Another recipe that we made here in the house during Thanksgiving, using local ingredients is Yams. In the States they use sweet potatoes for the yams. Here in the Philippines we use the camote (similar looks to the sweet potato in the USA). Growing up here in the Philippines, we cooked the camote in lots […]
Yes I’m talking about the famous “Balik Bayan Box” that comes in at this time of year from the States, Europe or Australia, delivered by many shipping companies but mostly by the LBC folks and right to your door. Upon seeing the truck on your street Heart rates will rise; excitement levels will run amuck […]
The Lonesome Guy
The Christmas Season, a time of joy and sharing with family and friends, visiting and being visited, parties and get-togethers mirth and merriment and least we not forget our Patron Saint “San Miguel.” Which is always there to be our social lubricant, for it is Beer that maketh glad the hearts of men, and eases […]
Christmas is giving to the less fortunate here!
Well Thanksgiving is over. Time for us to think now of the Christmas shopping. We are so lucky that we can buy even just a few presents for our kids and give some to our friends and family. Living here now for 13+ years, I’ve seen people – too many people here struggling to buy […]
Happy Thanksgiving Day USA!
It’s that time of the year again for a Thanksgiving holiday celebration in America. Today, I am writing about the way we celebrate our Thanksgiving day in our house here in the Philippines, and the food that we prepare. Thanksgiving is celebrated every fourth Thursday of the month of November. Here at our house we […]
U.S. EXIT TAX – It’s Real!
There are many unhappy people in this world. Unhappiness has many, many causes – almost as many as there are those suffering its doleful effects. Unhappy people sometimes do things that they wouldn’t normally consider, all in an effort to relieve themselves from their personal angst. They often don’t consider possible consequences, they just want […]