Did you know that if you live here on a 13 series Visa, you have to go to the Bureau of Immigration and check in every year? That’s right, every year, in January of February, you are required to go to the Bureau of Immigration and check in, which means that you go, show your presence, pay a small fee (around P300) and you are finished for the year.
The 13 series Visa is a Visa that gives you permanent resident status in the country. I am here on a 13(g) Visa, which means that I am married to a former Citizen of the Philippines. If you were married to a Filipina who is still a Citizen of the Philippines, you would be getting a 13(a) Visa. The 13 series is a non-quota visa, meaning that there is no limit to the number of people who can get such a visa each year. With some other visas, there is a specific number of recipients per year, but that is not the case with the 13 series.
Anyway, last week when I went to General Santos, I checked in at the Bureau of Immigration office there (it’s located at the Arcade of the East Asia Royale Hotel). It was a simple and quick process. We have five in the family with such Visas, and for all five of us to check in it took under 20 minutes, and about P1,500 in fees. Quick, simple, hassle-free!
If you are living here, did you check in yet? If not, there will be a penalty for being late!
Bob, can you tell us why their is a requirement to carry ot a "face showing exercise" thats weird, what is the reasoning behind this, permanent residents in the UK, do not have to go and show their face ? perhaps you can tell us the reasoning behind this.
Were you informed that you need to renew your I-Card? This was not told to me during my annual registration (did mine in January to avoid any lines). But, other expats have told me they were told they would need to renew their I-Card in April.
Hi Peter – honestly, I have no idea why it is required, I only know that it is. It's somewhat of a hassle, but I can live with it.
Hi Arcamaede – I was not told anything about i-Card renewal. Funny thing is that I have yet to receive my i-Card! I applied last year and it has yet to arrive at the BOI Office in Davao. I have heard that it will expire in April, but that was not mentioned at my check-in. Imagine, if it expires in April and I haven't even received it yet!!!
I got mine back in August of last year. All 13A Visa holders have no expiration date stamped on them. Your story is no unusual though. I've met many people who had to go personally to Manila to get theirs. I have a friend in Manila who is going to inquire with BID at Intramuros — hopefully we'll get some kind of answer before April!
Hi Arcamaede – I have a 13(g) visa. It is my understanding that all i-cards with no expiration date on them will be set to expire on April 15, 2007. I hope I don't have to go to Manila to get mine (and all of my family's cards). I sure don't like to go there!!
Renewal of ACR I-Cards
All resident foreigners* with ACR I-Cards issued on or before April 15, 2006 have to renew their cards on April 15, 2007 (or earlier).
All resident foreigners* with ACR I-Cards issued after April 15, 2006 have to renew their card one year after the date of issuance.
This also applies to permanent residents who are still hoping that NEDA will approve a 5-year validity for their cards.
*foreigners with visas under 47a2, 47b and RA7837 are the visa's exempted from getting the ACR I-Card
All foreigners residing in the Philippines have to pay their annual reporting fee of Pesos 310 before the end of February 2007
ACR I-Card Update
NEDA advised the Bureau of Immigration to seek the legal opinion of the Department of Justice on the reduction of government share from the ACR I-Card Project before NEDA could act on the proposed 5-year ACR I-Card validity. The BI is waiting for the DOJ legal opinion.
Hi Sonny – thanks for sharing all of your invaluable information. I appreciate it greatly.
Hi Bob
you can tell me the visa permanent resident 13g and Balikbayan visa
it is same think or not.
Hi Zois – the Balikbanan Visa and the 13(g) visa are two completely different things. The 13 series visas offer resident status and you can stay as long as you like. The Balikbayan visa is only in force for one year, after that you must either leave or convert it to a tourist visa and stay for a maximum of one more year.
hi bob you now how to write my wife the authorization letter
for her sister ( she is live in philippines ) because the sister take birth certificate of my wife but need to write the authorization letter. I know hear no plays for authorization letter but I no
find other plays
Hi Zois – I am sorry, I don't know what you are talking about. Authorization letter for what? Her sister is authorizing you to do something, or you are authorizing her sister to do something? I am sorry, I am happy to help you if I can, but I just don't understand what you are asking of me.
hi bob this good the authorization letter or no
I virginia ………… this my address in greece
area code
I hereby authorized my sister Jeana ……………. to submit (take)
my birth certificate for authentication with seal and red ribon
respectfully yours
virginia ………
Hi Zois – that sounds OK to me.
Hi bob
you can tell me about dual citizen law 9225. My wife have
now greek nationality many years before. but before make
the philippine passport and keep my family name ( my name )
but expire 1984 after make no renewal the philippino passport.
Now have only greek passport etc.
If my wife (philippina) make renewal the philippino passport
it's okey ( this means have dual citizen with law 9225 ) or note.
I hope you anderstand to me sorry my english no very well.
Hi Zois – It would be very easy for your wife to claim her dual citizenship. If she wants to do it in Greece, she can just visit the Philippine embassy there and tell the people there that she wants to claim her dual citizenship. They will have the forms that she needs. If she wants to do it in the Philippines, she should visit the Bureau of Immigration while she is here.
Good luck!
hi , just want to ask what was the difference between 47a2 and the balikbayan?
Hi Cyrus – I am sorry but I am not an expert on the 47a2 Visa. From what information I have found about it, it is for very specialized classes of people, whereas the Balikbayan Visa is for anybody who is married to a Filipino Citizen.