I often get e-mails (and Feyma does too!) from LiP readers asking about finding a house to rent here in Davao, or elsewhere in the Philippines. The people often want to know what kind of house they can get, and how much it will cost them. Or, they might say “how much is it for […]
Summer of swimming
Summer vacation for the school kids here in the Philippines is well underway now, and the challenge for parents like Feyma and I is to keep the kids busy! You know how kids are, if you don’t keep them busy with something, they will spend their time playing video games and watching TV. Doing that […]
Market Day
Early Sunday morning I went with my niece and nephew to the Palengke (market) to get good and fresh produce and fresh meat. We went around 4am so that we can catch when the butcher delivers the fresh meat. Sunday is the market day here. People really flocked from all over Davao to get the […]
Getting expensive!
As I watch the value of the dollar sliding down against any currency I thought that the prices of the goods here would be lower a bit. I was wrong, as I go to the grocery store and shop for our groceries I find it that the prices of all the products are even getting […]
Hiring janitorial services!
It’s been awhile now that I was thinking of hiring somebody to clean our house thoroughly. Yeah we have help here in the house, but she is so tide up with catering the needs of our kids that sometimes the house is not really maintain the way Bob and I want it to be. A […]
Hey guys I need some help here!
I got an e-mail yesterday from a guy in the USA. He wants me to give him some advice. This guy wants to move here somewhere in Southern Luzon. He wanted to marry this lady from that area. I guess it would be hard for her to go abroad quickly because she has 2 kids […]