On today’s episode of the Expat Answerman Vidcast, we cover a couple of topics. I am enjoying doing these videos and I hope you are enjoying them too. I am still making improvements, so please bear with me!
I start out today by sharing an update about my family. Feyma and my kids have been traveling a lot this year, and I just wanted to get you guys up to date on what they are up to. We got a big surprise last week when two of the family members arrived back at home in Davao. Who arrived at home? Check out the vidcast to see!
For our viewer question today, we got a voicemail from James. James has a fiancee from the Philippines and he wants her to come visit him in the United States. Can I help him work out a visa for his fiance? Well, you’ll have to watch and see, and I share some advice with him that may help YOU save thousands of dollars. As I have said before on my podcasts and vidcasts, there are plenty of scammers in the Philippines, and James might just have gotten into one himself. Listand and make sure that you don’t get into that same problem!
So, give the vidcast a watch and see if you pick up on anything new.
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Thanks again for listening, everybody!
A ” K-1 ” visa might work but there are serious obligations on both of you for her to obtain a K-1 Fiance Visa to the USA. I think one of those obligations is that you have to submit proof that you have been together in-person some time within the past two years. Proof such as airline ticket stubs and boarding passes, bills from hotels you stayed at, photos of the two of you together and more. You must marry within 90 days of the entry to the USA of your Fiance. For full info check out the qualifications for a K-1 visa.
I think you would save a bundle of money if you went to Philippines to visit your fiance before applying for the K-1 visa for her to come to the USA.
Hi Bob – Everything you say is correct and factual. But, the difference is that the person asking the question is not interested in getting married at this time, he only wants the fiance to come for a visit and then go back to the Philippines. That is is just not going to happen. If he wanted to marry on her visit, and had met the requirements that you listed, it is very doable. Unfortunately, that is not what he is looking to do, though.
Nice to hear from you, Bob!
Hi Bob,
I had a co-worker talk to me about some 18 year old Filipina he had been chatting with when he said, “I sent her some money, because she is so poor.” I gave him a look that made the next thing he said, “Why are you looking at me like that.” I explained it to him. I told him he should never send money to someone he had never met and the fact that the lady asked for it should have been his sign to move on. He took my advice. I don’t think he got taken for a lot. IDK. He met someone here and got married. Last time I saw him he was happily married. Not all ladies from the Philippines are like your wife and mine.
That is for sure, Jay. There are a lot of scammers out there. I’m glad your friend learned the lesson after only one incident!
Bob, you’ve given good advice. On the other hand, many of these relationships are honest and valid. If this gentleman has been following the rules and has made his trip to the Philippines and has filed an I-129f petition for a fiancee visa, that fact alone will negate any possibility of her filing for a visitor’s visa in the meantime.
Thanks Ron
I completely agree.