Who is lazy? I’ll have to admit it, it’s me; I could blame it on retirement, my age, the weather, or the Philippines easy way of life. But that would all be wrong and unfair. I’m lazy because I can be, and that’s the simple truth, with no excuses. My wife is a small part […]
Oops, the cost just went up!
If you are a regular reader here, you might remember a few weeks ago when I wrote about my visit to the barber shop in my neighborhood. A homeless man came into the shop and did some things that came off as somewhat threatening. My barber there (this was my first time to use this […]
No More Shopping Days ‘Till Christmas
I just don’t care how many shopping days are left; the TV can count it down until the kalabow (carabao) comes home, or when pigs fly, or ducks sing. I’m done! Malls, night markets, or the guy with the overloaded kalesa, parked in front of my house with his kabayo dropping piles of free fertilizers […]
Want Milk?
I had a kind of interesting day last Friday. I admit that I chuckle when I think about it. It all started in the morning. Almost a year ago, I wrote an article about milk in the Philippines. I wrote about how UHT Milk is what is most widely sold here, and that it still […]
Teach them to fish
When I moved up to Roosevelt in Bataan, I found myself getting to know the people who lived around me, whereas when I lived in Olongapo City, I really didn’t have the opportunity, because I was still shipping out, and only home for two months at a time between ships. Well owing to the fact […]
Philippine Tourism: What is the real problem?
Lately, I have been writing regularly about tourism in the Philippines, and the reasons why it is not working. Or, let me say, I have been writing about apparent reasons why tourism is not working here. Two weeks ago, I posted about a new tourism slogan that the Philippine Department of Tourism had some out […]