Does Bob Martin like Durian? You Better Believe I do! I have kind of let the cat out of the bag already on articles these past days. Mostly due to comments that already said that they know I like Durian. But, just for confirmation, yep! I love Durian! Didn’t like it at first I had […]
Durian Lover: This is the Guy!
A real Durian Lover Few Westerners are Durian Lovers Want to see a real Durian Lover? Watch the video above. I know westerners whom I would consider a durian lover, but this guy takes the cake. Look at the sparkle in his eyes when he eats durian! To me, this is the sign of a […]
Willing to try Durian?
Willing to try durian? If not, how do you know you don’t like it? If you don’t like a certain food there is no reason you should eat it! But, what if you have not tried a food and you “think” you don’t like it? Shouldn’t you at least try? Are you willing to try […]
Hatred of Durian
Hate Durian? These people sure do! Hatred of Durian is a real thing! Remember yesterday, I told you that durian evoked either love or hate! The love vs. hate debate is a strong one when it comes to Durian! Watch the video at the top of this article and you will most certainly see the […]
Durian Week on LiP
Durian Week It is Durian Week on LiP It is Durian Week here on Live in the Philippines. The King of Festivals is quickly approaching in Davao City: Kadayawan. Kadayawan is a super festival in Davao City. It is a harvest festival, this time of year is when there is a bumper crop of […]