If you read the title of this post, you are probably saying to yourself that “Bob must be drunk!” or something along those lines. But, I promise, I have not been drinking, and it really is true. In the Philippines, a year consists of 13 months, not 12. At least it is true if you […]
“Relatively peaceful” elections
Well, the elections are history. Now, it’s the vote counting that is going on. Remember last week I mentioned about it being a good idea for a foreigner to keep a low profile during the election season? Well, although all the votes have been cast, it is still a good idea to remain low key […]
It’s a good time to keep a low profile
Elections in the Philippines are less than a week away. But, elections here are probably different from where you live, at least if you live in any first world country. Why? Elections here often bring violence. Serious violence. Death. Killings. Kidnappings. Bad stuff! It’s true. Many of you probably know that I I travel a […]
Update: A story about helping others
A week or two ago, I posted an article here about helping the people who you select. In the article, I mentioned that there had been some people in the family that I have offered help to, and they turned around and messed up. Well, I have an update about this. Yesterday, a niece of […]
Family asking for money
Living here for awhile now I hear a lot of my family members asking for money. The people that really have asked me were the people that are not even close to me. Honestly, I told them that the only close family that Bob and I would really support would be my Mom. At that […]