As I often say, one frequently gets at least as much good information and food for thought from the comments to the articles on this site as one does from the articles themselves. Less than a week ago (as I write this) Bob published an article of mine entitled Strategies For Supporting Yourself in the […]
My Wise Old Friend (or “Que no pare la fiesta”)
It’s an odd concept for most people born in the cold climates to grasp, but an elderly man on the Island of Puerto Rico explained it to me while we were sitting on Playa Azul (Blue beach) sipping DonQ rum. He said; ‘Young Gringo, people in the northern latitudes think we in the tropics are […]
The sweet life in the Philippines
Well, the topic of this article might take a little different path that you may be expecting by reading the title. It all goes back to a week ago or so when I was looking at Facebook. A few foreigners who live in the Philippines were having a discussion that was sort of negative about […]
The Letters from US Social Security
Due to a form letter that the SSA claimed I never returned to their office the folks in Washington decided to suspend my Medicare benefits. Which I found odd as they had sent me 5 of the “Report to United States Social Security Administration” What they wanted to know was where I was living. I’ll […]
Strategies For Supporting Yourself in the Philippines
If you have decided to start reading this article, please do me a favor and note the date. I’m writing this in 2014. Can I safely assume it is 2014 where you are living as well? This question may seem a little strange to you, but in now almost 14 years of working with foreigners […]
Decide by Facts
When You Decide What Visa To Use, Decide by Facts, not “What Everyone Says”. One key issue often on foreigner expats already in the Philippines, and especially those planning to come to live in the Philippines, is the question of what residency visa to obtain, or what non-residency visa to use in order to stay […]