Been watching our television ever since the incident in Boston. Also in Texas. I’m just so saddened by the event, how could anyone do that kind of heinous crime. My heart goes out to the people who lost their lives there. While watching the event it really reminded me of the 9/11 tragedy. When they […]
FBAR Time Approaching – What’s That?
Well, it seems that time is not taking any holidays. It’s already time for writing another article. Need to knock one out now to save some time later. (Strange, this fascination with time!) Speaking of time, FBAR time is quickly approaching. Some of you, dear readers, already know what an FBAR is and what all […]
Things That Go Thump In the Night
This is a tale about Gremlins, those little creatures that cause normal working machines to go haywire. I can’t speak to everything but I’ve found that some things will fix themselves. Don’t ask me how it happens just believe that it does. During the past couple of months the appliances in my house have staged […]
South from Alaska
Joy and happiness reign throughout my house this week, Cecil my son-in-law is home from his ten months in Kodiak Alaska, he had started in Dutch Harbor but decided a different Island would be better. So he moved further north, it made sense to him. Thursday morning (18 April) Mayang and Ymir Thea were running […]
Keeping it local
A couple of years ago, I was walking around my neighborhood, and happened upon a couple of young kids, maybe 8 to 10 years old. I had a nice conversation with them that day, but did not get their names. Over time, I came into regular contact with one of the boys and learned that […]
What’s That Smell?
I was minding my own business loading books onto my R2D2 Android thingy when my grandson Jayden comes flying up the hall in his speed walker, hands are waving little feet are pumping and noise is coming out of his mouth a mile a minute. I had no idea what was happening, but I remembered […]