I got a comment from somebody. She left it a few days ago on one of my posts that was published 3-4 years ago. I was shocked she left this comment. Here’s what she said:
“Why do you want go there. That place is red zone, because it’s filled with Muslims extremist. Mindanao is not wise place. That part of the Philippines is the Middle East of the Philippines. They have different laws and rules. You’re putting yourself in danger going there.
You would have to dress very conservatively. Cover your hair, wear long pants and top. It’s very Islam”.
I was shocked she left comment like this. How could someone just say something like that which generalized the whole island? Yep, there are certain areas that I would never advise anyone to go there without knowing anybody in that area. Like for example in Basilan or Sulu. Right now I will never advise any tourist or foreigners to go there.
In a lot of areas here in Mindanao, the ladies that I’ve seen walking around did not wear hijab. I’ve seen a few but to say that all women dress like that was just an insane comment. To say that we are the middle east of the Philippines is totally false too. It’s really mind boggling that she will say this and she’s never been here and never been raised here in our island. She thinks she’s the expert about Mindanao and she doesn’t know a thing about here.
I’m pretty sure she’s from from up North. I feel totally safe here in Mindanao, more than in Manila. When we went there to Manila I had to keep my purse guarded all the time and I can’t even use my cell phone in some areas there. Here in Davao, GenSan, Cagayan and other cities in Mindanao I can use my cell phone anytime. I can carry my purse without getting scared. Really everywhere you go no matter what place you’re going, always use common sense.
This lady must have not seen the news about Davao being one of the livable place in the world. Davao City, the only place in the Philippines that’s on the list. I wonder what she thinks that Manila is not listed on the list as the livable place in the Philippines. A lot of those people up North really think that Manila is the best place in the Philippines. There’s certain area in Manila that’s really nice like Makati (good shopping, can find anything there). But my goodness it’s too darn expensive to live there too.
I know for sure that the Mindanaoan people will disagree with her statement. These kind of people really are the one damaging the image of Mindanao. They judge everything about Mindanao and they never step foot here. They have to realize that without the resources from Mindanao the people up north will be starving. Mindanao is one of the big producers of food here in the Philippines. Come on lady, next time you open your mouth do the homework first, okay?
I’m proud to be born and raised here in Maindanao. I love the island and am happy to be here. So happy too that one of the person running for President of the Philippines is from Mindanao. So Mindanaoans vote for him.
Feyma, Do you feel the same about areas south of Mindanao?
In the US I work with a lot of Filipinos from Mindanao, including several from Davao. I also know several Americans that have visited Mindanao.
Most tell me that Mindanao is safe,but if you get much further south,there is where that problems your reader describes often take place.
I have one co-worker who is from someplace south of Mindanao (sorry I can’t recall the place right now) ,and she tell me that her family has lost a banana plantation and feels she can never return to that place.
I think many Americans here stories like this from the far south of the Philippines and apply them to the entire Philippines.
What is south of Mindanao? Another country?
I’ve been to Davao and places a few hours to the east. Never felt threatened anywhere.
south of mindanao is malaysia and indonesia.
Hi Jeff – We are living in the South of the island of Mindanao. We are definitely safe here. Down south from us are already different countries. In the province where I grow up, sometimes we hear the radio station from Indonesia.
I wonder what part of the island your friend is from that loses their land for a banana plantation? It could be near GenSan, Bukidnon, Davao or other place. Too bad that they had to get out of their land.
Most areas of Mindanao are really safe. I would say theirs a few place that I would not recommend going without knowing anyone from there. Just like when I was there in the US before, I would not go to some areas in Portland if I don’t have anybody with me. I already experienced there before, somebody almost got in our car while stopping in the stop light. It was really scary. Use common sense always when traveling.
Good to see you here. Thanks for your comment.
I guess I have my geography confused,I apologize for that. I’m not sure where the banana plantation is,but was told it was in an area controlled by Muslims. I will talk to that person next time we work together and get my facts straight.
I have talked at length with a co worker that has recently built a new home in Davao and she is never afraid to go there.
I should correct my comment and say that Americans hear about the few unsafe places in the Philippines and apply to the whole country.
And you are correct about places in the US. I once took a wrong exit in Los Angeles and felt like I was in another country. I couldn’t get out of that neighborhood fast enough!
I can related to that. In East St Louis I took a wrong turn. I got out to ask directions at a gas station. The attendant said; “Why do you think there are bars on the window? Get back in your car and get out of here.”
I look forward to visiting Mindanao in the future. I know it is very lovely and it has some great natural resources. I’m sure the prior comment was due to a fair amount of caution that expats must exhibit. You are a native, so certainly you have little to fear. However, only last year 3 expats were kidnapped from the marina on the small island right next to Davao. My expat friends who live on a sailboat at that marina only escaped because they were sleeping in their boat which was out of the water and the kidnappers didn’t check their boat. As you said, you can visit as an expat but it helps to know someone who can keep you out of trouble/danger. I am personally thinking about relocating there due to the excellent school system for my young daughter and the safe reputation of Davao.
hi Feyma……I do agree that in general Mindanao is a safe island except those parts that you mentioned in your posting. However i also have some reservations about Davao being as safe as claimed by reports for the very reason that i believe a lot of crime here goes unreported because many living here are scared of police corruption…I have experienced this myself when i was still working overseas and my house was robbed, my family did not report to police as they held no confidence in the local law enforcers..know of others who have had similar experiences to…sad to say.But having said that i personally feel very safe in Davao and love living here.
Davao was rated as one of the safest cities to live by a user-contributed survey site Numbeo.com. These were not based on statistics but votes by individual people in the second largest city outside of the national capital region. Philippines is known for its social network users so this is no surprise. Is Davao safe? I am sure yes, compared to Manila. I have heard it many times over and over. Are there other parts of Mindanao that are safe? I am sure yes, because I know that a lot of expats like it certain areas. Are some areas trying to get more towards sharia law? Yes, there are areas that want to have a separate government. Are there active terrorist organizations in Mindanao? Yes, one of their main ways of getting money is kidnapping foreigners for ransom. This made international news recently when the foreigners were kidnapped from a yacht club on Samal Island. That’s not on the other side of Mindanao but right outside of Davao. Speaking of the other side of Mindanao let’s not forget about the Maguindanao Massacre with 57 killed, the Battle of Zamboanga that lasted 17 days or the 44 killed in Mamasapano. Have I been to Mindanao? Yes I have with my old job. It was a very beautiful place. Will I visit again? Maybe.. Will I ever live there? That is a resounding no.
To correct myself the survey on numbeo.com for Davao only has 594 contributers. It has since dropped from the top 10 in March of last year to 55. There are now two other cities in the Philippines that now have a lower crime index. Granted in my eyes this means nothing because it is a survey and not statistics.
To be fair, there are surveys from many other sources than Numbeo, going way back to around 2000 or so.
Some of the nicest parts of Mindanao, in the Sulu area, are in muslim territory, and if you ever venture there you will be taking a big chance with your life, i did once and was told to beat a hasty retreat, i never once saw another foreigner, it has always been their territory they have never been defeated, basicly they have a free reign, kidnap people, then transport them to their camps, only very recently four people where kidnapped from Davao and taken there, some countries do not pay a ransom, so off with your head, now please tell me why this issue has not been addressed by the armed forces, i mean the Philippines is about the same size as the UK.
I feel a million times safer in Davao than Manila.
I feel the same, Jason. I feel even safer in Davao than in parts of the USA.
For sure Jason. Thanks!
I feel safer here in Gingoog City that in Manila. Yes there are place here that I have no business being in. But that is the same in many places in the USA and the world. But for the most part it is very safe here.
Hi Luke – thankfully, in Davao, I feel safe going anywhere in the city.
This is not true indeed. I’m born and raised in this City, it had it’s dark times but that’s the past and present is awesome! I am a 3rd generation Spanish living in Davao as my grandfather we’re part of the pioneers of this City and east coast and we never once thought of going back to Spain. We love it here, my dad stayed for good and I guess I am staying. I know the in’s and out’s of Davao as well as the provinces too so I surely know what’s going on and what’s true and what’s not and if any foreigner comes up to me asking what’s the real score, I’d tell him straight forward, it’s paradise.
Hi Luke – we are lucky that we lived here in Mindanao. More peaceful than Manila. 🙂 My advice for people use common sense every time you go anywhere.
Feyma Bayoy Martin Yes that I completely agree with. and it is peaceful here. I think Davao is beautiful from what I saw on our visit there a few years ago. But I love being away from a big city. The main reason when I was thinking about where to live Cagayan de Oro did not stay on the list for more than a couple of days and Cebu and Manila are nice to visit from time to time but not to live.
I lived in bislig city for 6 months no problem
Hi Harry – good for you.
In Gingoog I am safe all over, it is the Island that I know there are places that I do not belong in. Sorry about not being clear.
I feel very comfortable in iligan city, only time i get a bit nervous is when i am here in the states and hear (or read) rumors of bad things happening (most untrue)
Hi Bob – Iligan is really a nice place. We have so many friends there. That’s one of our top place to live here in Mindanao.
Hi…my wife’s family is from iligan, will be moving there someday…i love it there 🙂
ITS A RED ZONE? EXTREMIST ISLAM ? WHO WRITES THESE UNTRUE, IGNORANT COMMENTS? I HAVE LIVED CENTRAL MINDANAO FOR 5 Years and have NEVER seen any of what has been described as dangerous or radical Islamic situations.. Sorry about the caps lock!! Davao is the very safest place then most places in the United States! Im serious! People just repeat what they hear without actually knowing the facts!
My wife from surigao I have been there a lot and I’m comfortable I feel safe there I’ve been there 5 times and have never had a problem
Hi David – happy to hear that you’re comfortable in Surigao. Nice to see many foreigners like to stay here in Mindanao. Really, sadly to say, the people that criticized about Mindanao the most are mostly my fellow kababayan. Not good…
i was there last week.. watching the view.. Full Moon over Mt kitanglad, catching the sunrise in valencia, bukidnon, taking pictures.. time was not on my side but maybe again sometime this year..
Hi Alberto – we saw the full moon too. It was amazing view. Bikini is really a beautiful place. Love the weather there, it’s cooler from where we are. Cheers!
?? Sorry, I don’t know what you mean, John.
S&S means “saved and shared”
Ha ha.. OK, thanks, John! I was in the dark on that one. 😉
Bob, as you know, there is an awful lot of ignorance out there. The funny thing is, the person who wrote that is never going to change their mind, no matter how much you try to speak common sense. It is essentially a lost cause.
Yep, you are certainly correct on that, John!
How are you feeling? Better I hope.
I am feeling pretty good, John. I have two more surgeries to do over the next two weeks. So far so good! It is pretty painful having this type of surgery, though!
That’s why God invented painkillers! Feel better soon.
Thanks, John. I did use anesthetic eyedrops during the procedure, but it was still quite painful. 🙂
Most that will talk badly about Mindanao have never been here. Sitting in the airport in Manila people would ask me where are you going and I’d answer them “Mindanao”. The reaction was always the same. Mindanao, oh my you should be very careful. “They kidnap foreigners there”. This was just silly talk because this person never visited or come to see what the place is like. Of course it has it’s quarks and it’s not perfect but no where is.
You have to know where it okay and you have to be smart too. If your bragging that your a big shot then don’t wonder why people will plot or plan to do something. That would be the same case in our own countries. If we show off and act stupid then there is always someone to take advantage of that. Common sense is the key of survival in any country you visit.
Hi John – yep so true. I’m glad you like Mindanao too. Agree with you that common sense is the key. Take care!
Most that will talk badly about Mindanao have never been here. Sitting in the airport in Manila people would ask me where are you going and I’d answer them “Mindanao”. The reaction was always the same. Mindanao, oh my you should be very careful. “They kidnap foreigners there”. This was just silly talk because this person never visited or come to see what the place is like. Of course it has it’s quarks and it’s not perfect but no where is.
You have to know where it’s okay and you have to be smart too. If your bragging that your a big shot then don’t wonder why people will plot or plan to do something. That would be the same case in our own countries. If we show off and act stupid then there is always someone to take advantage of that. Common sense is the key of survival in any country you visit.
Even in the safest places on earth, stay vigilant. It’s a crazy world we live on any yet just a pale blue dot in the cosmos.
Hi Dan – I totally agree with you.
It’s always easy to talk bad about a place but actually visiting that place and seeing what it’s like is very different. Rumors and conjectures about a place does not do justice to any place unless it’s a war zone. That is much different.
I stayed in Tacurong City in Sultan Kuderat, Mindanao on my last visit to a family reunion a couple of years ago. A bomb went off 100 metres from my hotel which shook the whole building and a hand grenade was tossed into the local market a couple of days later. There was a fatality and injuries. I couldn’t get out of there fast enough. So let’s not dismiss all concerns out of hand.
I personally feel that staying overnight in Tacurong is a crazy thing to do, and your experiences pretty much were shown to be correct.
I live in Michigan about an hour west of Detroit. That town gets the same bad rap as Mindanao. You can’t judge a book by its cover. I have been to Mindanao four times since 2006 and I personally believe it’s the best kept secret in the Philippines. Never had an issue. So much misinformation out there. I traveled all over from Tangub to Ozamiz, all the way up to Dapitan …with my kids. It’s beautiful, laid back and friendlier than many areas I have been to in the Philippines for sure. I love when a Filipino back in the states asks if I get “scared” traveling to Mindanao… I always answer ” Scarred? Of what? All the cute kids?” Believe me, there are much more dangerous places, all over the USA. I honestly feel more welcomed in Mindanao than I do in most places in the USA.
Matthew Hurst, you took the words right out of my mouth! Mindanao is certainly a well kept secret. I have had a wonderful life here in Mindanao! There is no place that I would rather be!
Bob Martin. I would move there in a heartbeat if I could. Back in the spring, my five year old didn’t want to come back…she loves it.
You can do it! The planes fly here daily. 🙂 Hope to see you soon!
I fully agree with Matthew about Detroit. I drive a big rig nationwide in the U.S. and I go to every major city. I met some of the best folks there in Detroit on my last visit. Having said that, I watch where I park my rig at night and I don’t go to places that spell trouble. I believe the same holds true for Mindanao. I plan to visit in the next month and I’ll be in Davao for sure. I’m really looking forward to visiting.
Hi Matthew – I’m glad you really like Mindanao. Kudos to you. Hope you can retire here soon. Good luck to you and your family!
So you live around Lansing, right? I used to live there. I now live on the island of Bohol. Flint is having there water problems.
As I rough rule I suggest visitors draw an imaginary line from Cagayan de Oro south to Koronodal and on to Maitum. If you stay East of the line (Iligan and Ozamiz cities are exceptions) you’ll be okay taking reasonable precautions for a foreigner in a foreign land. Take extra care if you plan to go West of the line and always go with someone who lives in the area and is familiar with the dynamics and nuances of Muslim Mindanao.
This topic seems to come up more than any other so I guess it is the most discussed topic. To me, many of the negative things reported about Mindanao are not all that different from other parts of the world. There are good areas and then there are areas best left to those that live there.
Look at all of the problems in some of the South American countries in recent years being taken over by the drug cartels. parents sending their kids illegally to the USA and hundreds crossing the borders into the USA. How many people are leaving Mindanao to escape ?
Heard about the recent outbreak of subway slashings in New York City ? Better not go there it is too dangerous !
After 10 visits spread over the course of nearly a decade to Northern Mindanao to Iligan city and Cagayan De Oro I am still around to comment that they have been the very best vacations I have ever had anywhere and I am still around to talk about it. More visits are in the works.
I can not say that i was a bit concerned when I planned my first vist as so many people tried to tell me to visit other parts of the Philippines and forget about going to Mindanao. I wanted to go to Iligan City after reading and seeing so much of it on the internet. i kept researching, making arrangements, trying to learn as much as possible about the place before going. that is how I came to know Bob Martin, who suggested he did not see me having any problem in visiting CDO and Iligan but of course use common sense. Best vacations I have ever had, Mindanao !
Here are the facts:
US State Department travel warning:
UK government travel advice:
My home is in Cebu for three years now, and I travel to other islands almost monthly for touring. I choose not to go to Mindanao until they fix these problems down there. There are so many other islands to choose from.
Yeah, true, the government is always right. I guess we should move.
I read things about unsafe things that happen on some of the other islands and of course Manila. I’d really rather go to Mindanao.
The warning on the USA website has improved over previous versions as now it is cautioning about ” certain Areas ” of Mindanao and not the entire Island. There should be warnings about ” certain areas ” of New York City too. You could get killed by a construction crane toppling over at a construction site. Facades falling off of tall buildings. Manhole covers that explode off the street followed by flames, toxic smoke and hot steam. Lets not forget about the runaway taxis and other vehicles that come crashing thru storefronts. Slashings on the subway, being attacked by wild and possible rabbies bearing raccons ( yes in New York City ) . Don’t buy any clothes even in the most posh stores because they may have bedbugs in the brand new clothes. Street vendors with questionable sanitation. All this and much much more. Why not check out any New York City news website for a few weeks and see for yourself. Better not go there, it’s too dangerous. Watch out for the tourist traps.
You’ll never change some people opinions. So don’t try?
I understand you are a little touchy about this, you live there, that’s OK. The US and UK governments are probably the best source of info, else what can we consider, the PI government?
But in all fairness, I was out with friends last night and one owns a large security firm here in Cebu. The family is from the Malaybalay area and they say it is generally safe, small odds of something happening in that area. But there has been one white dude that was kidnapped there. They showed my pictures from along the Eastern Coast and it looks gorgeous! I will travel there for touring.
I totally agree with those government warnings.
Keep out of Mindanao, especially this year 2016…!!!
2016 aye!!! So what’s going to happen in 2016?
hogwash stupidity continues! keep out of Mindanao!!!??? why open the mouth when only ignorance spews out of it? 🙂 get real those of you who speak just to hear yourself, not that you can hear what your write, oh, you get my drift…
You will probably be waiting for a while then. There has been problems since the Spanish arrived in the 1500s.
Even the trouble has an end.
We are almost there.
The end to what? A dog tail? Keep posting as your posts are entertaining.
My wife is from Kiamba.. I spent a few months there last year. They live in a compound with automatic weapon patrols and curfews to guard against attacks and theft. Sure Manny Pacquiaos mother lives there but they also worry for their safety and kept close tabs on me and other westerners who visit. That being said areas of Manila are more dangerous..
Hi Wally – Kiamba is a nice place too. It’s been improved since we moved back here in the Philippines. It’s nice to see so many fancy resorts on that part of the bay. Cheers!
thanks.. Very simple one road in and out unless you go through the jungle over some mountains..
I enjoyed my visit to Davao very much, felt safe walking around
Hi Kyle – good to hear that ‘coz we felt the same here too
Yes I remember there’s a fren of mine here on Facebook he’s a white guy,he ask me where I came from in I said from.camiguin island Mindanao n surprise he unfren me he’s reason Mindanao is not safe….
Hi Jerrylyn – that’s totally lame excuse for him to unfriend you just because you’re from Mindanao. He is not worthy of your friendship. It’s just sad that too many idiots in this world. Cheers!
Camiguin is a stunning island. Very friendly and very cheap. I will be going back there soon hopefully.
We did the boat trip from white island to the sunken cemetery and the view of Camiguin from the boat was like a scene from a King Kong movie…….stunning.
just more ignorance on his part Jerrylyn
As ya know I will be livin near CDO up in a barangay. It’s not south Mindanao. .. it’s southwest…. and the area does have the potential to go all bad. It is not yet. But the disease that is infecting and spreading all over the world could easily spread there. If ya deny this that is fine. That being said it could also spread in all the philippines just as it is spreading everywhere. If ya deny this that is fine also. But Mindanao is as safe as anywhere else on earth. Safety is a mind set, a belief, no where is truely safe. You must watch and protect yourself. Be aware.
Its safer than Chicago, thats for sure 🙂
Everywhere is safer than Chicago haha
What is the latest on the Samal victims, do we know if they are still alive? Is there any concerted effort to locate and free them?
I lived and worked in Valencia city Davao and cagion De oro
Perhaps in your small part of the world.http://www.update.ph/2016/02/army-officer-2-troopers-killed-in-operations-against-npa/2400
Hi Feyma
I once saw a programme, National Geographic I think, about people kidnapped from Palawan by Muslim terrorists. Do people avoid Palawan? No!
This article, from 2014 so a bit outdated, gives quite a good perspective.
I lived and worked in mindanao for 2 years and never had any worries you just listen to the locals and don’t go off to places on your own. And stay away from Muslim controlled areas like zambwanga
Remember you are in someone else’s country and don’t go off bulkhead ed and think you no every thing and you are back home
Different cultures and beliefs and listen to the locals
I actually am glad to hear when people think this way of Mindanao.. It keeps a large influx of people out of here so it doesn’t turn into another Big City, and cuts down on the pollution of our natural resources. However, the negative side is that people are reluctant to travel which takes away a possible revenue source. All in all for me, I have never had an issue in Mindanao and love it, but at the same time do not care for outsiders to come here and mess up our little piece of paradise. Let them stay out, it will keep our prices for good more stable, our resources more clean and out provinces less cluttered. I LOVE this place! 🙂
thats a good way to look at the critisizem about Mindanao! keep the paradise to ourselves 🙂
My Asawa, from Bukidnon, asked me where I would like to live in the Philippines. I told her I would like to live in Kidapawan. I believe she’s more paranoid than me. She told me it’s unsafe there, because I’m white.
http://chicagoist.com/2016/02/05/commissioner_boykin_calls_for_feder.php. Just for perspective.
Yep, crime happens everywhere.
I don’t think killing military personnel and beheading victims is to be compared to individual crimes. I have not worried about my safety any where on Luzon. The majority of metro Manila is safe and comfortable to travel in. Like any large city there are areas to avoid.
Does anyone here live in Zamboanga City? What’s it like?
Hi Feyma,
I totally agree that most of Mindanao is safe. I have stayed in Gensan for months at a time and traveled to several places in Mindanao and never felt threatened. I was reading on another persons website about the foreigners who were kidnapped on Samal. The guy who does the website was see see how dangerous Mindanao is. And a other started fear-mongering about the safety there. I had to point out these particular individuals had attracted a lot of attention to themselves. Being big spenders and such. I also pointed out even if they did that in Manila the outcome would likely be the same. When I am there I attract as little attention as possible to myself, no matter where I am.
Hope all is going well with the eye surgery. My ex-wife had that done several times and I know it is painful. No way to deaden the back of the eye. You are in our thought and prays sir.
I don’t live there, but 6 hours away by bus. I have visited there several times. No problems and, after having worked in 46 countries, my danger meter is pretty good. My experience here is that danger has not come at me. I have brought it with me. In general cheating tryke and taxi drivers and other con men do not appreciate it if you give them an assessment of them and their families – and some even try to act on their displeasure. Rude, inconsiderate, and dangerous drivers don’t always react positively to being informed of these facts. And so on.
We live in Dipolog. Although one foreigner was kidnapped last October, we feel safe. (Many rumors about Rolando’s current situation. I think all of them are incorrect. But what do I know?) Having said this, we have postponed building a house on a small (1,500 sq. M) lot we bought here a year ago and will continue to rent. We own a house in the boonies 40 km ouside of Dipolog where we live on weekends and school holidays. Paradise.
I love that part of Northern Mindanao. Did a road trip back in the spring from Ozamiz to Dapitan to see the Rizal Shrine and it was super peaceful and the people were beyond friendly…I would love to live there. Like you said, paradise.
what happened to the people kidnapped from samal island a few months ago?
I would like to know too what happened to the kidnap victims! seems they have been forgotten. I try to find info on the net but to no avail..poor guys, hope they are still alive.
bob martin – do you know what happened to them?
I don’t think anybody “knows”. So far they are still being held.
nothing though reported that they were released?
I said that they are not released, they are still being held. They have not been released.
The problem with calling a place “safe” is its always safe….until its not! The fact that some have gone there without any issues does not make it safe. It just means that nothing happened to them…..that time. For those that poker its like going “all in” to get your opponents to fold. Its works every time…until the last time.
I also dont think that one needs to be there to determine if its safe or not. Does one need to be in Syria to know if its safe for a westerner to travel there? or Iraq? or Iran, North Korea?
U.S. State dept has issued warnings about traveling in that area. U.K. has done the same. Im not saying someone cant have a good life there….Bob obviously is a great example of someone who is. The question that each person needs to answer is what level of risk are you willing to take? There are plenty of other great places in the philippines besides manila that one could have a great life.
I also agree with the poster from above who said that crime is different than terrorist activity. Having your phone stolen is not quite the same as being abducted and held for ransom. Everyone knows about the foreigners who were just kidnapped not too far from Davao…..
Im sure they would disagree with the notion that Mindanao is safe.