Harry Truman explained to Gen. MacArthur the meaning of Politically Correct: Political Correctness is a doctrine, fostered by a delusional, illogical minority and promoted by a sick mainstream media, which holds forth the proposition that it is entirely possible to pick up a piece of shit by clean end! But “Snopes.Com” claimed that is false, […]
Early morning walk, safe?
For the past few months I’ve been walking fairly regularly (minimum of 5 days a week). Me and my daughter Jean, my niece Bebe, our helper Joy and once in awhile my son Chris goes walking. He doesn’t like waking up so early (4 am is our waking time). So he mostly played basketball or ride his […]
Something I overheard on the jeepney ride!
One of the good things about riding jeepney, you can definitely hear different and interesting stories about life and to even sounding gossipy. LOL. Well, on one of my ride on the jeepney. I heard some interesting conversation between 3 ladies. That’s one thing about riding jeepney you will see people from different walks of life. I’ve […]
Thanks for Telling Me
In the Navy we called it the Mushroom Theory: Which was when the ship’s command structure kept us in the dark and would feed us “BS”. So we never knew what was fully going on with the ship or its evolutions. The Merchant Marine was not a lot better in letting us know but the […]
Being Inventive in the Philippines
Last year I was visited by a shipmate that had broken his “Augmented Teeth” (As with breast implants we no longer call them false teeth) we sat at Texas Joe’s and he devoured a Buber Burger, and he amazed me not that he ate the burger but the amount of beer he drank. (LOL) Now […]
The Prime Directive
If you ever watched a Star Trek episode on TV or one of the countless Star Trek movies you’ll understand what I mean by the Prime Directive I quickly figured out many years ago when that first foreigner married that first Piney, and that it must have originated right here in the Philippines.. Gene Roddenberry […]