northwest? Seattle or Portland area? That area is one of my favorite summer camping destination. It is so green there too like Davao because of the rain. I was planning to buy a retirement property in Eugene, Oregon before I made a trip back to Davao last year (after 15 years not visiting). After the visit, I changed my mind and is planning to retire in Davao.
Hi Steven- Yes, after a downpour the air just feels and smells fresher! For a few hours anyway! 😀
Hi Randy C- Oh, I don't even want to think about your weather, Randy! Is it possible to get depressed by the weather even when you are 7 or 8,000 miles away? 😆
Hi Gerry- That pic was taken just north of Davao, in the ComVal. In the States, I last lived in the Portland area, on the Washington side of the river though.
Bob, that is in Vancouver, WA area right? Nice place – close to my favorite places – Hood River, Astoria and just this summer – Florence. But it rains there alot in winter (Oct – May?). That is why Seattle is the biggest consumer of Prozac? 🙂
Does it rain usually rain year round in Davao nowadays?
Bob, for me, rain in Gensan is so different from rain in Manila. In Manila, when it's the rainy season and the typhoons get in, sometimes it would rain continuously for days. It's refreshing but could be inconvenient later on. In Gensan, I rarely get that! You're right, it's a refreshing kind of rain. So I guess things are better here. Funny, when it rains hard here, people say it's "bagyo" or typhoon already. I tell them you haven't seen bagyo at all. 🙂
Beautiful scenery! The greenery is very soothing! I can smell the after-the-rain scent of fresh air.
I am so envious. 🙂
Hi Gerry- Actually, Iived in Ridgefield, WA before moving here, which is just north of Vancouver, WA. I did live in Vancouver itself for many years too, though.
I do love Astoria, Oregon. It really brings me peace, being so close to the water, and seeing the big storms roll in from the Pacific!
Davao weather is pretty constant throughout the year. We don't have very defined seasons here, it rains every month, but not too much. Just enough to keep it green, and keep some variation in the weather.
Hi Cathy- Believe it or not, the weather in Davao and GenSan are completely different from each other! I know that I could not believe the difference when we moved here. In GenSan, it can rain anytime of the day, anyday. In Davao, rain is usually at night. I find GenSan to be a bit warmer too.
Yes, I understand what you mean about Manila, I know that it can rain for days and days on end there. That is something I would not enjoy.
You are right about typhoons! We don't have them here! I like that! Locally, though, the term bagyo is used for any kind of strong rain, not reserved only for typhoon.
Nice to hear from you, Cathy. I hope your family is doing well.
Hi Beth- I'm glad that I could bring you that smell of the fresh air, even just through the Internet!
I agree, looking at that particular photo just puts you right in the scene!
Hey Bob… Ridgefield, WA, home to one of my fave bar and grill – Mcmenamins! Been there? I'm going out of topic.. at least not politics right?! 🙂
The tropical rains are nice and I can't say I've seen rain like this anywhere else I've been. I do miss the spring thunderstorms that we used to get in Maryland. Thunderstorms here are rather tame.
Rain in the tropics. Here is the weather story for Kansas City today. Currently 24 degrees, winds about 25 mph, wind chill 2 degrees. Snow falling and blowing causing ice covered roads. Turned the thermostat on the furnace up to70 degrees and still feeling chilly. Would it make sense for me to say that I am jealous of rain in the tropics, clean banana leaves, etc…… Oh well-someday, someday,someday???
Hi Bob, I find the way people react to weather interesting.
The way how you can see locals in tropical winters wearing woollens and hear them complain of cold in temperatures tourists describe as ' Like a hot wet blanket.'
I think the keys to living in the tropics are:
1/ Avoid using airconditioning regularly: it is addictive. We all know people who apend 23 hours a day in airconditioned homes, cars and offices. It's expensive, unhealthy, alienating and makes enjoying reality more difficult, just the opposite of what it's designed to do.
2/ When moving to or from the tropics remember in takes about 6 weeks for the body to adjust.. This is due to blood lipids (fats) being concentrated in cold climates and restricted in hot ones. I find keeping cool easy with electric fans and bathing. Having a daily sauna for a few weeks before the move helps a lot.
3/ Eat healthy/ drink healthy. Don't live life like a permanent holiday with party food and beer; the immune system will be compromised.
4/ There are far more strains of bacteria in wet tropical environments than any other, and in far greater numbers, as I have reminded myself with an infected sandflea bite recently. Hygeine is very important to health. Here more than anywhere.
Maayong Buntag Bob
This morning I woke up to see the temp at 7deg F and a fresh blanket of snow on the ground. During the day the temp stayed below 15 deg F but it still was considered a good day since the wind was below 15mph. Right about now I would be completely thrilled to be watching the rain land on the banana trees.
Well Bob it is winter time here in the eastern US but temps got up to 60F when it would normally be 35-40.
Hi Gerry- I never heard of the place! It must have not been there when I lived there!
Hi BrSpiritus- Thunderstorms here tame? Those Maryland tunderbusters must be huge! Because I thought the ones here were big! 😯
Hi Ron LaFleur- I felt chilly just reading your comment! Brrrrr….
Hi Chris- Thanks for sharing your tips! I use aircon regularly, but only at certain times of the day.
Hi Larry- Kumusta? Maayong udto. Watching the rain rolling off the banana leaves is indeed a great activity for a slow relaxed day. I rate it higher than shoveling snow! 😆
Hi Dan Mihaliak- Hmm… Larry and others were talking about how cold it is, now you mention 60f? That sounds downright comfortable to me! Actually, though, if it gets down into the 70's now, I feel quite chilly.
Hi Bob
The first day I was in Davao it rained, and I was thinking it can't rain because Bob said it rarely rains during the day time. If it would only rain here since we already have some rationing through higher costs to reduce demand.
Hi neil- Well, it does rain here during the day, it's not common though!
Hello Bob
I am working in Kuwait were it rains about 1 week a year, but this sat i am going on vacation to my new house in pangasian so i am looking for some warm rain
I will send you more pics of the house it is coming along fin.
Hi James- That sounds great, I will look forward to the pictures! Enjoy your vacation!
Hi Bob,strange how the rains are so different in Phills,as you say mostly rains at night in Davao.But an hour or so drive up to Tagum and it rains at any time.
Hi john.j.- Yes, same as what I mentioned to Cathy. GenSan is also just down the road, and the weather patters are totally different.
Sounds like you had a good day Bob .nice soothing rain to carry your troubles away , makes a laze day Huh Bob ….we went from 20 inches of snow Sunday to 3 inches
of rain today ( Wednesday ) rained for 10 hours so far 🙂 snow gone now ….Phil R.
Hi Phil R.- Seems like most every day is good! I hope it was good for you.
Sounds like all that snow has long since been washed away! 😆
Hi Bob- Now that you mention rain I can assure you it has rained every day in Talakag since we arrived, if I look to to the mountains it could easily be mistaken for Scotland or Ireland as its so green.
It seems to me unusual to have heavy rains so late into December I can remember when by this time of the year the rains had gone and the cooler weather had set in (extra cover on the bed). Maybe its just global warming or climate change come to the Philippines.
Hi Jim Cunningham- Here in Davao, we don't get much seasonal change in the weather. It rains about the same amount 12 months of the year, and the temperature doesn't change much month to month either. Stay dry there!
been raining here toBob…unfortunatly its frozen!!! Care for some???
Hi brian- Ha ha.. I'll pass on the frozen rain! 😯
Hi Bob,
When I ready your entry about the rain, I thought, I could have written this. I think Belgium must be the wettest part of Europe. I've been holding count of this year, and so far we have four (4) months of reasonable good weather, which means the other 8 have been terrible. We have all kinds of rain here, just normal rain, pouring rain, drizzle, sleet, melting snow, and so on. I (here you can fill in some expletives) hate it ….. We're halve december now, and it has been raining almost non stop since the beginning of November. What a difference with Filipino rain. It comes down quick, and then it's over again. And it's refreshing …. like a nice cool shower
Best regards,
Ronny (must not forget my umbrella … again)
Hi Ronny Dehens- I hear you, my friend! I guess I would sum it by by saying that in the place where I came from the rain is depressing. Here, it is refreshing! What a world of difference! 🙂
Hi, Bob, just popping in to say hello to a wonderful guy…yes, that rain..how interesting. I love it and I long for the rain to come everyday in Marbella. Why?
Dog owners walk their dogs and mess the sidewalk! The only time I am able
to walk without looking down is when we get some rain and washes away the
dog poop. That's how so-called pet lovers are in this part of Spain. Do you also know that these so-called pet lovers abandon 250,000 dogs a year up and down
Spain just so they can get on with their summer holidays? There was a time I was driving along the dual carriageway and a posh car stopped and a young woman got out with her beautiful puppy and threw it right on the road! I almost
had an accident…still, they, like the French keep dogs like damn accessories but
do the bother to clean up afterwards? You know the answer to that one. So, please, God, let it rain…the rain is falling pit, pat, pit….
Hi hill roberts- Ha ha… it's good that rain comes to clean up the sidewalks! That is a problem!