I had an interesting day yesterday. I spent much of the day working on different projects that I have going right now. Pretty much every one of those projects is work related – things that will earn me money. Every one of the projects involves the Internet too. Oh, I didn’t work all day long, […]
The Water Tester
Knock, Knock, the gate I hear one day, as I had ripped out the doorbell the first week in my new house, after discovering school children liked it more than me. At the gate was a well dressed young man with a clipboard and a cardboard box. He explained that he was from the municipality […]
A friend’s problem
A week or so ago I bumped into a friend. We were chatting for a few minutes. Then she told me of her problem with a person she cared about, her foreigner friend. It’s not her boyfriend because she’s a happily married. She just knew this friend for quite sometime now. She was telling me […]
Big Trouble for Tourists?
Lately, I have been watching a TV show that I downloaded from the Internet. The name of the show is “Big Trouble in Tourist Thailand,” and it is a show from the Sky Network in the UK. The show is about British tourists visiting Thailand, and some of the troubles they run into. “But Bob,” […]
"Why is it that way?”
Jeepneys: Why is it that all the passengers will insist on handing the driver the fare, while the driver is in the middle of a hairpin turn at forty miles an hour? Is it some form of test? Also, why can’t the next two boarding passengers stand beside each other, so the driver does not […]
Constant Change
Almost everything in life is changing constantly, that shouldn’t be a big surprise. Very few things remain the same over the long term. One place where we American expats are seeing a lot of change lately is in the value of the US Dollar. The US Dollar, in the past few weeks, has been losing […]