Three weeks ago I was informed that Mayang’s Sister from Las Vegas Nevada and her family (Husband and Son) were flying in the next day. Talk about some advanced notice! Then I was told that her Sister Susan and her son Steven were arriving from the Netherlands’ or Holland for short, I felt like Gomer Pile, “Well Surprise, and Surprise!” Golly Gee!
My nephew Carl (from Las Vegas he’s 22) was at my house and I asked how his vacation was going? He gave me the shrug meaning “Oh, its okay” I then asked my nephew Steven (from Holland) the same question (he’s 11) and received pretty much the same answer. My son-in-law Chris was sitting with me and we both looked at each other and I asked if we as a group could visit his family’s farm on Saturday? Then I asked my nephews if they would like to do that, and received a resounding “YES” from them both.
Saturday morning at 09:00 we were already and at 11:00 my daughter Hanna and her husband Chris arrived at my house to take us to the farm right on time. Six people in my mighty Honda and the rest (12 people) in Chris’s Innova and we’re off on our mini adventure. We arrived and parked at the edge of the rice fields and started our 15 minute trek to the main house. We were walking on the berms between the paddies, and crossed 4 very shaky bridges before we arrived at the main house, where the Sanguyo family (numbering in the high 30’s) lead by Chris’s mother, they were out in mass to greet us. Proper salutations were exchanged, my hand was taken up to countless foreheads in blessing, and we were sat down for our first meal. I’ll let the pictures show you the food.
My two visiting nephews were taken to see the piggery, the goats Carabou and cows. Chickens that were free ranging everywhere, and dogs of every description including Britney the wonder dog, who is a black lab that will spent her entire day swimming in the Tilapia pond (I call it Lake Sanguyo).
They were taken (the nephews) next to the rice paddies to learn to plant rice, then in the yard each got to control the gas powered machine that does something (again it’s in the pictures) Both Carl and Steven were enjoying their first visit to the farm.
After paying our respects to the cooking pig that would later be our Lechon meal, we loaded up a flat wagon to the carabao and rode across the paddies to the parking spot. On the way two of my other nephews Brian and JohnPaul, who were on the carabao’s back, slid off into the mud when the beast miss-stepped. BTW, the jokes haven’t ended yet.
Next we were loaded onto farm trucks for a short ride to the river for an afternoon swim. The river was wonderful, so absolutely clean and did I mention frigid? The current was flowing at about 10 MPH, and I would have paid P 1,000 for an old tire tube to just flow down the river on, it’s about a three mile trip. “Business Opportunity Alert” rent out tubes!
Two hours at the river and back to the farm, everyone decided they would walk and let the carabao rest.
The Lechon was almost done, and we chowed down on shell fish, and goat meat while waiting. The Nephews decided a brisk row around lake Sanguyo would be fun, Carl had no trouble, but Steven my little Dutch nephew, tipped over the boat, and tipping is not something Europeans’ are noted for.
So on the way home after stopping in Olongapo for Ice Cream for the many kids, the word came from our visitors that the day on the farm was the best day they had had while visiting, no electronics or TV, just simple outdoor fun, with family and friends. They will both take with them a better understanding of their Pinoy Heritage. Carl, at age 22 looked and said; Tito Paul, I think I want to retire here in the very distant future.” Steven at age 11, told me that the women are very beautiful, and added “Like my mama.”
There are a lot more pictures both on FaceBook and Flickr, under my name go and take a look.
Now for a small bit of information: During the farm trip, as with all family trips, Paul passed on all beverages containing alcohol. There are family days and friend days. I’ll have that beer with my friends!
Disclaimer: I’ll freely admit that one pig and one goat were eaten during the writing of this article, but they did not pass in vain.
Another great story Gomer , good family fun is always good reading !
Thank you Craig;
Good family fun is also fun, I had a great day!
Sounds like a real fun day at the farm. Looked like you were really working hard planting the rice lol. River really looks refreshing after a hot day. The main thing was that everyone had a good time and thats all you can ask for. Thanks so much for sharing all the photos on f/b. Take care brother.
Papa Duck;
Planting rice? Not this Boston boy, although I did help to harvest cranberries on Cape Cod when I was a kid. But you’re right I couldn’t have asked for a better day with the family.
Great story, I loved all the pictures of the Farm. A Pic of you floating down the lazy river on a tube with a cold one would have topped it off. The cowboy look works for you!!
The tube, the hat, tennis shoes (rocks in the river) and a six pack of CANNED SMB in a net bag dragging in the cold water. If you never hear from me again, tell Bob that Paul said: “There is a paradise!”
Canned for two reasons: They stay cold longer, and I would not want to be the one to put broken glass into that river! (I can sell the empty cans also)
Paul, It sounds like a wonderful day with family. Lucky you!
My brother and I, and some of his friends did a float trip down the Sacramento river in tubes. A case of beer was also consumed. It’s so strange that nobody had to pee the entire time we were floating down the river.
That long with out a pee break while drinking beer? Truly a miracle, I’ve done it on a few rivers in Northern Califorina the Russian River was one that I almost have memories of. And a few rivers in Florida, beer will help with any fear of Gator’s you might have!
Only here, is one of the places you can have an outing like that. Good fun… Sounds like you were a full and tired dude at the end of the day, and with a head full of memories for the future…Cool.
After that very full fun day I almost climbed the Mango tree to take a nap. My nephews and the other kids keep talking about the great day they had. That to me is priceless. We will do it again very soon, especially the river on a hot day; it’s but an hour drive from my place.
such a teaser, paul!
looking forward to pics of that river, with a shack on the side saying “paul’s river adventure tours” ! ” )
what’s the name of the river btw, and where would the 3-mile ride end? very interesting!
Biz Doc;
I never found out the rivers name, but I will and I’ll post it here before the end of the week. “Paul’s River Adventures” That has a ring to it. As much as I could see the river goes on quite a way, but they have a stone dam that will stop my inner-tube after 3 miles. I’ll assume you could walk around the dam and end up in rice paddies.
Who else but you, Paul, who can come up with a clever double entendre about “tip” and “tipping” without straying from the story line?
I’ve done that a few times over the time I’ve been writing for Lip, you are the first to notice. I tip my cap to you!
I noticed that on the first read of the sentence and I’m still laughing. Good one Paul !
I’m glad you got a laugh, as they’re good for us. If I don’t get one good laugh a day, the day was kinda a let down. It doesn’t happen often, because the comments on Face Book really crack me up! If someones dog dies and they post it on Face Book, is it proper to click “LIKE”, I just don’t know the correct responce.
Hats off to you you’re always appreciative of the beauties of Filipina. Seeing the photos here reminds of my province in Nueva Ecija. Cheers.
Beauty abounds in this world, but only if we take the time to appreciate it! Thank you for your comment.
Hectares upon hectares of non-floating muck & not a bulkhead in sight, and, no booze! C’mon, Paul, isn’t this what you picture hell to be?(lol) The times I’ve enjoyed the most in The Philippines has been on private beaches & visiting Jeanne’s relatives in “the provinces”. Far more interesting than city life! Tubing down the river sounds like a perfect adventure.
I really don’t miss the bulkheads, hatches or going topside, for a city boy like I was, the farm works fine, as as long as I stand there it won’t roll or pitch or even get underway. That river is the BOMB, and I told my Daughter that I’ll be back soon with a trunk full of inner-tubes for rent! Rent tubes and drink beer on the river, I could do that.
I enjoyed looking at your farm pictures. 🙂
Miss August;
I’m pleased that you did. I remember that day for a long time.
haha Paul funny–one called you Sam McCloud on one of the FB photos. Thx for sharing this visit.
That was my Brother Dan on FB, and I’m glad you shared our trip. It was a fun day!
I missed the smell of the rice fields.
I really envy them.
I found all the smells on the farm to be different and enjoyable, I noticed that piggeries do not smell bad when they are cleaned twice every day, morning and afternoon. I like the smell of rice fields just before harvest. Come on home for the harvest, I know Crisanto will need the help! (lol)
Hi Paul,
Sounds like a fun day out for all.Kids still love messing about in the open air,given half the chance.
I did notice the “Tipping” comment,lol,us europeans are very selective with our tipping.
The kid’s are still talking about the day and are ready to go back.
Now if boats were only as selective about tipping…
Tipping is NOT the capital city of China!
Sounds like you had a great day! I always liked to go tubing and canoeing in the rivers of Alabama and Florida! Even went tubing and rafting once in Tennessee. I remember a cold butt after that trip!
But it’s the cold that keeps that beer in the net bag dragging beside you in the river cold!
Paul, While Manila and Cebu (Bob would probably add Davao) are fun to visit nothing beats life in the province! Thanks for sharing.
Mark G.