Even if you have already lived in the Philippines for a long time, you can still experience new things if you are open to it. Lately, Feyma has been pretty busy. For a month and a half now, she has been working for a fellow who hired her to supervise some renovation of his house […]
What are they smoking in Washington?
Are the American politicians smoking something that they should not be smoking? Sometimes, it seems so. In the last day or two, the United States Government issued another travel warning to American Citizens, warning against travel to Mindanao. What else is new. Fact is, the USA has been issuing travel warnings against visiting Mindanao for […]
My day in court
Back in February I wrote about our new neighbors, a call center that had moved into the building behind us. They were noisy, and woke us up three times per night, every night. They really made life difficult, and I went over there and complained several times, hoping to minimize the noise level so that […]
Feeling like you are in outer space!
Sometimes, we all have bad days. Monday just was not my day. Actually, being honest, I am not sure I would say it was a bad day, but it was interesting, and in some ways, I felt like I was on a different planet. As I mentioned in my article on Monday, My brownout strategy, […]
My brownout strategy
As I have written several times over the past few weeks, Mindanao is experiencing a pretty extreme power shortage. Davao, I am happy to continue reporting, is still experiencing far fewer brownouts than much of the Island. This is thanks to Davao Light and Power Corporation’s power generating plant in Bajada. Every time that I […]
Still big adjustments to do!
I’ve been living back here in the Philippines for almost 10 years now. I am thinking I still have lots of adjustments to do. As I said before its not easy to live back here.Really difficult, but its getting better over time. My first few months to 2 years here was really hell for me. […]