We’ve been living back here for 12 years now. Have been traveling before all over Mindanao and other parts of the country. We noticed before that Davao has the worst taxis that I knew. If you guys travel here in Davao City, you will remember some of the old and junkie looking taxis we have […]
What a deal!
I got an interesting e-mail on Saturday evening. Basically, the e-mail was from an American who had been living in Davao City for a couple of years or so, and he said that he was ready to return to the States. I didn’t really know why he wanted to return, but he did mention that […]
The unexpected company!
Last week I was running some errands with my niece Glenda and my son Chris. We were gone for quite awhile. When the place we went to didn’t have the stuff we wanted we then head home. As soon as we opened the gate I could see my kids and my other niece and our […]
But, Bob, why Davao?
A while back, I wrote an article here on LiP based on an e-mail I had received. The e-mail asked me why I chose to live in Davao. I interpreted the meaning to actually be “why did you choose to live in the Philippines,” and I based my answer on that interpretation. But, a smart […]
The Global Pinoy Center
Have you ever heard of the Global Pinoy Center? It is a relatively new thing, perhaps a year or so old now. It may be even older than that up around Manila, but we have had it here in Davao for a year or less now. The Global Pinoy Center is owned by SM, and […]
Bob, why did you move to Davao?
The other day, I got an e-mail from Don. Don lives in Canada, but it seems that he is considering making a move to Davao with his family. Don has a wife and two kids. He asked me why Feyma and I decided to move here, and especially why we decided to raise our kids […]