Guide to Travel for Philippine Dual Citizens
As a dual citizen travel can seem complicated
Many who are dual citizens in the Philippines can find travel for Philippine Dual Citizens complicated. Do they need a visa? What if they overstay in the Philippines. The procedures are actually not complicated, and I am happy to share the things that I know on the topic.
Exit Procedure for Philippine Dual Citizens
When the Philippine Dual Citizenship law went into effect (RA9225 – 2004) it made my wife, Feyma, and our children were eligible to become dual citizens. Feyma became a US Citizen in the late 90’s before we came to the Philippines. Each of our children was born as US Citizens in the United States. When Philippine Citizenship became available to them without interfering with their US Citizenship, we decided to jump at the opportunity.
Our son’s first trip abroad
Aaron, our second son, who has been writing on this site for a couple of years now, turned 18 last year, and he recently took off on a journey to the United States. He will be spending at least 7 months there with his grandmother, and also taking a few trips to see the country of his birth, meet friends of the family, and generally learn about his American culture. This trip brought up the topic of travel for Philippine dual citizens. Being a dual citizen presented a few obstacles in terms of leaving the country, so I thought I would write about that to help others in the same position.
In order to make travel easier, it was our hope and desire to obtain a Philippine Passport for him, in addition to his US Passport. We felt that this would particularly make re-entering the Philippines easier for him, and help avoid being classified as a US Citizen upon entry and then having a visa to renew continually. However, the process of getting a Philippine Passport became so burdensome that we decided to just forget about it, and travel on the US Passport only.
Certificate of Philippine Citizenship
When he became a dual citizen, he was issued a Certificate of Philippine Citizenship. We found that if he traveled on his US Passport, but also carried that certificate with him, travel for Philippine Dual Citizens became easy. We found that the certificate would serve the same purpose of carrying a Philippine Passport. When exiting the Philippines this certificate would help him to avoid any allegation of “overstaying” the visa in his US Passport, since a citizen is allowed to stay in the country as long as he wants to stay. Then, when entering, presenting the certificate would show that he is a Philippine citizen, and help him get the proper classification upon entry. Recently, when Aaron departed for the USA, he presented his US Passport and the Citizenship Certificate, and it went very smoothly, just as it should.
One problem that we anticipated was that Aaron’s original US Passport had his entry stamp. He is now on his 3rd US Passport since entering the Philippines, so the entry stamp was not in his current passport. At his exit, he simply presented all three of his US Passports, to show the entry stamp and the continuation of passports, and there were no questions asked, it was not a problem at all. Travel for Philippine dual citizens was proving to be quite easy.
Aaron’s Exit from the Philippines
When exiting, since Aaron is a Philippine Citizen and a US Citizen, he was liable for paying the Philippine Travel Tax of P1,620. Even considering Travel for Philippine Dual Citizens, it is a requirement. The tax is a bit higher if you are traveling first class, but Aaron was traveling coach. This tax is required of all Philippine Citizens who are leaving the country, and also of Dual Citizens. It also applies to all holders of the 13 Series Resident Visas. Additionally, foreigners who have been in the country for more than 1 year must pay the travel tax.
So, that is the procedure for leaving the country if you are a dual citizen, it is very easy. The Immigration personnel at NAIA were very familiar with this and handled it professionally and without question.
Re-entry to the Philippines for Travel for Philippine Dual Citizens
Now, when it is time to come back to the Philippines, it is pretty much exactly the same. Aaron will enter the Immigration area and present his US Passport and the Philippine Citizenship Certificate. When he presents these, his US Passport will be stamped and the Certificate number will also be entered into his US Passport. He will then be able to stay in the country for as long as he wishes, no need to go to the Bureau of Immigration, no Visa fees, no extensions, nothing. The immigration officers at NAIA understand the process for travel for Philippine Dual Citizens well, they can take care of you without issues.
Another benefit for him is that when he returns to the country later this year his new passport will be stamped, and thus he will not have the need to carry those old passports any longer, to show his entry stamp, since there will be a new entry stamp.
Another thing to keep in mind regarding travel for Philippine Dual Citizens is that they are also required to pay an ECC Fee (Emigration Clearance Certificate). The fee is P710. They do not need to go to the Bureau of Immigration and apply for an ECC. They only have to pay the P710 at the airport when leaving. For some reason, they did not ask Aaron to pay this fee, so he got to save a bit of money! 🙂
Question from a reader about travel for Philippine Dual Citizens
A while back I got a question from Airhee in regards to travel for Philippine Dual Citizens.
Here’s what Airhee had to say:
Hi Bob, I saw that you were helping all these people out with their questions. I was hoping you could help me with mine as well. I came here to the Philippines around Jan 2010. I wanted to start my studies here (I’m a U.S. citizen). Around March 2010 I applied for the R.A. 9225 to make enrolling easier. I went through the whole process and oath taking. I have my certificate and everything, so that technically makes me a dual citizen now right? Now my real question is, the studies here didn’t go so well. I would like to go back to the U.S. soon… will I have any problems with leaving the country if I entered here with my U.S. passport? Thanks for your time, I hope you’ll be able to help!
And, here is my response to Airhee:
Hi Airhee,
No, you will have no problems leaving. Travel for Philippine Dual Citizens is actually quite easy these days. There will be no fees or penalties for overstaying.
What you will need to do is to present your Dual Citizenship Certificate. Dual Citizen travelers should also present your foreign passport when leaving, and any overstaying penalties will be waived automatically.
My children are Dual Citizens. They have always used their Dual Citizenship certificate for this purpose. They have never experienced any problems. The people at immigration are very used to dealing with travel for Philippine Dual Citizens, it is so common these days.
Good luck to you and have a good trip back to the USA.
I hope this was helpful information about travel for Philippine Dual Citizens
Hopefully, this information is helpful for other Dual Citizens traveling in and out of the Philippines. I know that it was difficult for us to gather all of the information ahead of Aaron’s departure. There was a bit of “nail-biting” while waiting for Aaron to clear Immigration when leaving the airport! I was happy that it all worked out, though, and it confirmed what we expected to happen.
Hi Bob
Something to report about the dual citizenship process for your readers and a question.
1) I changed my name when I became a naturalized US citizen several years ago. I applied for and was granted dual citizenship by the Philippine Embassy this year. However, they did not recognize my name change. So if I am going to have a Philippine passport, it will still contain my old, Filipino name rather than my new, American name. (My American name is in my social security card, driver’s license, US passport, etc — but the Philippine Embassy still wouldn’t recognize it)
2) Given the above do you have any tips for traveling back to the Philippines especially if I intend to live in the Philippines for a while? Should I continue using my American name anyway or should I strictly adhere to my Filipino name until I am able to legally change my name in the Philippines? I can see this might potentially cause a lot of chaos in terms of paperwork, legal documents, forms, employment, setting up bank accounts, etc.
Hi redante – I have not heard of this problem before, but I don’t think you would have trouble just keeping your old name in the Philippines, or changing your name in the Philippine court system.
We recently left through NAIA for a trip to the UK. My son Fraser has both a Philippines and British passport. We went to pay the travel tax for him and my wife and were told that only my wife was required to pay. We passed through immigration without any problems.
Hi Mike – Sounds like Aaron’s experience with the ECC fee! I guess you don’t complain when you don’t have to pay! 🙂
Good day,
I am a (TWN-PHL) citizen, I was overstaying in the philippines for almost 20 years and now i was asking for opinion.
I am planning to go back taiwan this upcoming april and i already filed my IDENTIFICATION Certificate at BI and as per them my certificate was already approved and only wait for the printing of my IC .
My Taiwan passport is already expired and i got renewed it at Taiwan Embassy and it is already released.
My question is,
Can i fly to taiwan using my Taiwan passport and having my IC? Is there any question that will be given to me at the Airport Immigration. Do i still need to show more requirements..
I am too much pressured, Don’t know ehat to do. Is there will be a question why i only apply my IC now after a long years? Do i need to shoulder fine of overstaying.
Please help me. Thanks.
Yes, your plan is exactly correct.
Hi Yilin,
I have the same issue with you and I have some questions. 🙂
When you travelled to Taiwan? Did you only showed your Taiwan Passport or also your Philippine passport? Did you present your IC? (But in the IC is written that it is not valid for travelling purposes). What else was needed?
Would really appreciate your reply. 🙂
Thank you. 🙂
Hi mister bob I need your help. My dad is a natural born filipino and he went to US to work and he was naturalized and he went to the philippines to marry my mom. My dad was a US passport holder and my mom was a Filipino passport holder. Me and my older brother was born in the US. We went back in the philippines we were baby back then when we came here. So we have been living here for 15 years I think and last 6 years ago my dad died. We already renewed our US passport and we have reported our birth abroad and we are now applying for Filipino passport.
My question is can we travel when we got our Filipino passport? And are we going to pay for over staying here? What else do we need to accomplish? Because me and my brother is planning to travel in the US to continue our school.
I am sorry, I really don’t understand your question. When you apply for the 13A visa you will put your signature on the forms.
Thanks much Bob! Really helpful indeed!
Unfortunately, according to Bureau of Immigration it will take 2-3months before i can claim the cert. I applied last Feb. I recently called the office but still not available. So most probably it will be released in May.
Bob can you explain what was so “burdensome” about getting a Philippines Passport? I am sure that many of your readers would be interested in hearing about the problems encountered in the process.
There will be no question. As long as you have id there is no problem, no fees or fines as long as you prove you are a dual citizen.
Thanks Bob! Appreciate your time and effort. Warm regards.
If your son has both havd both passports and they’re both a of valid passport then here’s a dual citizen
Some of the Immigration officer will ask for your old passport specially if your recent passport has just been issued or renewed. I travelled overseas last year and I just renewed my passport, and the officer asked for my old paspport. I brought my old once since I read a lot of blogs and they adviced to bring along the old passport with you. This reason I believe is for the officer to check the travel history of the person as well as his eligibility to travel without any questions upon entering/exiting.
Thank you so much Bob. This site is really helpful.
Are they going to look for my old passport to know my entry and exit stamp or i just need to show my taiwan passport and Identification certificate?
I cannot process my Philippine passport because it was so long waiting, I need to fly taiwan for my dad 1st year death anniversary.
Thanks bob!
hi bob, question. my kids has stayed in the philippines for 3 yrs with canadian passport. already have ticket but we told that they have to wait for their over stay fee process which will take 1 month. is therw any other way they could flt back right away. would they be able to apply for a phil passport? please help
You mean that you have more than one signature? You mean that when you sign forms there is more than one signature you use? I have no idea which one to use… you should only use one sugnature.
Some Philippine-based travel agencies will assist with passports at the DFA in Manila. It costs a bit more for their fee, but it eliminates a lot of the burden.
Same thing with visas that do not require interviews
You will need a passport that shows your entry stamp.
Based on the information that you gave, the information you were given is not correct. If she has a valid US Passport AND a Valid Philippine Passport, there are no fees for overstaying. It is impossible for a citizen to overstay, and only citizens can have passports.
Three is an ECC fee, but it will be only about P500 and can be paid at the airport.
Hi Jon,
You ought to have some names or addresses of agencies who can process my PH Passport? I am dual citizen but only in possession of a Cert. of Dual Citizenship and a German Passport. I would like to avoid all the hassle and have an agency do the work for me since I’m also quite short of time due to my schedules. Any tip would be highly appreciated. Thanks ahead.
Best regards,
So sorry for misspelling your name John. Thanks.
Hi Bob
I know what you mean about the process of getting a Philippine passport. Our trouble though was with getting the birth certificate for our daughter. With me being a foreigner she should have been given a birth certificate almost immediately but the Davao office didn’t follow the rules and it took us 4 months! If we hadn’t constantly complained it would probably have taken 6months +.
The passport only took 1 month from application and we jumped all of the queue because she was under 1 year old. Good old priority queue! The office obviously doesn’t want many crying babies in the queue LOL.
Just a thought but could AJ apply for his Philippine passport whilst abroad? Not sure about a first time passport but my wife’s renewal only ever takes one month and it always goes straight to Manila from foreign countries and avoids the Davao offices. Maybe it’s not possible but maybe worth a try?
If you have a dual citizenship certificate or some proof of dual citizenship then you did not overstay. If you don’t have some kind of proof of dual citizenship then there will be big problems. But, with the proof, there is no problem at all.
Hi Marc de Piolenc, I don’t understand what you are talking about. What was I eligible for?
Once you get a Philippine Passport you can travel, no fines, no fees. There will be nothing else to get once you have your Philippine Passport in hand.
I was about to suggest getting the Philippine passport while AJ was stateside, but I see you’ve already considered it. Our own experience with obtaining dual citizenship was fairly straightforward. Marlyn applied at the embassy in D.C. and got the certificate after only a short wait. They would have issued her a passport at the same time, but we didn’t have proof of recording our marriage with the embassy in Frankfurt when we were married. They would have issued one in her maiden name, but she figured that would only complicate things. We later dug up the old paperwork from over 30 years ago, and now she has her Philippine passport as well as the certificate.
These things seem to work much smoother if you can get them done outside the Philippines. I think it may be that Filipinos who live in Western countries expect Western style service from their embassy.
The tips on traveling in and out of the country with dual citizenship and 13 series visas are greatly appreciated.
Take care,
Sorry, but I have no idea what an “IC” is.
BTW, Germany does not allow dual citizenship (unless the laws have changed), so you would not be eligible.
Ah, but that is not what the article is about.
“Ah, but that is not what the article is about”. Well…. I did manage to slip in at the end that I appreciate the travel tips. 🙂
But you know that the comments often go sideways, lol. 🙂
Take care,
I could write thousands of words on that, Tim. Days and days were spent at the DFA, and never made any progress. Just to be able to get in at the Davao DFA you have to go to SM at the parking lot at around Midnight, and wait outside all night just to get a number that will allow you to enter. It’s just ridiculous.
When we left Manila for China last year only my wife had to pay the travel tax, my kids didn’t even though they are dual. I could write a book about this as I had to go to the DFA, and NSO in Manila many times to get papers authenticated for our China visa last year.
My daughter was born in the Philippines and we have her NSO birth certificate. If you are traveling to China, though, you will need to get the new yellow NSO birth certificate with a bar code. Then that NSO birth certificate needs to be authenticated at the DFA.
Everything went smooth until the NSO said I need to come back in six weeks to get my daughter’s new birth certificate when we were leaving in two weeks. Luckily we had her CRBA and that was good enough with her Philippine passport. We’ll be back in June and I plan on picking up her new birth certificate first thing.
Hi Ruel – Thanks for sharing your experience! That is especially true if the entry stamp is on your old passport, but you are also right that it shows your travel history!
Thanks for stopping by!
You did not tell me anything about their place o birth, the Citizenship of their parents or anything like that, so I have no way of answering your questions.
Hi Bob,
I’m not so sure about the travel tax. If you book your travel as a US Citizen and present only your US passport, you won’t be expected by anyone at the airport to pay the tax (only the airport fee). We did this just last week – not because we were trying to skirt the law, but because we never considered complicating the picture by having my wife mention that she is a dual citizen.
Hi John, in Aaron’s case there were complications that a travel agency could not have cleared up for any amount of money.
It has to do with the fact that he was USA born, but not registered at the Philippine Consulate. In order to get a Philippine passport it would first require a trip to the USA to take care of some paperwork.
The Philippines passport is not needed anyway.
Yes i have here my old taiwan passport and here they will discover that my entry in the philippines is since 1997, Is there will be an issue when they notice my overstaying..
Or the IC will be the proof that i am already a dual citizen.
Thanks for your help, Bob.
My recommendation is to show both passport when entering the Philippines and when leaving the Philippines.
If you show only the Philippines passports when leaving the philippines they will require you to have a us visa so you really need to show both.
When entering the United States you are required by law to show your US passport no need to show anything else.
Hi Bob,
First of all thanks for sharing such great infos.
I would like to ask how you got the IC.
As for my case, I am a dual citizen (GER/PHIL). It is very troublesome to renew my expired phil passport. I am born here in the Philippines so I am a Filipino by birth. Now I havent renewed my phil passport since 2006. I lived in Germany though from 2002 to 2012. Went back here only using my Ger passport. How do I aquire an IC so that I dont have to pay any overstaying fees when I am planning to fly back to Germany this June.
Many thanks man! Keep it up. A pleasant day to you.
Thanks po!
thank you. a follow up but if i apply for a philippine passport will they let me exit and not pay the penalty?
The philippine constitution says otherwise. There are ways to circumvent the law. But i would not consider that a good way of becoming a citizen. I wish you the best of luck whatever you decide.
Hello Bob, i was if you could help me with my certain issues 🙂 thank you in advance.
Me and my family are dual citizen philam. My mom decided us to go back in the US now, after staying here in the phils for about 15 years. I think we have problems with our papers so i would just like to ask how long does it take to just get an appointment in the embassy cause i feel like its taking for forever. Its all we’ve been waiting for.
Hi aj, I hear you. I think that getting any kind of documents in the Philippines is difficult.
He could get the passport in the USA, but it would require an expensive trip to San Francisco. Since it is not needed, why bother. 🙂
Thanks bob. thanks a lot.
Renew his Philippine Passport here in the Philippines. When he exits he will have no problems if he has a current Philippine Passport. He can stay as long as he wants.
When he exits the country all he needs to do is show his US passport (sine that is the passport he used when he entered) and his PH passport to prove he is a citizen. There will be no fees or penalties.
Indeed you can.
Thank you for answering, I asked my dad for what we are waiting for he just plainy says “the call of the embassy and for them to give us instructions” he also said they would give us an appointment but MONTHS has passed and I feel nothing is progressing school starts there in september its already august now. Is it possible that it would really take months to acquire an appointment in the embassy ? thank you so much it makes me feel better with you answering.
hi bob,
have question for my son 3 years old, give birth here in the phils but he have US passport and CRBA and now i already get the PI passport bec Immigration told me my son is overstaying means alien need to pay penalty maybe 100k but have no money, i choose to get the phil passport bec immigration said my son birth here can be get the phil passport means is dual citizen. My question is my son have both passport PI and US the penalty is cleared or what? second question, no problem to our travel soon if have PI and US passport to the Naia Immigration…
I don’t know if anyone else has this same issue…
I entered the Philippines from the US more than a year ago (make that more than 3 years ago) but when I arrived they only stamped my Philippine Passport and not my US Passport.
I’m about to go to Australia and will be using my US Passport (so that I can get an ETA online). Will there be a problem with exiting and which passports should I bring with me?
Hey Bob few questions about dual citizenship children born here in phil but acquired US citizenship through the CRBA process. I’m an american citizen and will be taking my twin daughters to the states to live permanently. I have necessary paperwork to take my kids but have some questions on leaving the philippines.
1. Philippine airlines requests the kids passport information before booking our tickets. I’m guessing I should use the usa passports since its our country of destination? I plan on giving airport immigration both Phil and Usa passports so we avoid any fees and make the process easier.
2. If I use the usa passports you think I will have any issues with immigration since I used the usa passports to book the tickets with?
3. Lastly since they are filipino citizens by birth I should not need any ECC clearances or any additional paperwork from bureau of immigration?
It my first time dealing with dual citizenship kids and want to make sure we have everything needed to leave Phil without any issues.
Hi Bob,
Do I need other documents when exiting Philippines? (I have a downgraded 9G Visa to 9A visa tourist.) I already have my exit clearance.
Thanks bob. Even at this hour your help your readers. May god bless you and your family.
Sure! Good luck!
Hi Bob,
I have 17 year old daughter born here and was naturalized US citizen with CRBA since 2008 through her US citizen father+. She has Phil. Passport that we use whenever we travel to Asian countries for vacation.. I didnt declare in the phil. Passport application before that she has a US passport.. Next year when she turns 18 she is planning to travel alone to America and her first time to use her US passport.. My worries are… Does showing her both passports enough and immigration officers will still ask her questions about her dual citizenship papers or other exit permits? Does she really need to apply dual citizenship even I am a Filipino… i heard diff. cases that some payed huge amount in BOI for penalty of overstaying because they are considered alien here once naturalized by foreign countries… i dont have the means to pay such amount…
Hope u could help me in this predicament… Thanks Bob
Hi Bob
I am from UK living in Philippines with my Philippines wife and our son born in Philippines, he has Philippines passport.
A few months ago my son got his UK passport. So he has both Philippines and UK passport now.
We are about to leave Philippines first time with our son to UK for a couple of weeks. He does not have a UK visa on his Philippines passport.
Do we only need to show both his passports when leaving and arriving Philippines? Or are there any other documents we need to get or take or extra fees for him do you know?
Also when arriving in UK I guess he only needs to show his UK passport?
Hi Bob!
I just got my us passport, i qm actually a dual citizen by birth. I will be going to USA next year after i graduate for the first time, my question is what will i need or pay before exiting or in the immigration? i don’t have any philippine passport. And also is it true that there is an advantages if i am a dual citizen in the usa? like workibg for the government is not possible? please send me an email: [email protected]
Sorry something is not correct with your information. If you are a dual citizen and have a valid US passport all you have to do is get to n the plane and go. No need to visit the embassy or have an appointment. The US embassy gives appointments immediately to US citizens.
Hi Pete. Happy Easter.
Getting Dual Citizenship was easy. My kids didn’t even have to apply, they were just included under Feymas application. Getting the passport is very complicated though.
Hi Bob! I’m just wondering, when was your son’s Certificate of Philippine Citizenship issued? I’m also a dual citizen and I’ll be leaving the Philippines for the first time on March 17th and my certificate was issued in 1995. I was super worried before but reading this post gave me hopes that everything will be alright with the immigration at the airport so thanks a lot! Haha
Hey! This is gold. I am a dual citizen (US-FIL) and will leave the Philippines pretty soon after 12 long years of staying here. I only have a US passport and I too had trouble acquiring a Phil. Passport. I thought that if i only presented my US passport, I’d be penalized of overstaying. It’s a good thing that my mom kept the Certificate from when we were made as legal Filipino citizens. Almost everyday i get anxiety attacks because of the concern that I may have to pay a butt load of fees, but this just gave me a sigh of relief. Thanks for sharing this!
If you are a Philippine citizen then your son is too. If you are not a Philippines citizen then your son also is not.
Hello, I am a dual citizen ( Fil-Brit) about to go back to the Uk to study. Im concerned about exiting the Philippines as my Philippines Passport is about to expire. Trying to renew my Philippine Passport But it takes so long and I may miss my enrolment in September if I wait to renew it, so was thinking of renewing it in the UK.
Can exit the Phil with an expired Philippines Passport and use my British one to travel.
I have my oath of Allegiance, Identification Certificate and order of Approval for the Philippines .. Can I show that to show my Philippines Citizenship along with my expired Philippine Passport.
So I don’t have to pay or avoid overstaying fees with my Uk passport?
The Certificate of Philippine Citizenship you mentioned is that the Identification Certificate. is that one 2 thumb finger prints and a photo attached to it stamp by the Philippine embassy?
with the title at the top stating IDENTIFICATION CERTIFICATE NO. London -xxxx-xxxx
Bob I have a similar situation, I am a US citizen and my wife is a philipino citizen. we have a child who was born in the Philippines and now holds a Philippines passport and a US passport.
I am in the Philippines and we are scheduled to leave on Aug 16, 2016 to the US with my wife and US citizen daughter who is now 3 years old. This is the first time for them to travel, with my wife just getting her visa after a long and frustrating process.
My question: does my daughter who holds a Philippines and US passport need a stamp from Philippines immigration, we are traveling on her US passport. also do we have to pay a fee? so frustrating and cannot get clear answers from immigration in the PI.
Sorry about that! I’m a dual citizen, holder of US and PH Identification Certificate. I was able to go to Malaysia last Feb without any issues, the people at the airport are very familiar with my case.
I just recently got my PH passport and will be using that to go to the US on June this year. I also have my first passport with me. I have been living in the PH for 24 years and would go back this year for the first time in a long time.. no issues would be encountered on PH and US immigration, I presume? I’ll be living with my OFW aunt in the US and has her address. Also, do I need to show a certain amount of money upon entering US?
Thanks kuya Bob.
Hi Bob,
Could you detail the steps requiring to acquire a Certificate of Philippine Citizenship. My daughter who holds a US Passport by virtue of birth in the USA will be traveling to the US in August. We just recently renewed her US passport. We, her family who holds US B1/B2 Visa will be traveling with her on an almost 3-week vacations.
I just realized that her Philippine passport will expire on January 2017. This is in 5 months and a month short of the 6 month passport validity requirement for travel. I do not anticipate any problem because she will utilize her US passport anyway upon entering the US but Im afraid that the immigration people will make us jump through hoops or pay crazy amount of money.
I am hoping to go to DFA Davao tomorrow to renew he Ph passport but I am unsure if the passport will be released in time for our trip. So I am thinking of just securing the Certificate of Philippine Citizenship as it sounds easier and can be released sooner.
Your thoughts?
Hi bob,
First of all this page is very helpful thank you so much! Anyways i do have a situation right now and i hope i could get some details from you it may be a little too far from the topic though, I am currently pregnant right now and planning to give birth here in US and me and my boyfriend are both Filipino citizen so does that make our baby dual citizen by birth? And if so do you know what process we need to do to be able to bring him to the Philippines and stay there for good without paying any penalty or whatsoever they say that he needs to go back every 6 months?
I don’t think you will have a problem. Always show BOTH passports when entering or exiting.
Hi Pete, that was not directed toward you, it was to Marc, who was talking about me becoming a dual citizen.
Thank you so much bob! Okay so by time I do his report of birth he would be able to travel to philippines and stay there as long as he wants? Or does he have a limited time? Thank you so much again bob! You’ve been a big help!! ?
I have never taken kids outside the country without my wife, so I can’t give an informed answer to your question about DSWD, Cliff.
Just to be safe, better get an authorization letter from your wife, and have it notarized by an attorney.
My pleasure, Corazon.
You don’t ever have to leave the country, you will never be overstaying. You cannot overstay because you are a citizen. Just make sure you keep that Dual Citizenship certificate with you while traveling and you have no problems!
This is the law. In the Philippines, what the law says and the way it is implemented are often different. Just go apply for dual citizenship for your child and everything will be fine. Questioning things like this in the Philippines is not a productive thing to do. I know it makes no sense.. but that is the way it is handled here.
If we apply for and receive a Filipino passport for him will that suffice as the same as proof of dual citizenship or will we still need to file regardless ? Thank you
Hi again Bob,
Really confused about this, I read what you responded but keep finding this :
Republic Act No. 9225 otherwise known as the Citizenship Retention and Reacquisition Act of 2003 declares that natural-born citizens of the Philippines who become citizens of another country shall be deemed not to have lost their Philippine citizenship.
Can you help in clearing this up ? Thank you for helping
Under Philippine Policy, when a CRBA is filed then the child has lost his Philippine Citizenship. After CRBA you must go and file for dual citizenship.
You will need to have a current PH passport or some dual citizenship certificate or you will owe fines for overstaying if you have not kept your visa up to date.
When you say “process” do you mean the process of becoming a dual citizen? If there are no complications then 2 to 3 months is reasonable. If complications pop up it will take longer, of course.
I know of no restrictions, but I am not an attorney.
This is completely up to date.
You are still overstaying and will need to pay all of the fines until you have the certificate.
Thank you so much bob!!! This has been a very big help to us! Thank you so much again! Have a great day!
Hello Chie,
What you did – getting an ECC and I-Card – was not needed. Unfortunately, the people you were dealing with at the BI apparently did not understand the laws as they should. Your child should be considered a dual citizen. They may be thinking that when you filed the CRBA at the US Embassy your child lost his Philippine Citizenship, but that is not the case. The actions of an adult cannot alter the citizenship status of a child. In your case, I would recommend that you see a Philippine Immigration attorney to straighten all of this out, or try filing a dual citizenship application for the child.
Hi steffi, when you register your childs birth at a Philippine consulate, you can apply for a phillippine passport at the same time, a philippine birth certificate would be available also in nso after 6 months of filing.
Hi melvin, thank you so much for that information! Do you know how long does it takes to register my child’s birth? And do i need to process his philippine birth certificate here in US or would it be possible when we go back to the Philippines? Thank you so much again melvin!!
Hello Sambo, I am not an attorney, perhaps you are, I don’t know. As a non-attorney, I am only relying on my understanding of the law. It is my understanding that in current times there is no requirement ot select between the two citizenships, as nearly every country in the world now recognizes dual citizenship, including the Philippines.
Hi Steffi, I will be speaking based on my experience.
When my wife gave birth in San Francisco 3yrs ago, after getting a US birth certificate, I went to Philippine Consulate to process the report of birth, bring your Philippine passport, make 6 photo copies of all the original papers/documents
Visit the website of the Philippine embassy on which you are going to report the birth and download the report of birth form and fill then print.
I got it on the same day. If you bring your child you can apply for a Philippine passport as well it will take 2 months to get released, Philippine birth certificate will only available after 6 months.
Hi Bob, regarding ECC, we recently had a vacation in the Philippines, upon departure nobody asked us to pay ECC for my son.
Hi Bob, regarding ECC, we recently had a vacation in the Philippines, upon departure nobody asked us to pay ECC for my son. I also went to travel tax counter and we were informed that my son need not pay a travel tax
Hi Jetaimes,
OK, let’s go through this one bit at a time.
The first thing is that your daughter was not “naturalized with CRBA”. She is not naturalized at all. If CRBA is what was used, then she is a US citizen by the right of birth and was not naturalized. CRBA is just the process where she claims that US citizenship that was her birthright.
When she travels to the USA, she only needs to show both of her passports to the Immigration people in Manila. Nothing else should be needed. No questions should be asked of her. I would not expect any problems at all.
I know that you are nervous, because when my son, Aaron, went to the States earlier this year, I was also very nervous about him being a dual citizen, and if questions would be asked. But, everything went very smoothly, nad no problems at all. I am sure that it will be smooth for her.
Your daughter should not need to apply for dual citizen. The very fact that she has two valid passports proves that she already is a dual citizen. Please do not ever say that she was naturalized, because she was not. If she had been naturalized, she would have lost her Philippine citizenship, and CRBA is not naturalization.
Hi John – Philippine law is that any foreigner who has been in the Philippines for more than 1 year is liable to pay the travel tax. Tht is the law. However, the Philippines is almost always inconsistent on enforcing any policy, so it does not surprise me that you didn’t have to pay. I would encourge anybody going to leave the country to be prepared to pay. If they don’t have to pay, they will get a happy surprise!
Oh that’s fast, well thank you so much Melvin! You’ve been a big help too! Our little angel is due on oct so we just wanna know everything, all the legal processes that we need to do especially that both of us are Just filipino citizen with just a visa here in US. Thank you so much again Melvin! ?
Hi was wondering if you could help. I have applied for my sons British passport as he is British by descent through his mother. We were trying to get his Philippine passport too as he was born here but there’s issues due to his mum keeping her previous married name so the names don’t tally and they won’t issue. Can he travel on his uk passport and show the birth certificate as we are hoping to move back to uk. Any advice?
Hi Bob,
My daughter has US passport when our trip to Hong Kong the immigration stop us and told us my daughter need a ECC because that is the first time she will go out of Phil. And she only have US passport. . during that time Sunday the BI is close here in Phil. So what happened is we need to leave her here in Phil with my father in law and maid. Now we got her Phil. Passport also , she’s dual. We are planning to go to US on Dec. And that will be the first time she will go out of phil . Do I need more documents? Do I need to get ECC?
Thank you in Advance.
Hi Bob
Me and my husband and 2 kids lives here in the Philippines for 6 years, he is from the US, retired. Our first child was born in the US and no report of birth was done on her. The second one was born here in the Philippines, both have US passport. We are getting ready to go back in the US. How do I apply for dual citizenship papers for my kids?
Thanks in advance for your help on this matter.
Hi Bob!
Awesome write up and very insightful. I couldn’t help but relate to your son’s situation, but my story has a bit of a twist. I hope you could help me clear out the scenario. So I’m dual, naturalized US citizen with a US naturalization certificate and recently issued US passport at hand and I also have my Philippine naturalization certificate, but didn’t bother to get a Philippine passport renewed since it is a pain.
So here’s the twist in my story: I lost the US passport which had my Philippine entry stamped about 4 years ago, thus why I have a recently issued US passport replacement.
My questions are:
What do I do to prove that I came in that specific date? I don’t have a photocopy of that stamp either. Will I get dinged the hefty overstaying tax? Please advise. I appreciate your response in advance.
If you are specifically going to the USA because you want your baby to be born there, that is not legal to do. If the Immigration feels that is what you are doing they will not allow you entry. That is what it sounds like you are doing.
Hi Bob!
I have a son who’s holding both US passport and Phil passport since he was born. He is turning 12 years old on december. He is using his both passport coming in and out of the country, we dont get any problem with that. But I have heared that when he turns 18 years old he will be asked to choose only one citizenship by the US consulate or US immigration ? Is that true? Thank you very much for your time.
No bob, I am currently living here in US right now and have been here for almost 4 years. I got medicaid and my ob gyn is here too and i’m about 7 months pregnant that’s why it’s kinda too late for me to go back to the Philippines. And we just wanna have some heads up about the legal process that we need to take in order to bring our baby to the philippines probably after a year because all of our family is there.
Hi Cliff – Here are the answers to your questions.
1. Under US law, any person who is a citizen of the USA (this would include dual citizens if one of their countries of citizenship is the USA) are only legally allowed to enter the USA using a US passport. A foreign passport would be illegal for a US citizen to use if entering the USA. So, yes, you should show the US passport.
2. I do not expect that there would be any issues. When leaving or returning to the Philippines show both a US and Philippine passport and there should be no immigration issues.
3. Dual Citizens are required to pay a minimal ECC fee at the airport. No need to get an ECC at the BI, but a fee will be paid. As I recall it is in the P500 neighborhood.
Hi Kevin, thanks for sharing that information, it may come in handy for somebody reading this!
Dear Bob:
With respect to the previous post “Jetaimes says
December 13, 2015 at 11:58 pm, Hi Bob,
I have 17 year old daughter born here and was naturalized US citizen with CRBA since 2008 through her US citizen father+. She has Phil. Passport that we use whenever we travel to Asian countries for vacation.. I didnt declare in the phil. Passport application before that she has a US passport.. Next year when she turns 18 she is planning to travel alone to America and her first time to use her US passport.. My worries are… Does showing oth passports enough and immigration officers will still ask her questions about her dual citizenship papers or….”
Won’t her daughter need to elect her Filipino Citizenship by the age of majority since her father was an American (Alien). If a legitimate child of a Alien father (as here, as she states her daughters father is a U.S Citizen) FAILS to elect this citizenship by the procedure as outlined in Commonwealth Act 625 by age of majority then her daughters passport will NOT be renewed because per Philippines law legitimate children follow the citizenship of the father UNLESS elected otherwise!
After you complete the report process your child will be a citizen of the Philippines and the USA. That means that he can stay in either country for as long as he wishes. Citizens of a country are not limited in how long they can stay.
Hi Bob,
Thanks for all the infos it helped me a lot and lessen my worries. my daughter now 18 years old landed safe to the US last friday.
She just showed both her US and Phil. passports here in NAIA and no questions asked. another thing is that the immigration didnt asked her to pay fees for clearance. so she got 1,000 peso bill remembrance in her wallet. Thanks again Bob i really appreciate it… God bless you and your family.
Best regards,
Hello! My daughter was born here in the Philippines. I am a filipino and my husbans is a US citizen. I acquired CRBA and a US passport and got all of that done few months ago. I am planning to get her philippine passport, I was wondering if there would be any problem getting her PI passport since she is now US citizen? Or she can get one since she was born here even though she acquired US citizen?
Hi Bob,
This is a peculiar question, I booked a ticket with Singapore Airlines travelling to the US. Now, my PH and US passports have different names because of how my mother did the forms and stuff when I was still a kid. I haven’t gotten around to changing the names since I plan to do it when my passport expires in a couple of years. I only thought about this after booking my ticket under my PH Passport name.
Question: Will I have problems boarding the plane or will presenting both passports (plus my birth certificate which I will be bringing anyways) be enough to avoid problems?
For example my name is Juan Rizal Dela Cruz, with Rizal being my middle name
PH Passport –
First Name: Juan
Last Name: Dela Cruz
Middle Name: No Middle Name
US Passport –
First Name: Juan
Last Name: Rizal Dela Cruz
Middle Name: No Middle Name
Sorry if the question is a bit technical or off-topic but couldn’t really find any info on this and the airline hasn’t responded to my inquires about this.
hello bob
my daughter she born her e in phil.but she dont have phil.passport.she have US passport and she is US citizen in US.
my question is,its that ok she can travel in US.no phil.passport?or do i need to get her phil.passport,before we travel in US?she is going 2years old.and this is first time she going to the US.
My brother is dual citizenship of US/FIL. His been staying in the Phils for almost 5 yrs now. And wanted him to go back here in the US FOR A vacation? He only have a US passport and the certificate of that dual citizenship. Im hoping he can go back here with no problems at all? Do i need to pay for a fee or anything else?
Sorry his dad is Filipino and mother is British so he’s Filipino on birth certificate and entitled to dual citizenship. Just his mother was married previously in uk and kept married name so it’s causing issues getting his Philippine documents. So can he travel on uk passport or would he need Philippines passport too? I hope that makes sense
Hi Sir Bob,
Thank you for this helpful information 🙂
Me and your son(Aaron) has a same situation..
I was born in California, USA but I live here in Philippines for almost 18 yrs hehehe.
I’m planning to go back to US this April,2017.
Thanks! Thanks! Thanks!
To apply for dual citizenship you go to the Bureau of Immigration and ask them for an application. But, I can almost guarantee you that they will require you to file that report of birth abroad. Good luck, but I think you are in for some problems, sorry to say.
Hi Bob.. I just want to ask .. I’mgoing back to Canada.. Ihave both Canadian and Philppine Passport.. My old passport was lost and my stamp is there.. What should I do to restamp my passport of arriving here?? And What papers do Ineed for restamping? Do Ineed to pay for it? Where should I go?? Both passport should be stamp? Thanks for your Kind .. Answers..
Hi Bob,,,,you are very knowledgable.. I have son in PI who has never left country. He has Philippine passport and US passport –no stamps. Will this suffice when exiting country. Have heard it may not be good enough any longer??!!
Hi Bob! very informative blog. My son was born in philippines then i brought him here in us when he was a baby. he only have us passport. then i brought him back to philippines and he’s overstaying there for 5years, now i want him to go back here. if i apply philippines passport for him you think there will be problem at the airport immigration and pay any fines? thank you!
Hi Bob, i am dual citizen citizen, i was born in Hawaii but i’am planning to apply and get a Philippine Passport, the problem is i dont have a local birth certificate here if the Department of Foreign Affairs or DFA for short will require it, and what is worst our Philippine Certificate or Identification Certificate issued by the Bureau for DUAL Citizens is not recognized by establishements especially by government officers here, when you have transactions with them, like renewing Postal IDs, i called the Bureau Immigration and i make a clarification if that Philippine Certificate is really for DUALs ID and they said at the ACR section, the Philippine Certificate is the ID for DUAL Citizens, and since government offices doesnt recognized it, i’m planning to let my ACR restored and pay the annual yearly .. and so Bob what i want to happen, is that, the Bureau of Immigration will make an advisory to all business, establishments, public and private in behalf of us Dual Citizens of this country, that the Philippine / Identification Certificate to be recognize as an ID, coz they only recognize the ACRs, that, i’m deciding to let my ACR be restored. so that’s the big problem for Dual Cotizens when presenting IDs especially being born in American soil.
Good evening Bob! I uploaded the application form of philippine passport and its asking there if she has a foreign passport. is it ok to put that she does have a foreign passport and is a US citizen? Thank you for your fast reply!
ECC is only needed if you are here more than 6 months. You said you were on “vacation” so I am guessing you were here for under 6 months, althogh you really don’t say how long you were here.
Hi Bob
Thanks for quick reply. That is good to know!
Hi Bob, i was just wondering how long did it take to get your sons dual citizenship certificate? If you have all the proper documents needed is it possible to obtain it the same day you apply? What are the approximate costs? I have 4 children all born in the philippines, a 4 yr old, 3 yr old, 2 yr old and infant (3 months). I am canadian born and obtained dual citizenship because my parents were philippine citizens at time of my birth so i also have a philippine passport. My wife is filipino. My kids now all have canadian passports, i thought this was all i needed to bring them home. Ive come to find out that they need ecc’s and are considered foreign nationals and their date of birth is considered when they entered the philippines. Because i dont have philippine passports for them yet or the dual citizenship certificate, my 4, 3 and 2 yr old are considered overstayed since their births if i understand correctly, which probably means ridiculous fines and penaltys. I know its as simple as obtaining their philippine passports, but ive already purchased airline tickets for my wife and kids and unfortunatly the nearest appointment at the dfa is almost 2 months away and my flight is in 10 days. I realize ill probably have to pay cancellation fees for the airline tickets unless the dual citizenship certificate can be obtained in a day or 2 or if the ecc fees arent as expensive as i think they will be. Anyways, great site, always informative and helpful.
Yes po
Hi john. I have a 3yo son born in philippines and we applied for his crba and us pssport last year. His mother is only a filipino citizen. I am american citizen. We are trying to get him to travel to the states to live with me. His mom will be going to dubai to work. We have affidavit of consent signed by both of us.. written by an attorney and notorized. What is the easiest way ? Some said filing for dual citizenship can take up to a year. Does he need that. Or a philippines passport to travel? Or can he just use his us pssport ? I was told he can still apply for his philippines passport and then get an exit clearance from immigration. Is that accurate? Please inform me on the easiest path to take as our time is limited. His mother is going dubai within next 2 months. Thank you
Go to the Bureau of immigration and explain to them what happened. Ask them what actions you should take, and they’ll be glad to help you.
You are a Philippine citizen, they cannot charge you for overstaying. A citizen cannot overstay, because he is free to stay forever.
Show your Philippine citizenship certificate when you enter or leave and you should have no problems.
I assume Airhee will have to pay travel tax or could he leave on his US passport.
Question: I am (German) married to a Filipina, and have 13(a) visa. Our son has dual citizenship, and German and Philippine passport. We want to travel to Singapore for a short vacation, does my son (11 years old) need to bring both passports to the airport, even we are not travelling to Germany?
Hi Bob. I am a dual citizen (American and Philippines). I have been in the Philippines for about 2 years and thinking about traveling to another country in Asia. Was I supposed to renew anything since I have been here or check in with anyone? Both passports are current but I want to avoid any problems when I fly. Thanks
Since you are a Philippine citizen, he should have no problem being recognized as a Philippine citizen himself. Good luck to you.
Your daughter is now a dual citizen by birth. There should not be a problem getting a Philippine passport.
If your kids get Philippine passports, which I do not believe is possible based on the information you provided so far, there is no overstaying, no penalties, no other fees. They are citizens if they have a passport. So, if you are able to get the passports, you have nothing to worry about. Based on what you have said though I do not believe he will be able to get passports. I do wish you the best of luck.
Thanks for the input Bob.
Hi bob im a dual citizen i only have a us passport and im planning going to the states this month.. Can i just shoe them my nso and my us passport
My kids were born here in the philippines and their mother is also filipino. That doesnt qualify them to get philippine passports? I myself am a dual citizen canadian/filipino.
Thank you for posting this! This has been the most helpful article I’ve found regarding my questions with dual citizenship. I live in the US and was planning on flying to the Philippines to pick up my mom (a dual citizen) that has been staying in the Philippines for over 2 years. She only has a us passport, and the certificate of dual citizenship. But what I want to know is how to purchase her plane tickets? Can I purchase it as I normally would, with the airline of my choice? No other special requirements needed other than carrying all her paperworks and being prepared to pay the fees you’ve stated? Sorry, I have a toddler I’ll be leaving and am also expecting another baby, so I don’t wanna be far from home long. I want to be prepared and ready to go and come back easily and smoothly.
yes i did
Thank you for this Sir. My mother is a dual citizen of US and the Philippines and she is about to travel to the US. She has been living here in the Philippines and last visited the US in 2012. Her Philippine passport expired 2005 and she has not renewed it in time for her travel in September this year. But she has her dual citizenship certificate. That is a load of her mind!
Nothing is automatic, there are papers to file and things to do. When your children received dual citizenship, they should have received a dual citizenship certificate. Every one of my kids and my wife receive that when their dual citizenship was approved.
I have already spend a lot of time with you, if you would like me to give further information, you will need to purchase one of my Consulting packages. I have very inexpensive packages which would be of help to you, or more expensive packages, whichever you would choose.
Hi Bob, really appreciate what i’m reading here but i can’t say i found an answer here that is similar to my (huge) issue. Hopefully you, or someone else, can help me or share their experience. Basically, i was born and raised in the US to filipino parents. My dad retired and decided to migrate our family to the philippines. We moved here 2006 and i entered with my us passport. I had no idea the issues i’d be experiencing when i came to age. My parents did that “report of birth” thing back in the us and i have an nso/psa birth certificate. I thought all would be ok if i just renewed my us passport and i would able to travel. Big mistake on my part for not doing enough research. Obviously immigration at naia said i couldnt leave because i was considered as overstaying (good thing they didnt deport me or anything). The airport immigration lady said in order for me to leave, is if i showed them a philippine passport, certificate of recognition or pay the 10+ yrs overstaying fees. Wasnt able to leave obviously. I was able to successfully get a philippine passport now with no issues as it is more cheaper and quicker compared to that certificate of recognition thing which tales months to get and costs more than 12k. My question is, since both my us and ph passports are new (stampless) will i have any issues leaving the philippines? I called BI and i really cant tell anymore if what they’re telling me is true or if they’re doing the same dirty tricks to get you to spend more money. A personnel i spoke over the phone with at BI said i still needed the certificate of recognition regardless if i have a ph passport. I honestly couldn’t believe what i heard because hello i already have a ph passport so shouldnt that suffice? Why would you ask me to spend more money by saying i still needed that certificate regardless if i have a ph passport?? Now im hesitant in traveling because im scared the drama i went through last time i tried to leave will relive itself. They might question me again this time (even if i showed both passports) saying stuff like when did you arrive, both your passports are new, we need to know when you arrived, you cant leave because you’re still considered as overstaying since you entered on your us passport, etc etc. :'( I have plans on going to south korea and australia and using my us passport to enter those countries since au only needs an electronic visa (ETA) and south korea doesnt need visa. But i heard i have to show both passports when leaving the philippines. Hoping this long post isn’t confusing.
Hi…need help 🙂 i entered the Philippines on my US passport some 10years ago and been staying here since (i was only a child then so i assumed my parents had everything under control). Recently i found out i was considered as overstaying since my stamp on my us passport was a balikbayan stamp valid for 1 year. We never extended the visa or anything like that nor got that certificate of recognition. I managed to get a PH passport though (just applied with no issues since i have an nso birth cert – report of birth abroad). So im assuming since im a ph passport holder now, im not considered as overstaying? My us passport also expired so i got it renewed. Now i got both us and ph passports with no stamps since they’re new. Will i have probs leaving the Philippines? Like will they ask me stuff like when did i arrive and which passport did i get stamped and other stuff? Or will showing both valid passports (although stampless) suffice? Also since there’s a line for a ph passport and another line for foreign passport, where should i line up? Does it matter? I plan on flying to australia by end of this year and rather than spending thousands of pesos to get a visa for my ph passport, i plan on getting a 20aud ETA (eletronic visa) on my us passport. Which passport should i show? Im hoping i wont get into any issues and i hope the immigration people wont dig too far into my arrival history and citizenship drama. Hoping anyone can help. I’m feeling at ease now that i have a ph passport but still nervous if they might ask too many questions
I would say he should always travel with both passports regardless of where you are going. I think that’s best.
By the way, Germany does not allow dual citizenship, is against the law. Something you might look into.
If he has a Philippine Passport there will be no problems or fines to pay. However, you have not told me enough about him for me to be able to say if he qualifies for a Philippine passport or not. Also, remember, if he does not have a US Passport he will not be able to enter the USA unless he has a visa.
Take care.
You are very welcome, I’m glad I could help. Good luck to your daughter.
Hi Bob, first I want to say Thanks because this article is very helpful and second, I wish you could give me advise on my concern.
I have an 8 year old son who is a Dual Citizen (US & PH) since birth, and with both parents that are PH Citizens.
Now, for me, my husband and our daughter since we are all PH Citizens needs to apply for Japan Visa prior our travel plans and US citizens that are traveling to Japan only needs to present their US Passport to enter without any visa.
As you said, all he needs to do is present both passports in the PH Immigration and should get both passport stamped. My question is, when he enters Japan, does he need to show BOTH his passport? or just present the US Passport?
and,When he is entering back to the Philippines, should he get both passport stamped back as well?
My son have traveled to Brunei and UAE before and his US passport though it was presented in the PH Immigration then, was not stamped.
I’m a bit confused.
So I haven’t needed to renew a visa or anything like that or have to pay any overstaying fees? Sorry if these questions seem dumb.
Hi Bob,
First I wanna say thank you for posting this article. I would like to ask you question if that’s okay?. I have Philippine and Japan passport and I’m planning to go to Japan early next year. Note that this is my first time to leave the Philippines. I called immigration to ask what would be the procedure. They told me that I just need to present both of my passports before the immigration officer and there would be no any issue. They also told me that I don’t need to get an exit clearance. I would like to know if its the right procedure?. What other documents do I need to present aside to my passports? Thanks in advance.
Thanks for the quick reply Bob. I appreciate it.
Thanks for the reply Bob. A year? I guess that is not an option for me as I can get them philippine passports in May. Am I correct in that my kids will be considered entering philippines from the day they were born and that is how their ecc fees will be calculated? My 4 year old daughter would be considered 4 years overstayed? And so her ecc fees would most likely be 6 figures?(pesos). If so, ouch. Thanks again for your reply Bob.
In my opinion, it will be OK, but to be honest, I am really unsure, and think you should check with the airline.
Yes, both of those are normal for a dual citizen.
Hi Paul – Your assumptions are completely correct. You should show both passports when entering and leaving the Philippines. When entering and leaving Great Britain, just show the UK Passport. I would not expect any problems.
Hi Blair – It depends on what kind of appointment you need. If it is for an expired US passport then you just go online and schedule an appointment through their website it is very easy. With the amount of information you provided, I can’t really help you, though, because I need to know more information.
Hi Bob! I read your article and I have a question for my 3 year old son. He was born in the Philippines and my wife and I are both dual citizens so my son was able to acquire US citizenship after we filed a CRBA form and he currently has a US Passport now but no Philippine Passport. Now we are planning to go to the US next year, can we just go to the US and take my son without having to stop by the Bureau of Immigration or the US Embassy?
No, I’m sorry. As a very very clearly stated in the article you need to have a Philippine passport, a Philippine certificate of citizenship, or a Philippine certificate of dual citizenship. Those are the documents you may use upon your exit. Good luck.
I am sorry, but being born in the Philippines does not make one a Philippine Citizen. Generally, the Philippine Government policy is that once a person has a foreign Passport they are no longer Philippine Citizens until they go through the dual citizenship process. When you acquired Dual Citizenship, did you include your children on your application, as you are supposed to do?
Does she gave some paper to prove thst she us also a Philippine citizen?
No, sorry. That won’t work because being born in the Philippines foes not make one a Philippine citizen. Philippine citizenship is passed by blood and not by soil.
Hi, Bob. I’m a dual citizen who came to the Philippines 4 years ago using my US passport. At the time, I already had both a US and Philippine passport, however, I only showed my US passport. My question is will I have to pay any fines related to “overstaying” since I only showed my US passport? Or will everything be fine?
Purchasing the tickets is of no concern. You can purchase them any way you like, any airline, etc. It is of no consequence.
OK, that is very important information which you did not tell me previously. Your kids do not need Philippine Passports in that case! When you enter the Philippines and when you exit they should show their US Passport and their Philippine Dual Citizenship certificate. When you leave and show the certificate there will be no penalties due, because that certificate, not the birth certificate, proves their Philippine citizenship.
As long as he shows his US passport and Philippine dual citizenship certificate there will be no funds for him to pay.
He will need some document to prove his Philippine citizenship. A birth certificate will not do that. He needs a passport or a certificate of Philippine citizenship.
Im planning to go to Malaysia in Feb 2017 but does not have a PH passport, only that Identification Certificate. Were you able to go to the US without issues and only using you IC? And do we need to renew that IC? I too have a baby photo on that.
No worries I thought it might of as it states Filipino on his birth certificate and at present they won’t issue a Philippine passport due to maiden name issues and documents to clear that up are currently been used for uk passport processing
You will need some kind of Passport. You don’t say if you are a dual citizen or what. You need a Passport from some country and the dual citizenship certificate.
Hi Bob,
I’m a filipina married to a British citizen. When we came here to the Philippines from Egypt, our daughter used her Philippine passport. She is born in Egypt. Now, we are applying for her UK passport. We are leaving the Philippines soon and stay/live in the UK for good.
My question is, does my daughter need this ECC or any clearance from BI to leave the country?
Your thoughts?
Thank you.
Hi Bob,
I’m planning to go to Japan early next year maybe by the end of January and I have both Philippine and Japan passport take note that this is my first time leaving the country. I know that I just need to present both of my passports before the immigration officer. My questions are:
1.) Do I need to have an Identification certificate together with my Philippine and Japan passport? or my Philippine and Japan passport would be enough? (I’m dual citizen by birth I was born in the Philippines)
2.) I’m kinda confused about the Identification Certificate. Will you please tell us why do we need to get an Identification Certificate even if we already have a valid passport? and when to get an Identification certificate?
I’ll really appreciate your time if you provide me an explanation. Maraming Salamat Bob hope you could understand tagalog. Haha.
As I said in my last reply, there is no benefit for the Dual Citizenship Certificate, since you have two passports. Nobody will ever ask to see the certificate.
Hi Bob,
In your article you say that dual citizens have to pay an ECC at the airport. Does that apply also if you hold both passports or only certificate of philippine citizenship? My son is 5 months old and he was born in the philippines from an italian father (me) . He has both passports now. I will be leaving soon with him and my future wife(the mother) (yes she has a CFO sticker) to Italy .
Hi Bob!
Thank you for posting this information! I have a concern: I am a dual citizen born in the US with my mom being a Filipina. My US passport was renewed last year (valid until 2026), and I have a Certificate of Recognition (for Filipino Citizenship), but my Philippine Passport expired last year (I haven’t opted to have it renewed). If I travel to Japan by next month using my US passport, apart from paying the mentioned travel tax of 1620php and possible ECC fee of 710php, will I have any problems exiting the Philippines (i.e. the immigration people requiring a valid PH passport apart from presenting my Certificate of Recognition) ? Thanks in advance!
This is the Philippines so one thing you can depend on is that things will vary. But, Dual Citizens are supposed to pay an ECC regardless of what passports they have.
Hi Bob,
I have a son who is 2yr old now. Last year i went to the philippines to apply CRBA for my son. And i also told my wife to apply him philippines. So he now have US passport and philippines passport. Is that considered a dual citizenship? Can my son exit the philippines if i show the philippines passport? Or do i need to pay for the exit? Thanks in advance.
Thanks again. If it s just money i don’t mind my concern was only a paper i had forgotten about
Please, Liz, I have already answered your question, no need to take more of my time, which I am giving you for free. As I already said, if you have the PH passport there will be no fees. I don’t care if it is 10 years, 100 years or 1000 years, NO PENALTY.
Since you are a dual citizen, just show no passports, you will experience no problems.
Hi Bob,
Thanks for posting this. My question is straightforward.
I have both US and Philippine passporst..and both still valid.I will be flying to Manila June 2019. Upon entering the Philippines, can I just present my Philippine passport (for faster entry) or should I present both passport? How about leaving the Philippines.
Conversely, did your son also present his Philippine certificate upon entering the US? Do I need to present my Philippine passport as well when coming back to the US? (If only my Philippine passport was stamped–unless my US passport was also stamped when entering Manila).
Your input would be valuable.
I don’t understand I’m sorry.
As long as you have your dual citizenship certificate with you in your possession and show it when you are leaving the country you have no worries. No penalties or anything of the nature.
Bob, how will this affect me if I decide to apply for Philippine citizenship? I know I’m eligible to do so here in 6 months having stayed here for 5 years at the point. I know the SCOTUS declared a US citizen can hold a dual-citizenship after it was challenged a few years ago. Do you know how long the process will be and approximate cost for this endeavor?
Showboat passport s. Request that they both be stamped.
1. The two passport should be all that you need. However the more ids you have the better it certainly would not hurt.
2. You have no need for a dual citizenship certificate sent you have both passport size.
Hi Milles – When your child leaves the Philippines she should show both passports. They may stamp both, or just one, it is of no matter.
When she enters and leaves Japan, no need to show the Philippine Passport, only the US one.
When re-entering the Philippines, show both passports again. They may stamp both or only one, it really makes no difference.
You are a dual citizen. As a dual citizen, you have absolutely no need for a Visa in Philippines, you’re a citizen. As I said previously, just show both passports when you exit, and you will have absolutely no problems.
I do not think it is possible, even remotely possible, to get to dual citizenship certificate the same day you apply. In the case of my wife and children, it took almost a year, but there were some complications involved. The fastest that I’ve heard of is about two weeks.
Omg this is the answer I’ve been looking for! I will share this to my group and my wall… Thank you so much Bob.
She should need nothing but showing her Philippine Passport and her UK Passport (if you are going to the UK). There will be an ECC fee at the airport, but nothing but paying the small fee.
You are most welcome, good luck and happy travel to your mom.
Hi Bob,
I am half Filipina and Half American. I was born here in the Philippines, I have a Philippine birth certificate in my Mom’s last name (because my parents weren’t married at the time I was born). My Dad also reported my birth abroad, so I have a Consular Report of Birth Abroad and a US passport. (These are in my Dad’s last name)
I left the country with my Dad using only a US passport in 1996 and returned to the PH in 1999 and never left since.
Now I plan to go to the US but I only have a US passport. I do not have a PH passport nor a Dual Citizenship Certificate because my parents thought I am a natural PH citizen by birth.
My question is will I be able to leave the country with only a US passport and documents showing I was born in the PH like my NSO/PSA birth certificate, baptismal certificate, etc.
I am afraid I will be recognized as an overstaying foreigner because I do not have a PH passport or certificate. My Dad never extended my visa since we arrived because he believed I am a natural filipino citizen.
I plan on getting a PH passport when I get to the States.
Your response is very much appreciated.
Hi Bob,
Thanks for your sharing your knowledge here to everyone here. Just a quick question and confirmation if you have the time.
I’m a US citizen and my 11mo daughter obtained her US passport last year via CRBA. My wife also got her a Philippine passport this month.
We’re travelling to South Korea next month where US citizens don’t need a travel visa so I intend on using my daughter’s US passport. I would greatly appreciate if this is correct:
1) Upon leaving the Philippines, show both passports at immigration (thus no need to get an ECC from the Bureau of Immigration; this is what i want to avoid, a trip to the BI)
2) Show US passport in Korea (for both entry and exit)
3) Back in the Philippines, show both passports again.
Is this correct? Thanks and warm regards!
Thank you for your quick response! I was just worried that there would be a new ruling for 2018, and that my destination (Japan) would have a different exit procedure from the Philippines.
Please allow me one more question: I saw your responses to the comments below and saw that in some of them, you mentioned that *both* passports were stamped upon exit. Since my PH Passport is expired, do I just show my US passport and my Certificate of Recognition, or do I have to proactively show them my expired PH passport as well (and tell them that I couldn’t get an appointment online due to the dates almost always being fully booked)? I don’t know how the “stamping procedure” goes as this will be my first time travelling to another Asian country.
It must be paid at the airport.
So even if it took me 10 years before getting a ph passport (way after the visa expired), i shouldn’t have any issues? They won’t say things like i should have gotten a ph passport when i arrived or at least extended my visa until i got a ph passport? Sorry for all these questions and i really appreciate your prompt response
Hi Bob,
My daughter is 6 years old and was born in the Philippines. We got her CRBA when she was 1 year old and got her first US passport. We used it to go to Hong Kong and back to the Philippines when she was 1 and a half years old. She has stayed in the Philippines with her mother ever since. Her US passport was about to expire so we renewed it when I visited the Philippines in 2017. We also applied and received my daughter’s first Philippine passport at the end of 2017. My wife’s visa was approved and now they are both ready to join me in the US. Our plan is for me to go to the Philippines and we will leave together. Does my daughter still have to pay any exit clearance fee for overstaying even though she has both her US and Philippine passports? My cousin works for PAL and I asked her to ask my question to ask an immigration agent at NAIA and she said the agent told her my daughter “would need an exit clearance before she leaves. Fee for this would be approximately php10,000-12,000 which should be paid at the immigration main office in manila.” Now I am really confused after reading your blog if there will be an exit fee or not. Thanks for your help.
Thank you so much for you quick response. Yes sir have both and valid passport. Thanks again.
What they already told you if he texts me correct answer. There is nothing for me to add.
Hi. Bob. I have a questions. My son is 11 yrs old and have dual citizenship of PH and US. He traveled in the Ph with US passport only on June 2017 with his father. His Ph passport was expired and we were not able to get one before he traveled. He has been staying in PH to study until now. What should I do? He did not show any proof that he’s a ph citizen when he entered ph.
Can i get a passport for him in the ph?
can he still stay in the ph?
How long can he stay?
What process should i do when he exit ph?
I appreciate the time and your reply for this.
Thank you
Thanks. I take it that since I carry a Philippine passport I can line up at the “Filipino citizens” section, even if I carry a US passport as well
I’m sorry to tell you, but that’s not going to work out. When you get to the airport to leave, they’re going to say that you are a lot of money because your son has been overstaying. The way they do it in the philippines, when you file . crba they will consider that as having relinquished philippine citizenship. Do i need to go through the process of the acquiring it.
Hi bob,
My son is ttaveling with me on the 29th of january. I am confused about his passport. He have philippine passport and american passport. What should i present in philippine immigration? Do they give stamp both of passports? Thank you
Another question since my old question never got through for some strange reason. Is the moderator illiterate? I was quite clear with my previous question, which is just confirmation on fees to pay at the airport if an individual has both foreign passport and PH passport. There are some points in the comments where fees are not charged or fees are charged, and I just wanted clarification on which is true and if there are any additional fees to pay, because god knows I encounter a corrupt airport official that would lump in other fees that I have to pay.
So again, moderator not helpful, unsure if moderator is illiterate, but I have seen many duplicate questions in the comment section, some where the ones who comment are not very clear, yet they manage to have their post added.
Apologies if this might seem like an attack, this was not the intention, but having to type and explain my situation again is too much.
I am sorry, you are in for a lot of headaches and major expenses. You will not be allowed to leave the country until you have paid your fines for overstaying.
Two Choices:
Sorry for the bad news.
As long as you have the dual citizenship certificate with you there should be no problems.
Thanks for the reply. I will call immigration on monday . You say this could be paid at the airport? No fingerprints i hope or long queues or that would be the case?
If you present both of your passports upon departure there will be no overstaying fees, those will be waived.
However, you are going to need your old passport when you depart, because it has your entry stamp in it. Present both of your US Passports and your PH Passport and there should be no issues.
Thanks. Our son has dual citizenship, and its not against the law. He’s a child (11 years old). Children of German/Filipino couple can have dual citizenship. That also is what the embassy told me, and thats why they also issues the German passport.
he only have us passport right now. he was born in philippines and have birth report in NSO. i’m a philippine citizen btw. I’m planning to apply for philippine passport for him to avoid any fines, if possible.
i already applied for the dual citizenship and awaiting release of the Certificate of Philippine Citizenship. is it ok to exit Philippines with US passport? or will immigration in NAIA hold me up and still classify me as overstaying?
Thank you Bob
Hi Bob, another question. Will the immigration look for entry stamp beside the one in his US passport? Maybe in an old PH passport or any travel document that he also entered as a PH citizen? bec he doesnt have any.
It sounds like you don’t realize it, the philippines does not allow you to be naturalized air and retain your foreign citizenship.
Hi Bob. Upon exit, wont the immigration look for an entry stamp from other ph document that proves his a ph citizen when he entered PH? Since he only have stamp in his US passport. Thank you for your reply.
Now, according to my wife’s good friend and senior Immigration officer here in Davao stated to us that that would not interfere with the process. They would not require me to turn in my US passport or renounce my US citizenship. I forget the citation he quoted me but it would allow me to it.
If you show your Philippine Passport when you leave, or any proof of citizenship (Dual Citizenship certificate) there will be no fines to pay.
Thank you!!!
My wife is a philippine citizen, doesnt that automaticly make our children philippine citizens by blood? I dont have a Citizenship certificate, i got my dual citizenship by submitting a delayed report of birth which notes that i was born in Canada to philippine citizen parents, which then got me an nso birth-certificate. I then simply applied for a philippine passport at the philippine embassy in toronto canada and i now have a philippine passport which makes me a dual citizen. Couldnt i do the same with my children because they have their nso birthcertificates from the philippines and their mother is a philippine citizen born and raised? Their mother is not a dual citizen she is strictly a filipino.
I am a US Citizen and holder of dual passport( Philippine) i have overstated here due to my dad passed away last december 2015. I am planning to go back to the states will there be issues to both Philippine immigration and US immigration? Fines and other issues that i will be expecting leaving the country. Your input will be highly appreciated. Thanks Bob
Hi Sir, this post is very much useful! Can I ask if this is still updated which follows the same procedure as of this writing? My grandmother who is a US citizen just recently acquired her dual citizenship and planning to travel back to US this month.
Am Samuel Married to a Philippines Woman as my Wife, but am little confuse on my side cos i have two signatures one in my marriage Contract and other signature in my international passport so which signature do i need to use for Applying For Marriage visa in Philippines Immigration??
Yes, they will let you leave without penalty if you have a current Philippine Passport. But, you should get the certificate much quicker than you can get a passport.
Thank you
what i mean which signature can i use is it the one i put in Marriage Contract or one in my international passport cos i have Two Signatures so that i cant make mistake in the form.
Hi already apply my cert. Last february and it is already released the tricks on how to get your papers as soon as possible call the immigration thrice as a week tell them that you have upcoming flight schedule this is really works.
No, they won’t care. The PH Passport proves he is a Philippine citizen. It doesn’t matter what he was when he entered. It only matters what he is when he exits.
Yes i have two signature so which one you prefer i can use is it the one in the Marriage Contract or the one in my international passport thats what i mean
If you are are a dual citizen – citizen of both the US and Philippines – as long as you have proper ID showing you are a citizen of each country there will be no issues, no fines or anything like that.
Is the moderator illiterate? No, I am not. No need to be a smart ass, or for you to ask for additional help, because I am not up to your standards, I guess.
Hi Bob, my son is 17 years old, has dual citizenship, both holder of US and pH Passport. He plans to travel to South Korea with his friends since they recently graduated from high school. Since he is a minor, are there any restrictions, clearance or documentations I need to acquire before he can travel abroad? I’ve read in DSWD websites that Filipinoes with foreign passports are exempted from acquiring travel clearance. How about his being a US citizen? Thanks in advance and your site is so helpful.
Hi Bob my question to you is, I stayed here in the Philippines for almost two years since Feb 2016 until now. I’m 63 and retired. I am a dual citizen (US-Philippines). i did not bother to secure a Phil. Passport but i have the Certificate. am getting my pension thru arrangement with my US bank, meaning i send my own pension to myself from my US bank thru on line transaction straight to my bank here in the Phil. My main question to you Sir, is: Will there be an issue if i will stay longer here as i could with out going back to the US? will there be problem with regards to my overstaying here since the stamp i realized on my US passport was something like Balikbayan mode and its noted as 1 yr stay only? and most importantly, Will there be a problem/or necessary for me to travel back to US @ anytime i am able considering the cost of Plane tickets and of course personal expenses…Thank you very much sir and i will appreciate your input with this matter. Sorry for this letter type notes but you know i just wanted to be more detailed. again Thank you!
As long as you have the certificate of being a Filipino citizen there’s nothing to worry about ..
Hi! Based on this blog and other research, I’ve realized it’s necessary for me to complete this process. I’ve almost got everything I need… my question is, how long on average does it take before the process is complete fully? I was told 2-3 months after submitting my application but I’m hoping that’s not just the “standard” response and it actually takes much longer. My friend told me some people have waited 8 years and I think she must be mistaken! Or looking at the wrong process haha. Appreciate any insight.
Hello Bob,
I just wanted to ask since Im abit confused about the 6month validity. Im a Dual citizen having both U.S. and Filipino Passport. Im planning on going to the U.S. this July. My Filipino Passport expires this November but my U.S. expires in 5 years. Im only planning on staying for 1 week in america. Would I have to renew my filipino passport to avoid any problems from leaving the philippines?
Hi Bob,
I keep finding conflicting info on a child who is born in the Philippines having a US and Filipino parents. It seems that some have had difficulty exiting the country with the child who is dual citizen by birth. They claim that after receiving a CRBA certificate and a US passport they are then told that the child has overstayed when trying to leave and owe fees/fines. Some over many years.
How is this possible ? Is thisTrue ?
I will soon find myself dealing with this once we decide when we will visit the US.
My son is born here with a NSO birth certificate and a CRBA including a US Passport. Will we encounter any issues with him using the above docs while trying to exit or enter for his FIRST time traveling ? Thank you
Hi Bob we’re naturalized US Citizen with US passport.My husband and I arrived Phil.March 3,2017.Our passport was stamped March 5,2018 the date when we supposes to return to US.We filed our dual citizenship and was granted.Certificate of Identification was issued.Is it okey for us not to exit the country on the stamped date of returned?Its barely 5 months delay now.Please advise us what to do.We might be charged of overstaying.We are both seniors aged 71 and 74.Thank you.
As long as you guys have proof of being a Filipino citizen you do not have to worry about overstaying fees ..
Since I am going to the Philippines to be married there and live there what kind of visa should I apply for after marriage for permanent stay? After we Are married ,what is cost for her visa and passport if we wanted to go to the states for a visit or any other country?
This comment is really off topic, but let me see what I can do.
For you, after marriage and after you have received your NSO Marriage Certificate you can apply for a 13A Resident Visa.
You are going to find getting a tourist visa for your wife to visit the States to be VERY difficult. You can apply for her to get a resident visa, but that does not sound like what you are looking for.
Hi Bob.It’s great to know that there is a forum like yours that is very informative and helpful in many aspects. Also all your good advice are beneficial especially to those who have no clue where to start with dual citizenship concerns. Anyway, I was able to get both Philippine passport and US passport for my child who was born in the US as I am Filipino up to this time. We chose to live here in the Philippines since my return so I could raise and send my child to school here. Now that we are going to depart the country to join our family in the US for the first time with me as a new holder of immigrant visa petitioned as family member of a us citizen while my son who is a dual citizen with US and Philippine passport, my question is do we need to secure any sort of exit clearance in advance from Bureau of Immigration prior to our actual departure. Is NBI certificate, police certificate be sufficient or there is another exit clearance from Bureau of Immigration required when departing Philippines. I understand that BI has the authority to defer travel of any citizen. Although, I understand that this usually applies to those who may have been involved in illegal matters and we are not into any kind of that situation.But I just want to make sure that we are not missing out any forms of clearance to show to BI prior our departure so we will not be held at the airport due to lack of documents. thank you for your attention. God Bless you!
Sorry, only a Dual Citizenship certificate is adequate for the purposes outlined in this article.
Hi Bob! I don’t know if you’re still following and answering questions here but here I go:
So I am a PH-US dual citizen and have been travelling back and forth ever since I was born. I am currently staying in the Philippines because of school, but now I have graduated from college, me and my parents have believed that I have to travel to the US every year now to “retain” my US citizenship, for some reason. Question is: am I *obligated* to travel back and forth to retain my dual citizenship? If so, how often do I need to travel?
-Philippine – US Dual Citizen (I have both of my passports with me)
-Primary residence is in the Philippines
-Have traveled at least every 5 years to visit the US (for like, 10 days)
-Last visit in the US was December 2017
Also, I want to work here in the Philippines but will my dual citizenship be at risk if I stay here? Hope you can help me out. I AM SO CONFUSED WITH THE SYSTEM. ?
You are under no obligation to travel. Unless you formally renounce your US citizenship you will never lose it even if you don’t go back 400 years. Renouncing your citizenship it’s very difficult to do.
Wow you reply SO FAST. So if I work here in the Philippines for a long time and will someday visit the US, I am not considered as “overstaying”? And so as long as I renew my passports, will I be safe? ?
PS: Thank you so much for your blog. This helps out so many (confused) people!
It is impossible for you to overstay in either country, because citizens can stay as long as they want, and you are a citizen of both countries.
Good luck.
Hello Bob! I have US citizen daughter who is now staying here in the Philippines with me and my husband (our work contract in the US has ended). We did a ‘Report of Birth’ back in the US, however just thinking does she still need to get a Philippine Passport? We don’t plan on going back to the States any time soon… thank you!!!
Are you or your husband Philippines citizens?
hello bob what kind of certificate does your son have is it the certificate of recognition as a filipino ? .. i have a recognition certificate and i’m planning to leave the country to work .. i hope i don’t get any problems exiting the country ..
The certificate is exactly as I said, “certificate of dual citizenship”.
Hi Sir,
my story goes like this..
Im an American citizen and a Filipino Citizen, my son who is also a American citizen was 4 months old when i send him to the Philippines. Right now he is 3 years old, and still in the Philippines.Om.now bringing him back to the US.
My question is, he overstayed. I also just applied him a Philippine passport last week. Would that make any difference? Im afraid to pay the fee once we exit the Philippines and i dont know how much it will be.
Pls help and if there’s any thing i should do bedore we go back this month in the US. .
You said that your child is an American citizen, you did not say he’s a Philippine citizen. if she is only an American citizen then yes he is overstaying, and also he would not be eligible for a Philippine passport. In that case, then you should apply for his dual citizenship.
My son he is US Citizen staying in the Philippines for 6 yrs. i am worried. Thank you for article helped me out. And my son he is Dual Citizen too.
Happy to help!
Hi Bob,
I am asking for a friend.
Would a PHOTOCOPY of his dual citizenship certificate together with his US passport be enough to show the immigration at NAIA when departing from the Philippines? My friend has been staying in Manila since 2010 and had already acquired his dual citizenship certificate then. However he lost the original certificate and he only has its photocopy with him now. He needs to fly out of the country by the end of this month. I wonder if a photocopy of his certificate would be good enough to present to the officer at the immigration?
Would be great to receive a response from you. Thank you!
I am sorry but I don’t know the answer to that question. He can try, or he can go to the bureau of immigration and ask for an opinion.
The best thing to do is go to the main office and go to the records section and ask for a copy of the certificate ..
Hello Bob, I’m a bit confused on whether or not to apply for a Dual Citizenship or to get a “Recongnition” application. I’m a U.S citizen and my mother is a formal Filipino citizen. She has a Dual Citizenship now. I’m currently here in the Philippines on a one-year Balikbayan visa and I want to avoid paying for my extended of stay here in the Philippines since I plan on living here. What do you recommend or what are my best options?
There is no downside to applying for or becoming a dual citizen. you really did not give me enough information to know if you are eligible or not, but I see no harm in trying.
What is required to be eligible in becoming a dual citizen? Does my mother need to be with me at the immigration office with the required documents or can I just apply for one without her, being that I’m an American citizen?
I would be happy to consult with you on this and go through all of the steps.
Oh, I thought you gave advice for free here on your forum. My apologies. Thanks anyways.
All of the information is here on the site. If prefer not to search for it I am happy to help through consulting.
I just recently exited the Philippines. I showed my recognition certificate to show that I’m a Filipino citizen and my U.S. passport. there was no ECC for me to pay except for the travel tax because I stayed in the Philippines for 13 years. I’m glad that I have no overstaying fees to pay ..
This is very helpful. I am always worried about leaving the Philippines with my US Passport. I’ve had issues before when the person collecting the fee wants to charge me for overstaying even though I have my dual certificate and a print out of the rules.
My wife and kids have used the certificate many times over the years and never had even a question asked about it. No troubles.
What certificate are you holding? .. order of approval or identification certificate? ..
Hi Bob, Thank you for providing such valuable information for dual citizens. I have a more specific inquiry. Our daughter is a dual US/Philippines citizen, traveling and possessing only her US Passport. We will all be departing the Philippines next year, but her US Passport will be expiring in less than 6 months time from her departure. My limited research seems to indicate this will not present a problem re-entering the US. Will this be a problem for her departing the Philippines? Thank you very much.
It should not be a problem for departure.
Thanks Bob. I appreciate your input.
Hello. What if you’re unable to provide the old passport with the entry stamp? Do they always look for the passport with the entry stamp?
My son was born in the US and came to PH when he was 4yo. Now he’s 8, I’m letting him travel to the US with my dear friend for a summer vacation. I can’t find his old US passport with the entry stamp. I’m getting worried if this will keep him from traveling.
they will be looking for the entry stand, if you cannot provide it you better go to the bureau of immigration and try to work it out with them and find out what to do.
Very good information. just what I was looking for! Thanks for this. I can now travel abroad with ease, even though I don’t have a PH passport for now.
hi just. quick question. on my identification certificate it states not valid for travel purposes. this is the certificate given when i was approved for filipino citizenship. can i use this though?
As the article says, you will not be using it for travel purposes, you will only be using it to prove your Philippine citizenship.
Hi Bob! Thank you so much for posting your son’s experience! I’m planning to go to America as well and was thinking of how I’d be going back. I was born in California but left as an infant with my parents who applied me dual citizenship here in the Philippines. I’ve never been out of the Philippines since. Now I renewed my passport before but the problem is, my old passport was never returned back to me which had my entry stamp. Is there any way i could get out of the country without it? I hope you could help me out. Thanks!
I think that if you bring your blank u.s. passport, and a Philippine citizenship certificate, you’ll be okay. Go to the bureau of immigration with these documents and ask them if that would be okay before your departure.
Hi Bob!
I would like a little help from you that might help ease my mind.
My sister and I are dual citizen of the Philippines and Denmark. We were born in the Philippines. We are about to renew our Danish passport this upcoming June 6 and we are both Philippine passport holders. We’ve never taken any oath neither do we have a certificate showing that we are dual citizens. We’ve been living in the Philippines about 9 years now since 2010.
When we departure with both passports would we encounter any problems with the immigration? Eventhough we don’t have a certificate? Thanks!
since you already have current Philippine and danish passports, that means that both countries consider you citizens. You have nothing to worry about. Just be sure to keep both passports current.
I have a son who is a dual citizen and he has never been to US. Now that he plans going there, he wants to know if he would be paying for the number of years he had stayed in the Philippines. He has been issued a US Passport at the US Embassy and will be getting a Phillipine passport as well. Kindly give us some light on this issue.
If your son has a Philippine passport that means that he is recognized as a Philippine citizen. Citizens do not pay visa fees to live in a country they are citizens of. So, if he has a Philippine passport he would not have to pay anything.
My son is in the Philippine holding US Passport and Certificate of philippines Citizenships.
My son stayed in the Philippines for about 7 yrs now.
When exciting can my son use his certificate of dual showing that he didnt overstayed. And to avoid fees.. i need your input asap before our flight back to the US Aug 30.
Thank you 🙏
Yes, he will not have a problem as long as he has the dual citizenship certificate.
hi bob,
my concern is, i am a dual citizen with both a u.s. and a philippine passport, but i entered the philippines only using my u.s. passport and did not show my philippine passort. i have already overstayed a year, and i am on my way back to the u.s. am i in trouble for not showing them my philippine passport amd not letting them know i am a dual cotizen? is there something i have to do first, before i fly back to the u.s. ?
thanks bob . . . .
You have nothing to worry about, show both passports when you leave and you’re golden.
Hi Bob. Your article is very helpful. Did I get it right? Having the Philippine Passport is as good as having the Dual Citizen Certificate? Or did I still need to get the Dual Certificate apart from the Philippine Passport?
Having a Philippine passport is the best, having a dual citizenship certificate is a close second.
Hello, my father obtain his dual citizenship about a couple years ago. He is planning on going home next year and stay for over a year. Is that going to be a problem? Does he need his Philippines passport? Can he just only buy a one way ticket? I would really appreciate if any, you have an information about this.
It is not a problem.
He doesn’t need his Philippine Passport.
He would need either a PH passport or a certificate of dual citizenship to prove his PH citizenship.
He can travel on a one-way ticket as long as he has the PH Passport or dual citizenship certificate.
I would like to ask i have a US Passport and a PHL passport, I have acquired my US citizen as a child thru the petition of my Father. This will be my first time going out of the PHL. Will I have any problem exiting the PHL?
If you have a current US and current Philippine passport, show both when you exit, there should be no problem.