Did you Overstay Visa? Take care of it before it takes care of you! If you overstay a visa, it might not be a pretty situation. I get questions so frequently from people who are illegally staying in the Philippines. The reason their stay is illegal is that they have stayed longer than their visa […]
Move to the Philippines: How to do it
Move to the Philippines? Don’t quite know how to move to the Philippines? I wanted to come out with a “Master Article” detailing the process of How to Move to the Philippines, so I have finished it up and here it is. I hope that you will find important information here that you need and […]
Moving back to the USA?
Why do Expats in the Philippines move back home? Is Bob Martin going to move back to the USA? For about 3 years or so now, Feyma and I have seriously been considering moving back to the USA. Yep. I said it. After having lived in the Philippines, Feyma and I have considered moving back […]
I Really Should Know Better
Changing the way you look can be a good thing or not so good. In the US Navy, I was on a commissioning crew for a new ship in Norfolk VA in the 1970’s. We didn’t have much to do but hang around the barracks and sneak out as early as we could. Then one […]
I’ve fallen in Love again
Yes, it truly happened I have fallen head over heels Feyma left the Philippines in May, she is working in Alaska right now. Well, maybe I should say that she is in Alaska, but leave the working out! She is employed, but they work when there is fish (she is working at a Seafood Processing […]
It is not really about the Philippines
But it is about one of the reasons I moved to the Philippines. After Hurricane Hugo requested I leave the Caribbean in 1989 I was living in Treasure Island Florida working as a manager at the ABC Liquor store and bar. As a single man and have been since 1970 when I received my most […]