Hey, EAM0009? That’s the Expat Answer Man podcast, episode 9. What happened to Episode 7 and Episode 8? If you missed those, they are available to members on the Expat Island Website! EAM0007 is here, and EAM0008 is here.
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The Education System in the Philippines

Yes, it’s Friday, so it is again time for the Expat Answer Man podcast! Today, Dan called in and left an interesting question. Unbelievably, Dan left a question that I had never heard before! Normally, I hear the same question so many times over the weeks and years, it was kind of refreshing to hear a fresh question that was being asked for the first time!
Dan is a teacher in the public school system in the USA, and he had questions about how the school system works in the Philippines, so that is what he asked about. I am not sure if Dan is maybe thinking about the possibility of trying to become a teacher here, or more likely he probably is just curious about how education is set up in the Philippines compared to what he is used to. Anyway, I was happy to answer Dan’s questions, and I hope you will find the podcast informative as well.
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Thanks again for listening, everybody!
Hi Bob – There was a lot of information you just presented, I had never heard before. Even at the private schools they really take a lot of days off and have a lot of downtime. But a day off every week for a few months is extreme. I know Australia gives 50 million a year to early education in the Philippines and other countries give a lot as well and it still seems like they come up short.
Hi Brenton – Thanks, I hope you enjoyed the podcast. I do believe that a good education is available here in the Philippines. I guess I would say it is not bad, it is just different.