Since we bought the new washing machine, Bob and I been thinking of getting our carpenter come here and do some work for us outside on our laundry area and the dirty kitchen. We need a good place for our washing machine. The owner of this house already had a place for washing machine, but […]
Happy Birthday, Mommy
So, in yesterday’s article, A Close Friendship, I told you about my friend, Jon. I left off at the point where Jon and I were talking on the phone – he in the USA and I in the Philippines – and he invited Feyma and I to an event in Davao. But, I didn’t tell […]
A close friendship
This article is about a very dear friend of mine. My friend, Jon, is a Dabawenyo (he is from Davao), but has lived much of his life in the United States. While Jon has given me permission to write about this, I have decided not to use the family’s last name for the sake of […]
The Devil Incarnate
In 1996 while still living in Olongapo City in a rental house, we would go to my wife’s parents house in Roosevelt Bataan (Where we live now, but down the road) every Sunday when I was home between ship assignments. One such Sunday our girls YoHanna and Ymir Thea asked me if they could bring […]
So, what are your plans?
We all have plans in life. Sometimes our plans all work out, most of the time, though, things don’t necessarily work out as we planned. That’s not necessarily a bad thing, in fact, many times things out better than we had expected or even hoped for. My first time to visit the Philippines was in […]
Dear Feyma “mixed emotions”
Hi Readers, I got a note the other day from another LiP reader Although she has been living abroad for some time, she had questions regarding some of her nieces who are still living in the Philippines. It seems like her life in a different culture has sort of “broadened her horizon,” she fears that […]