Yesterday was an interesting day for me. Mostly it was a normal day, but a couple of things happened which were highlights of my day. Firstly, in the morning, I met with Tom Martin. Tom is not a relative, we just share the Martin name! I met Tom in person for the first time on […]
Good Year End
2010 was a busy year for us. At the middle of the year we were busy with our planning to move away from Marfori to another area here in Davao. It was quite a challenge to find a house that suits our needs. Later when its just Bob and I and Chris we can settle […]
It’s a matter of right and wrong
Lots of things in life fall into a gray area. They are neither 100% right nor are they 100% wrong. They are somewhere in the middle. Things that we consider right can still have a bit of wrong mixed in, and the same for things we consider wrong. It’s a judgment call in many cases. […]
Our House Now
I will show you guys most of the inside of our home now. We all like the house a lot. It is spacious even though its a bit smaller than our old house. The thing for this house we noticed every space in the house is useable. With our old house some spaces were not […]
Giveaway Part 2 – Students in Need
If you read my article on Monday, you know that the 2010 LiP Christmas Giveaway happened last Friday, December 24, 2010. I told you in that article, though, that there was an unexpected twist this year, something totally new for the LiP Christmas Giveaway. To me, what happened last week will change the LiP Giveaway […]
2010 LiP Christmas Giveaway – Part 1
2010 is really a banner year for the LiP Christmas Giveaway! For those who are new to the site and don’t know about the LiP Christmas Giveaway, I will start out by giving a bit of history. For 8 years now, Feyma and I have been spreading the Christmas Cheer around Mindanao by giving out […]