Yesterday was a sad day for the Philippines. At around 1:30pm, Philippine Time, a bomb went of in an upscale mall in Makati, Metro Manila. The powerful bomb exploded at Glorietta 2, a mall that Feyma and I have been to a number of times. Glorietta is probably our favorite mall to visit when we are in Manila, although that is not often. Nine people were killed in the blast, with more than 100 wounded. Looking at the photos of the scene, frankly, it surprises me that only 9 died in the bombing.
An incident really goes to show that such bombings and other terrorist incidents can happen anywhere. Here in the Philippines, if you were to say that a major bombing was going to happen, virtually anybody would say that it would happen in Mindanao. But, incidents like this show that Mindanao is not the only target, and it is important for everybody to maintain a vigilant stance against possible attacks.
So far, not many details have been determined in this bombing. They don’t know yet what kind of device or materials were used in the attack, or who did it. There is speculation in the media about who is responsible, though. Basically, the media is speculating that there are only two groups that have the capability to pull off a large attack like this one.
First group that is being speculated about is the Jemaah Islamiya (JI), which is primarily based in Indonesia. JI is the group that conducted the Bali Bombings in 2001 and again a few years later (was it 2003 for the second Bali attack?). They are a group with strong ties to Al Qaeda. However, JI has weakened a lot over the last couple of years. They are much smaller now, since many of their members have been killed, or captured and jailed over the years. JI has become active in Mindanao, working in conjunction with the Abu Sayyaf here. Although they don’t have the strength that they had 5 years ago, it is believed that they still have enough resources to pull off a bombing like what we saw in Makati yesterday.
The second group that is getting speculation really surprising me. Many in the media are saying that the other group that should be looked at is the Government of the Philippines itself! I have never been big on conspiracy theory myself, and I find it extremely hard to believe that the Government would do such a bombing, killing it’s own citizens, but indeed many people are saying that it is possible. Could it be? I suppose it could, but I would need to see a lot of evidence before I could even fathom such a possibility.
Whoever is responsible, it is really sickening to see such an attack in a public area where people go with their families. Let’s hope and pray that this is an isolated incident and does not lead to a rash of similar incidents in the Philippines.
Hi Brian – No doubt…. no doubt.
Hi richard – Very sad indeed. I have been a little surprised that the event seemed to get almost no world news attention. I have not seen it mentioned on CNN or BBC.
Agreed Bob. Let's also pray for the families and those killed and wounded in the attack. And then, let's pray that those responsible are found out and publicly brought to justice. what a sad event.
Hi Bob, after being back in Davao after a week without television or newspapers I got shocked watching the news. Indeed it's very sad. As I also said before, there is no saved place in the whole world. I also stopped finding out about the reasons of such incidents. We only should pray for the victims and their families. And, there will be always justice. This incident don't stop me loving the Philippines and living here for good.
Bob, Glorietta is my favorite mall! So i'm really sad and suddnely worried that a friend or relative could be there.
Hi Bob- Fox news aired the bombing in Manila today. My husband and I only watches FOX news. I have shop there before. Something has to be done to stop terrorism or else we will always live in fear.
Hi Cathy – We also love Glorietta! It's a nice atmosphere with also lots of shopping places. It's sad that such an event happened there!
Hi Marilou – I'm glad to hear that Fox aired the report. At least it would get some publicity.
Sad news indeed. I also like the Glorietta mall a lot. it's sad to hear that 9 people died in a place I've been to many times.
I am curious too on who did this. I expect a lot of unfounded speculations and will just wait for a credible report.
I am also in doubt whenever a government is accused of bombing their own people. But to keep things in perspective, the Marcos government was known to have done such a thing (Plaza Miranda) and that's not too long ago. I'm not implying anything, by the way. Just pointing out that the bad guys lurk in the most improbable places in the Philippines.
Stay safe, people. But don't lock yourself out of enjoying life. When in doubt, just watch how the Filipinos go on with their lives whenever tragedy like this strikes.
This is very sad and tragic. My heart cries for the families of the victims.
Hi Bob
Whoever did this are just cowards , as with any terrorist attack. They don`t have the guts to come out and air their grievances in public. Sneaky cowardly little cretins , everyone of them. May they rot in hell.
Hi Bob- This is just another example of mindless slaughter with no regard for the victims. How the perpretrators of this kind of violence hope to acheive anything other than hatred towards them is beyond me.
I am saddened with the news of the bombing. I first found out on the computer.
With all the talk of cowardness, these attacks are usually from terrorists. How can they worry about klilling lives when their own people will strap a bomb to themselves. Their main goal is to create terror, and that is what they do.
The last time anything has happen in the US was back at 9/11 and my mom and my others are still afraid to fly and travel. So see, one attack, and staying in the news keeps people in terror. Even though I am a cautious person, I do not let terror stop my life.
Elena asked me if this will deter my plans to move there with her, and I told her NO, I feel when your time is up, it is up and no one can change that.
Elena and being with her is still my MAIN GOAL in my life.
Hello bob … this is really a sad these people on earth do such thing.. these are cowards..these are evil deeds…i pray for the victims and their families as well
Bob, just want to add something – i know you've heard the recent bombing in Kidapawan, there is a young girl died on that scene, i dont know her personally but my grandparents knows her..she was on that area (after school) to help her mother to sell some fruits (obviously to earn a living)..and this tragic incident had ended her life..just like that..her future had vanished because of these evil deeds..
…and would we ever know who are behind this dastardly acts…
My heart goes out to all of the Family menber who have lost loved ones in this bloody attack on these innocent people. I'm A veteran of war and while I was under siege and fear all of my tour of duty, I now feel some of this same fear daily here. This is A normal response to these kinds of attacks. This is the reason for such Attacks and they will continue to be on going. Why? because fear is A powerfull tool to show the world that they can control people and get what they want.To them YOUR LIFE is worth nothing to let the world know that they can control your fear.
I can say this can affect our daily lives as such or we would not be talking about this today. But, I refuse to let this impact my life so much as it will control my daily way of living life to its fullest. So, if you cowardly individuals just happen to read this, I hope that our GOD
can show you the right path, for GOD is bigger than all of the fear that you can generate. THANK YOU and just say no to fear!!
You are right, Macky. If we let an incident like this keep us shuttered in our houses, that means the terrorist win.
Hi Joy Co- I am with you on that.
Hi Malcolm – Absolutely!
Hi Jim – These cowards have a certain group who love them. I think they want everybody else to fear them, and then they have the control that they want.
Hi Bruce – Yeah, no reason to let this deter you, as it can happen anywhere in the world.
Hi marygrace – Yes, the death of the fruit vendor's daughter really saddens me. I was shocked when I saw her photo on TV and they said she had been killed in the bombing, because I once stopped and bought some Durian from the mother, and I saw the daughter there.
Hi Rey – I hope we will!
Hi Bob Taylor – You have the right attitude!
I only left Gorietta at 12.30 after having my lunch, as someone has said you just have to get on with life as everyone here does. I lived and worked through the IRA bombs in London, there and then as here and now no-one really took much notice a day or 2 after it happened.
It is being suggested here that it was the work of the military to destablize the President's government, I have no idea myself as I'm not the political type.
Hi gerry – I'm glad for you that you made it out safely! Now they are saying that the incident may have been an accident, from some oil or gas in the basement that exploded. Personally, I don't believe that, but we'll see.
I have seen what damage 4,000 gallons of avation fuel can do when it explodes. It is possible that this is all just an accicent.
Hi Bobby – If it were an accident, that would certainly be better than terrorism. The thing that worries me is if they try to pass it off as an accident in a cover up…. that would certainly not be good.
I can''t see it being an oil or gas explosion as there was no fire….surely thats what you would expect from oil or gas.
just my 2 pence worth
Hi gerry – Good point on that, I had not thought of it myself. Any kind of oil, grease or gas would be expected to create a fire!
I am puzzled by two things. One the lack of a group claiming responsibility and the filp-flop theories (bombing or accident) of the authorities.
Actually, no, I can always count on a flip-flop in regards to initial government statements but this time the switch to the accident theory sounds like a stretch.
Gerry's comment of the lack of flames is a good point. I'm no expert myself but I that that was a nice catch.
Now, what happens to the supposedly solid & confirmed police report of a C4 component being detected (RDX I think it was called)? This is a product that isn't easily available. I don't want to ask too many questions (and I have a lot) becasue I'd like tthe authorities' investigation to answer them for me. But the longer this goes, more questions than answers keep popping up.
Hi macky – You make some good points there yourself. The flip-flopping of theories is worrisome to me. I understand that investigations proceed and mature and that theories can change in the process. However, when the investigators come out and say that it is definitely theory x, then the next day they say that it might be theory y, it doesn't seem "kosher" to me.
You guys may be right. After watching the news coverage. I saw what appears to be a cratering and no sign of fire damage. It looked liked a 500 lbs bomb have been dropped on the structure. The Ayala buildings are designed and engineered by Top European firms. I can't understand how they could miss installing a ventillation system on the basement or even place large amount of fuel underneath its structure then mix it with a sewage treatment plant.
Hi Bobby – It is my understanding that there was no fire at all, which does seem strange!
Hi Bob just found your page and find a lot of your comments very interesting and informative, I have to disagree about you claiming its safe to live in that well know terrorist haven Mindanao. I think it is far safer to stick to places that are not a hotbed of extremist terrorists like London or New York or Madrid or some militant free tropical paradise like Bali or Sri Lanka. This is way things are now and pointing out one area as being dangerous makes no sense these people can travel and strike anywhere at anytime. I understand why you feel you have to ‘defend’ where you live I have never been Mindanao but I am sure that it is no less safe than any other place in the world terrorism comes to us now we don’t have to travel to it.
Hi Alan – Welcome to the site! I must say, though, I actually find your comment quite humorous! Almost all of the places that you say are "not a hotbed" are places that have had major attacks this decade! New York? 3,000 dead on 9/11. London and Madrid both had major terrorist casualties in the past years. Bali too. I don't have to defend where I live. I live where I want to live. If you don't want to live here, that's your choice, and I don't care.
Ignorance is bliss.
hi Bob my comments were intended to be sarcastic, and my point was that it is now a worldwide problem. Living in a place that is considered by western interests to be unsafe is unrealistic as terror is now exported and can show up anywhere thus nowhere is safe. The British government says that your area is unsafe but New York is no problem I was trying to point out the fact that as far as terror is concened location is not relevent.
Hi Alan – Thanks for clarifying – the previous comment did seem kind of funny…
Take care.
Bob this is so true! Terorrism can happen anywhere… and everywhere, maybe.
As I was reading this article on Wall Street Journal, I could not help but to wonder what you and your readers think about this. I am far from being political, (an astrologer, see personal blog) but I also understand that there are boudaries to be exercized when it comes to the protection of your people. I just don't understand how the people in power can allow this to happen or, the situation be ignored by civilians. Here's the link if anybody cares to read about it.…
KSM, the Victim
Hi MarcelinaWW – I just read the article about KSM in the Wall Street Journal. Thank you for sharing that with me. I don't really have too many comments that would be appropriate on this site. I will just say that I believe that justice should be served in all criminal cases, regardless of who the perpetrator is.