Bob wrote an interesting article a while back about “Things are getting worse” and Chris Dearne wrote and excellent article on “Electronic improvements in Gen San since 1992” both subjects spoke to different types of changes for the better, that both gentleman had seen during their stay in the Philippines. I told Bob that back […]
My brownout strategy
As I have written several times over the past few weeks, Mindanao is experiencing a pretty extreme power shortage. Davao, I am happy to continue reporting, is still experiencing far fewer brownouts than much of the Island. This is thanks to Davao Light and Power Corporation’s power generating plant in Bajada. Every time that I […]
Nearly powerless
These days, living in Mindanao is a bit tougher than it was just a few months ago. Frankly, the Island is on the verge of being powerless… in other words, without electricity. I wrote a couple weeks ago how Mindanao was on the verge of having to resort to rotating brownouts, and it came to […]
Will the day come?
Will the day come when the Philippines goes into perpetual brownout status? Sometimes it seems so. Firstly, for those who are new readers, let me explain what a “brownout” is. Basically, it is what you would think of as a blackout. Here in the Philippines, though, they call it a brownout. When Feyma and I […]
Blackout again and again!
Whats going on with Davao lately? Ever since Thursday until yesterday blackout (we call it here brownout) twice a day. It’s early Wednesday here so maybe later it will have another blackout again. I am also wondering if its in Davao and a little bit in GenSan only. I spoke with my sister when we […]
It’s a low pressure situation
Last week, I talked about several things in the Philippines that were “high pressure.” Mostly, that has referred to driving in the Philippines, where you are constantly under pressure to pay attention to what is happening on the road around you. It is stressful, and high pressure, at least in my opinion. Today, I want […]