Today’s Guest Column is from our friend, Jim Cunningham. Jim and his wife, Marilou are soon to embark on a trip to a new life. In just a day or two they will move permanently to Talakag, Bukidnon. Jim retired just a couple of months ago, and this trip is something that he has been anticipating for quite some time now. All the best of luck to Jim and Marilou as they embark on their journey toward retirement.
The last two months have been a blur in so much that there has been so much to do pending our imminent move to come and retire in Bukidnon.
Since leaving our respective jobs at the end of September Marilou and I have hardly had a minute to call our own. From arranging our container to be shipped and visiting the Philippine Embassy in London to obtain my visa as well as travelling to Germany at the invitation of my former employer.
For me the travelling started the week before I officially retired. I had arranged to attend a meeting in Budapest, Hungry as part of a European Union joint venture between my company in the UK and companies in Hungry, Lithuania and Germany. This joint initive is to foster relations between European companies in order to solve workplace problems using multicultural thinking. Although this venture started last year and I knew I would not see it to its conclusion I could not give up my interest just because I was due to retire. If I’m still in the UK next year when the project concludes I will attend the last seminar in Frankfurt as the whole process has been so interesting.
The following and last week of working I travelled with a colleague to Hemel Hempstead on the outskirts of London with me driving I may add, almost 600 miles there and back in the same day. Enough of the boasting it was all in the name of work and nothing out of the ordinary for me at least. That week culminated in a presentation in our company premises on the Friday and a fine dinner organised by my colleagues where I was given lots of farewell gifts too numerous to mention. However one gift I must mention was from the brother of my sales manager and good friend David Mackenzie. David’s brother Murdo a fellow Scot wrote a Bagpipe tune especially for me called “Jim’s Farwell to Peterlee” he even recorded it on a CD so I could play it every New Year and cry into my whiskey.
Not to be outdone Marilou was being given the royal treatment by her colleagues at Durham University Business School where she has been the Editor for the MBA and MA Distance Learning Faculty or almost 18 years. Her farewell concluded with a lunch with all her colleagues and I’m lead to believe lots of tears were spilt.
Having worked in Peterlee in the region of East Durham for almost 18 years you can begin to imagine I have met a lot of people as Works Director of BHK(UK)Ltd as well as Chairman of East Durham Development Agency, Chairman of the Joint Executive of East Durham Business Services, Member of the Board of Governors of East Durham College and latterly Chairman of the East Durham Engineering Forum. You guessed it, yes they all wanted to say their farewells with a dinner and presentation. To be honest this has played havoc with my normally average waistline and not wishing to offend anyone I will have to get stuck into my gardening duties when I get to Talakag in order to get back to something like normal otherwise none of the clothes I currently have will fit me.
As I previously mentioned Marilou and I have had our share of travelling over the last few weeks. My former boss and joint owner of the BHK Group of Companies Peter Kottmann invited Marilou and myself over to Buren Germany for yet another farewell dinner. As usual we took the ferry from Hull to Rotterdam as this has always been my preferred method of travelling when visiting our HQ or customers on the continent. The drive from Rotterdam to Buren was uneventful apart from my customary clearing of the carbon from my engine as soon as we crossed the Dutch border and I was able to let my Mercedes hit 130MPH at least for a few miles. Marilou’s eyes were firmly fixed on the rubber mat at her feet I might add during this part of the journey.
The dinner that evening was superb with all the Kottmann family whom I have the greatest respect for in attendance along with all my good friends and colleagues within the company. During the course of the evening after the numerous speeches and presentations the Kottmann family sprung a surprise on Marilou and I by giving us a three day break in Berlin in a 5* hotel and a chauffeur driven tour of the city. Berlin was till then the only large German city I had not visited and the visit was superb as the Chauffeur was very knowledgeable and took us everywhere of any significance a truly wonderful city to visit. We could have done with spending a whole week there especially to see the museums which are magnificent.
Whilst driving back to Buren we decided to pass through Potsdam and now we know where all the German tax payer’s money is going as everywhere we drove building works were going on. Continuing our journey back to Buren Marilou informed me that since we had already de-coked the engine previously there would be no need for a repeat performance as she wished to reach Talakag in one piece to retire.
Following our household effects being packed and the container being loaded for shipment to the Philippines the next day we were off to London this time by Coach (Bus) Marilou had still not forgiven me for the autobahn episode. We left Peterlee at 11.30pm and arrived in London like a bag of rags at 6.30am. I just hate buses they are like aircraft only slower with the same legroom. The weather in London was nice to compensate for the journey so we had breakfast then strolled along Buckingham Palace Road and took the customary pictures outside the big house on the corner, you know the one with the fancy railings and personal security guards in red tunics and hairy hats. Then it was up the Mall to Trafalgar Square and more sightseeing and picture taking. The Philippine Embassy is just off Trafalgar Square so it was easy to find and I must add a much more imposing dwelling for the Ambassador that the former one. The visa processing went very smoothly as we had to book an appointment previously with the Consul so no waiting. The consulate staff could not have been more helpful so just after lunchtime we were once again tourists wandering around the Smoke as it was once called. We took the chance to visit the Portrait Gallery and rub shoulders with Van Gogh, Rubens and Picasso to mention a few.
After walking around aimlessly and finding, yes you’ve guessed a Filipino Cafe we enjoyed coffee and cake, it was still too early for dinner. The bus did not leave London till 11.30 that evening by that time both of us has sore feet and even the bus was appealing by then. (Never again).
Last night Thursday 20th November saw the last formal dinner in our honour which was held in the old college premises of Howletch in Peterlee. The reason why I say old is pre the farewell dinner we had a tour around the new college facility that has newly been completed as part of a 35Million£ rejuvenation project for education facilities in East Durham. How proud I was to see this project completed during my tenure as a governor of the college. Incidentally the dinner, company and the gifts were superb and Marilou and I retreated home once again knowing my waist was nearing danger level.
Tomorrow sees the last of our dinning out experiences as we will go out with someone I have known since his birth as his father is a long time colleague and friend from my days in Scotland where it all began for me in the panel/furniture industry. Unfortunately his father cannot be with us due to work commitments in Birmingham, Alabama but I will be thinking of him as he eventually gets the bill from his son.
So as you can see moving to the Philippines has not an easy task in fact it’s been damn hard work but when I reflect back early planning was a god send its only a pity that the GB Pound took a dive recently but being the eternal optimist I’m sure it will come full circle again and like the canny Scotsman I am, I made contingency plans to cover shall we say the longer term future. So here’s to an England past and a Philippine future god and friends willing.
Hi Jim,Sounds like a whirlwind couple of months,i'm sure you will be glad to get on that plane and relax a little.Good Luck and Bon Voyage,regards Chas.
Jim: Retirement is just the start of a new life, not an end. Best of luck to you and Marilou on the start of your new adventure!
Good luck to you and Marilou. We hope to join you in Mindanao, sometime down the road.
Hi Jim,
That was a great story…is good to have so many friends that care for you, which means you have definitely been a positive entity in there lives. Just reading this article made me excited for you and the journey you have just finished, and the new journey you are about to embark on….I wish the best for you and your wife Marilou…..God Speed, and God Bless.
I hope my experience moving and living in the Philippines will be just as exciting, I am sure just as exhausting too…lol. Please take care now.
daghang salamat,
Hi Jim, yep, great story… I am sure you will like your "new life" in Bukidnon. Just keep "yourself busy" and enjoy the wonderful surroundings of Bukidnon… CHEERS!!!
Hi Chas- It certainly has been a hectic past couple of months but as you say I can put my feet up on the flight tomorrow and relax at last. Thank you for the best wishes.
Kind regards.
Hi John- For us hopefully its the beginning of a new chapter in our lives its just the former one has come to an end.
Hi Randy- Like us I'm sure you will make it as well and it would be good to meet up when you do.
Best wishes.
Hi Danny- They say there is three times in your life when you can judge the caliber of your friends 1, When your in trouble 2, When you retire and the third one I have no intention of finding out for a while and in anycase no one has come back to tell the tale.
Than you so much for your best wishes.
Hi Klaus- Well the time has come round so quick it only seems like April when we were last here was a few weeks ago.
We are looking forwards to settling down in our new lives and I'm sure we will enjoy the adventure.
If you look at my Bethany Blog you will see why its better to be in Talakag right now unless Bukidnon is in the grip of alpine weather.
Kind regards.
Thanks for that great account, Jim. Wishing you and marilou a safe journety and a happy retirement. You shouldn't be a stranger here at LiP either, Bob always has guest spots open and I'm sure there will be a lot of things to tell about the remainder of the move and setting up house in Bukidon.
I'd also especially like to hear from marilou is she feels like writing becuase based on my own expereince and some other couples I know, the Filipina wife often has more of a culture shock expereince settling in here that the foriegerner husband … especially when the have been overseas and working in responsible jobs for years as it seems she has.
Welcome to the expat community from a fellow Scot (I'm a Duncan on my mother's side) and all the best to you. Fair winds and may every night be a brah bricht nict the nict.
Hi Dave- Many thanks for your welcome to a fellow Scot. I'm sure we will both enjoy returning to Bukidnon on a permanent basis. I will encourage Marilou to write about her experiances of settling in but to be quite honest she cannot wait to get back home. Her mother turned 80 earlier this year and she has been away since the early 80's so now is the time for her to return and spend time with her mother.
All the best.
Hi, John and Marilou! Greetings from Spain…We could have met up in Spain had I discovered Bob's site twelve months' ago. Congratulations on your decision to live in the Philippines—how I wish I could do the same. The last time I was there
was in 1997 and I long to visit my loved ones once again. All the very best wishes
and good luck to you both. God bless and safe journey.
My apologies. It should read, Hi Jim….forgive the error.
Hello Hill Roberts- Many thanks for your best wishes and I'm sure like us one day you will return as General Macarthur said and done.
At least your weather is better than ours here in the UK.
All the very best.
Jim & Marilou.
Best Wishes and Good Luck to you and Marilou on your retirement. I am proud and happy as a Filipino to know that you are going to retire and live in Bukidnon, Philippines.
So, are you going to bring your Mercedes with you to the Philippines? Where you driving an AMG @ 130 MPH?
Hi Jim Cunningham – Have a pleasant/safe journey tomorrow. Wish you and your wife Marilou all the best in the new chapter of your life.
Hello, Mr. Cunningham!
As a local Filipino, I'm glad that you chose to retire in our country.
I hope (and pray) that your retirement in the Philippines would be as sweet and golden as the sun-ripened pineapples of Bukidnon! Cheers and Mabuhay!
Hi Jim M- Thanks for the best wishes. The Merc is a C Class 220 CDi but can move its self. Unfortunately I have to leave it behind as its a RHD and the duty is just too much.
Hello Luz B- Thank you for the best wishes to me and Marilou. I writing this from Amsterdam awaiting the flight to Manila.
Kind regards.
Jim & Marilou.
Hi JR- We both love pineapples as well as mangoes to be honest we love all kinds of fruit and there is certainly lots in Bukidnon.
Thank you for the warm greetings.
Kind regards.
Jim & Marilou.
Hi all just to let you know Marilou and I arrived safe and sound and now relaxing in Talakag.
Kind regards.
Hi Jim Cunningham- Welcome to your retirement, Jim! I hope you get a nice rest, and get prepared for life in Talakag! Good luck to you and Marilou.
Hi, Jim and Marilou, so good to know you've arrived safe and well. Enjoy your new life together in Bukidnon. Have a wonderful Christmas experience.
Take care and be happy and stay healthy in your new life. I know that Scotland
is a beautiful place (been there a number of times with my husand and Cumbrian
friends) Edinburgh and Stirling my favourite places. Cheers!
Hi Jim,Good to know you both had a successful journey,regards Chas.
Im british and due to retire in June 2009.
Ive downloaded most of the information that I need to get the ball rolling for residency.
However I tried to get police clearance and it would appear that the UK dont issue police clearance certificates.
How did you overcome this???
Also I have to get a letter from the BMA to state that the medical I have to have has to be certified by the British medical authority..Is this easy to get???
Appreciate any advice on this and other pitfalls you experienced.
Hi Jim & Marilou – Looking forward in seeing you here in Mindanao. Good luck to you both. Take care!
Hi Jim . Good luck on your new life . Iwas in the UK last week for my fathers funeral . The weather really sucks . Now i remember the reasons i left the UK.
Sorry i have not been in regular contact but my health has took a pounding this year . Its only now i feel i am getting back to something like normal. Drop me your new e mail address when you settle down.
Hi David- If you can obtain a letter of good moral character from your ex employer , JP or Minister/Priest that will suffice no need to go to the police.
With regards to the BMA all you do is down load from the BMA website your doctors registration # and practice details and print this off. Thats all you need to do. I'm in Manila at the moment regularising my visa so I will keep you posted on how I get on.
Hi Frank- Its good to hear from you again and know you are getting better.
My e address is [email protected] please keep in touch and all the best.
Hi Feyma,
Don't worry as soon as we are settled and have purchased wheels we will be down your way to see you both again. Incidentally Marilou says to tell you Bob still owes her a meal for the competition she won a while back so she is definately comming down to collect hahaha!!!
Best wishes.
Hi Jim and Marilou !
I hope that your move went well. We are still in the cold damp US right now ; but we are counting the days until we can return home. Hopefully you will enjoy your life in the Philippines as much as I have in the past. Best wishes to you both.
Tom and Marie
Hi Jim.
Thanks for the advice re police clearance I have been in Saudi Arabia for the last 6 years so I will ask my sponser here to draft something up and.I will see whether this will suffice.
Best of luck with your new life and hope your first couple of months go smoothly.
I bought a house(in my partners name of course) in Davao 18 months ago so I have put the cart before the horse so to speak.I would appreciate any advice in the future on how you fared in gaining residency.
best regards
Hi Jim and Marilou ,
Best of luck ,Like yourself I am moving to the PI 20th December .Going to be based in Cebu until we decide where to lay our hats,Met my georgeous Phillipana girlfriend in Qatar where we both were working now looking foreward to Cebu.From a fellow Scotsman good luck to you both.
Hi jim,
Wish you all the best while living in the philippines.
you don't need to your sponsor to sort your police clearance, just go to the police main HQ and request for it, they will just check your iqama number for any record and you should be able to get it on the same day or in 2 days tops.
Hi Jim cunningham- Don't worry, tell Marilou that I have not forgotten!
Hi Dans.
Thanks for the information on police clearance.
I am sure they will not hold my slightly grey driving record against me in this land of wacky races driving skills.Since I put the roof and doors back on my wrangler jeep the police have left me alone.Unbelievable that that was a problem to them but driving with a phone stuck in your ear with 3 kids standing up in your car while you did a u turn across 3 lanes of traffic was acceptable.
Sorry think ive been here to long …time to go live in the Philippines(smiley face)will have to learn how to do a smiley icon one of these days.
Hi Don B- Well I hope you will make your "lumb reek" in Cebu and enjoy your retirement there.
Aw the best.
Jim & Marilou.
Hi Bob- Thats good because she has a memory like an elephant hahaha!
Hi Tom & Marie – Many thanks for your best wishes and I'm sure we will like you enjoy ourselves that is when we get out of Manila tomorrow after obtaining our letter of tax exemption from Customs & Excuses to allow our container to clear. Also I have obtained my ACRi Card from Bureu of Confusion (Immigration).
Phew I'll ge glad to get back to Bukidnon.
Jim & Marilou.
Hey Jim n Marilou…. best of luck to you guys on your transition to the Philippines …Phil R…. PS. hope you have a good time .. 🙂
Hey Jim ..I see you are moving just south of me my house is in gingoog in the Barangay of talasay on the bay north of Bukidono… "Howdy neighbor " Phil an Jess R.
Hi Phil & Jess- Thank you for the best wishes and good to know we have a close neighbour near the coast.
Jim & Marilou.
so what town ( area ) are you moving too in Bukidnon…???..Phil R.
Hi Phil- We are in Talakag which is located 33KMs from CdeO past Lumbia airport and continue on for about 30minutes drive on a good scenic road.
Maybe see you sometime?
I fly into CDO and we stay in a pension house for a day or so to visit her relatives before taking a bus to talisay and home ,so maybe we can get to meet each other sometime when i come back home . 🙂 ..Phil R.
Hi Phil- Sorry for the late reply but yes if we are around when you return that would be great and we could get a chance to meet up.
Keep in touch.
happy Christmas and a merry New Year Jim to you and your family from Phil n Jess
My wife is from Lurugan, Valencia City, Bukidnon. We took the ferry from Gingoog to Camiguin Island for our honeymoon exactly 10 years ago. Kukidnon is beautiful…
Hi Robert- Sorry for the delay in replying to your post yes I agree with you Bukidnon is truly beautiful.
when the next GT in bukidnon?