Over the weekend, Feyma and I were invited to a party, which we attended. It was an 18th birthday party for a young lady who is the daughter of a very close friend. It was really a fun party, and we enjoyed seeing this young lady as she stepped out into society as a young […]
Show some respect for the culture
Over my years of living in the Philippines, I have gotten more and more accustomed with, and comfortable with the culture of the Philippines. It took time, though, no doubt. I have a rule, though, that I live by, and my family is aware of. Outside, on the streets or wherever, Filipino Culture is the […]
Have you taken advantage?
As I have mentioned many, many times on this site and other places where I write, the Philippines, culturally, is a very different place compared to our homelands. I mean, if you are a westerner – American, European, Australian, etc., the Philippines is not the same as where you come from. So many things are […]
The group dynamic in the home
Do you remember in late 2008, and the early part of 2009, I wrote a series of articles about SIR? SIR means “Smooth Interpersonal Relations” and it is the basic tenet of Philippine Culture. SIR is what controls the way that society in the Philippines functions. One of the tenets of the SIR system is […]
SIR: The Time-Event Concept
Last week, when I wrote in my continuing series about SIR (Smooth Interpersonal Relationships), by foundation of Filipino Culture, I said that I had only one more aspect to cover, and asked if anyboyd could guess what it was. I was surprised that nobody guessed (Chris tried, but was not correct), because this is the […]
SIR: The Compadre System
The Compadre System, or the “Extended Family” is the basis of Filipino social structure. When they say “Extended Family” that doesn’t mean that there is a blood relationship, or even a marital relationship. Some “family members” are chosen, rather than being truly related. The Compadre System, or Extended Family is, as I said, the basis […]