When you are reading LiP and “Bob” is mentioned, most people would think about me. MindanaoBob, Bob Martin. I am the owner of this site. But there is another Bob who is practically a legend here on LiP as well.
Who am I talking about? BobNY – Bob from New York. Bob has been hanging out as a reader here on LiP for many years, and he even writes and submits an article from time to time as well.
Bob started visiting the Philippines, I believe, around 9 years ago. Bob is a very loyal man, and he is a “favorite son” of Iligan City, in Northern Mindanao. If Bob is coming to the Philippines (which he generally does at least once per year), you can bet he is going to visit Iligan!
A couple weeks ago, I posted a video about foreigners having fun in Mindanao, and Bob mentioned in a comment about his videos in Iligan City, having fun there. So, I was over on YouTube and looking at some various videos to feature here on LiP. I saw the video above showing Bob doing a Zip Line ride in Iligan City! I thought it looked like Bob was having fun (although he looked a bit scared too!), so I thought I’d feature it here on LiP. Bob, you are a real promoter of Iligan City, and I am sure that the people there appreciate you very much!
If you take a look in the background in this video you will see that there are some large and very beautiful waterfalls in the background. That is Maria Cristina falls, the most famous falls in Iligan City. But, Maria Cristina is certainly not the only waterfall in Iligan! Iligan is the City of Waterfalls, and there are lots of beautiful waterfalls there! I have been to Iligan many times, and visited a lot of the waterfalls, it is a great experience.
Bob, keep enjoying your trips to Iligan! I am expecting that one day you will be living there in Iligan – even if you don’t have a plan for that yet!
Today we are featuring Bob Newyorkusa in a video on LiP! Looks like Bob was having lots of fun riding the Zip Line in Iligan City!
WoW, the Zipline Experience at the NPC Nature Park in Iligan City. Did you see how they had to ” pry ” one of my hands off the turnbuckle ? I was checking the hardware to see if it was Metric or SAE. LOL .
Good timing with this article Bob as I have just returned from my Tenth visit to Iligan City in Northern Mindanao. In fact I am still running on jet-lag from my return to New York.
One of the most often questions I get about my vacations in Iligan City is why do I keep going back there ? After giving it much thought in recent years, one common denominator keeps coming up. It is The People there that are a big part of my visit and I am talking about all kinds of people from those that welcome me at the hotel all the way up to the city mayors office and all in between.
Never claiming to be the typical tourist, there are many non-touristy things I like to see and sometimes even participate in. Some of these adventures can be found in past articles on this website. Some of which I think could not have been possible anywhere else. Can you imagine walking into a foreigh ( to me ) popular FM Broadcast station and running a pasalubong give a way contest on the air ? DXMA 95.9 Iligan made this possible. How about joining in at the Monday Flag raising Ceremony at City hall with all city employees doing the ” Iligan March ” in a stadium like setting in front of hundreds of onlookers. I was able to do that in Iligan. Riding in the front seat of the lead vehicle in a motorcade to celebrate a nation wide annual event ? Yours truly was right there ! How about creating a resort within a highly secured city property ? Yes, I have been doing that for the past several years at the ” Internationally Award Winning ” Iligan City Jail to the benefit of those that reside there as well as all those that come to visit in addition to the many individuals, groups, organizations, businesses etc. etc. that have also participated in this. I have toured the major educational facilities in Iligan City, started an annual scholarship at Mindanao State University – Iligan Institute of Technology who granted me their first honorary Alumni. MSU-IIT is consistantly rated as one of the top ten universities in The Philippines. To me it is a truly fascinating place.
One of my most memorable adventures was my visit to the Iligan Seaport. I had seen many pictures of it on the internet and had an interest in exploring it in person. Along with a couple of local friends, when we got to the entrance we were informed by security that only ticketed passengers are allowed in. So much for that I thought to myself. I mentioned this to a friend working at City Hall. On my next visit I along with the same local friends were being cheauffered into the Seaport and were given a complete tour of the place by the Seaport Manager ! At the conclusion of the tour we were servie a nice variety of local delacasies along with a favorite beverage and had about an hour of relaxation and conversation with the Seaport Manager.
The hospitality of the People of Iligan City seems unlimited and unmatched by any other place I have ever been to. To many people Iligan City may not totally be a ” paradise ” but for me I am in a ” paradise state of mind ” when I am there.
I have just returned from my Tenth visit to Iligan and in fact I am still running on Jet-Lag right now. What was one of the most outstanding highlights of Visit Number Ten ? I was invited to go along with the MSH Cares Foundation to a medical and feeding mission to a small community that resides on a remote mountain top location near Iligan City. What seemed like a few houses, a few people and lots and lots of bright smiling children when we arrived. Food and medicines were dispensed by the volunteer medical professionals. The children were entertained including me singing the Jollibee Jingle in Tagalog, much to the surprise of the adults. All of this topped off with ” real ” home made chocolate Ice Cream which brought back many childhood memories to me while consuming some of it. Difficult to find the real thing in stores these days.
In answer to the question as to ” Why ” do I keep going back there ? As just these few items I have described will indicate, it all seems to revolve around the people that live there. The unmatched hospitality not easily found elsewhere.
The countdown now begins all over again, Eleven months to Visit Number Eleven !
Many thanks Iligan City for another excellent vacation visit. It sometimes baffles me that people are afraid to go here, even Filipinos from other parts of the country.
To me, Iligan City is a place waiting for discovery by the rest of the world.
Visit Iligan City and enjoy the ” experience “, only in Iligan !
I know we are not allowed to have favorites, But NY Bob is one of mine when he comments on the site. And as a Bostonian it’s no easy feat getting along with a New Yorker. (Baseball Rivalry between the two cities) but we do and have some fun doing it. Do you have the video of him singing with the Jollibee Bee?
Thanks for your comment Paul. Yes of course, here it is from the day the City of Iligan brought Jollibee to me ! This was at the official Monday Morning Flag raising Ceremony in the Anahaw Amphetheater next to City Hall, Iligan.
I have just arrived home from Visit Number Ten, still awake on Jet-Lag but there is always time to fill a music video request of a past Adventure, only in Iligan ! here is is:
Bob (NY)
That’s the one!!!
Best vacations I have ever had anywhere, Iligan City ! Where non-stop hospitality of Iliganons is non-stop. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QZlN0Qo5niA
Better than being in a Broadway Show, performing before hundreds of spectators in an outdoor stadium. Only in Iligan City, Mindanao, Philippines. Care to join me ? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MbcjtAtxz9M
wow i love ziplines! 🙂 longest ziplines FYI in the philippines are at bukidnon 800 meters long and at makilala north cotabato with 1.5kms long. But the highest with estimated of 1,000 above sea level elevation with 740 meters long is at lake sebu, south cotabato. 🙂
Thanks for your comment Rex. I think my experience at Iligan City will be enough Zipline to last me for a long time LOL. Trying another one might distort the memories of the wonderful day I spent at NPC Natures Park, Iligan City on the zipline seen in the video.
There is another Zipline in Iligan, I am still contemplating trying that one on a future visit. It is located at Mimbalot Falls.