Is it Tagle time? It may be, but it’s too early to be certain. I’m talking about Luis Antonio G. Tagle. That’s Cardinal Tagle. Cardinal in the Roman Catholic Church. Tagle is the highest ranking Catholic official in the Philippines. Could he be the next Pope? Some are saying so. I predicted it in my 2013 […]
Does NAIA give a crap?
I saw a piece of news over this past weekend that was rather shocking to me. Apparently, a website called the Guide to Sleeping in Airports did a survey recently. In this survey, Manila’s International Airport, NAIA or Ninoy Aquino International Airport, was ranked as the 5th worst airport in the world. Honestly, I am […]
How much do squatters earn?
Do you know what a squatter is? Some of you might not, although it is likely that most of you do know. The reason why some may not know what a squatter is is because there really are not any (or at least many) squatters in the USA or other more developed countries. For those […]