A week or two ago I had an article that included some information about money and banking. One of the readers, Tripack, lamented that he wished he could do a currency exchange through his online banking. I was pretty sure that could be done, and it can! Although I was wrong in the exact way […]
Whatever Floats Your Boat
Recently I wrote an article about the Balikbayan Privilege Program (which many of us call the BB Visa.. but it’s not a visa). Does Everything Have To Be Controversial? Many good comments were shared and different points of view expressed. I enjoyed it. There were (at last count) 88 comments, and the title, “Decide by […]
The Price Of Everything But The Value Of Nothing
This article is kind of a follow-on to the piece I wrote recently here called Decide by Facts which was mainly suggesting near-heresy in some people’s minds, simply by pointing out the the popular Philippine Permanent Visa 13 series, for the family of Philippine/former Philippine citizens, was NOT the ONLY answer for living full-time in […]
Dave Starr, living in the Philippines since 2006
Today I am interviewing Dave Starr. Dave and I have been friends for a number of years now. I would say that we serve as each other’s sounding boards to some extent, and I think Dave would agree with that. Dave has some good thoughts that would benefit you much if you are thinking of […]
Where Can She Get a Divorce? Will She Pick Your Pockets Clean?
Here’s an interesting comment which just came in to my recent article about where a foreigner can get a divorce if s/he marries in the Philippines. This reader has quite a few questions, certainly enough to break down his comment and make a full-fledged article to answer at least some of his concerns. Here’s his […]
An International Driver What?
A few weeks back I received a comment to one of my article’s here with a lot of ideas about driver’s licenses in the Philippines that were … well .. wrong, for lack of a better term. Let’s review a few common thoughts and misconceptions here, especially about the so-called International Driver’s License and where […]