When you think about becoming an expat – moving to a different country – what are your most important considerations? Of course it varies from one person to the next. Truth is, the vast majority of people never even consider making a move abroad. It simply is not something that many people even think about. […]
The outernet
This age of Internet communications is wonderful. No matter where in the world, you can be in instant communication with your friends, family and associates no matter where in the world they are. It is a far cry from how things were just 15 or 20 years ago. When I was a child my family […]
My SmartBro experience
This article has been a long, long time coming. I have been planning to write it since last September. It’s not that I have been procrastinating, I have been waiting for the situation to become resolved before writing about it. Now, the situation is basically resolved, so I want to share with my readers what […]
Is the Philippines turning off tourists?
Over this past weekend, I got a little shock. I was watching the news on TV and saw a tourism ad for the Philippines. On the ad, they promoted a new tourism website that I was not aware of, so I visited. This is a website owned and operated by the Philippine Government Department of […]
Living with no connection to the outside world!
What will you do when your connection to the outside world is gone, and you are on your own? It happened to me…. well, sort of. 😉 As most of you probably know, in the final week of December there was a pair of big earthquakes in Taiwan, and they severed two under sea fiber […]