I want to thank the readers of LiP! Because of you guys, I achieved something this week that made me quite happy! You were part of that achievement, without you it would not have happened!

I was looking on Amazon the other day, at my new book, How to Move to the Philippines Manual, and I saw a little something there that surprised me! There was a little orange box that said “#1 New Release” and next to the orange box it said “In Philippines Travel Guides”. Wow, my new book is currently the #1 best selling new release in its category! And that is just for the paperback sales on Amazon! The book is also doing quite well on my website, for the electronic version.
Writing books is something that I enjoy doing, and it helps this website we worthwhile in terms of earning some income from the work involved. But, it is rewarding in other non-financial ways too. There are a few specific times when you get a really great feeling. Firstly it happens when you finish the book and submit it for publication. It is a feeling of real fulfillment. Second, when the book actually goes up for sale, and also, of course, every time you get paid for your royalties. All in all, I have always found writing books to be a very good and fulfilling experience.

I got my first book published in 1992 by a company called “Artsci” in California. That book was called the “Repeater Mapbook”. I went on, in the early 90s to write about 20 other books which were published by Artsci and then by the American Radio Relay League. I then took a short break from writing books while I concentrated on getting started with publishing on the Internet. A couple of years after moving to the Philippines, I decided to get back into writing books, but this time I went totally independent with self publishing, and releasing the books in electronic format. It was just in the past 30 days or so that I have gone back to releasing my books in paperback, in addition to the electronic format. It is a great feeling to be back on paper, and especially when you see that you hav e the #1 best selling new release in your category! I was really happy when I saw that.
So, I really just wanted to thank all of you who purchased the book. I hope that the information you find in the book is helpful to you, as I intended it to be!
If you want the book
If you want to get a copy of the How to Move to the Philippines Manual, it is available in Paperback or eBook format!
You can get the Paperback at Amazon by clicking here.
Or, you can get the eBook off of my bookstore website by clicking here.
Either way you go, I believe that you will get an excellent value, and a lot of helpful and useful information about how to move to the Philippines. Another benefit of getting either versio of the book… for anybody who buys it, I am here to personally help you with questions that you may have throughout your process of moving!
Thanks again, everybody! Now, pass the bottle of champagne! 😉
Oh, and don’t forget
I also have another new book on the market, 49 Ways to Make a Living Without a Job, which is also selling very well! Like the moving manual, 49 Ways is available in both Paperback and eBook!
Get the 49 Ways to Make a Living Paperback from Amazon by clicking here.
Or, get the 49 Ways to Make a Living eBook from my bookstore by clicking here.
Congrats Bob. In a comment I made about your new book a few days ago, I just ordered the printed edition from Amazon and look forward to having and reading it. I am sure some of the information I already know from reading here on LIP for many years but also a lot I don’t know yet.
I don’t buy many printed books anymore but I still like them as they can be used just about anywhere, no batteries required ! LOL.
Continued good luck with this book Bob.
Hi Bob – Wow, thank you for contributing to the success! 🙂
Congratulations Bob!! Job well done! !
Thank you, Nilda!
Congratulations Bob!
Your comments suggest you have some HAM in you.
I don’t, but I have an Extra son…I took the test, but hadn’t prepped well enough.
Hi byron – Hmm… what did I say that gave it away? Yes I was a ham starting in my junior high school days, until I was around 30 or so.
I read the same thing Bob, you mentioned writing something about ” repeaters ” in the past but I already knew you are or were a Ham at some time.
Ah yes, it was mentioned that it was in the comments.. now I remember I had it in the article!
Congratulations Bob. You certainly have provided a valuable service.
Thank you, Rusty.
what’s a podcast?
Hi Rusty – A podcast is like a radio program, but on the internet, it is audio instead of written text. Her is how Google defines “podcast” if you search for it:
“a digital audio file made available on the Internet for downloading to a computer or portable media player, typically available as a series, new installments of which can be received by subscribers automatically.”
Wow ,good to hear that you are doing good with you books …
Thank you so much, Phil! I appreciate that.
Hi Bob , well done with your books i know they give valuable information to so many
People, I have never needed one but I read every single article on lip so I have so much
Information that way, and I tell everyone I meet about your website and what you have
To offer ,I’m already living without having to work ,Derek in pasig.
Hi Derek – Congratulations on making a successful move! I’m glad that everything has worked out well for you!
Nice Job, Bob! You deserve your success….only provided to those that are willing to work hard at their craft. I think your plan to put your books on Amazon was a stroke of genius. Yes, there are still some of us who want the paperback because it’s easier to dog-ear, write notes, use highlighter and carry with you w/o need of electricity. Many more successes!
Thank you, Tim. I appreciate your kind words!
And you are number 8 and 9 on the top 100 best sellers list for the same category. Take another bow bob. Congrats.
Thanks, Joe, I appreciate that!