I got an interesting e-mail on Saturday evening. Basically, the e-mail was from an American who had been living in Davao City for a couple of years or so, and he said that he was ready to return to the States. I didn’t really know why he wanted to return, but he did mention that […]
Things left behind…
I don’t often think negative thoughts, especially negative thoughts about my life in the Philippines. Last night, though, my thinking bordered on being negative. Maybe it was not really negative, but more reflective. Let me tell you what happened. I was up kind of late, because I was unable to sleep. Normally, I sleep kind […]
The Global Pinoy Center
Have you ever heard of the Global Pinoy Center? It is a relatively new thing, perhaps a year or so old now. It may be even older than that up around Manila, but we have had it here in Davao for a year or less now. The Global Pinoy Center is owned by SM, and […]
Wow, it’s deja vu all over again!
Just a couple of days ago, I had an article entitled “It’s Coming! I can’t wait!” Now, today, I wanted to use the exact same title for this article, but I refrained! What’s coming this time? Well, I’ll get to that in a minute. About 6 months to a year ago, somebody started preparing an […]
Phone Follies
I’ve been kind of playing musical chairs over the past couple of months when it comes to cell phones. The past week or so has been particularly frustrating and also somewhat comical. The whole story starts back in February, during my birthday. Let me see if I can tell you what all happened during that […]
Money Matters
A pretty popular topic on this site concerns getting access to your money. At least it is a very commonly asked question that I receive by e-mail. People want to know how to access their money from overseas. Some people have savings in a bank account, in some kind of investment account, or some other […]