This article has been updated for changes in policy for 2017. The updates appear at the bottom of the article. When you decide to live in the Philippines, you need to get some sort of visa that will allow you to live here. In my opinion, for those who qualify, a Resident Visa is the […]
My First Beer in a Year
And it was well worth the wait. The first week of April, I pigeon holed the right doctor and pointed out that on my own volition a year ago I ceased consuming booze of all types. The other doctors all assume that the original doctor (Him) that operated on me made that decision. Nay not […]
The Check is in the Mail
Great lies I’ve been told while here in the Philippines, I’ll admit that falling for them was 99% my fault for taking other peoples word on it, or for reading it on the internet and not verifying it. And no doubt it will happen again. When I moved to the mountain in Bataan I was […]
We’ll Leave the Light On For Ya!
On Facebook the first of April I posted a joke teasing my younger Brother Dan. (As I normally do) It was posted like this:”My Brother Dan read that a law in Sweden requires that you turn on your headlights while it’s raining. Dan’s problem is how in hell will he know when it starts to […]
EAM – Exchanging Money
Lately I have been having a lot of questions from people asking me when I was going to do another podcast! I stopped doing them some time back for a couple of reasons. Firstly, I did not think that many people were listing. Secondly, this might the reason that fewer people were listening, a lot […]
Yes, We Trust Our Government
In the 17th century, the term “commonwealth” referred to an organized political community, or what today is called a “state.” Four states in our Union—Kentucky, Pennsylvania, Massachusetts and Virginia—are still officially called commonwealths. When they joined the United States, they chose to keep the old form instead of using “state” as their title. This is […]