This past couple of weeks has found a lot of email in my inbox, messages on Facebook and whatever kinds of communications are possible… I have been getting them. The vast majority have been on one topic… President Duterte and where Americans and other Western expats stand with him. To be honest, Duterte has always […]
Parameter Lizards or “Gated Communities”
Over the years the Navy sent me to many different duty stations around the world. I’ll use Puerto Rico (An American territory) as the classic example. In today’s vernacular they would be called “Gated Communities” because I was stationed with people whose only view of Puerto Rico had a 12 foot high Chain link fence […]
Forget about it!
During my career in the US Navy I had one tour of duty that did not involve being physically on a Naval Station, Even the ship’s I was on were always tied up at a Naval Station. It is also correct if you say Naval Base. But the tour I had was on Brevard Avenue […]
A day at Eden Nature Park!
A few weeks ago I went with our girls to Eden Natures Park. It was a gift from Bob to our girls since they’ve been helping us when Bob was at the hospital. Bob asked them first what everyone likes to do. The girls chose to go to Eden, so we went there. The boys didn’t […]
Favorite Beaches
The Philippines has a lot of beaches! Of course, with 7,107 Islands making up the country, there are literally thousands, probably tens of thousands of beaches! Maybe even more than that. Over my years of living in the Philippines, I have been to a lot of beaches. I am sure that even those who have […]
That’s Your Opinion
The ninth August I’m at the Bay Pointe Hospital reading a book from my E-reader and enjoying my wait to see my Doctor. Refer to last week’s Article: LiP 08-06 (Hey Buddy, can you Spare a Stapler) BTW my next operation is a go on the 1st week of September. Deeply involved in the book, I […]