Karl is confused. Maybe even dazed and confused. But, you know what, there is nothing wrong with that. After all, Karl is young, still a student, and he is having a difficult time deciding on the path he wants to take with his life.

Karl has been going to school preparing to become a doctor. However, Karl’s father is a Filipino who left the Philippines many years ago and is living in the States. Karl has always had a desire to move to the Philippines and possibly even start a family here! Wow, what a big move for a young person like Karl is! But, I have always believed that you should follow your heart if you want to be happy in life.
Problem is, Karl has so many things on his mind, and he is conflicted no matter which way he turns, it seems. In this case, I don’t think that Karl’s heart has even decided what direction he should take in life. That is not the time to jump ship and travel half way around the world! First, Karl needs to clarify what he wants to do with his life. He doesn’t need to clarify it to me, or even to his father. He needs to get a clear picture for himself!
In this week’s podcast, I learned something. Doing this particular podcast is not just about getting a visa, moving or having fun in the Philippines. Karl really showed me that my advice can at least influence life decisions that people face. Based on the things Karl said to me, it was apparent that he is struggling and seriously wanted my advice. I hope that the information I offered to Karl will help him out.
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Thanks again for listening, everybody!
Hi Bob –
If Karl is looking for a way to live in the Philippines, and joining the military and studying medicine in the Philippines do not appear to be viable options, he can perhaps visit the Philippines as a tourist for a couple of weeks or so. It’s not mentioned in the podcast, but the possibility of Karl meeting a nice Pinay would give both the opportunity to fall in love and marry. He can bring her back to the States, continue his medical schooling and visit the Philippines occasionally as finances permit. The important thing is, having a Pinay for a wife establishes and maintains a link to the Philippines that will never be lost. If he cannot live in the Philippines permanently in his youth, it is something to look forward to when he will be able to live in the Philippines in retirement with his Pinay wife, just like expats who live there with their Pinay wives.
Exactly, John. I think that Karl is at a place where he is not sure what he wants to do in life. So many things floating through his head, and he needs to focus, and decide on a direction for his life.