Today is Christmas Eve in the Philippines.
People are out shopping, buying food to prepare for their Noche Buena, the traditional Christmas Celebration Feast in the Philippines.
But, what about Santa? Will he be pulling up in a Christmas Jeepney full of toys to keep all of the little Filipino boys and girls happy? Well, if you look at the picture above, it would seem that he will be doing so! But, most likely, it probably won’t happen for most kids in the Philippines! Who knows, though… bigger surprises have happened, and we just never know for sure! So, if you are in the Philippines, keep a watch on the skies tonight and if you see a Jeepney rushing across the skies, with a load of toys piled on top.. be sure to leave a comment here and let us know so that we can get the word out for all of the deserving little girls and boys! Maybe he’ll even leave a little something for us bigger boys and girls too!
I have a Turkey to Bar bee Q.
That’s great Luke! We are going with a big Pork Roast for Christmas. We plan to do a Turkey in a couple weeks. We missed Thanksgiving, because it was when I was in the hospital for surgery, so we will have a Thanksgiving celebration with friends in mid-January!
My wife is having a pig also. She does not care for turkey, and I do not eat pork. SO we both win. LOL
Nothing wrong with that!
Have a great Christmas Bob.
You too Luke!
Merry Christmas to you and family Bob. I doubt that I will see the Santa Jeepney here in New York as bald jeepney tires don’t go very well with snow covered roads. Nice illustration you have posted though.
Hi Bob, Merry Christmas! Bald tires on the snow might make for the ride of your life!
Merry Christmas Bob, Feyma and family and also to all writers and visitors to the website.
I hope all in the north of the PI manage to celebrate and stay safe despite an impending typhoon. Hopefully it will dissipate before causing too many problems.
The turkey has just gone into the oven. Luckily S&R had a good supply this year. At least they did until Wednesday when my wife informed me that all the birds had flown!
Hi AJ – Merry Christmas! I hope you enjoy your turkey! This year we decided to do a nice big pork roast tomorrow. We enjoy turkey, but made a change for this year!
Thankfully we have nice weather here in Davao, hopefully the guys up north will not get hit too hard! 🙂
We’ve got the pork roast on Tuesday when it is our daughters birthday. Can’t wait for that especially as the wife found some apple sauce in a health food shop in SM Qimpo.
Pag ka lami oi!!
We have applesauce all the time, we make it ourselves. Enjoy.
Merry Christmas Bob… I have found that today is a good day to stay home.. traffic is wicked. We shopped this last week and are all stocked up.. I got a “ball” ham… never had it so it will be an experiment for me. We have no oven but I will roast it in a cast iron Dutch oven with carrots, potatoes and those little purple shallots that come braided together. (and of course rice) That will be Christmas dinner. My g/f’s son makes really good leche flan so that will be a tasty desert.
Hi Richard! Merry Christmas! I hope you enjoy your ham and all of the fixin’s . Have a great time!
Hi Bob,
Merry Christmas to you and yours! Our older son told our younger son that Santa was not real recently. This sparked an interesting discussion with my wife on whether she as a girl believed in Santa. She said she did even though she never got any Christmas presents. My wife made me think of the Grinch story where he tries to steal Christmas, but the Who’s still have joy without the presents.
Nice story Jay. Thank you for sharing that. Merry Christmas to you and your family.
Home made apple sauce. Sounds good. Have a great Christmas Bob.
Thank you Nick, Merry Christmas.
Merry Christmas to all in the Philippines!
From Bill and Renalyn
Merry Christmas Bill.