Yesterday, I took the jeepney into the city and got a haircut and took care of a few other things. On the way, I saw this new restaurant just near our house. They had a big banner hanging in front of the place with a photograph of a hamburger, and advertising their “Amara Hamburger” for […]
Coming Home from Singapore
Well that title really doesn’t tell you much, but our youngest daughter, Ymir Thea (Yhen) is moving back home from Singapore to return to our house on the mountain. Her stay in the lion city is over, she’ll be leaving behind a multitude of international friends she has gathered in the four short years she […]
Paying My Head Tax
As in the past Thursday I made my yearly migration to the Bureau of Immigration Office here in Olongapo City. Now I know you are waiting for the hammer to fall, what calamity befell me? Well the truth is nothing; the place was empty just my friend Don and our wives were there and the […]
Acculturation: Language
Last week, I wrote an article about my acculturation in the Philippines, and told you that over my next few articles I would be expanding on the topic, and focusing in on specific areas where I have become more in step with Philippine culture, and have done things to make my life in the Philippines […]
I Think I’ve Been Had
Monday the 9th of January Mayang and my daughter Hanna went to the Globe Office to pay our monthly phone bill on our plans. Low and behold we had been such good customers that we were blessed with a brand new phone for FREE! When she got home she had in her hand, a brand […]
My acculturation in the Philippines, a new series
Culture is something that I care a lot about. It is something of a hobby of mine to study Philippine Culture, learn from my studies and then try to apply what I can to my life. Because I am living in the Philippines, I believe it is important for me to adapt the culture as […]